
'AE' ['Æ'], pseudonym of George William Russell, Irish nationalist poet, mystic and theosophist.] Autograph Letter Signed ('AE') to 'Wilson' [i.e. Ulster poet R. N. D. Wilson], regarding his whereabouts following a trip to the United States.

'AE' ['Æ'], pseudonym of George William Russell (1867-1935), Irish nationalist poet, mystic and theosophist [R. N. D. Wilson [Robert Noble Denison Wilson] (1899-1953), Ulster Irish poet]
Publication details: 
17 Rathgar Avenue, Dublin; 'Thursday' [no date].

1p, 8vo. In fair condition, lightly aged. Folded twice. The letter reads: 'Dear Wilson. | I have just returned from U.S.A. & am going next Monday or Tuesday to Donegal for a much needed holiday. I expect to be away a month. If your friend is in Dublin when I come back I will be glad to see him But in a month I will be out of the world. | Yours ever | AE'

[Daniel Noble, Manchester physician specialising in mental illness.] Autograph Letter Signed ('D. Noble') to an individual concerned with the printing and distribution of his work ('Mr. C.'?), mixing practical and personal matter.

Daniel Noble (1810-1885), Manchester physician specialising in mental illness and epidemic diseases, friend of surgeon James Braid
Publication details: 
Manchester; 1 August 1843.

4pp., 12mo. Bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged, with thin strip of paper from mount adhering to reverse of second leaf. The recipient is not named. The letter begins: 'My Dear Sir, | I beg to introduce my friend Mr. Walker to you as he is frequenting the Leeds Anniversary Meeting of the Association'.

[ Sir Andrew Noble, Scottish physicist. ] Offprint of paper titled 'A Sketch of the History of Propellants'. [ With account of discussion featuring H. A. Greer, Herbert B. Rowell, Professor Archibald Barr and Sir James Williamson. ]

Sir Andrew Noble, Bart., K.C.B., F.R.S., D.Sc., Sc.D., D.C.L. [ Institution of Engineers and Shipbuilders in Scotland; H. A. Greer; Herbert B. Rowell; Professor Archibald Barr; Sir James Williamson ]
Publication details: 
Reprinted from the Transactions of the Institution of Engineers and Shipbuilders in Scotland (incorporated). Glasgow: Fraser, Asher & Co. Ltd., Printers and Publishers, 164 Howard Street. 1909.

20pp., 12mo. Stapled in grey printed wraps. In fair condition, lightly aged, in worn wraps. The paper was 'Read 4th August, 1909.' Containing five tables.

[ Lord George Hamilton, Conservative politician. ] Autograph Letter in the third person to Percy Noble, recommending Ernest Peeke as a footman.

Lord George Hamilton (1845-1927), British Conservative politician, First Lord of the Admiralty, 1885-1886, and Secretary of State for India, 1895-1903
Publication details: 
On letterhead of Deal Castle, Deal. 25 February 1910.

1p., 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged. Hamilton can 'confidently recommend' Peeke 'as a reliable honest & capable footman. He is very steady, a trifle slow at taking in <?> but remembers all he is told. He is a good valet. Lord George is sorry to lose him.'

[ Strawberry Hill Press. ] Engraving ('C. Grignion sculp.') depicting 'Earl Rivers presenting his Book & Caxton his Print to Edw. 4'.

Charles Grignion the elder (1721-1810), Huguenot engraver [ William Caxton, English printer; Horace Walpole; the Strawberry Hill Press ]
Publication details: 
Frontispiece to Horace Walpole's 'Royal and Noble Authors', published by the Strawberry Hill Press, 1758 [ 1759 ].

Printed in black ink on one side of a piece of 18 x 11 cm piece of laid paper. Dimensions of image 15.5 x 10 cm. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn. The image forms the upper part of the engraving, within a decorative border, with the caption, covering eleven lines, as the lower part, within its own lapidary border. The image is, as the caption explains, from 'a curious M.S. in the Archbishop's Library at Lambeth'.

Manuscript 'Blue Paper' certificate addressed to George, Earl of Leicester, proposing Edward Wedlake Brayley for election to the Society of Antiquaries of London, signed by Maxwell Garthshore, J. P. Malcolm, Rev. Mark Noble and Samuel Foart Simmon.

Maxwell Garthshore; James Peller Malcolm; Rev. Mark Noble; Samuel Foart Simmons, all four Fellows of the Society of Antiquaries of London [Edward Wedlake Brayley, English topographer]
Publication details: 
[Undated, watermark 1806]

1p., foolscap 8vo. On wove paper watermarked 'G R | 1806'. Aged, and with fraying to extremities, with closed tears through three of the signatures, unobtrusively repaired on the reverse with archival tape. Presumably a draft or second copy, as the original must be among the papers of the Society of Antiquaries. The document reads: 'To the Right Hon. George Earl of Leicester, | President of the Society of Antiquaries. | My Lord, | We whose names are hereunto subscribed request leave to signify to your lordship that Edward-Wedlake [sic] Brayley, Esq.

