[John Lane; Bodley Head edits] The Bodleian, vols. 1 & 4 only. Twenty-four numbers (including the first twelve) of 'The Bodleian | A Journal of Books at the Bodley Head'.

The Bodley Head, London publishing house owned by John Lane (1854-1925)
Publication details: 
John Lane, The Bodley Head, Vigo Street, W. [London]. 24 numbers, 1909-1913. Comprising the first twelve (Vol.I, Nos.1-12), March 1909 to February 1910; and 12 between April 1912 and March 1913 (Nos. 37 (vol.3) and 38-48 (vol.4)).

Scarce. The only complete runs of the magazine located on COPAC are at the British Library and (possibly) Oxford, with Cambridge and St Andrews holding copies from between 1932 and 1935. Bound in two volumes of grey buckram, with titles in gilt on spine and front board. Internally in good condition, lightly aged; in lightly-worn binding.

[Theatre Royal, Drury Lane: James Robertson Anderson, Scottish actor and playwright, lessee and manager.] Autograph Letter Signed, thanking Peter Whelan for his sympathy, and assuring him that he will adopt his advice.

James Anderson [James Robertson Anderson] (1811-1895), Scottish actor and playwright, lessee and manager of the Theatre Royal, Drury Lane [Peter Whelan]
Publication details: 
9 February 1850; on letterhead of the Theatre Royal, Drury Lane [London].

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. He had taken on the management of Drury Lane in 1849, and had hoped to profit from the Great Exhibition, but retired from it in 1851, having incurred substantial losses. 1p, 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged, on the first leaf of a bifolium, with the reverse of the second leaf bearing minor traces of mount, as well as the following annotation in a contemporary hand: ?Jas: Anderson Esqre / Lessee Drury Lane / Theatre / T Bateman Esqre. / a P. Whelan?. Anderson addresses to ?Peter Whelan Esqr.? and gives an untidy signature ?James Anderson?.

[The original ‘Kitty Warren’ of Bernard Shaw’s play ‘Mrs Warren’s Profession’: Fanny Brough [Frances Whiteside Brough], English actress.] Autograph Letter Signed to Rev. J. C. [Westly?], in response to a request for an autograph.

Fanny Brough [Frances Whiteside Brough] (1852-1914), English actress associated with Charles Hawtrey, the original ‘Kitty Warren’ of Bernard Shaw’s play ‘Mrs Warren’s Profession’
Publication details: 
‘Theatre Royal / Drury Lane / London / July 20th 1892’.

1p, 12mo. On thin paper. In good condition, lightly aged, in trimmed and spotted windowpane mount. Good bold signature ‘Fanny Brough.’ Addressed to ‘Revd. J. C. [Westly?]’. She has ‘much pleasure’ in sending him ‘the autograph’, and will do her best to get him ‘a few others which may be interesting to send out to you’.

[Charles James Mathews, actor and playwright.] Autograph Letter Signed to ‘Mrs Williams’, regarding a change in their plans and the gift of ‘some chops’.

Charles James Mathews (1803-1878), actor and playwright, son of Charles Mathews (1776-1835) and husband of Madame Vestris
Publication details: 
‘Gore Lodge [Fulham] / Nov 21. 1856’.

See his entry, and that of his father Charles and wife Madame Vestris, in the Oxford DNB. 3pp, 8vo. Bifolium with mourning border. In fair condition, on lightly aged paper, with slight damage at head of second leaf, the blank reverse of which carries traces of glue from mount. Folded once. Madame Vestris had died two and a half months before the writing of this letter, which evinces a surprising intimacy. Begins: ‘My dear Mrs Williams / Here’s a pretty business! Was there ever such disappointment.

[Julia Neilson AND Ellen Terry, actresses] Signed quotation written by both on one album page.

Julia Neilson AND Ellen Terry [Julia Emilie Neilson (1868 – 1957), actress, wife of Fred Terry, Dame Alice Ellen Terry GBE (1847 – 1928), actress, sister of Fred]
Publication details: 
Ellen Terry's contribution dated Southport, 19 April 1904.

