[Robert Cruikshank, caricaturist and illustrator.] Autograph Letter Signed, offering a specimen of proposed illustrations to J. R. Planch??s ?Jewess?, to be like his brother George Cruikshank?s illustrations of W. B. Rhodes?s ?Bombastes Furioso'.

Robert Cruikshank (1789-1856), caricaturist and illustrator, son of Isaac Cruikshank and brother of George Cruikshank
Publication details: 
No date or place.

See the entries for the Cruikshanks in the Oxford DNB. 1p, landscape 12mo. On 20 x 11.5 cm piece of paper. Somewhat aged and worn, with small pinhole at head, and postage folds; neatly inserted in trimmed windowpane mount. The recipient is not named, the text reading: ?Mr Ryan was suggesting an idea of something come upon the Jewess which is very popular after the manner of Bombastes and also a ballad part of which I leave as a specimen perhaps you will consider of it and let me know / R. Cruikshank?.

[Charles Isaac Elton,and B. F. C. Costelloe; Markets.] Printed work, inscribed by Elton to William Bliss.] ‘Royal Commission on Market Rights and Tolls. Report on Charters and Records relating to the History of Fairs and Markets [UK]'.’

Charles Isaac Elton (1839-1900), lawyer, antiquary and Conservative politician, and B. F. C. Costelloe, Assistant Commissioner [William Bliss]
Publication details: 
Drophead title with printed date at foot of page '1/89', i.e. January 1890. [London: Her Majesty's Stationery Office.] Inscription by Elton dated 14 January 1890.

Rare: The BL has a copy (not annotated) and there's a copy on JISC at Reading, with the entry stating that consists of 104pp, rather than the 231pp of the present copy. See Elton’s entry in the Oxford DNB. He first served as a Conservative MP for Somerset in 1884-5, and the present item was composed during his second term, 1886-92. No title-leaf: drop-head title. At foot of first page: ‘A 55729. 30.?1/89. Wt. 6590,’. Introductory section credited on p.30 to 'Charles Elton. / B. F. C. Costelloe, / Assistant Commissioner.' Folio, 231pp.

[Thomas Short, inventor of dual reflecting telescope; Earl of Rochford; Manuscript] Petition for Letters Patent signed by Thomas Short (optitian) for invention (reflecting telescope for two view[er]s). Also signed (off) by the Earl of Rochford

Thomas Short, inventor of telescopes, brother of James Short who invented a telescope used by Captain Cook.
Publication details: 
[Saint Clement Danes, 1774]

Also signed on the reverse by [A.C. Cuddon?] AND the Earl of Rochford [William Henry Nassau de Zuylestein, 4th Earl of Rochford (1717 O.S. -1781) courtier, diplomat and statesman.]. TWO PAGES, sm. fol., fold marks, edges stained, discreet repairs, text clear and complete, commencing To the Kings most Excellent Majesty | The Humble Petition of Thomas Short […] That your Petitioner hath invented a method of making Reflecting Telescopes with more than two Speculums to be used by the same person at the same time […] or enabling two Persons to view the same object at the same time […].

[Ackworth School, near Pontefract, Yorkshire, Quaker school founded 1779.] 19 related items, including 13 intimate letters from headmaster Frederick Andrews to Robert Henry Marsh, and four printed items, including a 1929 illustrated account.

Ackworth School, near Pontefract, Yorkshire, founded 1779 by Dr John Fothergill for children of Society of Friends (Quakers); Frederick Andrews, headmaster; Robert Henry Marsh; Isaac Henry Wallis
Publication details: 
Andrews’ letters dating from between 1888 and 1900. All on letterheads of Ackworth School, near Pontefract [Yorkshire]. The four printed items between 1899 and 1929, printed in Ackworth, London and York.

