[Terence Tiller, poet and radio producer.] Heavily-revised Autograph Draft ['Work-sheet'] of his poem 'Camels', with signed inscription; together with a typescript of the poem, also signed (both signatures 'Terence Rogers Tiller').

Terence Rogers Tiller (1916-1987), poet and BBC radio producer, born in Cornwall, educated at Cambridge
Publication details: 
Both items dated May 1965.

Tiller's entry in the Oxford DNB explains the background to this poem. In 1939 he 'went to Cairo to teach English literature and history at Fuad I University. During the Second World War he became closely associated with the group surrounding Personal Landscape, a review in the Middle East that had been founded and was edited by Lawrence Durrell, Robin Fedden, and Bernard Spencer'. Two items, both in good condition, lightly aged. ONE: Autograph Draft of the poem, in pencil, with numerous deletions, emendations and rubbings-out. 1p, folio.

[King Hussein of Jordan.] Six original unpublished photographs [taken on his State Visit to the United Kingdom?], showing outside an English country house [his own, in Ascot?], posing with staff, security and police.

King Hussein of Jordan [Hussein bin Talal] (1935-1999)
Publication details: 
[Ascot, England?] 1970s? Or during his 1966 state visit to the United Kingdom?

Six colour photographic prints, each 8.5 x 12.5 cm, four matt and two glossy. The indicates that these photographs were not the work of a professional, and the relaxed attitude of all present suggests that they were meant as a souvenir. Highly unlikely to have been published.

[Sir Charles Hastings, eminent surgeon. ] Letter in a secretarial hand, Signed in Autograph ('Charles Hastings'), as President of the Worcestershire Natural History Society, to manuscript collector Sir Thomas Phillipps.

Sir Charles Hastings (1794-1866), surgeon and founder of the British Medical Association [Sir Thomas Phillipps (1792-1872), collector of books and manuscripts; Worcestershire Natural History Society]
Publication details: 
Worcester. 1 November 1852.

3pp, 12mo. Bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged. Written by Hastings in his capacity as 'President' of the Worcestershire Natural History Society, and addressed to 'Sir Thos Phillips [sic] Bart. | Middle Hill'. A circular letter, neatly written out in a secretarial hand, with Hastings adding no more than his signature.

[Edward Drummond, Personal Secretary to Sir Robert Peel, fatally shot by Daniel McNaughton.] Autograph Note Signed ('Edwd Drummond') to Sir Thomas Phillipps, acknowledging receipt of letter. With pencil note by Phillipps.

Edward Drummond (1792-1843), Personal Secretary to four British Prime Ministers including the Duke of Wellington and Sir Robert Peel, shot by Daniel McNaughton [Sir Thomas Phillipps (1792-1872)]
Publication details: 
Downing Street [London]; 7 February 1842.

2pp, 12mo. Bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged, with unobtrusive spike hole to corner through both leaves. Addressed to 'Sir Thomas Phillipps Bart', and reading: 'Sir, | I am desired by Sir Robert Peel to acknowledge the Receipt of your Letter of the 3d Instant containing suggestions for the Improvement of the Public Revenue. | I am Sir | Your obedient Servant | Edwd Drummond'.

[Sir Thomas Phillipps of Middle Hill, eccentric book and manuscript collector, complains of having been 'plundered' by a Worcester lawyer.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Thos Phillipps') to the wife of Sir Charles Hastings, in reply to an invitation.

Sir Thomas Phillipps (1792-1872) of Middle Hill, eccentric collector of books and manuscripts; Sir Charles Hastings (1794-1866) of Worcester, surgeon and founder of the British Medical Association]
Publication details: 
'M H [i.e. Middle Hill] 12 Aug. [no year, but after Sir Charles Hastings' 1850 knighthood]'

3pp, 16mo. On bifolium. In fair condition, lightly aged. Phillipps's letter (or draft letter) is a reply to a dinner invitation from the wife of the eminent Worcester physician Sir Charles Hastings. It occupies the reverse of the first leaf, and both sides of the second leaf of the bifolium. The recto of the first leaf carries the invitation, in manuscript, with the text in square brackets printed in copperplate: 'Sir Charles & Lady Hastings [Request the pleasure of] Sir Thos & Lady Phillipps' [Company at Dinner] on Thursday the 28th. Inst.