Album page.. 22.5 x 18, sl. mottled, and Neilson's contribution sl. faded. Neilson writes in an expansive handwriting, And I am Nell - Nell of Old Drury | Julia Neilson. Ellen Terry writes below, And I am Nell! Nell of the old Lyceum! - and sister-in-law of Julia Neilson - the good & beautiful. | Ellen Terry [underlined] = Southport = 19-April - 1904 =. Note: Neilson starred in 'Sweet Nell of Old Drury' by Paul Kester but I have yet to find out which Nell Ellen Terry played unless, as seems likely, she's making a play on her own name. SEE IMAGE.

[James Smith, humorist, co-author with his brother Horace Smith of the celebrated ‘Rejected Addresses’ (1812).] Autograph Letter Signed to John Wilson Croker, regarding his post as Assistant Solicitor to the Board of Ordnance.

James Smith (1775-1839), humorist, co-author with his brother Horace Smith [Horatio Smith] (1779-1849) of the ‘Rejected Addresses’ (1812) [John Wilson Croker (1780-1857), politician and diarist]
Publication details: 
‘18 Austin Friars [London] / 26 June 1826’.

See his entry, and those of his brother and the recipient, in the Oxford DNB. 3pp, 4to. Bifolium. The letter had been torn in half, with loss of a strip of paper from the second leaf, resulting in damage to a couple of words from the valediction; it has been carefully repaired with archival tape, and is otherwise in fair condition, lightly aged, with slight fading of the ink on the first page. The large signature ‘James Smith’ is clear and undamaged. Addressed to ‘J. W. Croker Esq’. An interesting letter, casting light on the workings of the Georgian civil service.

[Frederick Reynolds, prolific English dramatist.] Autograph Letter Signed, informing ‘Mr. Raymond’ (manager of Drury Lane Theatre) that he has sold the copyright of a comedy to ‘Mr. Harris’ (of Covent Garden Theatre).

Frederick Reynolds (1764-1841), English dramatist, author of more than a hundred pieces in his forty year career [James Grant Raymond of Drury Lane; Thomas Harris of Covent Garden; Tom Phillips]
Publication details: 
‘Thursday’. No date or place.

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. 1p, 12mo. On the recto of the first leaf of a bifolium, and addressed in autograph on the reverse of the second to ‘Mr. Raymond / Chester Street / Grosvenor Place / No. 3. / Hyde Park Corner’, with three postmarks and broken wafer. In fair condition, lightly aged, with spike hole through both leaves. Folded twice for postage. He is sorry Raymond had ‘so much trouble’ looking for him: ‘but the truth is I waited at home for you this morning till 12 -’. He explains that ‘the Copy Right of the Comedy’ is ‘purchas’d by Mr.

[Theatre Royal, Drury Lane.] Carbon of Typed BBC script of ‘2nd Broadcast’ in the series ‘Theatre Songs and Stories / by / W. Macqueen-Pope’, on the Theatre Royal, Drury Lane.

Theatre Royal, Drury Lane, and its historian, W. Macqueen-Pope [Walter James Macqueen-Pope] (1888-1960) [BBC Radio]
Publication details: 
Undated, but shortly after the death of Ivor Novello on 6 March 1951. [BBC Radio, London.]

From the Macqueen-Pope papers. His entry in the Oxford DNB describes how, in the 1950s, he was ‘in demand as a lecturer on the theatrical subjects he loved, and he appeared often in the same capacity on radio and on television. Ironically he regarded these two forms of public entertainment, and television in particular, as representing a serious threat to the survival of theatre, about which he cared passionately’.

[W. Macqueen-Pope, theatre historian and broadcaster, and Drury Lane press agent.] Fifteen Typed Newspaper Articles [for the magazine 'Everybody's'] giving weekly news of 'The London Theatre', with newspaper cuttings, TLS from editor Greville Poke.

W. Macqueen-Pope [Walter James Macqueen-Pope, ‘Popie’] (1888-1960), theatre historian, broadcaster and journalist, archivist and Drury Lane press agent [Greville Poke, editor, Everybody's magazine]
Publication details: 
One of the articles from December 1948; two from November and December 1951 (with two drafts of the second of these); and the other twelve articles from between January to March 1957. ['Everybody's' magazine, Fleet Street, London.]

From the Macqueen-Pope papers. See his entry in the Oxford DNB. Known by his nickname ‘Popie’, Macqueen-Pope was widely regarded as the leading theatre historian of his day. His many books (from histories of individual theatres to a biography of Ivor Novello) sold well, and his broadcasts on the BBC were extremely popular. Eighteen items, providing something a glimpse of his working methods. The last two of the eighteen items are TLsS to MP: one from the editor of ‘Everybody's’ Greville Poke (also see his Oxford DNB entry), and the other Pauline Carter, ‘EDITORIAL’.

