[ A. E. W. Mason, English novelist, author of ‘The Four Feathers’.] Typed Note Signed to Rosemary Barron, responding to a request for an autograph.

A. E. W. Mason [Alfred Edward Woodley Mason] (1865-1948), hugely-popular English novelist, playwright and screenwriter, author of ‘The Four Feathers’ and creator of Inspector Hanaud
Publication details: 
9 August 1927. On letterhead of New Grove, Petworth, Sussex.

Mason was, according to E. V. Lucas, ‘famous in both hemispheres’. His entry in the Oxford DNB ends with this assessment: ‘His books were best-sellers for fifty years, and the films made from them, notably The Drum (1938), for which he wrote his own scenario, and The Four Feathers (1939), were among the most popular in their time.’ 1p, 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged. Folded twice for postage. The valediction is in Mason's autograph: 'Yours sincerely / A. E. W. Mason'.

[J. S. Fletcher [Joseph Smith Fletcher], notable writer in the Golden Age of Detective Fiction.] Autograph Letter Signed to D. Webster, bookseller, commenting on ‘two Chichester pamphlets’ and ordering an item from his catalogue.

J. S. Fletcher [Joseph Smith Fletcher] (1863-1935), prolific author, a notable writer in the Golden Age of Detective Fiction [D. Webster, bookseller]
Publication details: 
24 October 1923; on embossed letterhead: Hambrook, Emsworth, Hants.

In a letter to ‘John O’London’s’ in 1921, Fletcher boasted of having ‘written (and published) seventy-three novels, twelve volumes of collected short stories, and fifteen historical and topographical works, the last-named mostly of considerable length’. 3pp, 12mo. On bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged. Folded once for postage. Annotated by recipient with date of response. Addressed to ‘Mr D. Webster.’ and signed ‘J. S. Fletcher.’ He thanks him for ‘the two Chichester pamphlets duly to hand’, noting that one was ‘The Accompt Cleared’ by Roger L’Estrange.

[Francis Durbridge, dramatist, creator of the BBC radio detective ‘Paul Temple’.] Part of Typed Letter, with Autograph Signature.

Francis Durbridge [Francis Henry Durbridge] (1912-1998), English dramatist and author, creator of the BBC radio detective 'Paul Temple'
Publication details: 
No date or place.

There were around thirty ‘Paul Temple’ radio serials between 1938 and 1968, along with four films, a dozen books, a television series and a newspaper cartoon strip. Despite obituaries in the major British newspapers Durbridge has not been granted an entry in the Oxford DNB. On 14 x 5.5 cm piece of light-blue laid paper, cut from a typed letter. In good condition, lightly aged. Good clear signature. Reads ‘Thank you for your nice poem - / Best wishes to Dave. / Francis Durbridge’.

[Francis D. Grierson, writer of Detective Stories; Golden Age] Autograph Letter Signed Francis D. Grierson to Bright, pleased that an operation went well and showing appreciation of his information and advice

Francis D. Grierson, prolific writer of Detective Stories.
Publication details: 
Printed heading] National Liberal Club, Whitehall Place, SW1, Sunday 7 Sept.1952.

Two pages, 12mo, marking and residue of tipping in (sellotape), mainly good. My dear Bright, | I have been waiting for the result of your operation, and was delighted that things are now going well. | Your many friends here were greatly distressed to know that it was necessary; but we knew, too, that you would face it with that cheerful courage you so often showed when we did not know from day to day what would be the fate of the Library you and we love so well.

[‘My British public is not being discriminated against’: Lawrence G. Blochman, American writer of detective fiction.] Typed Letter Signed to Eileen M. Cond, English autograph collector, discussing English publication of his books.

Lawrence G. Blochman [Lawrence Goldtree Blochman] (1900-1975), American writer of detective fiction
Publication details: 
18 September 1954; 370 Riverside Drive, New York 25, N.Y.