[Sir Charles Hastings, eminent surgeon, angers Sir Thomas Phillipps.] Two Autograph Letters Signed to Sir Thomas Phillipps, regarding the Worcestershire Natural History Society, with Signed Autograph Draft of reply by Phillipps.

Sir Charles Hastings (1794-1866), surgeon and founder of the British Medical Association [Sir Thomas Phillipps (1792-1872), collector of books and manuscripts; Worcestershire Natural History Society]
Publication details: 
Both from Worcester. 25 and 29 January 1846. Draft of Phillipps' reply dated 31 January 1846.

Both letters in good condition, lightly aged. Both bifoliums, and both signed 'Charles Hastings'. ONE: 25 January 1846. 4pp, 12mo. He is 'glad to hear' that Phillipps is thinking of 'coming down to one of our evening meetings at the Natural History Society' (Hastings being the chairman). The date for the next meeting will be fixed on the following day, and Hastings' son, who is a member of the committee, will communicate with Phillipps. 'Our last meeting went off very well.

[Henry Hallam, historian, responds indignantly to Dr Thomas Arnold's claim that he has made 'false quotations'.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Henry Hallam') [to Dr Thomas Arnold], defending himself against an allegation made in a lecture at Oxford.

Henry Hallam (1777-1859), English Whig historian [Dr Thomas Arnold (1795-1842), headmaster of Rugby School, and Regius Professor of History at Oxford]
Publication details: 
24 Wilton Crescent [London]. 28 February 1842.

4pp., 4to. Bifolium with mourning border. In fair condition, lightly aged, with short closed tears at edges of some folds. An excellent letter, indignantly countering what must be the most serious accusation one historian can level against another, that of making 'false quotations'. The recipient is not named, but from the context is undoubtedly the Headmaster of Rugby School, Thomas Arnold, who since the previous year had held the Regius Professorship of History at Oxford, and would die four months later, on 12 June 1842.

[ Nathaniel Pigot [ Nathaniel Pigott ], Roman Catholic lawyer. ] Opinion of 'Nath: Pigot', signed and in his autograph, regarding 'The Case of Mr. Thomas Hunsdon' over a Holborn property, with reference to Thomas Green and the Duke of Montagu.

Nathaniel Pigot [ Nathanie Pigott ] (bap. 1661, d.1737), Roman Catholic lawyer. friend of the poet Alexander Pope [ Thomas Hunsdon ]
Publication details: 
'Middle Temple 9: Novr. 1731'.

For information on Nathaniel Pigott (so spelt), see his entry in the Oxford DNB. Pigott was a friend and adviser of Alexander Pope, who composed the inscription on his memorial tablet. 3pp., folio. Bifolium, on watermarked laid paper, folded into the customary packet, with 'Mr. Hunsdon's Case' written lengthwise on the blank reverse of the second leaf. Sixty-lines of neatly and closely written text. The first page is headed 'The Case of Mr.

[ Chris Chataway, runner and politician ] Autograph Letter Signed "Christopher Chataway" to "Sir James" [?] declining an invitation to give a lecture.

Christopher Chataway [Sir Christopher John Chataway (1931–2014), often known as Chris Chataway, British middle- and long-distance runner, TV news broadcaster, and Conservative M.P.
Publication details: 
[House of Commons stamp] 2 Feb [no year given]

Two pages, 8vo, very good condition. "It was very good of you to invite me to give the Trueman Wood Lecture, and I was most honoured. | As you will have heard, however, I came to the conclusion somewhat regretfully that I could not really do justice to the occasion. Althugh I am becoming increasingly interested in the problems of conservation - and I hope gradually more knowledgeable - I did not feel that I had sufficient expertise to lecture about it to the R.S.A."

[ Freya Stark, explorer and travel writer. ] Three Autograph Cards Signed (all 'Freya Stark') to the crime writer Susan Gilruth, socialising and praising her books.

Freya Stark [ Dame Freya Madeline Stark; Mrs Stewart Perowne ] (1893-1993), British explorer and travel writer [ Susan Gilruth [ born Susannah Margaret Hornsby-Wright ], crime writer ]
Publication details: 
9 and 23 February, and 9 March. The first two from 30 Chester Street, SW1 [ London ], the last from Asolo [ Italy ].

