[D'Arcy Power; R. P. Pott, son of the surgeon Percivall Pott of Bart’s Hospital, London.] Offprint of article on him by Edith Humphris, with 8 items including 3 Autograph Letters from her to Sir D’Arcy Power and Signed Autograph genealogy by Power.

[Robert Percivall Pott (1756-1795), son of the celebrated surgeon Percivall Pott of Bart’s Hospital, London] Sir D’Arcy Power (1855-1941), surgeon and medical historian; Edith Mary Humphris, author
Publication details: 
Offprint article from 'Bengal: Past and Present' (Journal of the Calcutta Historical Society). Calcutta, 1936.

Humphris wrote a number of books, including biographies of Fred Archer, Mathew Dawson, Adam Lindsay Gordon. See Power’s entry in the Oxford DNB. From Power’s library. The material is in good condition, lightly aged, in good tight green cloth binding made for Power, with ‘BOB POTT’ in gilt on spine. The printed article is 36pp, 4to, paginated 69-104, with two plates: black and white photographs of George Romney’s portraits of Pott and his wife Emily. A couple of minor manuscript emendations by the author at the start, and a few pencil annotations by Power.

[Richard Wellesley, Marquis Wellesley, Governor-General of Bengal and elder brother of the Duke of Wellington; Ireland.] Autograph Copy of Signed Letter to the Home Secretary Henry Goulburn, recommending 'Mr. Duffy' to the Court of the King's Bench.

Richard Wellesley (1760-1842), Marquis Wellesley, Governor-General of Bengal and elder brother of Duke of Wellington [Henry Goulburn (1784-1856), Tory Chancellor of the Exchequer and Home Secretary]
Publication details: 
No date or place.

See the two men’s entries in the Oxford DNB. 1p, 4to. On gilt-edged wove paper. Aged and discoloured, with some nicking and creasing along edges and traces of previous mount on blank reverse. A copy by Wellesley himself. Addressed at bottom left to ‘Right Honble / Henry Goulburn / &c’. Reads: ‘My Dear Sir / Some time before I left Ireland I transmitted to Lord Duncannon, then holding the Seals of the Home Department, an official recommendation of the appointment of Mr. Duffy to the Office of F[?] of the Court of Kings Bench.

[Sir Philip Francis, putative author of the celebrated ‘Letters of Junius’.] Autograph Letter Signed to the oriental scholar Thomas Maurice, offering support and information for his ‘plan’ [for 'Indian Antiquities'?].

Sir Philip Francis (1740-1818), putative author of the celebrated political tracts ‘The Letters of Junius' (1769-1772) [Thomas Maurice (1754-1824), oriental scholar]
Sir Philip Francis
Publication details: 
'Isleworth twenty fourth June / 1791'.
Sir Philip Francis

As John Cannon writes in Francis’s entry in the Oxford DNB, ‘The authorship of the Junius letters has been the subject of innumerable publications of various merit’, with the case for Francis, first proposed by John Taylor in 1816, ‘far the most probable’. The present item is of double interest: handwriting analysis has played a significant part in a number of publications, e.g. ‘The handwriting of Junius professionally investigated by Charles Chabot, expert; with preface and collateral evidence, by the Hon. Edward Twisleton’ (London, 1871).

[Railways in British India.] Printed account of ‘Proceedings at the Fortieth Ordinary General Meeting of the Proprietors in the Bengal-Nagpur Railway Company, Limited, [...] Sir Samuel Hoare, Bart., in the Chair’.

The Bengal-Nagpur Railway Company, Limited [Sir Samuel Hoare, Chairman; Robert Miller, Managing Director; British India; the Raj]
Publication details: 
‘Held at 132 Gresham House, Old Broad Street, [London] on Tuesday, 18th December, 1906’.