[The Refectory Club, Mayfair, London.] Three items of club ephemera: publicity booklet, application form and notice. With Typed Letter Signd from club secretary David Mallett, regarding theatre historian Maqueen-Pope’s desire to become a member.

The Refectory Club, Mayfair, London; David Mallett, Secretary [Walter James Macqueen-Pope, theatre historian; Anna Zinkeisen (1901-1976), Scottish painter]
Publication details: 
Mallett’s letter dated 4 October 1955; on letterhead of The Refectory Club, 10 Tilney Street, Park Lane, W1 [London]. The other three items undated, but slighty earlier in date.

From the Macqueen-Pope papers. (See his entry in the Oxford DNB.) Interesting London ephemera: the plans for the Refectory Club were clearly ambitious, but there is little to be gleaned about it, and it is unclear whether it even opened. Zinkeisen and her sister Dora are the subject of a 2022 monograph by Philip Kelleway, Emma Roodhouse and Nicola Evans. The four items in good condition, lightly aged, but with rust staining from a paperclip. Folded for postage. ONE: Typed Letter to MP, signed ‘D Mallett’ (but with ‘For Secretary’ typed beneath this). 1p, 4to.

[Ernest Lauri, Australian actor and singer, ‘The Singing Anzac’.] Autograph Letter Signed [to theatre historian W. Macqueen-Pope], requesting tickets, as an Australian theatre correspondent, to the London production of South Pacific.

Ernest Lauri (1891-1977), Australian actor and singer, ‘The Singing Anzac’ [Walter James Macqueen-Pope, English theatre historian]
Publication details: 
2 April 1952; from an hotel in Paris, on letterhead of ‘Ernest Lauri / (The Singing Anzac)’.

From the Macqueen-Pope papers. (See his entry in the Oxford DNB.) 1p, 4to. Aged and creased, on discoloured high-acidity paper. Folded twice for postage, and with closed tear at head of vertical fold. Slight damage and rust staining from removal of staple. The letterhead incorporates two photographic portraits of Lauri, with press comment from ‘Everyone’s Magazine’ and career resume beginning: ‘Ernest Lauri / (The Singing Anzac) / STARRED IN AUSTRALIAN PICTURES / Versatile Vocalist and Monologist’. Macqueen-Pope is not named, but is presumably the recipient.

[W. J. Macqueen-Pope, theatre historian.] 27 items: fifteen Typed Scripts of BBC broadcasts, including eleven concerning different London theatres, five earlier drafts, three sets of music lists and two letters to MP from BBC producer Mary Treadgold.

W. J. Macqueen-Pope [Walter James Macqueen-Pope], theatre historian and theatre manager, associated in particular with the Theatre Royal, Drury Lane, London [Mary Treadgold, BBC producer; British Broa
Publication details: 
Treadgold’s two letters from the BBC,200 Oxford Street, London, both dated 1951. Three of MP’s scripts dated from the same year, and the rest of the material from around this time.

The material collected here is perhaps unique: it is not clear whether any material relating to Macqueen-Pope’s BBC broadcasts has survived elsewhere. It is hard to overestimate the significance of ‘Popie’ to the history of the London stage. Other items from among his papers offered seperately attest to the regard in which he was held by both actors and those behind the scenes, as the foremost chronicler of a cherished era that was quickly passing into oblivion.

[Percy Nash, British cinema pioneer.] Eight Typed Letters Signed to theatre historian W. J. Macqueen-Pope, with personal reminiscences. With carbons of two replies, and typescript of reminiscences titled ‘The Tragic Comedians / Laughter and Tears’.

Percy Nash (1869-1958), British film producer and director, key figure in the creation of Elstree Studios [W. J. Macqueen-Pope, theatre historian]
Publication details: 
Nash’s eight TLsS from between 4 July 1949 and 10 October 1951; all on letterheads of 2 Bristol Court West, Marine Parade, Brighton. Macqueen-Pope’s carbons from 1949 and 1951. ‘The Tragic Comedians’ undated.