Three plain postcards (no illustrations), with stamps and postmarks, all addressed to Gilruth (author of seven crime novels punlished between 1951 and 1963) at 7 Reston Place, Hyde Park, London. The three cards in fair condition, aged and worn, with staining to corners from mounting, and two of the signatures only half-legible through fading. In the first she says that she is in London until the end of February, and 'would like so much' to see her again: 'Could you come in for drinks with a few friends on Tuesday Feb 17th?' The second begins: 'Thank you ever so much.

[Sir Thomas Phillipps, collector of manuscripts.] The manuscripts section of the printed auction catalogue of Craven Ord's library, priced and named in one hand, and annotated by Phillipps with a running total of his substantial purchases.

Sir Thomas Phillipps (1792-1872) of Middle Hill, Welsh collector of manuscripts; Robert Harding Evans (1778-1857), auctioneer, of 93 Pall Mall, London [Craven Ord (1756-1832)]
Publication details: 
[Robert Harding Evans, 93 Pall Mall, London.] 'London: Printed by W. Nicol, Cleveland-row, St. James's.' 25 to 27 June 1829.

The last eight leaves only of a printed catalogue (no. 260 in M. V. de Chantilly's 'Robert Harding Evans of Pall Mall | auction catalogues 1812-1846 | a provisional list' (2002)). Stitched and unbound. On aged and worn paper, with slight damp staining to margins. Paginated 23-37 + [1], with the final page (i.e. the verso of the last leaf) carrying the advertisement: 'Preparing for Sale by MR. EVANS. | THE VALUABLE LIBRARY of an | EMINENT COLLECTOR.' (in manuscript: 'Mr Rennie'). Slug at foot of p.37: 'London: Printed by W. Nicol, | Cleveland-row, St.

[ Communist Party of Great Britain. ] Duplicated Typescript headed 'Discussion Statement prepared by Middle East Committee', and titled 'Imperialism and Economic Background of Egypt'.

[ Communist Party of Great Britain, International Department (Middle East Committee)] [ Egypt; Jimmy Shields (1900-1949) ]
Publication details: 
[ Communist Party of Great Britain, London. ] International Committee, 16, King Street, London, W.C.2. 26th March 1946.

5pp., 8vo. On five foolscap leaves, with duplicate copy of p.4 present. In good condition, lightly aged.

[ Pamphlet. ] The Facts about the Unemployed. An Appeal and a Warning. By One of the Middle Class.

'One of the Middle Class' [ 'H. H. C.' ]
Publication details: 
London: The Modern Press, 13, Paternoster Row, E.C. and W. L. Rosenberg, 261, East Tenth Street, New York City. 1886.

16pp., 12mo. Disbound without covers. In fair condition, on lightly-aged paper. Signed in type at the end 'H. H. C.' At foot of reverse of title: 'The Writer will be glad to hear from anyone who agrees with his conclusions.' Scarce.

[ Pamphlet. ] Socialism: Past, Present, Future.

William M. Thompson of the Middle Temple, Barrister-at-Law
Publication details: 
'London: Published by William Reeves, 185, Fleet Street, E.C. Where may be had Books and Pamphlets on Social and Political Questions.' Undated [ circa 1890 ].

31 + [1]pp., 12mo. Disbound without covers. In fair condition, on aged paper, with some leaves separating. The fourth and last chapter is a piece of futurology, titled 'The Battle of London; Or, The Last Great Struggle Between the Classes and the Masses.' It begins: 'It was in the year 2000 that the masses took possession of London. For twenty years before they had been preparing.

[ Pamphlet. ] The Rise of English Democracy.

William M. Thompson of the Middle Temple, Barrister-at-Law
Publication details: 
'London: Published by William Reeves, 185, Fleet Street, E.C. Where may be had Books and Pamphlets on Social and Political Questions.' Undated [ circa 1890 ].

24pp., 12mo. Disbound without covers. In fair condition, on aged paper, with slight damage at margin of title leaf. He concludes by reviewing the events of the previous four years: 'From one end of the country to the other the workers have been in a state of ferment. Great and numerous strikes have taken place. For the first time a National Strike Federation has been attempted, and with gratifying evidences of success. Our relations with the workers abroad have become closer and more cordial. Slowly and painfully the son of man has been marching to victory.

[ Sir John Forster of Bamburgh, Warden of the Middle Marches. ] Manuscript transcription of Elizabethan Northumberland property document headed 'The First Part of the Patents of the Seventeenth Year of the Reign of Queen Elizabeth'.

