[Walter Severn, English watercolour painter, son of Joseph Severn who nursed the dying Keats.] Autograph Letter Signed to ‘Mrs. FitzSimon’, regarding the sending of an autograph and an engraving of a painting by his father of Keats.

Walter Severn (1830-1904), English watercolour painter, son of Joseph Severn, brother of Arthur Severn and Mary Newton.
Publication details: 
16 January 1897. On letterhead of 9 Earls Court Square, South Kensington [London].

A successful member of an English artistic family. See the Oxford DNB entries on his father Joseph Severn (who nursed John Keats in Rome in his final illness) and sister Mary Newton. 1p, 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged, with thin strip of glue from mount to inner margin, and details typed at head. Folded once. Reads: ‘Dear Mrs FitzSimon / I have much pleasure in sending an autograph of my dear friend Sir F. Leighton. I send also the portrait of Keats. It is photogravure by Hollyer from one of my father’s pictures / Yours sincerely / Walter Severn’.

[‘No British Government could afford the economic cost’: Stuart Hampshire, philosopher and Warden of Wadham College, Oxford.] Typed Letter Signed to Philip Dosse, publisher of ‘Books and Bookmen’, regarding boycotting South Africa over apartheid.

Stuart Hampshire [Sir Stuart Newton Hampshire] (1914-2004), English philosopher and Warden of Wadham College, Oxford [Philip Dosse (1925-1980), publisher ‘Books and Bookmen’; apartheid in South Afri
Publication details: 
9 April 1974; on his letterhead as Warden of Wadham College, Oxford.

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. The recipient Philip Dosse was proprietor of Hansom Books, publisher of a stable of seven arts magazines including Books and Bookmen and Plays and Players. See ‘Death of a Bookman’ by the novelist Sally Emerson (editor of ‘Books and Bookmen’ at the time of Dosse’s suicide), in Standpoint magazine, October 2018. This item is 1p, 4to. In good condition, lightly aged and creased and folded twice for postage. Signed ‘Stuart Hampshire’.

[Thomas Short, inventor of dual reflecting telescope; Earl of Rochford; Manuscript] Petition for Letters Patent signed by Thomas Short (optitian) for invention (reflecting telescope for two view[er]s). Also signed (off) by the Earl of Rochford

Thomas Short, inventor of telescopes, brother of James Short who invented a telescope used by Captain Cook.
Publication details: 
[Saint Clement Danes, 1774]

Also signed on the reverse by [A.C. Cuddon?] AND the Earl of Rochford [William Henry Nassau de Zuylestein, 4th Earl of Rochford (1717 O.S. -1781) courtier, diplomat and statesman.]. TWO PAGES, sm. fol., fold marks, edges stained, discreet repairs, text clear and complete, commencing To the Kings most Excellent Majesty | The Humble Petition of Thomas Short […] That your Petitioner hath invented a method of making Reflecting Telescopes with more than two Speculums to be used by the same person at the same time […] or enabling two Persons to view the same object at the same time […].

[Oxford Militia; Col. William Gore-Langton, M.P. for Somerset.] Autograph Letter in the third person to army agents Messrs Cox and Greenwood, enquiring about arrangements for winter quarters for the Oxford Militia on their return from Ireland.

Colonel William Gore-Langton [William Gore until 1783] (1760-1847) of Newton Park,, for 45 years Whig Member of Parliament for, successively, Somerset, Tregony and Somerset East [Oxford Militia]
Publication details: 
9 December 1799; Newton Park, near Bath [Somerset].

See his entry in the History of Parliament, which quotes a contemporary source describing him as ‘one of the oldest reformers in the House’, ‘in favour of the ballot and the immediate abolition of slavery’. 1p, 8vo. In good condition, lightly aged. Folded four times. Begins: ‘Colonel Gore Langton presents his Compliments to Messrs: Cox and Greenwood, and as the Oxfordshire Regiment of Militia are expected to return from Ireland about Christmas, he is very desirous of being informed whether any arrangement has been made respecting their Winter Quarters’.

[Sir Samuel White, explorer, discoverer of Lake Albert.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Sam W Baker') to 'Mr. Warner' (headmaster of Newton College, Devon), on an attack of gout and his decision to 'resign the Presidentship' (of the College governors).

