[Newcastle and Berwick Railway, 1846.] Manuscript 'Minutes on projected Railways in the Manor of Tynemouth' by 'Thorp & Dickson', Alnwick attorneys, 'Read to Mr. Hudson' (i.e. George Hudson, 'the Railway King').

Newcastle and Berwick Railway, 1846: Thorp and Dickson, Alnwick attorneys [George Hudson (1800-1871), 'he Railway King'; Duke of Northumberland; Manor of Tynemouth]
Publication details: 
?Alnwick October 23 - 1846?. ?Thorp & Dickson?.

See Hudsons's entry in the Oxford DNB. 3pp, foolscap 8vo, on three leaves, with fourth covering leaf ('23rd Oct. 1846. / Copy / Railway Minutes / Thorp & Dickson / &c &c'). Attached at one corner with red ribbon. Headed: 'Alnwick October 23 - 1846 / Minutes on projected Railways / in the Manor of Tynemouth - / Read to Mr. Hudson, of which he requested a copy.' There are five minutes, the last covering two pages. The first three read: '1.

[Herbert Morrison, Labour politician.] Three Typed Letters Signed to Sir David Ross, the first regarding the release of Harold Butler from work for his department, and the last two regarding personal arrangements for a debate at the Oxford Union.

Herbert Morrison [Herbert Stanley Morrison; Lord Morrison of Lambeth] (1888-1965), Labour politician, leader of London County Council, Home Secretary in war under Churchill [W. D. Ross] (1877-1971)]
Publication details: 
ONE: 25 November 1941; on letterhead of the Ministry of Home Security, Whitehall, S.W.1. TWO: 19 January 1944; on Home Secretary letterhead. THREE: 24 January 1944; on Whitehall letterhead of Home Secretary.

See the entries for Morrison and Ross in the Oxford DNB. The three items are in good condition, lightly aged and folded for postage. The second item has a punch hole centred at the head of the leaf. All three 1p, 12mo, and each with Morrison’s sprawling signature ‘Yrs sincerely / Herbert Morrison /’, the first in green ink. ONE (25 November 1941): Addressed by Morrison in green ink to ‘Dear Sir David’. Thanking him for a note ‘in which you assure me of the appreciation of the Nuffield College Committee at my action in agreeing to release Mr.

[Sir William Beveridge, C. E. R. Sherrington and the Railway Research Service.] Forty-one items of correspondence regarding accommodation, staff, and administrative matters, including some to and from Beveridge as Director of the LSE.

William Henry Beveridge [Lord Beveridge], economist; C. E. R. Sherrington [Charles Ely Rose Sherrington]; Railway Research Service, LSE; Sir Josiah Stamp; Robert Bell, Assistant General Manager, LNER
Publication details: 
Material dating from 1929. [Railway Research Service, initially at The London School of Economics and Political Science (University of London), Houghton Street, Aldwych, London, WC2, and latterly of 4 Cowley Street.]

41 items from the papers of the railway economist C. E. R. Sherrington [Charles Ely Rose Sherrington] (1897-1973). Sherrington was the son of the Nobel-prize winning physiologist Sir Charles Scott Sherrington (1857-1952). Having served in France with the Oxfordshire Light Infantry and the Railway Transport Establishment of the British Expeditionary Force, Sherrington was lecturer in Economics and Transportation at Cornell University from 1922 to 1924. Returning to Britain, he was Secretary of the Railway Research Service from 1924 to 1962.

[Railways in British India.] Printed account of ‘Proceedings at the Fortieth Ordinary General Meeting of the Proprietors in the Bengal-Nagpur Railway Company, Limited, [...] Sir Samuel Hoare, Bart., in the Chair’.

The Bengal-Nagpur Railway Company, Limited [Sir Samuel Hoare, Chairman; Robert Miller, Managing Director; British India; the Raj]
Publication details: 
‘Held at 132 Gresham House, Old Broad Street, [London] on Tuesday, 18th December, 1906’.