Four documents concerning an application by Carolina Nairne [née Carolina Oliphant], Lady Nairne, to Chancellor of the Exchequer Thomas Spring Rice for an extension to her civil list pension, including accounts and statements of her financial affairs

Carolina Nairne [née Carolina Oliphant], Lady Nairne (1766-1845), Scottish songwriter and song collector [John Mackenzie Lindsay, WS; Thomas Spring Rice, 1st Baron Monteagle(1790-1866)]
Publication details: 
Two items dating from December 1837, one from 1838, and one undated [November 1837?].

Items Two to Four are in good condition, on aged paper; with Item One worn and creased, repaired with strips of white paper. Items Three and Four are attached to one another by a stub, and all four items show evidence of having been removed from a letterbook. Items One and Four are statements describing Lady Nairne's financial affairs, with Items Two and Three letters to Spring Rice and the Civil List committee on the matter, the first anonymous and the second by Lady Nairne's solicitor John Mackenzie Lindsay, Writer to the Signet.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Isaac Heard Garter') regarding Lord Rawdon bearing 'the Surname and Arms of Hastings'; with a manuscript copy of 'The humble Petition [to the King] of Francis Lord Rawdon Baron Rawdon in the County of York' on the subject.

Francis Rawdon-Hastings (1754-1826), 1st Marquess of Hastings; Sir Isaac Heard (1730-1822), Garter Principal King of Arms
Publication details: 
Heard's letter: February 1790; College of Arms. Copy of petition without date or place.

Letter: Foolscap (32 x 20 cm), 1 p. Text clear and complete. 4 lines. In poor condition: on aged paper with chipping and closed tears. Male recipient not named. Heard finds 'no Objection to the Prayer of the annexed Petition of the Right Honble Lord Rawdon that he and his Issue may take and bear the Surname and Arms of Hastings.' Petition: Foolscap (32 x 20 cm), 1 p. Text clear and complete, the body of the petition consisting of twenty lines. On aged, brittle paper, with closed tears along fold lines, and chipping to extremities.

Dein Sternbild Leuchte Auch Uns. Fünf Gedichte an Nelly Sachs.' and 'Pablo Neruda Friede für die Dämmerungen'.

Eva Mohr [Pablo Neruda]
Publication details: 
The first item dated 1960; the second undated. Printer and place not stated in either case.

Item One: 'Dein Sternbild' (1960). 8vo: 7 pp. In original cream printed wraps. Stitched. Printed on the rectos of seven leaves. Good, in slightly grubby and worn wraps. German inscription to Nelly Weiss. German poem. Nicely printed on watermarked laid paper. Item Two: 'Pablo Neruda' (undated). 12mo: 3 pp. German translation by Mohr from the Spanish. Six-line note explains the context in which the poem was translated. With manuscript correction and signature of Mohr. No other copy traced.

Autograph letter signed to J. Dixon Spain,

William Cavendish, 7th Duke of Devonshire (1808-1891)
Publication details: 
19 September 1885, with letterhead Holker Hall, Carke-in-Cartmel, Carnforth.

One page, 12mo, with mourning border. "Sir / I enclose a cheque for 3£ the amount which I have subscribed during the last 2 or 3 years to the Lichfield Diocesan Church of England Temperance Society. As however Derbyshire is no longer in the diocese of Lichfield I cannot undertake to subscribe to the Society in future. / Yr obedt Servt / Devonshire".

Autograph letter signed to an unnamed male correspondent,

Thomas Hamilton, 9th Earl of Haddington
Publication details: 
Sunday [no date or place].

Nondescript Tory politician (1780-1858). 2 pp, 12mo. "I do not feel right & am naturally apprehensive! / Should it come on - am I - after so short an interval to take the <?> remedy? I am now going out & shall return before hour - / your faithful servt / Haddington".

autograph signature,

Hugh Lupus Grosvenor (1825-99), 1st Duke of Westminster
Publication details: 
on mourning paper, with the letterhead Grosvenor House, London. Undated.

"Westminster" neatly written on a piece of 12mo paper. Beneath this, in another hand, "With Westminster's Compliments". The recto of the blank second leaf attached to a piece of paper torn from an autograph album.

one autograph fragment signed,

Augusta Katherine
Publication details: 
6 May 1883, no place.

(died 1904), wife of Prince Edward of Saxe-Weimar. Second daughter of Charles Gordon-Lennox, 5th Duke of Richmond and Gordon. One page, 12mo. "<...> so unhappy / Y. most sincerely / Augusta K Saxe Weimar / May 6th / 83". Docketted beneath this "Princess Edward of Saxe-Weimar. Two grease stains to recto, and four pieces of gummed paper from mounting on the blank verso.

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