Nash made around 70 films between 1912 and 1927, and was a key figure in the creation of Elstree Studios. His career as a film maker was effectively ended following the screening of his 1921 film 'How Kitchener was betrayed'. See Bernard Ince, ' “For the Love of the Art”: The Life and Work of Percy Nash, Film Producer and Director of the Silent Era’, ‘Film History’, September 2007. See also Macqueen-Pope’s entry in the Oxford DNB. The collection of eleven items is in fair overall condition, with minor creasing and aging to some items.

[‘Good old-timers’: Naomi Jacob, writer and actress, to theatre historian W. J. Macqueen-Pope.] Seven Typed Letters Signed (three ‘Mickie’), with copies of two replies, discussing Marie Lloyd, Bernard Dillon, Julian Wylie, Ivor Novello, ENSA, BBC.

Naomi Jacob [Naomi Eleanor Clare Jacob, pseudonym ‘Ellington Gray’] (1884-1964), lesbian writer and actress [W. J. Macqueen-Pope (1888-1960), theatre historian]
Publication details: 
Six of her letters, dating from between 1951 and 1956; all from Casa Micki, Gardone Riviera, Lago di Garda, Italy. The seventh letter dated 24 June [1945]; from Italy, with ‘ENSA Entertainments. / C/o Welfare, 6th. Brit. Armde. Div. / C. M. F.’

An entertaining and characteristic correspondence. See both their entries in the Oxford DNB. The nine items (seven by Jacob and two by Macqueen-Pope) are in fair overall condition, with all text clear and complete, on lightly aged and creased paper, with slight rust-staining from paperclips, and minor wear to edges. All folded for envelopes. The first seven of the nine following entries are NJ’s letters (the last four of which are addressed to ‘My dear Popie’), the last two the copies of MP’s. ONE: 24 June [1945]. ‘ENSA Entertainments. / C/o Welfare, 6th. Brit. Armde. Div. / C. M.

[Burton Lane, Broadway and Hollywood composer and lyricist who discovered Judy Garland.] Autograph Note Signed to ‘Dear Peter’, thanking him for a fan letter.

Burton Lane [born Burton Levy] (1912-1997), Broadway and Hollywood composer and lyricist, whose work includes ‘Finian's Rainbow’ and ‘On a Clear Day You Can See Forever’, discoverer of Judy Garland
Publication details: 
18 December 1976; on his letterhead, 146 Central Park West, New York.

1p, 4to. In fair condition, lightly creased. Folded once. Reads: ‘Dear Peter, / Many thanks for your letter. It’s always pleasant to read nice things that people say about one’s work. / All my best wishes to you. / Sincerely, / Burton Lane’. Two-line typed biography of Lane at head of reverse.

[Sir Henry Rowley Bishop, English composer.] Five tickets of admission to the Theatre Royal, Drury Lane, each signed ?Henry R Bishop?.

Sir Henry Rowley Bishop (1787-1855), voluminous English composer, whose songs include ?Home! Sweet Home!?, Professor of Music at the Universities of Edinburgh and Oxford [Theatre Royal, Drury Lane]
Publication details: 
21 February, 13 March, and 6 and 9 and 20 May 1826. Theatre Royal, Drury Lane, London.

The tickets are all in fair condition, each on one side of a landscape slip of paper (all slips roughly 11 x 7 cm). All five with creases from folding. Each of the five signatures has been scored through in ink, indicating that the ticket was used. All read, ?T. R. D. L. / Admit Two Boxes | Henry R Bishop?, with date at bottom left.

[Sir Charles Travis Clay, Librarian of the House of Lords, antiquary and genealogist.] Autograph Letter Signed (‘Charles Clay’) to the mediaevalist Austin Lane Poole, regarding his work on the entry on the Percy family in the Complete Peerage.

Sir Charles Clay [Sir Charles Travis Clay] (1885-1978), antiquary and Librarian of the House of Lords [Austin Lane Poole (1889-1963), British mediaevalist, son of historian Reginald Lane Poole]
Publication details: 
26 February 1942; on House of Lords Library letterhead.

2pp, 4to. 34 lines of closely-written text. In good condition, lightly aged. Folded twice. Addressed to ‘Mr. Poole’. After expressing a hope that they will be meeting Poole now that they are both on the council of the Royal Historical Society, he explains that he is writing in relation to his redrafting of ‘the early part of Percy for the Complete Peerage’, noting that ‘the present draft is certainly alarming’. He is taking it ‘down to 1245’ and finds it ‘full of snags’. He has ‘just finished a draft of Jocelin, Agnes de Percy’s husband’, and L. C.