The Bengal Nagpur Railway Company was formed in 1887 and continued until 1952, when it merged with the East Indian Railway Company to form the Eastern Railway. The present item is 4pp, 4to. Bifolium. Printed in small type, in double column. In good condition, lightly aged, with one central vertical fold. Excessively scarce: no other copy traced, either on WorldCat, JISC, or ViaLibri.. The business of the meeting includes ‘receiving the Directors’ Report and Audited Statements of Accounts and Balance Sheet to 30th June, 1906, and the Auditors’ Report thereon’.

[William Ewart Gladstone and colonial railways, 1846.] Printed Colonial Office circular dispatch, laying out ‘some general principles’ regarding ‘plans of Railway communication’ in the British colonies.

W. E. Gladstone [William Ewart Gladstone] as Secretary of State for the Colonies, 1846 [Colonial Office, Whitehall; nineteenth-century railways; Victorian locomotives]
Publication details: 
Dated from Downing Street [London], 15 January 1846.

A scarce item, of which no other copy has been traced. 9pp, 8vo. Disbound from a volume, and paginated in manuscript 57-65. In good condition, lightly aged. Printed in lithograph in facsimile of a manuscript document. Begins by explaining the purpose of the dispatch in true Gladstonian style: ‘I find that the impulse which has been given in every other part of the Civilized World to plans of Railway communication has been felt in many of the British Colonies.

[ Agnes Maude Royden [ Maude Royden-Shaw ], preacher and suffragist. ] Autograph Signature ('A. Maude Royden.') to printed circular, thanking recipients for their 'share of the Car' which she has been given to undertake her work since her 'lameness'.

Agnes Maude Royden [ later Maude Royden-Shaw ] (1876-1956), preacher and suffragist
Publication details: 
Circular addressed from 16 Rosslyn Hill, London, N.W.3. [27] May 1920.

1p., 12mo. Stained and on aged paper. Reads: 'THANK you most gratefully for your share of the Car, which is already in use, and saving me more than I can say. It is not too much to say that it halves my fatigue and makes my work a happiness instead of a burden. I do not like driving in a car while others go in 'buses, but since my lameness really hampers me, I console myself with the delightful thought that it has been given me by those who work in the same causes and towards the same end that I do, and that I shall work the better for their kindness.'

[ Regent's Canal Company, London. ] Seven items, comprising five printed circulars, an Autograph Letters Signed from secretary Edmund Leonard Snee to Sir John Edward Harington, and the autograph draft of Harington's letter..

Regent's Canal Company, London; Edmund L.eonard Snee (1793-1864), Secretary [ Sir John Edward Harington of Ridlington, 8th Baronet (1760-1831) ]
Publication details: 
[ Regent's Canal Company. ] Regent's Canal Office, 98, Great Russell Street, Bloomsbury. [ London ] Between 1827 and 1831.

First proposed by Thomas Horner in 1802, the Regent's Canal was incorporated by John Nash in 1811 in his plans for the development of Regent's Park. Hugely-successful in the nineteenth century despite the rise of the railways, it fell into decline in the early twentieth, but is now firmly established as an amenity of London. The seven items in the present collection are in good condition, on lightly aged and worn paper. Items ONE to FOUR are printed circulars from Snee, transmitting copies 'of the Resolutions this day passed at the General Assembly of Proprietors of the Regent's Canal'.

[ Lord Perry, first Chairman of the Ford Motor Company in Britain. ] Typed Letter Signed ('Perry.') to K. W. Luckhurst of the Royal Society of Arts, regarding an invitation to become a member.

Percival Perry [ Percival Lea Dewhurst Perry ], 1st Baron Perry [ Lord Perry ] (1878-1956), English motor vehicle manufacturer, first Chairman of the Ford Motor Company in Britain
Publication details: 
On letterhead of 88 Regent Street, London, W.1. 23 October 1947.

1p., 4to. In fair condition, on aged and worn paper. Name in block capitals in red pencil and stamped date at head, with holes to one corner from stapling. The 'matter' of the invitation to Perry to join the Society has 'been delayed because I have been the victim of very distressing domestic illness'. He is sending the completed application, but explains that he has been 'ordered to winter abroad', and is 'leaving for the Bahamas within the month, and will not 'be back in England until the Spring of next year'.