Sir Samuel Baker [Sir Samuel White Baker] (1821-1893), explorer, big game hunter, Ottoman Empire Pasha, Governor-General of Equatorial Nile Basin, discoverer of Lake Albert [Newton College, Devon]
Publication details: 
Sandford Orleigh, Newton Abbot [Devon]. 13 July 1891.

3pp, 12mo. Bifolium. In fair condition, lightly aged, with minor damage at head. Folded once. He begins by requesting with 'much respect' to be excused 'on your great day', and explains: 'I write this from my bed, where I am confined with that delectable complaint the gout, and the moment I can move I must be off somewhere, either to Bath, or Buxton, to go through a regular course -'. He complains: 'This country does not agree with one -; we arrived in England 1 May, and I have already had three attacks of gout. I was seven months absent and was entirely free from it.

[ Rev. Edward G. Falconer, vicar of Old Newton: printed attack on 'the Archbishops and Bishops who preside over the Church to-day'. ] An Open Letter to His Majesty the King on the Appalling and Distressing State of The Church of England.'

Edward G. Falconer [ Edward George Falconer ] (c.1850-1948), vicar of Old Newton, Stowmarket, Suffolk
Publication details: 
Old Newton Vicarage, Suffolk. July 1932.

3pp., folio. Bifolium. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper. Title in large type on first page and text on central two pages.

[ Herman Finck, composer and conductor. ] Copy of Typed Letter to Henry Chance Newton ('My dear Harry'), theatre critic of the Referee newspaper, containing 'biographical facts' to prove that he is 'not a Jew', and his 'Hebrew musical collaborators'.

Herman Finck [ Herman [ born Hermann Van Der Vinck ] (1872-1939), British composer and conductor of Dutch extraction [ Henry Chance Newton (1854-1931), theatre critic of the Referee newspaper ]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of the Grand Hotel, Eastbourne. 8 October 1925.

2pp., 4to. In good condition, lightly-aged. Unsigned copy of typed letter., with one autograph emendation. Addressed to 'My dear Harry'. He begins by explaining that he is in Eastbourne recuperating from the flu. 'As I did not rise until Monday last I missed the Sunday papers including alas, the Referee. [ amended in autograph from 'the Rat' ] | A cutting, however (from the Ref) reached me here today containing an article of yours, wherein you place me among your Hebrew musical collaborators.

[ Thomas Hardy, novelist. ] Sepia photograph of Riverside Villas, Sturminster Newton, Dorset, where Hardy wrote 'Return of the Native'.

[ Thomas Hardy (1840-1928), English novelist; his residence Riverside Villas, Sturminster Newton, Dorset ]
Publication details: 
Without place or date. [ Dorset? Late nineteenth century. ]

8.5 x 13.5 cm sepia shiny landscape photographic print on card with rounded corners. Laid down on grey paper backing. In fair condition, fading slightly, with 'T. Hardy wrote Return of the Native here' in top right-hand corner and 'RIVERSIDE' in bottom right hand corner. Shows frontage of house, with path leading to it and tree to the left of the foreground. 'The Return of the Native' was published in 1878.

[Manuscript] Order for Payments to "the Officers & Clerks of the Tally Court ... the sum of Three Hubdred fifty six pounds Sixteen shillings in reward for Levying Striking and Examining 3568 Tallies [...]"

[Tally Court; Hopton Haynes]
Publication details: 
[27 May 1718]

Two pages, 18 x 26cm, trimmed roughly with small loss of text, some damage, small closed tears. One side the Order as partly quoted above. This is followed by the note "Ld Wm Powlet [one of the 4 Tellers] I pray pay this Order Out of Addl. Tonnage for the Civil List 27 May 1718", plus a few more words. Overleaf, 5 clerks/tally-writers acknowledge receipt of sums amounting to £356.16s, signing their autograph statement of receipt. They include: Tho Sadler, Dudley Downes, John Lawton, Hopton Haynes, Jo. Taylour.