[Melton Prior, artist] Autograph Letter Signed Melton-Prior to Sir Augustus Harris [actor, impresario, and dramatist]

Melton Prior (1845 – 1910), artist and war correspondent.
Publication details: 
[Headed] Millington, Newstead Road, Lee, Kent, 31 October 1893.

Three pages, 12mo, bifolium, good condition. I scarcely know how to thank you for the very handsome present which I received this afternoon, & cannot help feeling that the slight services I was able to render in connection with 'A Life of Pleasure' [subject the Burmese War which Prior had covered] certainly did not warrant any recognition at all, but I accept it with pleasure and am very proud to think you number me as one of the Servants of The High Priest 'Druriolanus'. My wife desires [...]

[Sir Edward Seymour Hicks, actor-manager, to theatre historian W. J. MacQueen-Pope.] Autograph Letter Signed and Airgraph letter, both long and gossipy, expressing dissatisfaction with South Africa. With copy of letter to Hicks from MacQueen-Pope.

Seymour Hicks [Sir Edward Seymour Hicks] (1871-1949), actor-manager who built the Aldwych and Hicks theatres in London [W. J. MacQueen-Pope [Walter James MacQueen-Pope] (1888-1960), theatre historian]
Publication details: 
ALS: undated, but with Capetown postmark of 6 July 1942. Airgraph: 25 November 1942. Both letters c/o Barclays Bank, Cape Town, South Africa. MacQueen-Pope's copy letter: 23 September 1942; Theatre Royal, Drury Lane, WC2 [London].

The three items in good condition, lightly aged. An entertaining and characteristic exchange, with MacQueen-Pope's letter (Item Three) dating from between Hicks's two. ONE: ALS from 'Seymour H.' to 'My dear old Poppie'. Undated, with envelope with Capetown postmark dated 6 July 1942, addressed to 'McQueen Pope Ere. | Drury Lane Theatre | Drury Lane | London | W. C. 1 | From Sir Seymour Hicks'. 2pp, 8vo. 79 lines of closely-written text, headed 'Private & Confidential'.

[Mary Martin, Broadway star.] Two Typed Letters Signed (both 'Mary') to 'Popie', i.e. the English theatre historian MacQueen-Pope, discussing her family's plans and the projected production of 'South Pacific' at the Theatre Royal, Drury Lane.

Mary Martin [Mary Virginia Martin[ (1913-1990), American actress, singer, and Broadway star associated with Rodgers and Hammerstein [W. J. MacQueen-Pope; Larry Hagman]
Publication details: 
One 28 May [1950], the other undated, but from 1951. Both on her letterhead.

Each letter 1p, 8vo. Both in fair condition, lightly aged and creased. On signing one of the letters she has slightly smudged it. ONE: 28 May [1950]. She thanks him for his 'fascinating-looking book, THE MELODIES LINGER ON', and for his 'most generous inscription'. She and her husband 'Richard' (the drama critic Richard Halliday) have 'read bits and pieces and have looked at every photograph, and can't wait to really sit down and read the book from cover to cover!' She continues: 'And that will be soon.

[Heinrich Leberecht Fleischer, German orientalist.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Fleischer'), in French, to Edward William Lane, full of interesting content about orientalists, including an attack on Juynboll's edition of the 'Merasid el-ittila'.

Heinrich Leberecht Fleischer (1801-1888), German orientalist, Professor of oriental languages at the University of Leipzig [Edward William Lane (1801-1876), orientalist, translator of Arabian Nights]
Publication details: 
23 June 1851; Leipzig.

3pp, 12mo. Bifolium. In fair condition, aged and worn, no thin paper, with several folds. Seventy-two lines of closely and neatly written text. Addressed by Fleischer on reverse of second leaf 'A Monsieur Edward Wm. Lane | en | Angleterre. | West Terrace, Worthing, Sussex. | par l'entremise de Mss. Williams & Norgate. | avec | Zeitschrift d. D. M. G. | T. 5, Cah. 3.' A fine letter, full of interesting content indicating a liberal attitude to the sharing of information among Victorian orientalists. He begins by writing that he received Poole's letter of 3 May a little before one from 'Mr.

