Two Autograph Letters Signed from Thomas Archer, editor of the Hornet, to the London solicitor Edward Draper, asking for contributions to the magazine; the first signed with a picture of a hornet and the second signed 'Th Archer'.

Thomas Archer (1830-1893), author and journalist, editor of the Hornet [Edward Draper of Vincent Square, London, Honorary Solicitor of the Savage Club]
Publication details: 
Both letters on letterheads of 'The Hornets Nest, 86, Fleet Street [London]. Neither dated.

The letterhead features an image of an hornet seated at a writing table. Letter One: 1p., 12mo. Bifolium. Fair, on aged paper. The letter reads: 'Friday | Dear Draper | Have you made up your mind to let me have a conceit or two for Ye Hornet. I can only offer 5/- a column but then Column is but a very brief affair. | Yours always | [signature in the form of a drawing of a hornet]'. Letter Two: 2pp., 12mo. Bifolium. Good, on lightly-aged paper, with slight traces of previous mount on reverse of second leaf. Addressed to 'My dear Draper'.

Autograph Letter Signed and Typed Note from the novelist and biographer Ralph Straus to Mrs. Roscoe [Secretary, Society of Women Journalists], the former discussing the newly-formed Collins Crime Club, 'J. J. Connington' and M. R. K. Burge.

Ralph Straus (1882-1950), Manchester-born writer, educated at Harrow and Pembroke College, Cambridge [Mrs Roscoe; Collins Crime Club; Sir Godfrey Collins; 'J. J. Connington' [Alfred Walter Stewart]]
Publication details: 
Autograph Letter Signed: From Exeter, but on his letterhead, 8E Hyde Park Mansions, NW1 [London]; 14 May 1930. Typed Note: On his letterhead, The Tanyard, Shorne, near Gravesend; 26 August 1945.

Both items in poor condition, with burn marks and damp damage [fire damaged much of the Society's archive]. Some of the text of the autograph letter has faded, and it may be that the signature to the typed note has washed away. Autograph Letter Signed: 2pp., 4to. He begins by offering to 'oppose anybody' in a debate that Mrs Roscoe is organising (at the Society of Women Journalists).

Autograph Letter Signed ('J. B. Capper') from John B. Capper, Principal Assistant-Editor of The Times, to 'My dear Willie', discussing his forthcoming marriage, personal matters, and the 'Writer of the "Letters from West Ireland"'.

John B. Capper [John Brainerd Capper] (1855-1936), Principal Assistant-Editor of The Times
Publication details: 
On letterhead of 16 Serjeants' Inn, Temple, EC. [London] 19 September 1884.

4pp., 12mo. Bifolium. He begins: 'The above is my permanent address now, this house being given my by the office to live in'. He continues by discussing his forthcoming marriage (according to Who's Who, Capper's wife was 'Emily Sophia, widow of his cousin, Harold Henbest Capper, and 4th d of late Henry Benjamin Spalding'). The marriage is to take place on 26 September, 'at Tighnabruaich on the Isles of Bute', and this 'negatives your kind proposal to be present'. Capper's 'future Wife & my Father & Mother & family' are all there at present.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Justin Mc.Carthy') to 'F. H. Hill Esq'.

Justin McCarthy (1830-1912), Irish politician and writer [Frank Harrison Hill (1830-1910)], editor of the Daily News]
Publication details: 
6 February 1872, on letterhead of 48 Gower Street, Bedford Square, W.C. [London.]

12mo: 1 p. Fourteen lines of text, neatly and closely written. Good, on lightly aged and creased paper. 1 cm closed tear to a margin (not affecting text). He accepts Hill's proposal 'with regard to the Parliamentary leaders of the Daily News'. He hopes the 'condition [...] as to notice of termination [...] will prove as much of a formality without consequence as certain claims for "consequential damages" '.

Five Autograph Letters Signed ('Godfrey Turner') to [Edward] Draper.

Godfrey Wordsworth Turner (1825-1891), English art critic and journalist, connected with the 'Daily Telegraph'
Publication details: 
1865-1887; various locations (see below).

All five items good, on lightly aged paper. All five bifoliums, bearing traces of previous grey paper mount on the verso of the second leaf. LETTER ONE (one page, 12mo, 30 May 1865): He is 'very poorly', with a 'bad bilious attack which has threatened to turn into jaundice'. 'Yesterday I met Mr Herbert in Regent Street. We talked for a few minutes at cross purposes, my thoughts running on his journalistic prospects and projects, while he was thinking and speaking about his election at the Savage Club.