[ Sir John Forster (c.1515-1602) of Bamburgh, Warden of the Middle Marches ]
Publication details: 
Early nineteenth-century transcription of a document dated 28 March [ 1575 ].

15pp., folio, on 10 leaves of laid paper. In a number of hands, with marginal glosses. In good condition, on aged paper. The conclusion reads: 'Wee will also &c that ye aforesaid Sr. Jno Foster have &c these our Letters Patent under our great Seal of England &c without fine or Freedom because before mentiond & expressed &c in Witness &c Tested at Gothamburg ye 28th. of March'. On reverse of last leaf: '17. Eliz. [i.e. 1575]. The document begins: 'The Queen to all to whom &c.

[Printed periodical of the British Army in Persia.] Percoms Times. 1919.

[British Army in Persia and Mesopotamia, 1919; Percoms; F. N. Stead; Charles Geoffrey Lloyd ('Babu Piche Lal')]
Publication details: 
Basrah [Mesopotamia, now Iraq]: Printed by the Superintendent, Governement Press. 1919.

14pp., folio. Stapled. In brown wraps with attractive cover illustration of a blockage on a mountain pass by 'D. C. '. In fair condition, aged and worn, with slight rust to staples and closed tears to back cover and last leaf. Editorial reads: 'Even had the guns been still roaring on all fronts, I do not think that any apology is needed for the predominantly light, and sometimes flippant, tone of this little number. It is not the habit of the man on the spot to take life too seriously - on its literary side at least.

[Printed pamphlet.] A Contribution towards an Investigation of the changes which have taken place in the condition of the people of the United Kingdom during the eight years extending from the harvest of 1839 to the harvest of 1847; [...]

J. T. Danson of the Middle Temple [[John Towne Danson (1817-1898); The Statistical Society, London]
Publication details: 
For private circulation. Read before the Statistical Society, 21st Feb. 1848. London: Printed by M. & W. Collis, 52, Bow Lane, Cheapside. 1848.

40pp., 12mo. Stitched and unbound. In good condition, lightly aged and worn, with slight damage to the fore-edge of the findal leaf. The title continues: 'and | An Attempt to develope [sic] the connexion (if any) between the changes observed and the variations occuring during the same period in the prices of the most necessary articles of food.'

[Sir Thomas Phillipps, collector of manuscripts.] The manuscripts section of the printed auction catalogue of Craven Ord's library, priced and named in one hand, and annotated by Phillipps with a running total of his substantial purchases.

Sir Thomas Phillipps (1792-1872) of Middle Hill, Welsh collector of manuscripts; Robert Harding Evans (1778-1857), auctioneer, of 93 Pall Mall, London [Craven Ord (1756-1832)]
Publication details: 
[Robert Harding Evans, 93 Pall Mall, London.] 'London: Printed by W. Nicol, Cleveland-row, St. James's.' 25 to 27 June 1829.

The last eight leaves only of a printed catalogue (no. 260 in M. V. de Chantilly's 'Robert Harding Evans of Pall Mall | auction catalogues 1812-1846 | a provisional list' (2002)). Stitched and unbound. On aged and worn paper, with slight damp staining to margins. Paginated 23-37 + [1], with the final page (i.e. the verso of the last leaf) carrying the advertisement: 'Preparing for Sale by MR. EVANS. | THE VALUABLE LIBRARY of an | EMINENT COLLECTOR.' (in manuscript: 'Mr Rennie'). Slug at foot of p.37: 'London: Printed by W. Nicol, | Cleveland-row, St.

[Leeds Circulating Library.] Printed Leeds Circulating Library label, stating time allowed and forfeit. [With ownership signature of John Smalpage, draper.]

[Leeds Circulating Library, Leeds, Yorkshire; John Smalpage, draper]
Publication details: 
[Leeds Circulating Library, Leeds, Yorkshire.] The label is dated in manuscript 16 September 1808.

The label is printed on one side of a crudely-cut 6 x 8 cm piece of laid paper. In fair condition, aged. The item reads (with manuscript additions in square brackets): 'LEEDS | Circulating Library. | Entered [16 Sept] 180[8] | Allowed for reading the first Year, Weeks [2] Days [-] | - After the first year, Weeks [2] | Forfeiture per Day for keeping it beyond the Time, d. [2]'. At the head in manuscript is the number '1006', crossed out, and '671'.