Manuscript minute book of meetings of the directors of Huntley & Company, Lawrence Hill Railway Wharf, coal factors and builders merchants, with each entry signed by the chairman.

H. A. Burnell, Secretary, Huntley & Company of Lawrence Hill Railway Wharf, coal factors and builders merchants, also 'Hauling & Furniture Removal', 'House Furnishing & Drapery' and 'Estate Agency'
Publication details: 
[Huntley & Company, Coal Factors and Merchants, Lawrence Hill Railway Wharf, Bristol.] Entries dating from 1 July 1904 to 7 October 1930.

293pp., 4to. In brown leather half-binding, with black cloth boards and marbled endpapers. Three-page form relating to the firm's dealings with National Provincial Bank of England, filled-in and signed on behalf of the company by the secretary Henry A Burnell, dated July 1904. The minutes are in a number of different hands (beginning with Burnell's) and signed by a number of different chairmen.

[ Joseph Atkinson, Edwardian coachmaker, of Leeds, Liverpool and Bootle. ] Printed advertisement with illustrations of eighteen of the firm's horse-drawn vehicles, including 'London Mail Van', 'Bottler's Lurry', 'Brewer's Float', 'Miller's Cart'.

Joseph Atkinson, Edwardian coachmaker, of Leeds, Liverpool and Bootle [ Beck & Inchbold, Ltd., Leeds printers ]
Publication details: 
Joseph Atkinson, Black Bull Street, Hunslet Road, Leeds; also at 93, 95, & 97, Silvester Street, Scotland Road, Liverpool, And 66, Derby Road, Bootle. [ Printed by Beck & Inchbold, Ltd., Leeds. ] Undated [ Edwardian. ].

Printed in black and blue on both sides of a 28 x 43 cm piece of paper. Discoloured and aged, with small strip cut at head of leaf. Carrying 18 engravings of the firm's designs for lurries, carts and vans, usually giving dimensions, weight and load. Among the designs are a 'Bottler's Lurry', 'Mineral Water Van', 'Mineral Water Lurry', 'Farmer's Lurry', 'Brewer's Float', 'Furniture Van', 'London Mail Van', 'Bread Van', 'Parcel or Bread Van', 'Farmer's Cart', 'Miller's Cart' and 'Contractor's Cart'.

[Ornate engraved advertisement for 'James Salmon Cambridge Carrier, Sets out from the Green Dragon Inn Bishopsgate Street London [...]'.

James Salmon, Cambridge Carrier [Eighteenth-century transport; Norfolk; East Anglia]
Publication details: 
Without publication details or date. [1780s?]

12.5 x 16 cm. Irregularly-cut and laid down on paper backing. Lightly-aged and worn. Slight loss to extremities. Crisply printed, with characteristic eighteenth-century engraved border of floral and architectural details. Text reads: 'James Salmon | Cambridge Carrier, | Sets out from the Green Dragon Inn Bishopsgate street | London | evry [sic] Wednesday, Thursday, & Friday, in ye. Forenoon, & carry Goods as usual For | [list of places in four columns] Cambridge Ely Lynn Wisbeach Holbeach March Downham Dereham Watton Fakenham Swaffham Walsingham | And all other adjacent Places.

[The Rochdale Canal Company.] Nine Letters to Ralph Shuttleworth, Rochdale attorney and company treasurer, and one printed form to his successor John Crossley. Including Autograph Letters Signed from Samuel Greg, John Bill and William Bilsbarrow.

[The Rochdale Canal Company; John Bill, Farley Hall; William Bilsborrow, Haslingden; Samuel Greg, Rochdale; Thomas Marriott, Stockport; John Robert Ogden, Bradford; N. & F. Phillipps, Manchester]
Publication details: 
The nine letters to Shuttleworth, 1800-1802, from: Farley Hall, Staffordshire; Haslingden; Halifax; Bradford; Coventry; Rochdale; Great Fenton. The letter to Crossley from Manchester in 1813.

