[Sir John Fischer Williams, international lawyer.] Typed Letter Signed ('John Fischer Williams') to R. F. Harrod, Hon. Sec., Oxford University Liberal Association, expounding at length on Professor Gilbert Murray and proportional representation.

Sir John Fischer Williams (1870-1947), English international lawyer and authority on proportional representation [Gilbert Murray (1866-1957), classical scholar and internationalist; electoral reform]
Publication details: 
British Delegation, Reparation Commission, 7 Rue de Tilsitt, Paris XVII. 19 March 1929.

2pp., foolscap 8vo. On two leaves, with the second attached at the head of the blank reverse to a piece of grey card. In fair condition, on aged paper. He writes that he will be 'very glad to sign the memorandum enclosed with your letter of the 14th instant in support of Professor Gilbert Murray'. He proceeds to remark at length on a 'statement in the last paragraph of the memorandum as to the working of Proportional Representation'.

Autograph Letter Signed ('MM.') from Maton Marble, editor of New York World, to 'My dear Jack', also 'J R H'. With newspaper cutting comparing Marble's handwriting with that of a cipher dispatch by 'Moses', in article on vote-rigging and forgery.

Manton Marble (1834-1917), American journalist, editor of the New York World
Publication details: 
Letter: on letterhead of 'The World' Office, 35 Park Row, New York. 'Saturday AM' [no date]. Newspaper cutting, without date or place.

Both items good, on aged paper. Letter: 1p., 12mo. He has 'spoken to three or four of the members' on his behalf, 'most gladly - and have written to Secretary MacDonough to vouch himself & present my voucher to the Com. on Admissions.' Newspaper cutting: Titled 'The Effort to buy a vote in Florida. | Tell-tale fac-similes of dispatches, cipher and plain. | A comparison between a significant telegram of Moses and one signed by Moses Manton.' Giving facsimiles of the two documents, with explanation: 'We present herewith a facsimile of the cipher dispatch in which Moses informs Mr.

Women and the Vote. Some Facts and Suggestions. Compiled for the Women's Committee of the National Adult School Union

M.M. Fullwood
Women and the Vote. Some Facts and Suggestions.
Publication details: 
National Adult School Union, [London], [1919]
Women and the Vote. Some Facts and Suggestions.

Pamphlet, [16]pp., 8vo, fold marks, mainly good condition. The code suggests an imprint of 5000 (ffot of page 5,000. 2/19, but there is no copy recorded on COPAC or WorldCat. Topics include; How the possession of the vote benefits women; How to make right use of the vote; What women voters should keep in view; Problems in which women's help is specially need (sub-section Government sub-divided into Local; Parliamentary; Education; Housing; Health; Morality; The Drink Question; Industry).

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