1p, 4to. Twenty-three lines. Large sprawling signature ‘Lawrence G. Blochman’. In fair condition, worn and creased on lightly-discoloured paper. The recipient, an enthusiastic autograph collector, has evidently asked him to sign a bookplate to be stuck in his latest book ‘’Recipe for Homicide’. Her note has finally reached him ‘through channels (via my English publisher through my London agent to my New York agent)’. He is glad she finds the book entertaining, ‘even though you had not yet, at the time of writing, discovered the culprit’.

[Kenneth Hopkins, poet, critic and crime writer.] ‘Three Sonnets’ by Kenneth Hopkins in ‘The Grasshopper Broadsheets’ series of publications, with Signed Autograph Inscription to London bookseller Andrew Block.

Kenneth Hopkins [Hector Kenneth Hopkins] (1914-1988), poet, critic and crime writer [Andrew Block, London bookseller]
Publication details: 
‘Number Three. Third Series. March, 1944.’ ‘Printed by Bacon & Hudson, Ltd., Derby, and published by Kenneth Hopkins, 670, Osmaston Road, Derby.’

See Hopkins’s entry in the Oxford Companion to Twentieth-Century Poetry in English. His papers are in the Harry Ransom Center of the University of Texas. The obituary of the recipient Andrew Block (1892-1987) in ‘The Private Library’ was subtitled ‘the doyen of booksellers’; his business was established in 1911. Printed on one side of a foolscap 8vo leaf. A tasteful piece of provincial printing. Worn, creased and dog-eared, with closed tears at head. Inscribed at bottom-right: ‘for Andrew Block / Kenneth Hopkins’. Titled ‘THREE SONNETS’ and signed in type ‘KENNETH HOPKINS’.

[‘Ellis Peters’, pseudonym of Edith Pargeter, author of the ‘Brother Cadfael’ crime novels.] Autograph Signature, with pseudonym: ‘Edith Pargeter. / ‘Ellis Peters’.’

‘Ellis Peters’, pseudonym of Edith Mary Pargeter (1913-1995), author of the ‘Brother Cadfael’ crime novels
Ellis Peters
Publication details: 
No place or date.
Ellis Peters

On one side of a 12.5 x 8.5 cm piece of thin white card. Clearly given in response to a request for an autograph. Written in a large somewhat old-fashioned hand, with ‘Edith Pargeter.’ centred towards the head of the page, and ‘‘Ellis Peters’.’ at bottom right. See image.

[Malcolm Elwin, biographer. critic; Detective Fiction; bibliography] Holograph Manuscript entitled The Vogue of the Detective Story Signed T.M.E.11/11/26. WITH: holograph review of new edn ( Collins, c.1930?) of The Murders in the Rue Morgue.

Malcolm Elwin [( 1903-1973), prolific biographer, literary critic and editor.
Publication details: 
[1926]. N.B. The Golden Age of the Detective Story usually spans the 20s and 30s, so Elwin is perhaps the first analyst of the genre..

Pp.1, 2, 4 [missing 3] with additional unnumbered page entitled bibliography of [...] the Detective Story, folio, connected with stud creating hole which only marginally affects the text, good condition. Lightly corrected MS. An early, pioneering study of the genre as it developed, as a phenomenon similar to literary predecessors (Elizabethan drama). He associates the craze for the detective story with the (post) First World War, but (obviously) finds topoi in Sherlcok Holmes and Murders in the Rue Morgue, citing R.

[Philip Youngman Carter, Assistant Editor of The Tatler and husband of Margery Allingham.] Eight Signed Letters (three in Autograph, five Typed) to E. V. Knox, regarding reviewing, with galley proof of one of Knox's reviews.

Youngman Carter [Philip Youngman Carter] (1904-1969), crime novelist, graphic artist, husband of Margery Allingham, assistant editor of 'The Tatler' [E. V. Knox [Edmund George Valpy Knox] (1881-1971)]
Publication details: 
All eight letters on letterhead of The Tatler and Bystander, London. Seven dated between 17 November 1950 and 14 May 1953, the other without year.