The Rochdale Canal was conceived in 1776, and despite opposition from mill owners fearing a disruption to their water supply, began construction following the passing of an act of parliament in 1794. On completion (it was officially opened in 1804), and until the railway age, it constituted the main commercial route between Yorkshire and Lancashire. The present small collection provides an interesting sidelight into the legal and financial difficulties involved in the project, with several reference reflecting badly on Shuttleworth's professional capabilities.

[Captain G. Skeffington Smyth, Adjutant, The Motor Volunteer Corps.] Typed Letter Signed, a circular requesting that the recipient 'assist the Admiralty [...] by helping to drive the Officers of the French Fleet from London to Maidenhead'.

Captain G. Skeffington Smyth [Lt-Col. Geoffrey Henry Julian Skeffington Smyth [FitzPatrick] (1873-1939], DSO, Adjutant, The Motor Volunteer Corps [The Admiralty, London; the Entente Cordiale, 1904]
Publication details: 
29 Sackville Street, London, W. 25 July 1905.

1p., 8vo. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper. An interesting document, from the period immediately following the signing of the Entente Cordiale.

[Printed document.] Motor Cars. Memorandum of the Cheltenham Rural District Council to the President of the Local Government Board, With reference to the recent Report of the Royal Commission on Motor Cars.

Gilbert McIlquham, clerk to the Cheltenham Rural District Board [The Local Government Board; The Royal Commission on Motor Cars, 1905-1907]
Publication details: 
Stamped '13th September 1906'.

2pp., folio. Bifolium. In small type. Containing two copies of a printed circular by McIlquham, on Cheltenham Rural District Council letterhead, dated 14 September 1906. In good condition, lightly aged and worn. The memorandum is divided into five sections, and begins by putting the Council's position that 'Motor Cars travelling at high speed in dry weather along the unwatered roads of country districts occasion an intolerable dust nuisance to other users of the highway, and seriously prejudice the comfort and even the health of the inhabitants of road-side dwellings'.

[Friedrich Kohlrausch, German physicist.] Autograph Letter Signed ('F. Kohlrausch'), in German, to 'Professor Rücker [Sir Arthur William Ruecker]', on the subjects of trams ('elektrischen Strassenbahn') and the 'Reichs-Telegraphic' and 'Telephon'.

Friedrich Kohlrausch [Friedrich Wilhelm Georg Kohlrausch] (1840-1910), German physicist, pioneer in the field of electrolyte conductivity [Sir Arthur William Ruecker [Rücker] (1848-1915)]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of the Physikalisch-Technische Reichsanstalt, Charlottenburg. 15 November 1896.

2pp., 12mo. 37 lines of text. Bifolium. In fair condition, on aged and worn paper. The first sentence reads: 'Gegen das Projekt einer elektrischen Strassenbahn mit Erdleitung habe ich Einspruch erhoben und das Projekt ist von dem Polizei-Praesidium und von dem Ministerium fur offentliche Arbeiten untersagt worden.' The last paragraph refers to 'die Reichs-Telegraphic', 'Telephon', and 'Linien mit Erdleitung in Berlin', and contains a bar of music.

[Printed prospectus; motor car; aviation] Agenda de L'Automobile et de l'Aviation. Edité par F. Mussche, Directeur de la revue "Electro".

[F. Mussche, Directeur de la revue "Electro", 14, rue du Méridien, Bruxelles] [Brussels, Belgium]
Publication details: 
'F. Mussche, éditeur, rue du Méridien, 14, Bruxelles.' [Brussels, Belgium.] 1911.

8pp., 12mo. Stapled and unbound, and with last leaf a perforated subscription form. In fair condition, on aged and lightly-creased paper, with rusting to staple.

[Samuel Smiles, railway administrator and author of 'Self-Help'.] Autograph notebook, containing information relating to his work as Secretary of the South Eastern Railway, including memorandums, tables and transcripts of letters.

Samuel Smiles (1812-1904), railway administrator, biographer and author of the influential book 'Self-Help' (1859) [South Eastern Railway; Victorian steam engines; nineteenth-century locomotives]
Publication details: 
Smiles's ownership inscription on fly-leaf: 'S Smiles, South Eastern Railway | 1854.' Entries dating from between 1854 and 1886.

