[Charles James Mathews, actor and playwright.] Autograph Letter Signed to ‘Mrs Williams’, regarding a change in their plans and the gift of ‘some chops’.

Charles James Mathews (1803-1878), actor and playwright, son of Charles Mathews (1776-1835) and husband of Madame Vestris
Publication details: 
‘Gore Lodge [Fulham] / Nov 21. 1856’.

See his entry, and that of his father Charles and wife Madame Vestris, in the Oxford DNB. 3pp, 8vo. Bifolium with mourning border. In fair condition, on lightly aged paper, with slight damage at head of second leaf, the blank reverse of which carries traces of glue from mount. Folded once. Madame Vestris had died two and a half months before the writing of this letter, which evinces a surprising intimacy. Begins: ‘My dear Mrs Williams / Here’s a pretty business! Was there ever such disappointment.

[Madame Albani [Dame Emma Albani Gye], celebrated Canadian operatic soprano.] Autograph Inscription to 'J. Bennett Esq', on calling card of 'Mlle. Emma Albani'.

Madame Albani [Dame Emma Albani Gye; Madame Albani; born Marie-Louise-Emma-Cécile Lajeunesse] (1847-1930), celebrated Canadian operatic soprano
Madame Albani
Publication details: 
1876. No place.
Madame Albani

See her entry in the Oxford DNB. 9 x 6 cm calling card, with 'Mlle. Emma Albani' printed in copperplate in the centre. Above this, at the head of the card, she has written 'J. Bennett Esq.' And around the printed signature she has written the unsigned inscription: 'With [Mlle. Emma Albani]'s compliments & heartfelt thanks -'. Date by her at bottom left: '1876'. See IMage.

[Baron de Barante [Amable Guillaume Prosper Brugière], French liberal politician and historian.] Autograph Letter Signed, in French, asking for assistance in getting a letter to the daughter of Madame Bouvier, who is with Princess Sapieha’.

Baron de Barante [Amable Guillaume Prosper Brugière] (1782-1866), French liberal politician and historian
Publication details: 
18 July 1847. No place.

1p, 16mo. In fair condition, lightly aged, with three creased from folding into envelope. Neatly written out in Barante’s distinctive neat and tiny hand. Addressed to ‘Monsieur’ and signed ‘Barante’. He is writing on behalf of Madame Bouvier, who wishes to find out where the Princess Sapieha is residing at present, as her daughter is ‘attachée à la princesse’, and she would like the enclosed letter (not present) to reach her. He would be most obliged if the recpient could help Madame Bouvier’s letter reach its destination.

[John Wilson, the 'Christopher North' of Blackwood's.] Autograph Note Signed requesting a copy (for review) of Madame Cottin's romance about Saladin'.

‘Christopher North’ [John Wilson (1785-1854)], Scottish literary critic and essayist with Blackwood’s magazine, Professor of Moral Philosophy at Edinburgh [Madame Cottin [Marie Cottin (1770-1807]]
Publication details: 
No date or place [1805. Edinburgh?].

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. 1p, 12mo. On recto of first leaf of bifolium. Addressed on reverse of second leaf: ‘123456 / [T. W. Naellz?] Esqr / Ambleside’. Aged and worn, with closed tears along folds, and damage to second leaf from breaking of seal. Reads: ‘Dear Sir / If you can send me Madame Cottin’s romance about Saladin you will much oblige me. / Yours truly / John Wilson’. Good large signature. The first edition of ‘The Saracen; Or, Matilda and Melek Adhel: A Crusade Romance, From the French of Madame Cottin, with an Historical Introduction, by J.

[Sibell, Lady Wyndham (previously Countess Grosvenor).] Autograph Letter Signed (‘Sibell Grosvenor’) to the opera singer Madame Albani, discussing the death of her father-in-law the Duke of Westminster.

