[Sir Oliver Lodge, physicist, inventor and Christian spiritualist.] Autograph Signature, together with caricature on John Player & Sons cigarette card.

Sir Oliver Lodge [Oliver Joseph Lodge] (1851-1940), physicist, inventor and Christian Spiritualist [Alick P. F. Ritchie; John Player and Sons cigarette cards]
Publication details: 
No place or date.

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. Signed 'Oliver Lodge' in pencil at foot of 10 x 11 cm piece of paper, in which slits have been made for loose insertion of the cigarette card. The signature is clear and clean, but the paperr and card are spotted, and the paper is worn with border of discoloration made by tape. The caricature is in colour, by Alick P. F. Ritchie. No 38 out of 50 in a series titled 'Straight Line Caricatures', issued by John Player & Sons. Scan on application

[Lord Moulton [John Fletcher Moulton], mathematician, Liberal politician and Cambridge Apostle.] Autograph Letter Signed, thanking ‘Mrs Earle’ for one of the letters which have 'given me most pleasure in my life’.

Lord Moulton [John Fletcher Moulton, Baron Moulton (1844-1921)], mathematician, judge, Liberal politician and Cambridge Apostle
Publication details: 
24 May 1894. Deleted and thus indecipherable ‘S.W.’ London address.

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. 2pp, 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged and worn. Signed ‘J Fletcher Moulton’. Begins: ‘Dear Mrs Earle / Just at the worst moment of the fight your inspiring letter came to cheer me.’ He hopes he will be deserving of the ‘kind things’ she writes: ‘I could truthfully say things at least as kind in return but I fear my epistolary style does not lend itself thereto so I shall trust that you will take these as said.’ He ends by saying that he will retain the letter ‘as one of those which has [sic] given me most pleasure in my life’.

[J. B. S. Haldane [John Burdon Stevenson Haldane], geneticist; Robert Edward Stevenson, Hollywood film maker (‘Jane Eyre’, ‘Mary Poppins’).] Autograph Signatures to paper recording a vote at the Cambridge Union, with circular notice of 1927 meeting.

J. B. S. Haldane [John Burdon Stevenson Haldane] (1892-1964), geneticist; Robert Edward Stevenson (1905-1986), Hollywood film maker (‘Jane Eyre’, ‘Mary Poppins’), President of the Cambridge Union
J. B. S. Haldane
Publication details: 
Cambridge Union Society notice of meeting on 2 May 1927 ('Easter Term, 1927').
J. B. S. Haldane

See the two men's entries in the Oxford DNB. Stevenson was president of the Cambridge Union in 1928. The material is in good condition, lightly aged. ONE: Manuscript notice of vote. On one side of a piece of thick 8vo paper, with small nick at one top corner. At the head, one above the other, are the signatures: 'J. B. S. Haldane. / R. E. Stevenson / P. M. [Wright?]'. At the foot of the page, in a fourth hand: 'Ayes. 184. / Noes. 310.' TWO: Duplicated circular of typed notice. 1p, 12mo. Laid down on reverse of leaf carrying Item One. Headed: 'Cambridge Union Society / Easter Term, 1927.

[ Sir Waldemar Mordechai Wolff Haffkine, Russian bacteriologist described by Lister as a saviour of humanity. ] Two Autograph Letters Signed and an Autograph Card Signed (all 'W. M. Haffkine') [ to editor ], regarding his entry in Men of the Times.

Sir Waldemar Mordechai Wolff Haffkine [ born Vladimir Aaronovich Chavkin ] (1860-1930), Russian bacteriologist described by Joseph Lister as a saviour of humanity
Publication details: 
All on letterheads of the Buckingham Palace Hotel [ London ]. All dating from July 1899.

A Ukrainian Jew, Haffkine found his early career obstructed by his refusal to convert to the Russian Orthodox Church. He emigrated and worked at the Pasteur Institute in Paris, where he developed an anti-cholera vaccine that he tried out successfully in India. He is recognized as the first microbiologist to develop and use vaccines against cholera and bubonic plague. He tested the vaccines on himself. The three items in good conditon, lightly aged. ONE: ALS. 2pp., 12mo. He has been 'away from town', but now hopes to send 'a note on my work' within the week. 'It wd.