An interesting collection of material relating to a significant school, including thirteen items of correspondence from a notable headmaster, and four printed items, two of them scarce. Founded by Benjamin Franklin’s friend Dr John Fothergill in 1779 (see his entry in the Oxford DNB), Ackworth is the second-oldest of the seven English Quaker schools. (See Fothergill’s entry in the Oxford DNB. Franklin could ‘hardly conceive that a better man ever existed’.) Originally a co-educational boarding school, it is now a Girls’ boarding and day school.

[Isaac Watts.] Printed pamphlet: ‘The End of Time. / An Extract from Dr. Isaac Watts.’

Isaac Watts (1674-1748), English Congregational minister, hymnologist (‘Godfather of English Hymnody’), theologian, and logician
Publication details: 
No date. ‘No. 4.’ The Religious Tract Society, instituted 1799, 56, Paternoster Row; and 65, St. Paul’s Churchyard. Printed by William Clowes and Sons, Duke street, Lambeth.

Four copies on JISC (only one in a deposit library, NLS); now scarce. 12pp, 12mo. Disbound. Worn and discoloured. After the end of the prose work are two poems (pp.11-12): ‘Hymn. / Frail Life and Succeeding Eternity’ and ‘The Danger of Delay.’ In addition to being the ‘Godfather of English Hymnody’, Watts was a noted logician, producing a successful work on the subject, and despite the repetition of the phrase ‘Time shall end!’ throughout, the present extract treats the subject of ‘The End of Time’ in an unusually thoughtful way for a work of theology.

[Isaac Roberts, Welsh geologist and astronomer.] Autograph Note Signed, a presentation inscription of a book to the mathematician and geologist A. H. Green.

Isaac Roberts (1829-1904), Welsh geologist and astronomer, pioneer of astrophotography of nebulae, winner of Royal Astronomical Society Gold Medal [Alexander Henry Green (1832-1896), mathematician]
Publication details: 
June 1894; on letterhead of Starfield, Crowborough, Sussex.

1p, 12mo. On aged and creased leaf, folded once and with traces of mount on the blank reverse. Reads: 'Presented to Prof. Alexr. H. Green M.A. F.R.S. With the compliments of the author | Isaac Roberts | June 1894'. The work presented was presumably the first (1893) volume of Roberts' pioneering 'Selection of Photographs of Stars, Star-Clusters and Nebulae', the second appearing in 1899. The two volumes contained 125 reproductions of photographs which he had exhibited at the Royal Astronomical Society. See both men's entries in the Oxford DNB.

[Lord Grenville, Prime Minister.] Autograph Signature ('W: W: Grenville') and seal, with those of Samuel Estwick, Richard Molesworth, Philip Deare, John Wigglesworth, to document appointing Isaac Phipps paymaster of British forces in West Indies.

Lord Grenville, Prime Minister [William Wyndham Grenville, 1st Baron Grenville (1759-1834)]; Samuel Estwick (c.1736-1795), Member of Parliament; Richard Molesworth; Philip Deare [West Indies]
Publication details: 
No place. 8 January 1784.

1p, foolscap 8vo. In good condition, lightly aged, with thin strip of paper from mount adhering to an edge. Folded once. At bottom right are Grenville's signature ('W: W: Grenville') and a good impression of his seal in red wax. Twenty-line document, written in a secretarial hand, with two embossed tax stamps at head.

[ George Isaac Huntingford, Warden of Winchester College and Bishop of Hereford. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('G. I. Hereford.') to an unnamed recipient.

George Isaac Huntingford (1748-1832), Warden of Winchester College, and successively Bishop of Gloucester and Bishop of Hereford
Publication details: 
Winchester College. 6 January 1830.

1p., 4to. In fair condition, on aged and worn paper. He is 'greatly obliged [...] for the purpose' with which he has been 'favour'd [...] with intimation', but it 'never was in my thoughts to be an Annual Subscriber to the Pension Fund'. He will pay any expense 'the Conductors of the Institution have incurred in expectation of his being a subscriber.