Lady Wyndham [previously Sibell Mary Grosvenor (née Lumley, daughter of the Earl of Scarborough), Countess Grosvenor] (1855-1929), wife of George Wyndham [Dame Emma Albani (1847-1930), opera singer]
Publication details: 
‘Epiphany [6 January] 1901’; on letterhead of the Chief Secretary’s Lodge, Phoenix Park, Dublin.

See the entry on her second husband George Wyndham in the Oxford DNB. Wyndham had been appointed Chief Secretary for Ireland a few months previously (October 1900). His plans were ambitious, but after some success they would flounder, leading to a nervous breakdown: within four years of the present letter the Prime Minister Arthur Balfour would write to Lady Wyndham that was ‘utterly ruined’ and ‘really hardly sane’. See also the ODNB entry on the recipient. 4pp, 12mo, with text concluding crossways at top of first three pages. Bifolium with mourning border. In fair condition, lightly aged.

[H. F. Maltby [Henry Francis Maltby], playwright and actor on stage and screen.] Typed Letter Signed to theatre historian W. Macqueen-Pope, giving reminiscences of his visit to the tomb of ‘Maggoty’ Johnson, and visits to London theatre productions.

H. F. Maltby [Henry Francis Maltby] (1880-1963), playwright and actor on stage and screen [Walter James Macqueen-Pope, theatre historian]
Publication details: 
8 December 1948; on his letterhead, 62 Langdale Gardens, Hove, Sussex.

From the Macqueen-Pope papers. See his entry in the Oxford DNB. 2pp, 4to. Sixty lines of text. Aged and worn, but entirely legible. Signed ‘H. F. Maltby’ and addressed to ‘My dear Pope’. Most of the letter concerns the tomb of ‘Maggoty’ Johnson: ‘I first met that interesting old gentleman over forty years ago, when I was playing at the Theatre Royal Macclesfield with the late Mrs Bandman-Palmer. It was my landlady who advised me to visit the tomb as one of the objects of interest in the place.

[Madame Albani [Dame Emma Albani Gye], celebrated Canadian operatic soprano.] Autograph Signature (‘Emma Albani Gye | 1883.’), written for display on front of envelope.

Madame Albani [Dame Emma Albani Gye; Madame Albani; born Marie-Louise-Emma-Cécile Lajeunesse] (1847-1930), celebrated Canadian operatic soprano
Publication details: 
1883; no place.

Clearly given in response to an autograph collector, and written for display on front panel of envelope. Dimensions: 10.5 x 8.5 cm. In good condition, lightly aged. Horizontal crease along bottom not affecting signature, which reads ‘Emma Albani Gye | 1883.’ In 1883, after several years of enormous success in Europe, Albani returned to Canada to give a series of recitals. Thousands turned out to greet her arrival in Montreal.

[Henry Betty, actor.] Autograph Letter Signed [to Madame Celeste, lessee of the Royal Lyceum Theatre, London], announcing his father's recovery from illness, and requesting 'the favour of an Order' [to a performance of 'A Tale of Two Cities'].

Henry Betty [Henry Thomas Betty] (1819-1897), actor and founder of Betty's Fund for Poor Actors and Actresses, son of actor William Betty (1791-1874) [Madame Celeste, lessee, Royal Lyceum Theatre]
Publication details: 
'Thursday Morning. | Feb 16/60. [16 February 1860] | 37. Ampthill Square. | Hampstead Road. | Regents Park.' [London]

The Times, 16 February 1860, announces 'the new drama, called A TALE OF TWO CITIES', at the Royal Lyceum Theatre, 'Sole Lessee and Directress, Madame Celeste'. ('Madame Céleste' [Céline Céleste-Elliott] (c.1815-1882) was a French dancer and actress.) 3pp, 12mo. Bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged. Folded three times. The recipient is not named. The letter has a large signature ('Henry Betty.') with florid underlining.

[Claude François Chauveau-Lagarde, French Revolutionary lawyer.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Chauveaulagarde | Conseiller à la Cour de Cassation') to 'Monsieur le Garde des Sceaux', describing ill health for which he asks for a month's extra vacation.