[Sir Roderick Murchison [ Sir Roderick Impey Murchison ], Scottish geologist, discoverer of the Silurian system.] Two Autograph Letters Signed to Lady Theresa Lewis, one describing her son's 'frolic' at Burnham Beeches, the other a court action.

Sir Roderick Murchison [Sir Roderick Impey Murchison] (1792-1871), Scottish geologist who discovered the Silurian system [Lady Theresa Lewis (1803-1865), author]
Publication details: 
ONE: '16 Belgrave Sq [London] / Monday Mng' [no date]. TWO: 'Friday Evng' [no date or place]

See his entry and hers in the Oxford DNB. Both items in good condition, lightly aged, and both on bifoliums folded for postage. Both signed ‘Robert Murchison’ and addressed to ‘Dear Lady Theresa’. The subject of the first letter is Sir Thomas Villiers Lister (1832-1902), son of Lady Theresa Lewis by her first husband the novelist Thomas Henry Lister (1800-1842). ONE (‘Monday Mng’): 3pp, 12mo. On his arrival at Burnham Beeches the previous afternoon he ‘found all the party sported with young Ladies in riding habits & your boy looking very well & in high spirits, but without a voice’.

['The Father of British Physiology': William Sharpey, Professor at University College, London.] Autograph Signature on engraved ticket to his lecture on ‘Anatomy & Physiology’, made out for the microscopist Bernard Piffard.

William Sharpey (1802-1880), Scottish anatomist and phyisologist ('the father of British physiology''), friend of Charles Darwin [Bernard Piffard (1833-1916), entomologist]
Publication details: 
University College, London. The ticket is 'Renewed 1st Octr. 1861 Perpetual 1 Jany 1852 Session 1861-62.'

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. From the Piffard papers. Signed ‘W Sharpey’ on ticket engraved in copperplate on one side of 15 x 10.5 cm card. In fair condition, a little worn and somewhat discoloured with age, and with short vertical crease to the left of the signature. Blind-stamped with ‘Treasury Seal’. The signature is at bottom right, with number of ticket (59) and the initials of the secretary ‘’ at bottom left. Attractively laid out, with text reading ‘University College, London. / Anatomy and Physiology. / William Sharpey, MD. / Professor. / Admit Mr.

[Alexander W. Williamson, Professor of Chemistry at University College, London.] Autograph Signature on engraved ticket to his lecture on ‘Chemistry’, made out for the microscopist Bernard Piffard.

Alexander W. Williamson [Alexander William Williamson] (1824-1904), Professor of Analytical and Practical Chemistry, University College, London [Bernard Piffard (1833-1916), entomologist; Choshu Five]
Alexander W. Williamson
Publication details: 
University College, London. The ticket is 'Renewed 1 Oct 1861 Perpetual Jany / 52 Session 1861-62.'
Alexander W. Williamson

Williamson is notable for his work on the formation of ether, and for furthering Anglo-Japanese relations by welcoming the 'Choshu Five' and later members of the Satsuma han into his home. See his entry in the Oxford DNB. From the Piffard papers. Signed ‘Alexr W. Williamson’ on ticket engraved in copperplate on one side of 15.5 x 10.5 cm card. In fair condition, a little worn and somewhat discoloured with age. Central horizontal fold. Blind-stamped with ‘Treasury Seal’. The signature is at bottom right, with number of ticket (40) and the initials of the secretary ‘’ at bottom left.

[Christian Friedrich Schönbein, German-Swiss chemist who discovered and named Ozone and invented the fuel cell.] Autograph Signature with Manuscript (Autograph?) address.

Christian Friedrich Schönbein (1799-1868), German-Swiss chemist who discovered and named Ozone and invented the fuel cell
Publication details: 
‘June, 1842’ and ‘Manchester’.

The signature - ‘Schonbein / June, 1842’ - is on a 4 x 1.5 cm slip of greyish paper, laid down over the bottom left-hand corner of a 10 x 6 cm piece of the same, carrying the address ‘To the President of the Chemical Section of the [British] Association / Manchester’. The slip with the address is in its turn laid down on a piece of paper cut from a leaf of an autograph album. There is some difference between the handwriting of the signature, which is looser, and the address, which is more formal; and whether hte latter is also by Schönbein is unclear.