Manuscript 'Inventory of The Household Furniture and Effects at Stodham Park Liss Hants belonging to Capt B J. Marden December 16th 1920. Made for the Purpose of Fire Insurance.' [by G. Knight & Son, Auctioneers, Midhurst, Sussex]

G. Knight & Son, auctioneers, Midhurst, Sussex [Captain Basil Jock Newton Marden (1893-1928) of Stodham Park, Liss, Hampshire]
Inventory of The Household Furniture and Effects at Stodham Park Liss Hants
Publication details: 
16 December 1920.
Inventory of The Household Furniture and Effects at Stodham Park Liss Hants

236 pp, 8vo. In sturdily-bound landscape account book by Drake, Driver & Leaver of London, with black leather half-binding, green cloth boards, and marbled endpapers. Stamped in gilt on front board: 'INVENTORY. | G. KNIGHT & SON. | AUCTIONEER & VALUERS | HOUSE & ESTATE AGENTS | MIDHURST.' Good, on aged paper, in lightly-worn binding. Lined lengthwise across each two pages (like an oversized reporter's or policeman's notebook), each opening carrying a stamped number, and with the text on openings 1 to 119 of the 251 in the account book.

Autograph Letter Signed ('W. J. Newton') from the miniature painter Sir William John Newton to James Lakyn, regarding damage to his house in Argyle Street caused by building works.

Sir William John Newton (1785-1869), miniature painter to King William IV and Queen Victoria [Richard Westmacott (1799-1872); Burrell & Valpy, architects]
Sir William John Newton (1785-1869), miniature painter to King William IV and Qu
Publication details: 
19 October 1864; 6 Argyle Street, London.
Sir William John Newton (1785-1869), miniature painter to King William IV and Qu

12mo, 3 pp. Text clear and complete. Fair, on aged paper. 'Mr Westmacott [the sculptor Richard Westmacott the younger?]' has called on him, and he has 'shown him the settlement all down my Wall - I told him that you had seen it but did not contemplate any immediate danger - he said that Mr Valpy [Henry Valpy (fl.1851-1885) of the architects Burrell & Valpy] was out of town'. Westmacott will write to Valpy, as he thinks there ought to be 'a conference with' Lakyn, who 'should be requested to make a report'.

Archaeologia Aeliana: or, Miscellaneous Tracts, relating to Antiquity. Published by the Society of Antiquaries, of Newcastle upon Tyne. [Bound up by Rev. Joseph Cook of Newton Hall, with six significant manuscript and printed items.]

Society of Antiquaries of Newcastle upon Tyne [Rev. Joseph Cook (1759-1844) of Newton Hall, Northumberland, Vicar of Chatton and Shilbottle; James Losh (1753-1833)]
Publication details: 
All volumes printed in Newcastle-upon-Tyne. Volumes I and II: 1832. Printed by Sarah Hodgson, Union-Street. Volume III, parts I and II: 1840. T. and J. Hodgson, Union Street. Volume IV, part II: 1842. Printed by G. Bouchier Richardson.

A total of six parts: Vols I and II complete in leather bindings; the rest (vol. III, pts I & II, and vol. IV, pt II, only) in original grey wraps with white paper printed labels. From the collection of the Rev. Joseph S. Cook, and with his bookplate by Bewick's studio (featuring his coat of arms, an illustration of Newton Hall, and a facsimile of his signature) in the first two volumes, and his ownership inscription to the two parts of vol. III. (Cook contributes a paper to the first volume.) Internally all parts are sound and tight, on lightly-aged paper.

Autograph Letter Signed from Camilla Toulmin [Mrs Newton Crosland] to an unnamed male recipient, containing a passage from her poem 'Lines on Mr. Johnstone's Picture of the Covenanters' Marriage'.

Camilla Toulmin [Camilla Dufour Toulmin] (1812-1895), later wife of Newton Crosland (1819-1899), English author and poet
Autograph Letter Signed from Camilla Toulmin
Publication details: 
23 September 1846; London.
Autograph Letter Signed from Camilla Toulmin

4to, 1 p. In reply to a request for an autograph, she feels 'flattered'. She has copied out seven lines from her poem 'Lines on Mr. Johnstone's Picture of the Covenanters' Marriage' (which was published in 'The New Monthly Belle Assemblée' of 1844).

Printed notice on the subject of 'Notification of Infectious Disease by Private Persons', headed 'The Infectious Disease (Notification) Act, 1889. 52 and 53 Vict., c.72.'

Richard Brierley, Clerk [The Newton-in-Mackerfield Improvement Commissioners, Warrington, Lancashire; small pox; typhus; typhoid; cholera; infectious disease]
Publication details: 
RICHD. BRIERLEY, Clerk. | Town Hall, | December 3rd, 1889.'