Claude François Chauveau-Lagarde (1756-1841), French Revolutionary lawyer who defended Marie Antoinette, Charlotte Corday and Madame Roland [Dominique-François-Marie, Comte de Bastard d'Estang]
Publication details: 
20 August 1832; Paris.

1p, 4to. In good condition, lightly aged, with stub from mount adhering to one edge. Folded twice. From the celebrated Monckton Milnes collection of autographs. The letter concerns the arrangements regarding 'nos mois de vacances à la Chambre Criminelle'. Requesting a month's extra vacation, he explains that he has passed one of his two allotted months in great discomfort: 'mais d'une part, j'ai passé le mois de juin au lit dans les douleurs d'une longue et cruelle maladie: et, d'un autre côté, il m'est resté de mes souffrances un tel agonisement'.

[William Farren, leading Georgian actor.] Joint (William & John) Autograph Letters Signed (both 'W. Farren') to George Smith of Yarmouth Theatre & his brother John, encouraging John to work on a play for J. R. Planché at the Olympic Theatre, London.

William Farren (1786-1861), leading Georgian actor [James Robinson Planché (1796-1880), dramatist, antiquary and Somerset Herald; Olympic Theatre, London; George and John Smith of Yarmouth]
Publication details: 
30 Brompton Square [London]. 3 September [1838].

Farren's entry in the Oxford DNB concludes by describing him as 'a theatrical sophisticate, equally at home in period comedy and modern plays; he was, besides, one of the finest actors of his century'. From around 1821 Farren lived with the actress Mrs Faucit (Harriet Elizabeth Savill, née Diddear, 1789-1857), with whom he had two sons. An excellent item, casting vivid light on the Olympic Theatre of Madame Vestris and J. R. Planché in its late-Georgian heyday.

[ 'Toti Dal Monte' [ Antonietta Meneghel ], celebrated Italian operatic soprano. ] Autograph signature.

'Toti Dal Monte' [ stage name of Antonietta Meneghel ] (1893-1975), celebrated Italian operatic soprano, a noted Cio-cio-san in Puccini's Madame Butterfly
Publication details: 
No place. Dated 1956.

On 13.5 x 18 cm leaf of cream paper, torn from an autograph album. Good firm signature, rising upwards, and reding 'Toti Dal Monte | 1956'. Nothing else written on either side of the leaf.

[ 'Madame Delysia' entertains the British troops in the Middle East. ] Duplicate copy of Autograph Letter Signed by Sir John Pollock, countersigned by her, giving conditions for her use of 'Mlle Fifi' and 'Darling'. With Typed Letter Signed from her.

'Madame Delysia' [ 'Alice Delysia'; 'Elise Delisia' ], stage name of Alice Henriette Lapize (1889-1979), French entertainer; Sir John Pollock [ Sir Frederick John Pollock ] (1878-1963), author
Publication details: 
Pocock's letter from 173 Cranmer Court, Chelsea, London, 3 March 1941. Delysia's letter from 54 Buckingham Court, Kensington Park Road, London, 7 March 1941.

Both C. B. Cochran, who promoted her career, and Noel Coward, who wrote 'Poor Little Rich Girl' for her, wrote highly of Delysia and her work. Three items, in good condition, on lightly-aged paper. All three in an envelope addressed to Pollock and docketed by him 'Delysia (tour) Contract March 1941'. ONE: Typed Letter Signed from 'Alice Delysia' to Pollock. From her London address, 7 March 1941. 1p., 12mo. She writes that she agrees with his letter and has signed the copy (Item Two below).

[ Susan Euphemia, Duchess of Hamilton, daughter of William Beckford of Fonthill. ] Long Autograph Letter Signed ('S E H & B') to 'dearest dear Lolotte' (Charlotte Stuart), regarding the misfortunes of Madame Regnaudin of the Royal Academy of Music.

Susan Euphemia Douglas-Hamilton, Duchess of Hamilton (1786-1859), wife of Alexander Douglas-Hamilton, 10th Duke of Hamilton, and daughter of William Beckford of Fonthill [ Royal Academy of Music ]
Publication details: 
'Hamilton Palace [ Lanarkshire, Scotland ] | July 9th: [ between 1822 and 1825 ]'.