[William Scoresby, Arctic Traveller] Autograph Signature with place and date, Willm Scoresby, || [Pollec?], Oct.2.1847.

William Scoresby, Arctic Traveller.
Publication details: 
[Pollec?] Oct.2. 1847.

Small piece of paper, 9 x 4.5cm, laid down on slightly larger piece of paper. See Image. Scoresby set sail Liverpool to America two days later (4th Oct. 1847).

[H. Brereton Baker, distinguished English chemist.] Autograph Letter Signed [to Sir Henry Trueman Wood, Secretary of the Royal Society of Arts, London], agreeing to give three Cantor lectures.

H. Brereton Baker [Herbert Brereton Baker] (1862-1935), distinguished English inorganic chemist [Sir Henry Trueman Wood (1845-1929), Secretary, Royal Society of Arts, London]
Publication details: 
30 July 1913; on letterhead of Latchmoor House, Gerrard?s Cross, Bucks.

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. 1p, 12mo. In good condition, lightl aged. Folded once for postage. The recipient is not named, but the letter has at its head the date stamp of the Royal Society of Arts, London, and is docketed by Wood. Signed ?H. Brereton Baker?. He agrees to give ?the three Cantor lectures as you suggest, provided they can begin after the 3rd. week in February?. He gives the subject as ?Catalysis in its scientific and industrial aspects?. A pencil note at the foot gives dates for the lectures as ?Mch 16, 23, 30?.

[Guglielmo Marconi, inventor of radio: family correspondence.] 40 items to governess Millicent Goodsir ('Miss Unger') from Marconi's second wife Cristina [née Bezzi Scali], her mother and daughter: letters and cards in English, inscribed photographs.

[Guglielmo Marconi [Marquis of Marconi] (1874-1937), inventor of radio, winner of the Nobel Prize in Physics; his second wife Maria Cristina Bezzi-Scali, their daughter Elettra Giovanelli
Publication details: 
Most from 11 Via Condotti, Rome. 1914-1968.

Forty items, in good condition, lightly aged and worn, with some of the photographs with evidence on reverse of having been mounted. Millicent Goodsir [née Unger] (1885-1983) was governess to Christina Bezzi Scali (1900-1994), daughter of Francesco, Count Bezzi Scali and his wife Anna (1879-1968). In 1927 Cristina became Marconi's second wife. Their only child was Maria Elettra Elena Anna Marconi (b.1930), who would marry Prince Carlo Giovannelli (1942-2016).

[W.R. Grove, Welsh Judge and Scientist; [Father of] Fuel Cell Technology] Two Autograph Notes Signed WRGrove, one to an undeciphered name, with references to distinguished colleagues, the other to an unnamed correspondent.

W.R. Grove [Sir William Robert Grove, (1811 – 1896), Welsh judge and physical scientist. [Fuel Cell Technology]
Publication details: 
A. No place given 14 June 1864; B. Abergavenny, Carmarthen, 12 Oct. 1872.

A. Three pages, 12mo, bifolium, some foxing and wear, text clear and complete, but scrawled. For the last two years or more in consequence of suffering severely from [undeciphered illness - see image of pp.1 &3] I have been obliged to give up all [evening?] visiting - [Were it not [?] it would have given me the greatest pleasure to have come to you [?] Colvill [scientist?] on this [?]. | For some reason was printed my coming to the meetings of the R[oyal] S[ociety].

[Norman Lockyer, scientist and astronomer] Autograph Note Sign J Norman Lockyer to unnamed correspondent (conduit to The President and Vice-President of the Royal College of Surgeons).

J. Norman Lockyer [Sir Joseph Norman Lockyer (1836 – 1920), scientist and astronomer].
Publication details: 
[Heading] Athenaeum Club, 14 March [no year given]

One page, 12mo, fold mark, corner torn without loss of txt, minor staininggood condition. I beg you to thank the President and Vice President of the R Coll: of Surgeons for the honour they did me in asking me to dine with thenm on Feb./ 14, & to state that as I have only just returned from Egypt I was unable to accept the invitation [that?] awaited my arrival.