Single column (23 x 6 cm) on one side of piece of paper 34 x 21.5 cm. 72 lines of text. Clear and complete. Fair, on lightly-aged, creased paper. Small closed tear to central horizontal fold. Lists the infectious diseases of which notification is required ('Small Pox, Cholera, Diptheria, Membranous Croup, Erysipelas, Scarlatina, or ScarletFever, and also Typhus, Typhoid, Enteric, Relapsing, Continued, or Puerperal Fever'), and gives the duties of medical practitioners and the penalties for failing to comply.

I Want! I Want! Printed, not Published, for the Friends of A. Edward Newton.

A. Edward Newton, American book collector of 'Oak Knoll', Daylesford, Pennsylvania
Publication details: 
Christmas, 1932.

12mo: [ii] + 14 pp. Unpaginated. Frontispiece of Blake's celebrated print. Internally tight on lightly-aged and grubby paper, and with the reverse of the frontispiece slightly discoloured. Staples a little rusty. In grubby white wraps. A signed presentation copy. Boldly written on the front wrap: 'Lawrence Binyon C.H. with the compliments of [signed] H. Edward Newton'. A characteristic production by the boisterous author of 'The Amenities of Book-Collecting'. At end: 'A. EDWARD NEWTON | "Oak Knoll" | Daylesford, Berwyn P.O., | Pennsylvania'.

[No. 36.] Catalogue of Interesting, Choice and Rare Historical Documents and Autograph Letters, [...] And a Choice List of Modern Names [...] George Cattermole [...] Charles Dickens [...] William Cowper [...] Lord Nelson. [...]

Samuel J. Davey [booksellers' catalogues; George Cattermole; Charles Dickens; William Cowper; Isaac Newton; Lord Nelson]
Publication details: 
London: On Sale by Samuel J. Davey, 47, Great Russell Street, Opposite the British Museum, W.C. 1892.

Quarto: 50 + [2] pp. Fold-out frontispiece giving eighteen examples of handwriting from items in the catalogue. In original orange printed wraps. Good, though a tad dusty, and in worn and faded wraps with some glue staining to back and wear to spine. Well printed, with lengthy extracts from most items. A scrap of paper which acts as a bookmark has the words "Listed Walpole entries to W.S. Lewis || Nov 1953" in Winifeed Myers [?] hand (from her reference library). The first item is 'A Series of Pencil Sketches by George Cattermole, illustrating Dickens' Works' (£60).

Warrant Signed ('Ro: Cary') in his capacity as Chamberlain to the Prince of Wales [the future King Charles I].

Robert Carey [Cary], 1st Earl of Monmouth (1560-1639) [Sir Adam Newton (d.1630)]
Publication details: 

On one side of a piece of laid paper, with pot watermark, 26 x 20 cm. On sound, crisp paper, heavily foxed, and with slight wear to extremities, and remains of previous mounting at corners of reverse. Two small oval stains beneath text, and small clipping from autograph dealer's catalogue laid down in bottom left-hand corner. Firm signature. Fifteen lines of text beneath two-line date in Latin.

Two Autograph Letters Signed to Sir William Charles Ross.

Thomas Carrick
Publication details: 
August 9 and 30; both from 43 Upper Seymour St, Portman Square, London.

Miniature painter and chemist (1802-75) with Carlisle and Newcastle connections. The recipient (1794-1860) was a miniature-painter and member of the Royal Academy. Both letters in poor condition, on discoloured, worn and stained paper, but with no loss to text. In LETTER ONE (two pages, 12mo) he states his willingness to meet Ross 'to talk over the matter to whicy your letter of yesterday refers', undertaking to 'enage with Mr. Thorburn to meet us'.

Autograph Signatures on fragment of document.

William Behnes, Abraham Cooper, Sir William Charles Ross, Henry William Pickersgill, Sir William John Newton, William Etty
Publication details: 
Without date or place.

The sculptor Behnes (died 1864) and six painters: Cooper (1787-1868), Ross (1794-1860), Pickersgill (1782-1875), Newton (1785-1869), Etty (1787-1849). Paper dimensions roughly five and a half inches by three. Good, though a touch grubby. Reads 'William Behnes | Ab Cooper. R.A. | W. C. Ross RA. | H W. Pickersgill | Wm. J. Newton | Wm.. Etty'. From a collection of material relating to the Artists' General Benevolent Fund, and docketed by the Fund's secretary, next to Cooper's name, 'not eligible | W J Roper'.

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