The Bengal Nagpur Railway Company was formed in 1887 and continued until 1952, when it merged with the East Indian Railway Company to form the Eastern Railway. The present item is 4pp, 4to. Bifolium. Printed in small type, in double column. In good condition, lightly aged, with one central vertical fold. Excessively scarce: no other copy traced, either on WorldCat, JISC, or ViaLibri.. The business of the meeting includes ‘receiving the Directors’ Report and Audited Statements of Accounts and Balance Sheet to 30th June, 1906, and the Auditors’ Report thereon’.

[Thomas Law, reformer; Bengal; India; Washington DC] Autograph Letter Signed T Law to The Honble Mr Clay [Henry Clay Sr., American attorney/statesman], praising Clay, mention of Talbother's fever, expanding on his theory re population control

Thomas Law (1756 - 1834), reformer of British policy in India, where he served as collector of revenue for the East India Company.
Publication details: 
No place or date given. Clay became Speaker in the 1810-1811 Elections.

Three pages, 4to, bifolium, poor condition, with some (crude) repair work but other closed tears on folds, requiring attention BUT text clear and complete (with odd difficult word). Some pencil notes by a later reader, inaccurately attributing to Edmund Law. Text: I regret sincerely that I cannot participate with my fellow citizens in the general expression of their sense of your high merits. Were I able to attend I would drink your health Eminent [speaker?] but most exalted when addressing his successor.

[M.E. Grant Duff; India] Appointment Certificate Signed M E Grant Duff.

Sir Mountstuart Elphinstone Grant Duff (1829 – 1906), Scottish politician, administrator and author. Sometime Under-Secretary of State for India.
Grant Duff
Publication details: 
Dated 8 July 1872.
Grant Duff

One page, 4to, part printed, part manuscript, minor damage on fold marks, loss of small part of the word is, small closed tear, some weakness on fold marks. See Image. Text headed Ecclesiastical Establishment | No.

[ Major-General F.W. Stubbs, Compiler; Bengal Artillery ] List of Officers who have served in the Regiment of the Bengal Artillery, with Tables of Successive Establishments [continued below]

Major-General F.W. Stubbs, Compiler
Publication details: 
Bath: Printed by C. Seers, 2, Argyle Street, 1892.

[conclusion of title] Roll of the Victoria Cross, and Stations of Troops and Companies, From its first formation down to its absorption into the Imperial List. Pp.[1v].[72], p.[72] Addenda, hf.lea. spine and corners worn, some minor foxing and marking, mainly fair-good. Copies recorded at BL, NLS, 2 Spanish and 2 N. American libraries.

[ Sir John Peter Grant, Lieutenant-Governor of Bengal and as Governor of Jamaica. ] Autograph Signature ('J P Grant') on part of document.

Sir John Peter Grant (1807-1893), Lieutenant-Governor of Bengal, 1859-1862, and Governor of Jamaica, 1866-1874
Publication details: 
Without place. 1868.

On 6 x 9.5 cm piece of paper. In good condition, laid down on slightly-larger piece of paper (part of leaf from an album). Grant's distinctive forward-sloping signature at centre. At top of paper: '<...> Reign, Annoque Domini 1868.' Beneath the signature, in a contemporary hand: 'Sir John Peter Grant Lieut-Governor of Central Provinces of India during Mutiny. [sic] Governor-General of Jamaica born 1807'.

[ Assam ] Four printed Assam Government reports (for the British Govt), 3 annual Reports on the Survey and Settlement Operations in Assam [for the years 1930, 1936 and 1937]; and an Annual Report of the Assam Survey Department [for the year 1934].

L. C. Thuillier; W. L. Scott; C. R. Pawsey; H. M. Pritchard; D. Sarma; K. M. Dutta; A. G. Patton [Assam Government Press, Shillong; Assam Survey Department]
Publication details: 
The four items printed at the Assam Government Press, Shillong. 1931, 1935, 1937 and 1938.