[John Tyndall, distinguished Anglo-Irish physicist.] Autograph Letter Signed to John Symonds, reluctantly declining a dinner invitation, and praising Lady Morrison’s effect on one ‘whose intellectual side has won general renown’.

John Tyndall (1820-1893), Anglo-Irish physicist [John Symonds of the Corporation of London]
Publication details: 
1 November [no year]. On embossed letterhead of the Royal Institution of Great Britain [London].

See Tyndall’s entry in the Oxford DNB. 1p, 12mo. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn. Folded twice. Written in purple ink with bold flowing signature. Addressed to ‘John Symonds Esq’ (in the 1870s Symonds was Chairman of the Library Committee of the Corporation of London). Reads: ‘My dear Sir / Most willingly would I permit your friendly letter to draw me towards you to day. But I am bound with a chain. / I was glad to learn that Lady Morrison was your niece. She is obviously drawing out the inherent tenderness of a nature whose intellectual side has won general renown.

[Balfour Stewart,physicist] Autograph Note Signed Balfour Stewart to Sir Richard Temple, administrator in British India and a politician, enclosing one of his books.

Balfour Stewart (1828 – 1887), Scottish physicist and meteorologist.
Publication details: 
The Rowans, Parsonage Road, Withington, Manchester, 11 Sept. 1882.

Two pages, 12mo, black-bordered, strip of tape indicating that it had been tipped onto (album?) page, not affecting text which is clear. Text: Allow me to send you a copy of Paradoxical Philosophy which is a sort of sequel to the Unseen Universe and which I think you told me you had not read. | I trust you may enjoy your trip to Canada.

[Lyon Playfair, scientist] Autograph Note Signed Lyon Playfair to Lankester [Edwin Ray Lankester, zoologist], about his Ray Society subscription.

Lyon Playfair [1st Baron Playfair (1818 – 29 May 1898), scientist and Liberal politician].
Publication details: 
Marlboro House, 7 Nov. 1856.

One page, 12mo, fold marks, good condition. After 31st Decr. I cease to be a subscriber to the Ray Socy. Not that I have the slightest dissatisfaction with its working, but simply because I wish to transfer my subscription to a Club, whose books are more in accordance with my own studies.

[William Crookes, chemist & physicist] Bold Signature only William Crookes.

William Crookes [Sir William Crookes (1832 – 1919), chemist and physicist who worked on spectroscopy]
Publication details: 
No place or date.

Signature only on paper,c.9 x 3cm, irregular, laid down on larger paper. See image.

[ Oliver Lodge; Printed ] Letter and Questionnaire from the Birmingham Philosophical Society, printed., with Lodge's responses in holograph to questions and with signature Oliver Lodge, University College Liverpool with date.

Oliver Lodge, physicist and writer [ H.W.Crosskey, geologist ]
Publication details: 
July 12th, 1886.

Printed Circular Letter from H.W. Crosskey on behalf of the Birmingham Philosophical Society with Questionnaire from, Translation of Scientific Memoirs' Committee, dated 8 July 1886, 2 leaves, 4to, bifolium, minor staining, good condition. The Printed Letter, p.[1], from H.W. Crosskey, explains what the questionnaire is for (Action for the Translation and Publication of Foreign Scientific Memoirs to be put to the attention of the British Association).

[A.S. Herschel; Printed ] Questionnaire from the Birmingham Philosophical Society, printed, with Herschel's detailed responses in holograph to the four questions and with signature Alexr.S. Herschel with date.

Alexander Stewart Herschel, astronomer [ H.W.Crosskey, geologist ]
Publication details: 
July 12th, 1886.

Questionnaire, detailed answers filled in by Herschel, from 'Translation of Scientific Memoirs' Committee', Birmingham Philosophical Society, 2pp, 4to, minor sunning, creases, good condition. NOT including the Printed Letter, p.[1], from H.W. Crosskey, explaining what the questionnaire is for (Action for the Translation and Publication of Foreign Scientific Memoirs to be put to the attention of the British Association).