According to the Oxford DNB entry on Carter's wife the crime writer Margery Allingham (whose book jackets were among those he designed): 'Their amiable, childless marriage was funded by Allingham's increasingly successful fiction. And, although Youngman Carter assisted his wife as a sounding board for plot design, and by producing covers and illustrations for her work, he found it difficult to sell his art.

[ Ursula Torday; pseud. Charity Blackstock ] Three Typed Notes Signed Charity Blackstock to Miss [Eileen] Cond, inveterate collector of novelists' signatures.

Ursula Torday (1912 – 1997), writer of c. 60 gothic, romance and mystery novels 1935 - 1982. Pseudonyms include Charity Blackstock.
Publication details: 
Flat 4, 6/8 Blandford Street, W1, 1965-1967

Total 3pp, 12mo, very good condition, [1965] thanking her for reading her and sending the requested signed bookplate; [1966] sending another signed bookplate, pleased that she reads her books, and anticiapting the publication of her next (with a different publisher); [1967] another signed bokplate is being sent, with thanks for faithful readership.

[Edgar Jepson, popular novelist; .] Autograph Letter Signed ('Edgar Jepson'), replying to a fan letter from 'Miss Gowing' [novelist Barbara Kaye] by suggesting that they meet to prevent him from injuring his constitution by 'industrious excess'

Edgar Jepson [Edgar Alfred Jepson, pseudonym 'R. Edison Page'] (1863-1938), popular author of adventure, detective, supernatural and fantasy fiction [Barbara Kaye [Barbara Kenrick Gowing] (1908-1998)]
Publication details: 
120 Adelaide Road, Chalk Farm, London NW3. 8 July 1920.

2pp, 12mo. In fair condition, on aged and worn paper. Folded once.

[ Reginald Hill, crime writer ] Five Autograph Postcards and Cards Signed (all pictorial) "Reg" to Hunter Davies, author and journalist, and friend since childhood

Reginald Hill, crime writer (1936-2012)
Publication details: 
'Oakbank'. Broad Oak, Ravenglass, Cumbria, 3 dated (1994, 2000, 2011).

Three Postcards Signed, and two (folding) cards) with between 6-21 lines of writing. Good-humoured tone, with references to a novel published by "Margaret" [Forster, Davies's wife] which has given him an idea for a detective novel, a self-deprecating comment ("insecure jumped up northern grammer school lad"), reflection on how well he and friends have dome (no "jail-bait failures"), news of a death, a White Christmas, a plan for a "double-act at Keswick", treatment for illness (2011), etc.

[ A.J.A. Symons ] Typed Note Signed "Julian Symons", thanking a "Mr Hill" for letters relating to his brother, A.J. A. Symons, writer and bibliographer..

Julian Symons, miscellaneous author inc. detective story writer
Publication details: 
26 St George's Square, London, SW1. 26 April 1944.

One page, 12mo, sl. chipped and aged but text clear and complete. He thanks Hill for responding to his appeal for letters from his brother "A.J.", and returns them (not present. "They will help me to obtain that complete and rounded picture of my brother which is the object of my biography. | Thank you, too,for your explanatory notes on the letters -- I remember A.J. saying something about the album compiled by A.T. Bartholomew, when he was hot on the quest for Corvo."

[ Freya Stark, explorer and travel writer. ] Three Autograph Cards Signed (all 'Freya Stark') to the crime writer Susan Gilruth, socialising and praising her books.

Freya Stark [ Dame Freya Madeline Stark; Mrs Stewart Perowne ] (1893-1993), British explorer and travel writer [ Susan Gilruth [ born Susannah Margaret Hornsby-Wright ], crime writer ]
Publication details: 
9 and 23 February, and 9 March. The first two from 30 Chester Street, SW1 [ London ], the last from Asolo [ Italy ].

Three plain postcards (no illustrations), with stamps and postmarks, all addressed to Gilruth (author of seven crime novels punlished between 1951 and 1963) at 7 Reston Place, Hyde Park, London. The three cards in fair condition, aged and worn, with staining to corners from mounting, and two of the signatures only half-legible through fading. In the first she says that she is in London until the end of February, and 'would like so much' to see her again: 'Could you come in for drinks with a few friends on Tuesday Feb 17th?' The second begins: 'Thank you ever so much.