[ George Isaac Huntingford, as Bishop of Hereford. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('G. I. Hereford') to 'Mr. Hayter', arguing against 'the extreme Impropriety' of what he sees as a liturgical innovation.

George Isaac Huntingford (1748-1832), Warden of Winchester College, and successively Bishop of Gloucester and Bishop of Hereford
Publication details: 
No place. 20 October 1823.

1p., 8vo. 23 lines of text. In fair condition, slightly aged and worn, with some repair with archival tape. Offering an interesting insight into everyday ecclesiastical management in Regency England. The letter begins: 'I cannot find, what I once sent to you as having been well educated, a printed paper. The purport of it was to shew the extreme Impropriety of laying a stress on the word "Us", in the sentence "Lord have mercy upon Us".

[ George Isaac Huntingford, Warden of Winchester College and Bishop of Hereford. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('G. I. Huntingford') to an unnamed recipient

George Isaac Huntingford (1748-1832), Warden of Winchester College, and successively Bishop of Gloucester and Bishop of Hereford
Publication details: 
'W. C. [ i.e. Winchester College ]'. 16 February 1818.

1p., 4to. In fair condition, on lightly aged and worn paper, with slight damage on removal from mount and traces of tape adhering. He has been referred to 'the Oldest Table of Fees' by 'Mr. Lane', and quotes information from the table given by Lane. He asks the recipient to 'search the Proper Office; send me a Copy of such Certificate; & of Any Proceedings had in consequence of it'.

[ Isaac Muende, Harley Street dermatologist; Israel ] Autograph Letter Signed ('I Muende') to 'Asherson' [ Nehemiah Asherson ], on the 'far from rosy' situation of the Technion (Israel Institute of Technology) following the Six-day War.

Isaac Muende (1900-1987), Anglo-Israeli dermatologist and philanthropist [ Nehemiah Asherson (1897-1989), English otorhinolaryngologist; the Technion (Israel Institute of Technology ]
Publication details: 
51 Hodford Road, London NW11, on his cancelled Harley Street letterhead. 1 January 1968.

1p., 8vo. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper, with slight creasing along one edge. The letter concludes in autograph: 'It now seems like decades since we last met! | Kindest regards | from sincerely | I Muende'.

[ By Frederick Lankester, printer of Bury St. Edmunds. ] Watts' Divine Songs, attempted in Easy Language for the use of Children.

Isaac Watts [ Frederick Lankester of Bury St. Edmunds, publisher; Henry Mozley and Sons, Printers, Derby. ]
Publication details: 
Published by F. Lankester, Abbey Gate Street, Bury St. Edmunds. No date. [ 'Henry Mozley and Sons Printers, Derby.' ]

31pp., 64mo., i.e. 10 x 6.5 cm. Stitched, in green printed wraps. Heavily aged and worn. Penny pamphlet with three illustrations. Contemporary inscription on p.30: 'Thomas Richard Woollard his Book | Given him by Ann Wright 1840'. The signature of Sarah Wollard is also present. BBTI has Frederick Lankester active in Bury St. Edmunds between 1821 and 1864, but this may reflect a confusion between Frederick and Francis Lankester. COPAC holds items by published by Frederick Lankester between 1824 and 1837. No other copy of this particular edition traced, either on OCLC WorldCat or on COPAC.

[Sir Egerton Brydges.] Part of the Autograph Manuscript of his 'Clavering's Auto-Biography', containing portraits of Mrs Chapone, Captain Francis Grose, Joseph Ritson, Isaac D'Israeli, the Miss Burys; Dr Charles Symmons and Caroline Symmons.]

Sir Egerton Brydges [Samuel Egerton Brydges] (1762-1837), writer and genealogist [Lee Priory Press; Mrs Chapone; Francis Grose; Joseph Ritson; Isaac D'Israeli; Dr Charles Symmons; Horace Walpole]
Publication details: 
Without date or place, but published in 'The Metropolitan' magazine, London, July 1832.