[ Francis Darwin; Printed ] Questionnaire from the Birmingham Philosophical Society, printed., with Darwin's responses in holograph to two only of the four questions and with signature Francis Darwin with date.

Francis Darwin [ H.W.Crosskey, geologist ]
Publication details: 
July 19th, 1886.

Questionnaire, partly filled in by Darwin, from, Translation of Scientific Memoirs' Committee, 2pp, 4to, minor sunning, good condition. NOT including the Printed Letter, p.[1], from H.W. Crosskey, explaining what the questionnaire is for (Action for the Translation and Publication of Foreign Scientific Memoirs to be put to the attention of the British Association).

[ T.H. Huxley; Printed ] Questionnaire from the Birmingham Philosophical Society, printed., with Huxley's responses to questions in manuscript and with signature Thomas H. Huxley.

Thomas H. Huxley, biologist [ T.H. Huxley; H.W.Crosskey, geologist ]
Publication details: 
July 24th, 1886.

In a difficult hand, with some autograph corrections.. Questionnaire from the Birmingham Philosophical Society, 'Translation of Scientific Memoirs' Committee, 2pp., 4to, detached from the printed, explanatory letter from H.W. Crosskey (not present), some sunning, chipping (loss of one letter) and marking, fair condition. The absent Printed Letter, p.[1], from H.W. Crosskey, had explained what the questionnaire is for (Action for the Translation and Publication of Foreign Scientific Memoirs to be put to the attention of the British Association).

[Mary Somerville, Scottish scientist after whom Somerville College, Oxford, is named.] Autograph Signature ('Yours truly | Mary Somerville') cut from letter.

Mary Somerville [née Fairfax, sometime Greig] (1780-1872), Scottish scientist and author after whom Somerville College, Oxford, is named
Publication details: 
Without date or place.

See her entry in the Oxford DNB. Since 2017 she has been depicted on the Scottish ten pound note. On 2.5 x 8.5 cm slip of paper, cut from letter. In good condition, lightly aged. Laid down on 4 x 9.5 cm piece of paper. Reads 'Yours truly | Mary Somerville'.

[Guglielmo Marconi, inventor of radio: family correspondence.] 40 items to governess Millicent Goodsir ('Miss Unger') from Marconi's second wife Cristina [née Bezzi Scali], her mother and daughter: letters and cards in English, inscribed photographs.

[Guglielmo Marconi [Marquis of Marconi] (1874-1937), inventor of radio, winner of the Nobel Prize in Physics; his second wife Maria Cristina Bezzi-Scali, their daughter Elettra Giovanelli
Publication details: 
Most from 11 Via Condotti, Rome. 1914-1968.

Forty items, in good condition, lightly aged and worn, with some of the photographs with evidence on reverse of having been mounted. Millicent Goodsir [née Unger] (1885-1983) was governess to Christina Bezzi Scali (1900-1994), daughter of Francesco, Count Bezzi Scali and his wife Anna (1879-1968). In 1927 Cristina became Marconi's second wife. Their only child was Maria Elettra Elena Anna Marconi (b.1930), who would marry Prince Carlo Giovannelli (1942-2016).

[Sir William Jardine, Scottish naturalist.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Wm Jardine'), regarding his need to travel to Edinburgh because of 'the Dangerous illness of Mr Maule'.

Sir William Jardine, 7th Baronet of Applegarth (1800-1874), Scottish naturalist, editor of 'The Naturalist's Library' [Maule, Edinburgh]
Publication details: 
Jardine Hall [near Lockerbie, Scotland]. 27 March 1845.

2pp, 12mo. Bifolium. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn. Folded twice. Endorsed by the unnamed recipient on the reverse of the second leaf. The subject of the letter, 'Mr Maule', was presumably a relation of Jardine's, whose mother's maiden name was Maule. Begins: 'Dear Sir, I received your parcel this morning & was prepared to start Tomorrow (Friday) when the Evening Mail brought me the intelligence of the Dangerous illness of Mr.