Typed Letter Signed to Sir Francis Peek.

Ralph David Blumenfeld
Publication details: 
8 July 1932; on letterhead of The Company of Newspaper Makers.

American-born British journalist (1864-1948), editor of the Daily Express, 1904-32. One page, quarto. Good, but on slightly discoloured paper, with slight staining to the four corners from previous mounting. Reads 'As one printer to another I want to tell you what I think of your magazine "Change". It does you all great credit. It is exceedingly well produced, presented with remarkably good taste, and I am astonished at the knowledge and technique.

Autograph Letter Signed, in French, to Monsieur Van Santen.

William Roberts (1767-1849), editor of the 'British Review'
Publication details: 
Without date or place [but before 1811?].

One page, 12mo. Very good. He presents his correspondent with 'deux petits ouvrages sortis de ma plume'. The first was mentioned by 'Mr. Burgess' and the second is 'un petit traite qui a eu le bonheur il y a quelques ans de remporter le prix annuel dans l'Universite d'Oxford'. Signed 'Willm. Roberts'. In a postscript asks to be recommended to any acquaintances Van Santen may have 'a Rotterdam Anvers ou Bruxelles'. Address, with broken wafer, on second leaf of bifolium. Roberts is perhaps best remembered for the controversy brought on by a passage in Byron's 'Don Juan'.

Typed Letter Signed to 'Miss J. Scott Rogers, | Acting Secretary, | Royal Society of Arts'.

Julian Mockford [SOUTH AFRICA]
Publication details: 
11 September 1943; on letterhead of the 'OFFICE OF THE HIGH COMMISSIONER FOR THE UNION OF SOUTH AFRICA, | Trafalgar Square, | LONDON, W.C.2.'

South African author and journalist (1898-1950), Public Relations Officer at the South African High Commission. One page, octavo. Very good if somewhat grubby. Docketed and stamped. 'Herewith the translation by a colleague, as asked for in your letter dated September 9. I hope "Here are South Africans" does not bore you too much!'

Typed Letter Signed to Sir Henry T[rueman]. Wood[, Secretary, Royal Society of Arts].

Oliver Armstrong Fry [VANITY FAIR]
Publication details: 
30 January 1915; on letterhead 'MELBOURNE LODGE, | EAST MOLESEY, | SURREY.'

Journalist (1855-1931), editor of Vanity Fair, 1889-1904. One page, quarto. Very good, if a little dusty. Docketed and bearing R.S.A. stamp. There is 'no apparent chance' of F. V. Brookes delivering his 'promised lecture' at the R.S.A. 'Of course I would be willing if necessary to read this paper for my old friend; but [...] I would very strongly urge that it would be better in every way to postpone this lecture for some time. Its subject is one that is peculiarly Mr. Brooks's own, and I think no one else would deal with it so well.' Signed 'Oliver A. Fry'.

Autograph Letter Signed to William <Wantjl?>.

Sir Edward Baines
Publication details: 
12 September 1859; on letterhead 'Headingley Lodge, Leeds'.

Journalist, economist and politician (1800-90), M.P. for Leeds. Two pages, 12mo. In poor condition: grubby, folded three times and with two spike holes at foot. 'I am not aware that I have any power to obtain a Midshipman's Commission for any one: but if I had, I should not think it right to use it except in the application of the parents or guardians of the young man wishing for it. I must therefore request you to make your wishes known to your parents; & if they desire it I might forward to the Board of Admiralty a written application from them.

Autograph Letter Signed to unnamed male correspondent.

[ATHENAEUM] Charles Wentworth Dilke
Publication details: 
Sloane St - Sunday'; on paper with embossed crest.

One page, 12mo. Very good. Neatly mounted on piece of orange paper. In Dilke's difficult hand. Concerns a 'Report': 'The only specific fact is that the misprints <?> cost to each of one shilling. [...] The enormous cost of about £12 per draft is to the Fund. How much the <?> cost to the <?> is not stated - <?> as 'almost too small to be noticed' - which is <?>. Why do they not publish the <?> expenditure. Then we should know what is the amount of an 'almost too small'. If you ever get an Acct with that fact set forth I should be glad to look at it.' Signed 'C W Dilke'.