The four items in their original wraps. All four in fair condition, on lightly-aged and ruckled paper, with slight evidence of damp. One: 'Report on the Survey and Settlement Operations in Assam for the Year ending the 30th September 1930'. Shillong: Printed at the Assam Government Press, 1931. 7 +18 + [2]pp., foolscap 8vo. By 'L. C. Thuillier, Lt.-Colonel, I.A., Director of Surveys, Assam', 'W. L. Scott, Director of Land Records, Assam' and 'C. K. Rhodes, Secretary to the Government of Assam, Revenue Department'. Stamp of the Bala Theological College on front wrap.

Autograph Letter Signed from Rustam Khan to Lieutenant-Colonel H. C. Tytler, Commandant, thanking the officers of the 17th Regiment of Bengal Cavalry [Bengal Lancers], for conferring on him 'the honorary rank of captaincy'.

Captain Rustam Khan, 17th Regiment of Bengal Cavalry [Bengal Lancers] [Major-General Sir Harry Christopher Tytler (1867-1939)
Autograph Letter Signed from Rustam Khan to Lieutenant-Colonel H. C. Tytler
Publication details: 
4 May 1912.
Autograph Letter Signed from Rustam Khan to Lieutenant-Colonel H. C. Tytler

12mo, 3 pp. 38 lines. Text clear and complete. The two leaves attached along the margins. Signed in Devanagari and European ('So: Rustam Khan Captain') scripts. He acknowledges 'receipt of the Commission conferring on me the honorary rank of captaincy with a deep sense of gratitude to you and all the Officers of the Regiment'. States that he will 'ever cherish a grateful remembrance of all that the Officers and Regiment have done for me'.

Signed ('Geo Wroughton') printed circular letter, addressed to T[homas]. Adams [of Alnwick, Northumberland].

George Wroughton of Wilcott, Wiltshire [Bengal; the East India Company]
Publication details: 
25, Berners Street, London; May 12 1813'.

4to bifolium: 2 pp. Good. Soliciting Adams's 'Vote and Interest' when he is 'enabled to proceed to a ballot', having 'lately presumed to offer myself to the Proprietors of East-India Stock, as a Candidate for a Seat in their Direction, upon some future vacancy'. (Feeling 'that their suffrages will have been very generally engaged to an earlier Candidate for the next appointment which a casualty may occasion', he does not want to 'interfere with that Election'.) He was resident in Bengal for thirteen years, and the final paragraph describes his other qualifications.

Autograph Letter Signed to [the Secretary, Royal Society of Arts].

James Fuller Blumhardt
Publication details: 
Toynbee | St. Peter's Road | Bournemouth | 18 March /13' [1913].

Linguist (died 1922), Professor of Hindustani and Reader of Hindi and Bengali, University College, London, and Teacher of Bengali at Oxford University. Two pages, 12mo. Very good though a little grubby. Docketed and bearing the Society's stamp. 'As I have not heard from you I am afraid there are no candidates for Hindustani - I have come here for a much needed rest, and, as no letters will be sent on from Gerards Cross, will you kindly write direct to this address in case a paper is required.' Signed 'J F Blumhardt'.

Autograph Note Signed to 'Mrs Adolphus'.

Sir Robert Buckley Comyn
Publication details: 
New St. | Friday, morng' [no year].

Judge (1792-1853) and author. One page, 12mo. In very good condition. Reads 'My dear Mrs Adolphus, | I lament to say that severe illness makes it impossible for me to leave the house, & consequently to dine with you & <?> today. I hoped better things yesterday. | Sincerely yours | Robert Comyn'.

Autograph Letter Signed to "Marrot" (presumably of Elkin Mathews and Marrot, publishers).

F. Yeats Brown
Publication details: 
Flat B, I Robert Street, Adelphi, W.C.2, 20 Feb. [no year].

Author of "The Bengal Lancer". One page, obl.8vo, very good condition. "Our mutual friend Mr E.F. Benson suggested I should write to say when I expected to have the book ready which you have so kindly consented to read. / At present I can only give the ends of the week to revision, but I hope to have it ready for you by March 10 at latest. Thanking you for your interest, . .

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