[Crime Writers' Association] An archive of membership list, accounts, correspondence and related material.

[The Crime Writers Association]
Publication details: 
1953-1975 (mainly pre-1960).

The Crime Writers' Association (CWA). Founded 5 November 1953An Archive accumulated during his periods in office by T.C.H. Jacobs, aka Jacques Pendower, author, sometime Hon. Treas., Vice-Chairman, and Chairman of the CWAIt was unanimously agreed that those present should found forthwith an association of crime writers, the specific purpose of which should be to raise the prestige and fortunes of mystery, detective story and crime writing and writers generally.Aim of the CWA recorded in the Minutes of the inaugural meeting.1. (Periodical) The Crime Writer, nos.

[Roy Vickers, crime writer] Five Typed Letters Signed and other signed material [T.C.H. Jacobs of the Crime Writers' Association (CWA)].

Roy Vickers.
Publication details: 

ROY VICKERS, Detective Story Writer, 5TLSs, total 6pp., 4to, all 1961, jokey, gossipy letters concerning CWA affairs - Rosemary Robinson being co-opted to the general committee, German rights to an Anthology sold, an enquiry from Japan about Anthologies (leading to a discussion), subject for debate in A.O.B., analysis of membership ("talented amateur mixed with pro"), a new detective publishing house in the U.S.A., guests for the Dinner. Attached to letter of 3 March 1961: copy TL and typescript, total 5pp., including the letter to Gielgud on CWA Anthologies [= source of income for the Asso

[Michael Gilbert, crime writer] A large collection of Typed Letters Signed.

Michael Gilbert.
Publication details: 

MICHAEL GILBERT, Detective Story Writer, Founder Member, sometime Membership Secretary, 21 TLSs and TNSs, total 23pp., 8vo and 4to, some with ms. additions, 1955-1960, mainly concerning the financial affairs of the Crime Writers' Association (CWA), the financial consequences of publishing the Anthologies, details of income tax, the Accounts (Income/Expenditure), request for information for tax purposes, the ultimate tax position, sales of the Anthology Choice of Weapons.

[Josephine Bell, crime writer] A collection of autograph letters.

Josephine Bell.
Publication details: 

Detective Story Writer, sometime Chairman of the Crime Writers Association (1959/60). 14 ALSs, TLSs and TNSs, total 17pp., 8vo and 4to, 1958-1960, about CWA affairs - finances, the Dinner (with some incoming correspondence), the Japanese CWA, news from members, meetings, royalties on CWA Anthologies, an agent's malfeasance, a newspaper serial, Lorna Graeme's illness and death (see Bruce Graeme below), Sir Alan Herbert's Literary Project (Public Lending Rights), and the Society of Authors.

[Julian Symons, crime writer] A large collection of Typed Letters Signed to [T.C.H. Jacobs of the Crime Writers' Association (CWA).

Julian Symons.
Publication details: 

Julian Symons, Detective Story Writer and Historian of the Genre, Founder Member, sometime Chairman of CWA (1958/9), 12 TLSs, one page each, 8vo and 4to, some with ms. additions, concerning CWA affairs - news of the Anthology, financial dealings, expenses, the funeral of a member, the Exhibition, Jacobs election as Vice-Chairman, "Margery Allingham has joined!" (3 April 1959, having declined to do so in 1953), personal, the Awards ceremony, appreciation of congratulations on an award, an "abridged novel venture", a criminal case re-enacted (potential BBC tie-up).

Two completed standard membership forms for the Crime Writers Association (of Great Britain).

Ellery Queen [autograph ]
Publication details: 

Detective Story Writing Team. Manfred B. Lee, typed, 16 Sept. 1957,with minor ms. additions and Frederic Dannay, handwritten, 12 Sept. 1957, both adding a note concerning co-authorship, typed and handwritten respectively. The additions and changes include excising the membership fee in sterling and adding $3 [?], and both asterisk their names and add at the foot of the page (typed and handwritten respectively) "co-author with . . . under pseudonym of "Ellery Queen". The Crime Writers Association printed form includes a brief history of the Association and terms of membership.