Corrected Autograph Drafts of three works by Dr William MacOubrey, consisting of two poems ('To arms! Patriot gallant band' and 'Away! Away nor strive') and a paper on the Ancient Britons, the Romans and Geoffrey of Monmouth, titled 'Brutus'.

William MacOubrey (1800-1884), Irish physican (Trinity College, Dublin), Orangeman and Barrister (Middle Temple, 1839), who married George Borrow's stepdaughter and converted to homeopathy
Publication details: 
None of the three items with place or date (1850s?).

None of the three items appears to have been published. They are in fair condition, on lightly-aged and worn paper. First poem: Headed 'By Dr. MacOubrey' and signed 'Wm MacOubrey' at foot. 1p., 12mo. Five four-line stanzas, and a four-line chorus, with a couple of minor corrections. The first stanza reads: 'Away! Away nor strive | To tempt me from the bowl | Away! and let me live | This night without control'. This followed by the chorus: 'Then quaff the Wine, | Spirits of Joy | Oh! Sense Divine! | Without Alloy!' Second Poem: Untitled. 2pp., 12mo.

Three Autograph Letter Signed (all 'Eric') from Sir Eric de la Rue, 3rd Baronet, one to his father and two to his sister Diana, written during the Second World War as a Captain in the Notts Yeomanry, Middle East Forces (Egypt and Benghazi).

Sir Eric de la Rue [Sir Eric Vincent de la Rue] (1906-1989), 3rd Baronet, son of Sir Evelyn Andros de la Rue (1879-1950) [Notts Sherwood Rangers Yeomanry; British Army, Middle East Forces]
Publication details: 
Letter to his father: 17 March [1944]; 'H.Q. 215 Town Mayor M.E.F.' Letters to his sister: 4 May [1944] and 4 October [1944]. Both addressed from the MEF.

All three are air mail letter cards. Each with 'Field Post Office' postmark and censor's stamp. The three in fair condition, lightly aged and creased. Letter One: To his father, 17 March [1944]. Addressed to 'My dear Father', with the envelope addressed to 'Sir E. de la Rue Bart. | The Sol | Cookham | Berkshire | England.' 1p, 4to, and 1p., 12mo. A light-hearted letter, in which he jokes about his father's inability to read the word 'Aviv' ('I suppose a series of "i"s and "v"s is rather difficult even if printed') and find the place on the map ('it is much larger than Bournemouth').

Printed handbill anti-Catholic poem by Mary Frances Tupper of Albury, titled 'The Ritualists, Beware! They are Fooling Thee.'

Mary Frances Tupper, daughter of the poet Martin Farquhar Tupper (1810-1889) [the Middle Hill Press of Sir Thomas Phillipps]
Publication details: 
Without date or place. [Cheltenham: Middle Hill Press, 1870.]

On one side of a piece of wove paper, 15.5 x 9.5 cm. In fair condition, on aged paper, with one creased corner and a small nick at the head. The drop-head title is in capitals, with the second line having only the opening quotation marks (before the initial word 'BEWARE'). The poem is 29 lines long, with three seven-line stanzas followed by an eight-line one. At the foot of the poem: 'Albury. Mary Frances Tupper.' The first stanza reads 'The stamp of Rome is on their heart, | Take care! take care! | They play the Jesuits' crafty part, | Beware! beware!

Printed paper headed 'Preliminary Examination in Arabic. Cavalry, Artillery, Camel Corps, Infantry, and Sudan Civil Administration.' Answered and marked in pencil.

Sudan Civil Administration [Anglo-Egyptian Sudanese Protectorate; Ottoman Empire]
Publication details: 
'1st February, 1904.'

2pp., foolscap 8vo. On wove paper with the star and crescent watermark of the 'GOUVERNEMENT EGYPTIEN'. Aged and creased, but in fair overall condition. Questions in English and Arabic script, requiring translation between the two languages. Answers in pencil, and marking along both margins in red and blue. Scarce: no copy on COPAC.

Autograph Letter Signed from Sir Gilbert Mackereth ('Gilbert Mackereth'), British Consul at Damascus, to Ernest Gye of the Foreign Office, on his posting to Tangier, and including a discussion of British artists there.

Sir Gilbert Mackereth (1892-1962), British army officer and diplomat [Ernest Frederick Gye (1879-1955), diplomat; Damascus, Syria; Henry Bishop (1868-1939), RA, British artist]
Publication details: 
On letterheads of the British Consulate, Damascus; 21 January 1933.