[Mark Pattison, Rector of Lincoln College, Oxford.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Mark Pattison') [to historian Reginald Lane Poole], discussing 'the historical lectureship', and encouraging him to settle in Oxford, but not 'as a coach'.

Mark Pattison (1813-1884), academic, Rector of Lincoln College, Oxford, candidate for the original of Edward Casaubon in George Eliot's Middlemarch [Reginald Lane Poole (1857-1939), historian]
Publication details: 
7 May 1883; on letterhead of Lincoln College, Oxford.

3pp, 12mo. Bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged. Folded twice. The recipient is not named, but the conclusion of the letter makes it clear it is Poole. Written in a shaky hand a little over a year before Pattison's death. The context of the letter makes clear that as a married man, Poole is attempting to take advantage of the previous year's revision of the Oxford college statutes enjoining celibacy. It begins: 'Dear Sir | You seem to be under a misapprehension as to the historical lectureship for which you wish to become a candidate.

[Joseph Shepherd Munden, comic actor at Covent Garden and Drury Lane.] Autograph Signature ('Jos: S: Munden') on part of letter.

Joseph Shepherd Munden (1758-1832), English comic actor at Covent Garden and Drury Lane
Publication details: 
Without date or place.

On one side of a slip of laid paper cut from the end of a letter: roughly 4 x 17 cm, the reverse being blank. In good condition, lightly aged. Good neat signature to the valediction of a letter. Reads: 'I am my d [Phippen?] | (in great haste | Yours very truly | Jos: S: Munden'. Munden eas the subject of one of the "Essays of Elia" (Charles Lamb).

[Charles Kean, actor.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Charles Kean') [to the actor Leigh Murray], regarding the securing of a Drury Lane theatre box from the doorkeeper 'Mr. Massingham'.With biographical item

Charles Kean [Charles John Kean] (1811-1868), English actor born in Ireland, son of the celebrated Edmund Kean (1787-1833) [Henry Leigh Murray (1820-1870); 'Mr. Massingham', Drury Lane doorkeeper]
Publication details: 
'Thursday' [no date or place, but written from London, while performing at the Theatre Royal, Drury Lane].

1p, 12mo. In fair condition, lightly aged, with traces of grey-paper mount on blank reverse, and minor discolouration at one edge from glue used. The actor Henry Leigh Murray (1820-1870) is identified in pencil as the recipient. The letter begins: 'My dear Sir, | You are quite welcome to a P[rivate]. Box if there is one to spare'. He asks him to 'call or send to Mr. Massingham at the Box Office at 1/2 past 4 o'clock who has received instructions to attend to your wishes, if all the Boxes are not let by that time'.

[Drinkwater Meadows, actor.] Autograph Letter Signed [to the actor Henry Leigh Murray], regarding the receipt of a card for a private box at Drury Lane from Charles Kean, and his serving 'on the Grand Jury at Clerkenwell Sessions House'.

Drinkwater Meadows (c.1799-1869), actor at the Theatre Royal, Drury Lane, London [Henry Leigh Murray and Charles Kean, actors]
Publication details: 
'Monday' [no date or place, but written on 18 August (no year) from London].

See Meadows' entry in the Oxford DNB. The recipient of the letter is not named, but it comes from the album of the actor Henry Leigh Murray, which also contained a letter regarding a theatre box from Charles Kean (offered separately). 1p, 12mo. 1p, 12mo. In fair condition, lightly aged, with traces of grey paper mount on reverse, and slight discolouration at corners from glue. Written with mock-pomposity, and beginning: 'My dear Sir | I hereby give you notice that Mr C. Kean has delivered unto me a Card for a Private Box for to-morrow Augt. 19th.

[James Robertson Anderson, Scottish actor and dramatist.] Autograph Letter Signed ('J R Anderson') to Charles Perkins, Bath stage manager, sending news of the actress Helena Faucit, and giving 'a list of plays to select from' (half by Shakespeare).

James Robertson Anderson (1811-1895), Scottish actor and dramatist [Charles Perkins [Christopher John Perkins], 'comedian', of the English Opera House, stage manager in Bath; Helena Faucit, actress]
Publication details: 
6 August 1843. Elm Cottage, Wellington Road, Bristol Road, Birmingham.