[Printed book.] Practical Instruction for Detectives. A Complete Course in Secret Service Study. By Emmerson W. Manning, Manning National Detective Institute.

Emmerson W. Manning [Emmerson Wain Manning], Manning National Detective Institute
Publication details: 
Chicago: Frederick J. Drake & Co. Publishers. [Circa 1921.]

94 + [i] pp. In original green cloth with title in black on front cover. Good, lightly-aged in lightly-worn and spotted binding. Ownership signature ('') in pencil on title-page, with pencil annotations throughout translating passages into French. Chapters on 'Shadowing', 'Burglaries', 'Identification of Criminals', 'Forgeries', 'Confessions', 'Murder Cases', 'Grafters', 'Detective Work in Department Stores', 'Railroad Detective Work', 'Detective Work for Street Railways', 'Other Kinds of Detective Work' (the last including 'Illegal Liquor selling').

Fragment of Autograph Letter Signed from the Welsh writer Showell Styles.

Showell Styles (1908-2005), Welsh writer and mountaineer, whose detective fiction appeared under the pseudonym 'Glyn Carr'
 Autograph Letter Signed from the Welsh writer Showell Styles.
Publication details: 
Dated August 1970; on letterhead of Trwyn Cae Iago, Borth-y-Gest, Portmadoc, Caernarvonshire.
 Autograph Letter Signed from the Welsh writer Showell Styles.

The 12mo letter has been cut into two sections, both laid down on a piece of mustard paper, with typed caption. Good, on lightly-aged paper. The body of the letter is on a piece of paper roughly 11 cm square. Six lines of text, enclosing 'autograph & quotation' (not present), and apologising for having 'no photo available'. 'Glad you enjoy my books, & thanks for your good wishes'. The smaller piece, with letterhead and Styles's dating, is roughly 8.5 x 3.5 cm.

Autograph Letter Signed J S Fletcher, novelist, detective story writer, to E.H. Broad[b?] ridge [employee of literary agency?], about A Maker of Fortunes. [short story?]

J.S. Fletcher [Joseph Smith Fletcher] (1863 - 1935) , British journalist and writer.
Autograph Letter Signed J S Fletcher, novelist,
Publication details: 
[Partly headed] 7 St Mary's Terrace, Paddington, W. [London], 28 Sept. 1911
Autograph Letter Signed J S Fletcher, novelist,

Two pages, 12mo, remnants of album page to which attached formerly, good condition. I will write to you definitely about teh serial early next week. Do you think you could either get me a cheque for 'A Maker of Fortunes' [not traced], or get Mr Colles [literary agent] to discount the sale to me on the usual terms? I should be much obliged if you could, for I have to find a good deal of money on Saturday & this would help. ...

Two Autograph Letters Signed to 'Dear France'.

Edgar Jepson [Edgar Alfred Jepson] (1863-1938), English writer of detective fiction, sometimes under the name 'R. Edison Page'
Publication details: 
Letter One: 17 May 1907; Hillfarance, Elm Road, Wembley. Letter Two: 29 June 1907; 23 Bath Road, Bedford Park. London W.

Both items in fair condition, on lightly-aged and foxed paper. Letter One: 12mo (15 x 10 cm), 1 p. He thanks him 'for the Tickets': 'we are looking forward to seeing you act. I shall be very pleased to come to smoke a cigarette after the first act off the Duel.' ('The Duel' was produced at the Garrick Theatre, London, in 1907.) Letter Two: 12mo, 2 pp. He thanks him 'for the excellent evening you gave me at The Coronet the other night. | The Incubus is an admirable play, and admirably acted.' He hopes France 'had a good week of it': 'I told innumerable people not to miss it.'