On both sides of a 33 x 12.5 cm strip of paper. In fair condition, lightly-aged, with tiny part of mount adhering to one corner, and the merest loss to another. 'Egerton Bry' is written in another small hand in light pencil at the head. The Osborn Collection at Yale possesses what its catalogue entry describes as a 'probably incomplete' section of the manuscript, ' purporting to be the memoirs of a certain John Fitznigel Clavering, whose career and interests bear a strong likeness to those of Brydges himself'. The Yale cataloguer is unaware that 'Clavering's Auto-Biography.

[Thomas Haynes Bayly, English poet.] Holograph Poem (signed 'Thomas Haynes Bayly') titled 'A ditty!', with note explaining that it has been 'written in the shortest minute of the longest day'.

Thomas Haynes Bayly (1797-1839), English poet and dramatist [Isaac Watts]
Publication details: 
Place not stated. 22 June 1835.

2pp., 4to. In fair condition, on aged paper. An unpublished jeux d'esprit on the well-known poem by Isaac Watts (also parodied by Lewis Carroll), the poem consists of twenty-four lines arranged in six four-line stanzas, followed by: 'written in the shortest minute of the longest day by | Thomas Haynes Bayly | June 22nd. 1835.' The first two stanzas read: 'As "doth the little busy Bee | "Improve each shining hour, | "And gather honey all the day | "From every opening flower." | So doth the busy T. H. B.

[Shorthand; book] Transactions of the First International Shorthand Congress held in London From September 26th to October Ist, 1887

[Inscribed ; Shorthand Congress; W.B. Gurney copy]
Publication details: 
London: Pitman, 1888.

xii.[460].[48]pp, 8vo, hinge strain, cover showing signs of wear and tear, marking throughout, fair condition only. The [48] page section at the back is an Appendix containing a Catalogue of relevant Books and MSS. exhibited. Luminaries like Gurney-Salter and Isaac Pitman participated. Inscribed on title "W.B. Gurney & Sons | 26 Abingdon St Westminster" (" W B Gurney & Sons LLP (Gurney's) was established in 1735 by Thomas Gurney. It is one of the country's longest surviving businesses.

Two Autograph Letters Signed from J. P. S. Bicknell of Hoxton, as 'amanuensis' to the widow of the London bookseller Robert Greaves Ibbett, offering the Liberal MP Samuel Morley a manuscript and painting said to be of Dr Isaac Watts.

J. P. S. Bicknell of Hoxton [Samuel Morley (1809-1886), businessman and Liberal MP for Bristol, 1868-1885; Robert Greaves Ibbett, London bookseller and picture dealer; Dr Isaac Watts (1674-1748)]
Publication details: 
Both letters from 24 Northport-street, St. John's Road, Hoxton [Hackney, London]. 8 July and 4 September 1874.

Both items in good condition, on aged and lightly-creased paper. Both written in a close and somewhat shaky hand, and addressed to 'Respected Sir'. Letter One: 8 July 1874. 3pp., 12mo. Bifolium. Bicknell explains that the 'widow of a bookseller, (R. G. Ibbett, who, for many years, dealt in original and rare works, in the City of London,) has in her possession the Psalms and Hymns of Dr. Isaac Watts, in his own handwriting (bound). This MS. was shown (together with a well-executed oil-painting of the Doctor,) to the late Dr.

[Manuscript] Order for Payments to "the Officers & Clerks of the Tally Court ... the sum of Three Hubdred fifty six pounds Sixteen shillings in reward for Levying Striking and Examining 3568 Tallies [...]"

[Tally Court; Hopton Haynes]
Publication details: 
[27 May 1718]

Two pages, 18 x 26cm, trimmed roughly with small loss of text, some damage, small closed tears. One side the Order as partly quoted above. This is followed by the note "Ld Wm Powlet [one of the 4 Tellers] I pray pay this Order Out of Addl. Tonnage for the Civil List 27 May 1718", plus a few more words. Overleaf, 5 clerks/tally-writers acknowledge receipt of sums amounting to £356.16s, signing their autograph statement of receipt. They include: Tho Sadler, Dudley Downes, John Lawton, Hopton Haynes, Jo. Taylour.