Autograph Signature on fragment of document.

Anna Maria Hall
Publication details: 
Without date or place.

Irish-born author (1800-81; nee Fielding), wife of Samuel Carter Hall. On slip of paper roughly 14 centimeters by 2 centimeters. In good condition, although paper discoloured and with traces of glue from previous mounting on reverse. Apparently the foot of a page of printed accounts, with 'Brewster & West, Printers, Hand Court, Dowgate.' in bottom left-hand corner. 'To be returned to Mrs. S C Hall on or before the 1st. of June' written over the printed part, but the signature 'Anna Maria Hall' written across clear paper.

Three Typed Letters Signed and one Autograph Letter Signed (all four to Mrs Cecil Roscoe), and one printed menu signed for a dinner at the House of Commons.

Sir Henry (Harry) Ernest Brittain
Publication details: 

British journalist and Conservative politician (1873-1974). The typed text is entirely legible, but the collection is in extremely poor condition - badly damp-damaged and frayed, and with much of the menu consumed by insects. ITEM ONE: TLS, 4 May 1944, 'KIRKLANDS, | HEADLEY, HANTS.', on letterhead of the Incorporated Sales Managers' Association, one page, 4to. Green-ink signature severely faded by damp. He has returned 'after a very successful three weeks' mission with Western Command'.

Autograph Signature on fragment of letter.

Sir Francis Cowley Burnand
Publication details: 
Without date or place.

Burnand (1836-1917) was editor of Punch between 1836 and 1917. Paper dimensions roughly 4 1/2 inches by 2 1/2 inches. In good conditon. Reads '<...> with you | faithfully | F. C. Burnand'. On verso '<...> be most <?> & happy & ought to get on well with his purser a straightforward <?> & gentlemanly <...>.

Autograph Signature.

Joseph Hatton
Publication details: 
No place; December 1901.

Piece of grey card, dimensions roughly 5 1/2 inches by 4 inches. In poor condition: grubby and discoloured, and crudely mounted on a piece of card. Novelist and journalist (1841-1907). Clearly in reply to a request for an autograph, Hatton has written, in a large hand, 'With pleasure - | Yours very truly | Joseph Hatton | Dec 1901'. Neatly docketed with a number '30' in a circle.

Autograph Note Signed to Richard Lehman.

Samuel Carter Hall
Publication details: 
49 Pall Mall | Nov 22' [docketed '(1848)'].

Journal editor and writer (1800-89). 1 page, 8vo. Creased and slightly discoloured, but in good condition overall. Cover of envelope pasted to back, reading 'for | Rd Lehman Esq | Newmarket Road | Norwich'. Reads 'Dear Sir. | I much regret that I have been unable to avail myself of your kindness: I have been so over-run with Matter at this, the concluding, month of the year. | Sincerely | S C Hall.'

Autograph Letter Signed to Dr Dawson William Turner.

Robert R. Hamilton
Publication details: 
30 August 1883; 61 Westbourne Park Crescent, W.

Turner (1815-85; DNB) was the son of the noted botanist and autograph collector. 4 pages, 16mo. Creased, stained and grubby. Odd cross between an offer of work and a begging letter. Marked 'Private'. From their 'former relations' Hamilton feels sure Turner will assist him as he did before, when he was 'engaged in bringing out the West-End'. He hopes 'it will not be long before I can again avail myself of your facile pen for a few more of your graphic sketches of what comes under your observation.

6 Typed Letters Signed to Mrs Theodora Roscoe.

Sir Arthur Bryant
Publication details: 
1945-1950; the first three from The White House, East Claydon, near Bletchley, Bucks, the next two from 18 Rutland Gate, London, and the last one from Smedmore House, near Wareham, Dorset.

English historian and biographer of Pepys (1899-1985). All six letters are 1 page, 8vo. In poor condition: creased, frayed and discoloured, with ruststains from a paperclip. All six are signed 'Arthur Bryant' and three are addressed to Mrs Cecil Roscoe, presumably the recipient's husband's name. Two of the letters are addressed to Roscoe at the Society of Women Journalists, Stationers' Hall. In the first letter Bryant says he would be pleased to address the Society. He might however be forced to cancel, 'owing to my absence from the country on Service duty'.

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