Susan Euphemia Beckford, daughter of William Beckford of Fonthill, had married the 10th Duke of Hamilton in 1810. The recipient Charlotte Stuart (d.1867) was the daughter of Margaret, Lady Pulteney, by her first husband Andrew Stuart of Torrance. In 1830 she married Robert Harington, son of Sir John Edward Harington of Ridlington, 8th Baronet. The present item is two closely written pages, 4to. On bifolium of wove paper with watermark 'C WILMOT | 1822'. In good condition, lightly aged. Closely and neatly written over 63 lines.

[ A. J. Hall and Dr. James Stewart. ] Autograph Note Signed [ to Dr James Stewart ] by the Irish singer A. J. Hall, with biographical 'Memo. by Dr. James Stewart ("Sheamus Rua")'.

A. J. Hall, Irish singer [ Dr James Stewart ('Sheamus Rua') of the Irish Medical Schools' and Graduates' Association ]
Publication details: 
Note on letterhead of the Junior Athenaeum Club, 116 Piccadilly [ London ]. 18 November [ circa 1898 ]. Stewart's memorandum undated.

The note and memo are on a 12mo bifolium. In good condition, lightly-aged. The letter is signed 'A. J. Hall' and addressed to 'My dear Doctor'. He explains that he would gladly visit him, 'if at liberty', but that he is 'at Wolverhampton that night with Madame Albani'. The biographical note, presumably in Stewart's autograph, is on the reverse of the second leaf of the bifolium, beneath the following, in red ink: 'Memo. by Dr. James Stewart ("Sheamus Rua") Hon. Secy.

[Mme Erminia Rudersdorff [Hermine Rudersdorff Mansfield], operatic soprano.] Autograph note signed ('Erminia Rudersdorff') to the violinist and conductor Alfred Mellon, asking for the largest box he 'can afford', and calling him 'a naughty man'.

Erminia Rudersdorff [Hermine Rudersdorff Mansfield] (1822-1882), Ukrainian operatic soprano, mother of English actor-manager Richard Mansfield (1857-1907) [Alfred Mellon (1820-1867), violinist]
Publication details: 
'Saturday morning [no date] | 16 Wellington Road, | St. John's Wood.'

1p., 16mo. In fair condition, creased and lightly-aged, and laid down on a leaf removed from an album. In a close tiny hand, the note reads: 'Dear Mr. Mellon | can you oblige me with a private box for Monday evening next? The largest you can afford. | You are a naughty man. | Your's most truly | Erminia Rudersdorff'.

[Sir Joseph Barnby, composer and conductor.] Autograph Letter Signed ('J Barnby') to his 'Dear friend' [Madame Albani]

Sir Joseph Barnby (1838-1896), conductor and composer [Dame Emma Albani (1847-1930) [Marie-Louise-Emma-Cécile Lajeunesse]; Sir Walter Parratt (1841-1924), organist and composer]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of Eton College, Windsor. 12 December 1887.

3pp., 12mo. On bifolium with mourning border. In good condition, on aged paper. Her letter to him is 'the essence of sweetness': it has 'touched me deeply and will not soon be forgotten'. He supposes that she is unaware that 'Parratt and I travelled down to Windsor in the same train with you - indeed in the same carriage'.

Two Autograph Letters Signed (both 'F M Peard') from the Victorian author Frances Mary Peard to the wife of the London solicitor Robert Cole, FSA, regarding the physical condition and situation of 'the Signora', 'Mme Sineo [Sineo-Benaducci?]'.