Autograph Letter Signed ('John B. Inglis') from the book collector John Bellingham Inglis to Isaac Preston Cory of Caius College, Cambridge, about the superiority of his 'method of trisecting an angle' over that of 'Mr. Rowbotham' [John Rowbotham].

John B. Inglis [John Bellingham Inglis] (1780-1870), book collector [Isaac Preston Cory (1801/2-1842), Hebrew Lecturer, Caius College, Cambridge, and writer on accountancy; John Rowbotham (1793-1846)]
Publication details: 
21 Upper Montagu St; 24 February 1836.

2pp., 12mo. 42 lines. Bifolium. Fair, on aged paper. Addressed on reverse of second leaf to 'I. P. Cory Esq'. The letter begins: 'A friend of mine Mr. Jackson having told Mr. Rowbotham [Ruskin's tutor John Rowbotham] that I had discovered a method of trisecting an angle that gentleman said he had done it himself, which I believe he has, upon the proposition you showed me - he says it was originally published by Professor Leslie'. Inglis considers that 'Mr. R. seems to have hit upon something he does not quite comprehend'.

Autograph Letter Signed ('I. I. Hayes') from the American arctic explorer Isaac Israel Hayes, providing an autograph for the stock broker and journalist John H. Gourtie.

Isaac Israel Hayes (1832-1881), American arctic explorer [John H. Gourtie, stock broker and journalist]
Publication details: 
20c East 15th Street, New York. 15 June 1869.

1p., 12mo. Good, on lightly-aged paper, with minor traces of mount to blank second leaf of bifolium. Good, firm signature, with flourish. The letter reads 'Dear Sir | I have recd your favour of April last & am glad so easily to oblige you. - | Truly yours | I. I. Hayes'. Gourtie contributed stock exchange reports to the New-York American.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Isaac Heard Garter') regarding Lord Rawdon bearing 'the Surname and Arms of Hastings'; with a manuscript copy of 'The humble Petition [to the King] of Francis Lord Rawdon Baron Rawdon in the County of York' on the subject.

Francis Rawdon-Hastings (1754-1826), 1st Marquess of Hastings; Sir Isaac Heard (1730-1822), Garter Principal King of Arms
Publication details: 
Heard's letter: February 1790; College of Arms. Copy of petition without date or place.

Letter: Foolscap (32 x 20 cm), 1 p. Text clear and complete. 4 lines. In poor condition: on aged paper with chipping and closed tears. Male recipient not named. Heard finds 'no Objection to the Prayer of the annexed Petition of the Right Honble Lord Rawdon that he and his Issue may take and bear the Surname and Arms of Hastings.' Petition: Foolscap (32 x 20 cm), 1 p. Text clear and complete, the body of the petition consisting of twenty lines. On aged, brittle paper, with closed tears along fold lines, and chipping to extremities.

One Autograph Letter Signed and one Autograph Note Signed (both 'George Clausen') to the London publishers Sir Isaac Pitman & Sons Ltd.

Sir George Clausen, RA (1852-1944), English artist [John Littlejohn; Sir Isaac Pitman & Sons Ltd]
Publication details: 
Letter of 13 February 1931 and note of 18 December 1930; both on letterhead of 61 Carlton Hill, St John's Wood, NW8 [London].

Both items concern John Littlejohn's 'British Watercolour Painting and Painters of Today' (Pitman, 1931). Note of 18 December 1930: 12mo, 1 p. Five lines. Good on lightly aged paper. Thanking the publishers for sending 'the prints of my drawings [...] they are really very well done!' Letter of 13 February 1931: 12mo,1 p. Eight lines. Good, on lightly creased paper. Thanking the publishers for four presentation copies of the book. 'It is a handsome book and the drawings are well reproduced: I am particularly pleased with those of my own drawings.' Two items,

Three Autograph Letters Signed (all 'Terrick Williams'): two to John Littlejohns and one to Sir Isaac Pitman & Sons Ltd.