Super Detective Library No. 78. All in Pictures. Sherlock Holmes meets the Hound of the Baskervilles and the Missing Heiress [Sherlock Holmes and the Hound of the Baskervilles]

Sir Arthur Conan Doyle; Sherlock Holmes; Super Detective Library [Sherlockiana; comic books, strips]
Publication details: 
No date [1950s]. London: The Amalgamated Press, Ltd., The Fleetway House, Farringdon Street, EC4.

Dimensions: 17.5 x 13.5 cm. 64 pp. In original coloured paper covers. Priced at 10d, and thus the British edition and not one produced for the foreign market. Good and tight, on browned paper. Attractive image on front cover showing a bemused Holmes puffing on his pipe as he wanders down a country-house corridor whose walls are covered in paintings, while the spectral figure of the hound's head looms above him.Covers lightly worn and slightly damaged by the rusting of the staples. Both stories are told in comic strip form.

A co-operative [booksellers'] catalogue' entitled 'Detective Fiction: A Century of Crime: First and Early Editions'.

R. A. Brimmell; Boris Harding-Edgar (Charles Rare Books)
Publication details: 
Hastings and Hildenborough; [circa 1966].

Forty-four pages, octavo, with two-page leaf of addenda loosely inserted. Four pages illustrating seventeen pictorial covers on art paper. In printed card wraps. A worn and creased copy of an influential catalogue, issued at a time when, as the introduction points out 'catalogues devoted to detective fiction [were] something of a rarity in the book trade'.

Autograph Note Signed to an unnamed correspondent.

Fergus Hume.
Publication details: 
44 Eton Gardens, London, SW, 2 Sept. 1900.

Australian Novelist, author of "Mystery of a Hansom Cab" (1886). One page, 8vo, suitable for framing, with bold signature, minor defects, text clear and complete as follows: Dear Sir, / Better late than never. Herewith the autograph you asked me for 14th February last / Yours faithfully, / Fergus Hume..

Typed letter signed "Lionel Britton" to Joan Jefferson Farjeon, scene designed daughter of J. Jefferson Farjeon, detective novelist and playwright. WITH: related correspondence.

Lionel Britton.
Publication details: 
Park House, 66 Tufnell Park Road, London, N7, 1956 - 1959

Novelist and playwright, author of the "flawed masterpiece" "Hunger and Love". Two pages, 8vo, fold marks but good condition, one ms. correction. A substantial letter dated 30 Oct. 1956, in which he reports on a letter from "Miss Black of Curtis Brown Ltd" (literary agents) in which she reports that Miss Farjeon does not want to sign a second agreement for "The Impossible Guest" (novel by Joseph Jefferson Farjeon published in 1949 which Britton presumably adapted for the stage).

Family (holiday) newspaper, typescript, "The Frinton Some-times". And another item.

A member of the Farjeon Family, prob. Joan Jefferson Farjeon, later a set designer.
Publication details: 

Three issues, 12-8-1928, 13-8-1928 and 4-9-1928 (incomplete), 12 pp., 4to, not bound, loose pages as issued (with paper clip), marked by paper-clip rust, mainly good. The first two are also headed "Final Edition", and are vil. 1, nos.1,2. The third has only a title. Much of it is spoof with the rest light-hearted, making copy out of events and people that occur during a holiday. J. Jefferson Farjeon features frequeently with a sprained ankle, breaking the golf-course record (a 6 hole course), and there is news of other members of the family and friends who visit inc.

A memorial service for Dorothy Leigh Sayers (Mrs. Atherton Fleming) M.A. (Oxon.): Hon. D.Litt. (Durham) Born 13th June, 1893 Died 17th December, 1957

[Dorothy Leigh Sayers]
Publication details: 
ST. MARGARET, WESTMINSTER [...] on WEDNESDAY, 15th JANUARY, 1958 at 12.30 p.m.'

Unbound bifoliate. Four unpaginated pages. Dimensions of leaf roughly 8 inches by 5 inches. In very good condition, but with two instances of light creasing. The lessons were read by Val Gielgud and Judge Gordon Clark, and the panegyric was by C. S. Lewis.

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