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. 12mo bifolium, with the two-page letter on both sides the first leaf, and the list of plays on recto of second leaf. In fair condition, aged and worn, with closed tear. Folded three times. Addressed: 'To/ | Chas. Perkins Esqr. | 2 North Place | Hampstead.' The letter begins: 'My dear Perkins, | I have not been able to reply to your last earlier - having been confined to my bed-room ever since the 31st. of July by a most severe attack of inflammation.' He has been obliged to postpone his 'Cork engagement on account of this unseen misfortune'.

[Eleven British authors of the 1920s and 1930s.] Autograph Signatures of Hugh Walpole, J. B. Priestley, C. S. Forester, V. S. Pritchett, Lord Dunsany, Alec Waugh, Norman Collins, A. G. Macdonell, Ivor Brown, Philip Jordan and Lionel Hale.

Hugh Walpole, J. B. Priestley, C. S. Forester, V. S. Pritchett, Lord Dunsany, Alec Waugh, Norman Collins, A. G. Macdonell, Ivor Brown, Philip Jordan, Lionel Hale, Pauline Donalda, H. Lane Wilson
Publication details: 
Without date or place [London? Late 1920s? 1930s?]

The signatures feature with no other text on a single page, on one side of a 15 x 18 cm leaf of thickish cream paper removed from an album. In fair condition, aged, and dusty, with slight pinkish-red staining on edges, and not near any of the signatures. The signatories are: 'Hugh Walpole', 'Dunsany' [Lord Dunsany], 'Alec Waugh/', 'V S Pritchett', 'Lionel Hale.', 'Norman Collins', 'Philip Jordan' [Philip Furneaux Jordan (1902-1951), journalist and author], 'A. G. Macdonell.', 'Ivor Brown', 'J. B. Priestley', 'C. S. Forester'.

[Edward Laman Blanchard, playwright.] Autograph Letter Signed ('E. L. Blanchard') to 'C. Osborne', explaining his plans for the Era Almanack, while regretfully declining his offer of literary assistance.

E. L. Blanchard [Edward Litt Laman Blanchard] (1820-1889), playwright and author, for 37 years writer of the Drury Lane pantomimes
Publication details: 
London Road, Rosherville, Kent. 27 August 1867.

1p, 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged. Folded twice. 'My dear Sir | The Era Almanack will entirely consist of Theatrical information and general literature is not contemplated in the plan. Otherwise I need hardly say I should have been most happy to have availed myself of your aid.' The Era Almanack ran from 1868 to 1919, and was one of the more reliable theatrical annuals.

[Christopher Fry: unpublished reminiscences of T. S. Eliot.] Unpublished corrected Autograph Text [of an address delivered at St Stephen's Church, Gloucester Road, London], giving his personal recollections of his friend T. S. Eliot.

Christopher Fry (1907-2005), playwright and poet, noted for his verse dramas [born Arthur Hammond Harris] [T. S. Eliot [Thomas Stearns Eliot] (1888-1965), Nobel Prize winning Anglo-American poet]
Publication details: 
No place or date, but from internal evidence written c. 1995, for an event at St Stephen's Church, Gloucester Road, London.. 29 Nov. 1995

3pp, 12mo. Bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged. Each page numbered by Fry. An Unsigned document from the Christopher Fry archive. Warm personal recollections, entertaining and evocative. Unpublished.

['Johnson's Alamode Beef House': celebrated London eaterie associated with Charles Dickens.] Autograph Letter Signed from proprietor R. J. P. Jaquet, asking Sir Herbert Taylor to help with application to Bow Street magistrates Birnie and Minshull.

'Johnson's Alamode Beef House', Drury Lane, London, Robert John Philip Jaquet, (1799-1867), proprietor [Sir Herbert Taylor (1775-1839); Sir Richard Birnie (c.1760-1832); Charles Dickens; Bow Street]
Publication details: 
21 Clare Court [Drury Lane, Covent Garden, London]; 2 March 1829.

An interesting document relative to London social history, and a nice piece of Dickensiana. George Johnson is said to have established his celebrated restaurant Johnson's Alamode Beef House at 21 Clare Court, Drury Lane, in the 1780s, although the present letter states that it was licensed around 1805 . In 1824 a twelve-year-old Charles Dickens – employed in a nearby blacking warehouse as a result of his father's imprisionment for debt – himself experienced an incident which he later made use of in 'David Copperfield'.

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