According to Smiles's entry in the Oxford DNB, he was 'prominent in the negotiations for the amalgamation of the Leeds and Thirsk Railway [by which he was employed] with the North Eastern, which was effected in 1854 and abolished his own office. Thereupon he left Leeds for London on being appointed secretary to the South Eastern Railway (11 November). He held the post for twelve years, in the course of which he successfully arranged for the extension of the line from Charing Cross to Cannon Street (1858–9).

[Publisher's catalogue.] 1919 Catalogue of the latest Practical, Scientific, Mechanical, Aviation and Automobile Books. Practical Books for Practical Men.

The Norman W. Henley Publishing Co., New York [automobile books by Victor W. Pagé; aviation; trade catalogues]
Publication details: 
The Norman W. Henley Publishing Co. 2, 4 and 6 West 45th Street, New York, U.S.A. 1919.

80pp., 8vo. Stapled and unbound. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper. On front cover: 'Each Book in this Catalogue is written by an Expert and is written so you can understand it'. Many items illustrated with representations of the binding. Index of subjects on p.2, ranging from 'Abrasives and Abrasive Wheels' to 'Wiring Diagrams', and including section on 'Automobile Books', pp.5-14 (Charts, Ignition Systems, Lighting, Questions and Answers, Repairing, Starting Systems, Trouble Charts, Welding), 'Gasoline Engines', pp.15-18, and 'Aviation', pp.19-22.

[Thomas Hamilton, 9th Earl of Haddington, as Lord Binning.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Binning'), docketted 'Mail coaches', and discussing the 'measure of applying to the English counties', ' Mr Mundell' and the Glasgow Chamber of Commerce.

Thomas Hamilton, 9th Earl of Haddington [known as Lord Binning between 1794 and 1828] (1780-1858) of Tyninghame House, Tory politician
Publication details: 
'Tynninghame [Tyninghame House, East Lothian, Scotland] | Sunday night' [docketted with date '16/18 Sepr 1810'].

3pp., 4to. On bifolium. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper, with slight damp-staining to one corner. '[...] The measure of applying to the English counties was proper & indeed necessary - and I doubt not that, as the evil complain'd of is very general, we shall find a very general & ready cooperation on their part in our endeavours to procure redress.

[Althea Willoughby, English artist.] Two Autograph Letters Signed and one Autograph Note Signed to the publishers Ingpen and Grant regarding her designs for woodcut engravings for Alexander Somerton's 'Glades of Glenbella'.

Althea Willoughby (1904-1982), English artist, designer of posters for London Transport, 1933-1936 [Ingpen and Grant, London publishers]
Publication details: 
All three from 20A Alfred Place, SW7 [London]. 14 April, 10 July and 2 August [1929].

Each item is 1p., 12mo, the note being the last of the three. All written in green ink, the first on green paper, and the other two on pink paper. The three in very good condition, on lightly-aged paper. Written in an attractive, calligraphic hand. ONE: She writes that she is enclosing 'four rough designs [not present] for the woodcut frontispiece to the "Glade [sic] of Glenbella', and asks to be informed by return of the firm's choice, and she will 'get on with it at once'. She ends with a query about galley sheets. TWO: Docketted with brief pencil accounts.

[The Caledonian Canal, Scotland.] Manuscript Letter, signed by James Hope of Rickman & Hope, solicitors, to the Bank of Scotland, regarding 'dues collected for the passage of Vessels through the Caledonian Canal'. With detailed accounts of receipts.

[The Caledonian Canal, Scotland, designed by Thomas Telford and completed in 1822; James Hope of Rickman & Hope, Edinburgh; George Sanby of the Bank of Scotland]
Publication details: 
31 Moray Place, Edinburgh. 27 December 1825.

4pp., foolscap 8vo, on two bifoliums. On aged and worn paper, with slight bloom at head and a little loss to spine from disbinding.

[Nineteenth-century coach building.] Lithographed handbill advertisement for 'Wright's Patent Drag' (i.e. brake for a horse-drawn coach), with two illustrations by Baddeley, and four testimonials. With accompanying engraving.