Frances Mary Peard (1835-c.1923), Victorian author [Robert Cole, FSA, London solicitor and autograph collector; Madame Sineo-Benaducci]
Frances Mary Peard (1835-c.1923), Victorian author
Publication details: 
Letter One: 7 June [1880s?]; Sparnon, on deleted letterhead of Meadfoot Lodge, Torquay. Letter Two: without date or place.
Frances Mary Peard (1835-c.1923), Victorian author

Both items in good condition on aged paper. A dramatic, almost novelistic correspondence, regarding 'the Signora' (named in the second letter as 'Mme Sineo', who is staying at her house in Torquay and is apparently too frail to return to her London house. Letter One: Docketed 'No 1'. 12mo, 4 pp. Peard states that she has not 'written of late about the Signora. She has got fairly well again, but she does not seem to us fit to return to London, & I hear that her doctor does not think she ever will be fit.

Elizabeth: or, The Exiles of Siberia. Translated from the French of Madame Cottin.

Madame Cottin [Whittingham Press, Chiswick]
Publication details: 
Chiswick: From the Press of C. Whittingham, College House. Sold by R. Jennings, Poultry; T. Tegg, Cheapside; A. K. Newman and Co. Leadenhall Street; London: J. Sutherland, Edinburgh; and Richard Griffin and Co. Glasgow. 1822.

12mo: 123 + [iv] pp. Engraved title (dated 'Octr. 1823') featuring engraving Heath from design by Corbould. Four pages of publisher's advertisements at rear. In contemporary green leather binding with decorative gilt spine and pattern to edges of boards, marbled endpapers and marbling to edges. Contemporary ownership inscription of 'Miss L. Smith'. A tight, sound copy, on lightly-aged paper, with light staining to engraved title, and wear to binding. COPAC only lists copies of this edition at Durham, St Andrews, Oxford and the British Library.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Mischa-Léon'), in English, to 'M. Rosing' [Vladimir Rosing].

Mischa-Léon' ['Mischa Leon'] [Harry Haurowitz (1889-?)], Danish tenor, Monte Carlo Opera [his wife Pauline Lightstone Donalda (1882-1970), 'Madame Donalda'; Russian tenor Vladimir Rosing (1890-1963)]
Publication details: 
London. Monday. [no date]'.

8vo, 3 pp. Bifolium with dimensions of leaf 18.5 x 14 cm. Good, on slightly grubby and lightly creased paper. Small slip of paper mount adhering to one margin (not affecting text). Written in a bold and distinctive hand. He will not be able to make 'an appearance with "Lhada" [?]' as he is 'sorry to see that I am in Brighton the 22nd and 23rd of April, where I sing with Madame Donalda'.

Secretarial Letter Signed ('Conde de Funchal'), in French, to 'Mr. Falconet, Avocat Celebre a Paris'.

Domingo Antonio de Souza-Coutinho, Conde de Funchal (fl 1803-1833), Portuguese diplomat, Ambassador to England, and botanist [Ambroise Falconet? Jacques Récamier?]
Publication details: 
1 March 1816; Florence, Italy. Carrying postmarks and seal in red wax with impression of family crest.

8vo, 2 pp. Twenty-two lines of text. Bifolium. Address, postmark and seal on reverse of otherwise-blank second leaf of bifolium. On aged and lightly creased paper, chipped and foxed. Text clear and entire. Acting on Falconet's advice, the Count has sent 'une Procure en regle à Mr Recamier [husband of the celebrated Madame Récamier?] à fin qu'il puisse retirer l'argenterie des mains de Mr Delamarre à l'expiration des trois mois'. He is grateful for Falconet's assistance in terminating 'cette facheuse affaire'.

Autograph letter, third person, to the Editor of "The Advertiser".

J.B. Buckstone.
Publication details: 
6 Brompton Square, 20 July 1847.

Actor and dramatist (1802-1879). Three pages, 8vo, some marking but good condition. He asks for a mention of his Benefit. It is his last night at the Haymarket before he joins Madame Vestris at the Lyceum. He names the play, "The Beaux Startagem", adds that "Mr John Reeve son of the late celebrated comedian will also make his first appearance in Public in one of his father's characters, while Mr Buckstone will follow in Mr Planche's highly successful Drama of "The Jacobite".m He encloses cards (for entry?).

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