[E.A. Letts, chemist ] Autograph Note Signed "E.A. Letts" to the editor of "Nature", about a minor contribution to "Nature"

E.A. Letts [Prof Edmund Albert Letts, British chemist, pioneer of analytical chemistry.
Publication details: 
Queens College, Belfast, 4 Feb [no year]

One page, 12mo, left edge sl. ragged, fold marks, text clear and complete. I have been requested to ask you to be kind enough to insert a notice in 'Nature' respecting the 'Andrews Memorial' - for which funds are now being collected. | I have written out the notice in what I think is a suitable form for publication, but you can make any alterations or additions that you think advisable." Presumably to do with a memorial to Thomas Andrews, Irish scientist.

[Sir Charles Blagden, physician and scientist.] Autograph Letter Signed ('C. Blagden') to Louis Odier, Genevan physician, regarding the sojourn in England of Jean-François Berger, and the changes in Geneva.

Sir Charles Blagden [Sir Charles Brian Blagden] (1748-1820), physician and scientist, Royal Society secretary [Louis Odier (1748-1817) and Jean-François Berger (1779-1833), physicians of Geneva]
Publication details: 
No place. 13 February 1810.

3pp, 4to. Bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged and worn, with thin strip of paper from mount adhering to the reverse of second leaf, which is addressed 'À Monsieur | Monsieur L. Odier | Docteur et Professeur en Médecine | à Genève.' He begins by expressing the 'great pleasure' he has felt in again seeing Odier's handwriting, and learning that he and his family are in good health.

[James Nasmyth, Scottish engineer, inventor and artist.] Autograph Letter Signed ('James Nasmyth', with fingerprint jokingly appended to signature as 'Hys marke', inviting the artist John Callcott Horsley to dinner with 'Col Colville' and others.

James Nasmyth [James Hall Nasmyth] (1808-1890), Scottish engineer, inventor and artist [John Callcott Horsley (1817-1903), artist]
Publication details: 
[Baileze?] Hotel. 14 January 1880.

1p, 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged. Signed 'James Nasmyth', with a fingerprint beneath the signature, flanked by the words 'Hys' and 'marke', and with 'impression before Letters' jokingly added beneath. Written in a shaky hand, the letter invites Horsley to a dinner 'to meet Col Colville Mrs. [Maclins?] and Dr. [Savile?]'.

[Sir David Brewster, Scottish scientist and inventor.] Autograph Signature ('D Brewster') on slip of paper.

Sir David Brewster (1781-1868), Scottish scientist, inventor and historian of science
Publication details: 
No place or date.

On 1.75 x 6.25 cm slip of paper, laid down on part of leaf removed from album. In fair condition, lightly aged. Simply reads 'D Brewster'.

[ Charles Adolphe Wurtz, French chemist, pioneer in the field of atomic theory. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Ad. Wurtz') [ to Wilhelmina Maria Green ], encouraging her to translate one of his works into English.

Charles Adolphe Wurtz (1817-1884), Alsatian French chemist, writer and educator, pioneer in the field of atomic theory
Publication details: 
27 rue St Guillaume, Paris. 6 January 1881.

1p., 8vo. On aged and worn paper. Addressed to 'Mademoiselle', but from the papers of The item is from the papers of the second wife of the geologist Alexander Henry Green (1832-1896), previously Miss Wilhelmina Maria Armstrong of Clifton, herself a scientist. He apologises for the late reply, which is to be attributed 'aux distractions du "Christmas" et du Tour de l'An'. His 'Traité de Chimie Biologique' has not been translated into English and it would please him to see such a translation made, with the agreement of his editor M. Manon'.

[ Hugh Walsham, pioneer of radiology of the chest. ] Autograph Letter Signed, giving directions for the recuperation of a patient with an eye injury.

Hugh Walsham (1853-1924), pioneer of radiology of the chest [ X-rays ]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of 114 Harley Street, W. [ London ] 18 May 1900.

Walsham's entry in Munk's Roll describes him as 'a pioneer of radiology of the chest, and his book, written in collaboration with Harrison Orton, 'Roentgen Rays in the Diagnosis of the Diseases of the Chest' (1906), was the first to deal with the subject in English. 3pp., 12mo. Bifolium. In fair condition, lightly aged. Difficult to decipher, possibly because Walsham 'paid dearly for his work in the loss of several fingers'.

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