8 pp, 12mo. In very good condition, on lightly-aged paper. Addressed to 'Dear Ernest'. He begins by congratulating Gye on his promotion and 'on going to Tangier - a delightful spot'. It is however 'very sad' that Gye's 'guiding hand over our destinies will no longer be there in the Office'. He thanks Gye for his 'kindness' and 'sympathy': 'My path has lain along uneventful ways and it has been an untold solace to feel you did not despise those who had mearly [sic] to 'stand & wait''.

Autograph Letter Signed ('D Forbes') from the orientalist Duncan Forbes to J. D. R. Robinson of the Asiatic Society, concerning his translation of the 'Bagh-o-Bahar', and the mental state of 'Anderson'.

Duncan Forbes (1798-1868), Scottish orientalist and linguist, translator of Mir Amman's Urdu 'Bagh-o-Bahar, or Tales of the Four Darweshes'
Publication details: 
No place; 'Wednesday' [no date].

3 pp, 12mo. 41 lines. Text clear and complete. Fair, on lightly-aged paper with a couple of closed tears. He is sending 'the trans. of the Baghobahan together with the Original', and trusts that Robinson will keep his promise 'and not detain it long'. Considers it fair that Robinson's friend 'should pay the carriage thereof from & to London'. 'The younger Stewart is to send me up a book of mine in about a week - the best way will be to send the Bagh along with it as it will be the same expence'. Suggest sending another book with 'the Bagh to Haileybury', rather than to Portman Square.

Contributions to the Fauna and Flora of Southwestern Asia

R.A. Blakelock and others
Contributions to the Fauna and Flora of Southwestern Asia
Publication details: 
Florida : [... distributed privately by the author], 1955 (COPAC Entry; another adds Coconut Grove))
Contributions to the Fauna and Flora of Southwestern Asia

With Papers by R.A. Blakelock, Robert H. Kanazawa, Arthur Loveridge, A.L. Rand and Staff of British Museum (Natural History). [22; 24; 6 inc. blanks and outside pages], 4to, unbound, stapled, p.12 inserted upsidedown, outside pages grubby, good condition. Four copies listed on COPAC (BL, Natural History Museum, SOAS, Oxford; four also listed on WorldCat (Harvard, Paris, Geneva, Basel).

Autograph Letter Signed ('S. Lane-Poole') to Miss Hollingworth.

Stanley Lane-Poole (1854-1931), British orientalist and archaeologist, Professor of Arabic Studies, Dublin University
Publication details: 
16 June 1896; 3 Newnham Road, Bedford.

12mo, 2 pp. 20 lines. Text clear and complete. Good, on lightly-aged paper, with slight creasing to corners. He is glad to have the autographs she has sent him. He is sending '28 of my duplicates'. His wife is 'very fairly well, but the heat tries her a good deal'. He himself enjoys the heat. 'The temperature here in the sun to-day was only 110 degrees - just the same as it was in the shade in Cairo when I was there last June!'

Printed circular letter from Auchinleck 'To all officers whether belonging to the Staff or to the Services who are working in Headquarter Offices in this Command'. Consisting of a celebrated (and spurious) quotation from Wellington, and two cartoons.

Field Marshal Sir Claude John Eyre Auchinleck, Commander in Chief, Middle East Command [Arthur Wellesley, Duke of Wellington; military history; Second World War; British Army]
Publication details: 

A celebrated and scarce piece of Second World War ephemera. Printed on one side of a piece of paper 33.5 x 21.5 cm. Text and illustrations clear and complete. In good overall condition, on lightly-aged and creased paper with small damp stain to top left-hand corner and repair on reverse to small closed tear. The text consists of a supposed 'Extract from a letter written by The Duke of Wellington from Spain, about 1810.

Typed Note Signed to Sir Harry Lindsay, Royal Society of Arts.

Thomas Sherrer Ross Boase
Publication details: 
28 November 1947; on letterhead of Magdalen College, Oxford.

English mediaeval and art historian (1898-1974), Director of the Courtauld Institute of Art. One page, landscape octavo. Good, but with one corner creased and grubby, and with staple holes in another. 'I should be much honoured to be nominated as a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts and should much appreciate association with that body and all the work it does.' Signed 'T. S. R. Boase.'

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