[Wright's Patent Drag (the Proprietor, No. 22 Church Street, Soho [subsequently 138 Holborn Bars]), London [Baddeley, engraver; nineteenth-century coach building; Victorian carriages; transport]
Publication details: 
'Royal Pier Hotel, Ryde, | July 25th, 1842.' ['Office of the Proprietor, No. 22 Church Street, Soho, London' , amended in manuscript to '138 Holborn Bars']

Text: 2pp., foolscap 8vo (35 x 20.5cm.). Engraving: 12 x 16cm with corners clipped. Both items in fair condition, on aged paper. The text is cropped at the head, through a royal crest, and has rounded corners at the head and trimmed corners at the foot. The engraving has traces of grey paper mount on reverse. The text has lithograph illustrations of two side-views of four-wheel carriages with the drag applied, beneath the cropped crest and above the title 'WRIGHT'S PATENT DRAG.' Text consists of around 60 lines in copperplate.

Manuscript minute book of meetings of the directors of Huntley & Company, Lawrence Hill Railway Wharf, coal factors and builders merchants, with each entry signed by the chairman.

H. A. Burnell, Secretary, Huntley & Company of Lawrence Hill Railway Wharf, coal factors and builders merchants, also 'Hauling & Furniture Removal', 'House Furnishing & Drapery' and 'Estate Agency'
Publication details: 
[Huntley & Company, Coal Factors and Merchants, Lawrence Hill Railway Wharf, Bristol.] Entries dating from 1 July 1904 to 7 October 1930.

293pp., 4to. In brown leather half-binding, with black cloth boards and marbled endpapers. Three-page form relating to the firm's dealings with National Provincial Bank of England, filled-in and signed on behalf of the company by the secretary Henry A Burnell, dated July 1904. The minutes are in a number of different hands (beginning with Burnell's) and signed by a number of different chairmen.

Attractive and colourful 1930s scrapbook, compiled by G. H. Manchester of Ashton-under-Lyne, mainly devoted to motoring, but with pages of footballers, boxers, cricketers, tennis players, aircraft, film and radio stars, pretty girls, dandies.

[Geoffrey H. Manchester of Ashton-under-Lyne; 1930s scrapbook; motoring; transport; motor sports; football; Hollywood stars]
Publication details: 
Mostly compiled between 1934 and 1937, with a few pages at the end from the 1950s and 1980s.

Several hundred images (most illustrations rather than photographs and most in colour), many carefully cut out, all laid down on 68pp. in an album made up from a ruled exercise book roughly 20 x 16 cm, including three fold-outs (the first, beneath a decorative flap that reads 'Birds Unfeathered | Worth A Bit Of Study', carrying eight 1930s illustrations women in underwear). The album has been attractively customised with printed illustrations of motor racing over board covers.

Printed Victorian handbill poem in Yorkshire dialect, titled 'On the Wing. By John Lawton.', speculating in a humorous style on the effects of successful transport by air.

John Lawton, Victorian Yorkshire dialect poet [aircraft; air transport; aeroplanes; fixed-wing flying; manned flight; ballooning]
Publication details: 
Without place or date. [Yorkshire, 1850s?]

1p., 12mo. Fair, on aged paper, with slight wear and loss at head. The leaf has been trimmed down to 21 x 16 cm., with rounded corners, around the poem's decorative border. The poem consists of 96 lines, in twelve eight-line stanzas; it is arranged in two columns beneath the title: 'ON THE WING. | BY JOHN LAWTON.' First stanza reads: 'I wor thinkin one neet wol sit i mi cheer, | Wot thowts enter sum people's pates; | Wot useful invenshuns they'n plan'd everywheer | To benefit people un states.

Printed circular, in the form of a facsimile letter from A. Fleming Nisbett, Secretary, The London Steam Omnibus Company LImited, designed to accompany 'an advanced copy' of the Company's prospectus, and offering 'a Founder's Share'.

[A. Fleming Nisbett, Secretary, The London Steam Omnibus Company Limited [later the Motor Traction Company], 133 Finsbury Pavement, London, EC.]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of The London Steam Omnibus Company Limited, 133 Finsbury Pavement, London, EC. July 1898.