Terrick Williams [Terrick John Williams] (1860-1936), English landscape painter [John Littlejohns]
Publication details: 
First Letter (to Littlejohns): 15 June 1929. Second Letter (to [Littlejohns]): 20 December 1930. Third Letter (to Sir Isaac Pitman & Sons): 14 February 1931. All three on letterhead of 89, Gunterstone Road, W. Kensington, W14 [London].

All three items concern Littlejohns' 'British Watercolour Painting and Painters of Today' (London: Pitman, 1931)'. First Letter: 12mo, 3 pp. 43 lines. Text clear and entire. On two leaves attached to one another in a corner by a pin. Good, on lightly-creased paper. Interesting and informative letter concerning 'two watercolours' which Williams would 'like to be 'reproduced in [Littlejohn's] work on water colours'. Gives details of the titles of the works and the name and address of the owner, 'who has consented to send them'.

Autograph Letter Signed ('J. I Lockhart) to 'Isaac Espinasse Esq one of the Benchers of the H. S. of Grays Inn &c. &c &c -'.

John Ingram Lockhart [John Wastie from 1832] (c.1765-1835), Radical Member of Parliament for the City of Oxford [Isaac Espinasse (1758-1834)] [Robert Nares (1753-1829)?]
Publication details: 
Tubney Lodge, Abingdon'. Undated [on paper watermarked 'BUTTANSHAW | 1809'].

4to, 1 p. Good, though lightly aged and creased. He apologises for the liberty he takes in addressing Espinasse 'as one of the Benchers of Grays Inn', and hopes it is not 'wholly improper' for him 'to say a word in favor of Mr Nares, and [sic] old fellow Colegian [sic] of mine [Lockhart was educated at University College, Oxford], who is a candidate for the Chaplaincy of your Society'. Describes Nares as 'an honorable & learned man, a good divine, exceedingly well connected'. Considers that he 'will prove [...] an acquisition to the Society'.

[No. 36.] Catalogue of Interesting, Choice and Rare Historical Documents and Autograph Letters, [...] And a Choice List of Modern Names [...] George Cattermole [...] Charles Dickens [...] William Cowper [...] Lord Nelson. [...]

Samuel J. Davey [booksellers' catalogues; George Cattermole; Charles Dickens; William Cowper; Isaac Newton; Lord Nelson]
Publication details: 
London: On Sale by Samuel J. Davey, 47, Great Russell Street, Opposite the British Museum, W.C. 1892.

Quarto: 50 + [2] pp. Fold-out frontispiece giving eighteen examples of handwriting from items in the catalogue. In original orange printed wraps. Good, though a tad dusty, and in worn and faded wraps with some glue staining to back and wear to spine. Well printed, with lengthy extracts from most items. A scrap of paper which acts as a bookmark has the words "Listed Walpole entries to W.S. Lewis || Nov 1953" in Winifeed Myers [?] hand (from her reference library). The first item is 'A Series of Pencil Sketches by George Cattermole, illustrating Dickens' Works' (£60).

Typed Letter Signed to Sir Philip Magnus [of the Royal Society of Arts], Tangley Hill, Chilworth, Surrey.

Sir Arthur Isaac Durrant [Royal Society of Arts]
Publication details: 
27 September 1918; on letterhead of the War Cabinet Committee on Accommodation.

English civil servant (1864-1939). The recipient was an educationalist and authority on Edmund Burke. One page, quarto. Very good on slightly discoloured paper. Docketed and bearing the Society's stamp. 'On behalf of Sir Alfred Mond [Committee Chairman], I hasten to assure you and the Committee at the Royal Society of Arts that there is at present no intention on the part of H.M.

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