2pp., 4to. Bifolium. Heavily-aged and worn. Addressed 'Dear Sir', and with facsimile of signature 'For the London Steam Omnibus Co. Ltd. | A. Flemg Nisbett | Secretary.' The circular begins with the reason for sending an advance copy of the prospectus. 'My object in giving you this early intimation is that you may, if you desire, secure beforehand a Founder's Share in the profits of the coming Steam Traffic upon the Roads - which Traffic appears likely to become one day as popular as Steam on Railways'.

County Borough of Derby Police traffic officer's note book, compiled in 1941, and filled with manuscript signed statements relating to traffic offences.

[County Borough of Derby Police, traffic officer's notebook, 1941]
County Borough of Derby Police traffic officer's note book,
Publication details: 
19 February-22 September 1941; Derby.
County Borough of Derby Police traffic officer's note book,

15.5 x 7.5 cm notebook, 108 pp (4 pp blank). With 102 pp of manuscript, in the hand of the anonymous police officer, on 53 numbered two-page openings. Stapled. In original brown wraps. Good, on lightly-aged paper, in slightly-worn binding. Manuscript statements relating to around thirty cases in two sequences, one, of 35 pp, beginning at one end of the notebook (openings 1 to 18), and the other, of 67 pp, at the other (backwards over openings 53 to 20).

Scrapbook containing two hundred engravings and photographs of mainly Victorian and Edwardian traction engines, road rollers and locomotives, with one blueprint.

[Victorian and Edwardian traction engines]
Victorian and Edwardian traction engines
Publication details: 
The scrapbook undated (collection assembled in 1920s?).
Victorian and Edwardian traction engines

The scrapbook is landscape 8vo (28 x 18.5 cm), and contains 28 leaves of brown paper tied together with ribbon, on which, together with the inside of the back cover, the images (dating from between 1860 and 1928) are laid down. The scrapbook lacks the front cover, and its leaves are worn, but the images are in good overall condition, with occasional wear and creasing. Ranging in size from 14.5 x 11 cm ('Fowler 8/c Traction About 1875. Jointed Horn Plates.') to 7.5 x 5.5 cm ('S/c Traction (About 1875-80)'.

Victorian parish financial accounts relating to Wingham Highways District, Kent, comprising ten General Annual Statements [1863, 1865 to 1873], a Statement of Receipts and Expenditure [1864], and a Financial Statement, 1879.

Wingham Highways District, Kent
Victorian parish financial accounts relating to Wingham
Publication details: 
1863 to 1879; Wingham, Kent.
Victorian parish financial accounts relating to Wingham

The twelve items are in fair condition, on lightly-aged paper, folded into packets, with all texts clear and complete. The first of the General Annual Statements, that for '1863 & 64', is representative. Its two pages are on one side each of two landscape sheets of grey paper, both 67 x 42 cm. Both are printed forms, with columns in red, headed '25th & 26th of Victoria, Cap. 61 GENERAL STATEMENTS of RECEIPTS and EXPENDITURE on Account of the HIGHWAYS of each Parish, Township &c.

Letter [a printed memoir with no formal title concerning conditions in Scotland in the early eighteenth-century].

[John Maxwell of Munches and Terraughty, friend of Robert Burns]
John Maxwell of Munches and Terraughty, friend of Robert Burns
Publication details: 
Letter dated Munches, Feb. 8th, 1811.
John Maxwell of Munches and Terraughty, friend of Robert Burns

Four pages, cr. 8vo, bifolium, not bound, minor blemishes inc. foxing, pencil lines forming large cross on pages 2-3. Full heading: The following LETTER was written by JOHN MAXWELL of Munches and Terraughty, when, in his 92nd year, at the request of Mr HERRIES of Spettes, for he information of Mr CURWEN, a Cumberland gentleman, who was making a Agricultural Tour through Galloway in the year 1811. As a factor, landed proprietor, and public character generally, Mr MAXWELL, who died in the year 1814, enjoyed peculiar opportunities for observation.

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