[Thomas Lamb Phipson, editor of the Scientific Review and violinist.] Autograph Letter Signed to the meteorologist G. J. Symons, asking for advice on where to get a good rain-gauge.

Thomas Lamb Phipson (1833-1908), scientific and musical writer and violinist, editor of the Scientific Review [George James Symons (1838-1900), British meteorologist]
Publication details: 
15 September 1868. 4 The Cedars, Putney, [London] S.W.

C. A. Russell’s 2003 biography of Edward Frankland contains a thumbnail biography of Phipson, who ‘obtained a doctorate at Brussels in 1855, and after editing Cosmos in Paris, directed an analytical laboratory at Putney (at 4, The Cedars, almost on the site of Frankland’s earlier exploits at the now demolished College of Engineering). He became a Fellow of the Chemical Society in 1862 and was a prolific author of short papers as well as an accomplished amateur violinist’. See the short biographical notice in C. J. Bouverie, ‘The scientific and literary works of Dr. T. L.

[Rollo Russell, meteorologist, son of Lord John Russell and uncle of Bertrand Russell.] Autograph Postcard Signed.

Rollo Russell [Francis Albert Rollo Russell] (1849-1914), meteorologist and scientific writer, son of Liberal Prime Minister Lord John Russell and uncle of philosopher Bertrand Russell
Publication details: 
No date, but with Haslemere postmark of 8 May 1895. In autograph: 'Dunrozel. Haslemere.'

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. On 11.5 x 9 cm plain post card with printed half penny stamp. In fair condition, lightly aged, with dog eared corner and spike hole (through part of address on one side and blank space at bottom left on message side). Addressed by Russell to ‘The Secretary / Society of Arts / John St / Adelphi / London / W.C.’ Reads: ‘Dunrozel, Haslemere. / In reply I beg to say I shd like the Journal “supplied in a bound volume at the conclusion of the Vol. in Nov.” / J. A. R. Russell’.

[Samuel Plimsoll; Plimsoll Line] Autograph Letter Signed Samuel Plimsoll to Capt. H. Toynbee R.N., early meteorologist, whose career was dedicated to passing on his expertise. He introduced local weather-forecasting to the British Isles.

Samuel Plimsoll [(1 1824 ? 1898) was a British politician and social reformer, now best remembered for having devised the Plimsoll line]
Publication details: 
[Headed] 28 Park Lane, W., 16 April 1890.

Two pages, 12mo, fold mark, some foxing/mottling obscuring part of the subscription (Iam [?]), otherwise text is bold and clear. I thank you warmly for your kind letter with its enclosure - Your Speech at Cardiff is of much interest & the Society you advocate is doing valuable work. | I fear it will be impossible to me to attend your meetings as I expect to be out of London then. Should I find it possible [to get?] I will endeavour to be at the meeting.

[A.S. Herschel; Printed ] Questionnaire from the Birmingham Philosophical Society, printed, with Herschel's detailed responses in holograph to the four questions and with signature Alexr.S. Herschel with date.

Alexander Stewart Herschel, astronomer [ H.W.Crosskey, geologist ]
Publication details: 
July 12th, 1886.

Questionnaire, detailed answers filled in by Herschel, from 'Translation of Scientific Memoirs' Committee', Birmingham Philosophical Society, 2pp, 4to, minor sunning, creases, good condition. NOT including the Printed Letter, p.[1], from H.W. Crosskey, explaining what the questionnaire is for (Action for the Translation and Publication of Foreign Scientific Memoirs to be put to the attention of the British Association).

[ Charles Meldrum, Superintendent, Royal Alfred Observatory, Mauritius. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('C Meldrum') [ to Alexander Ramsay ] regarding 'The Scientific Roll'.

Charles Meldrum (1821-1901), Scottish meteorologist, Superintendent, Royal Alfred Observatory, Mauritius, 1875-1896 [ Alexander Ramsay, editor of 'The Scientific Roll' ]
Publication details: 
Royal Alfred Observatory, Mauritius. [ On notepaper embossed with British crest. ] 27 December 1881.

1p., 12mo. On grey paper. In good condition, lightly aged. Small manuscript shelf-mark at top left. He thanks him for sending 'the numbers of the Scientific Roll', and asks to be put down as a subscriber. 'I shall try to get the others.

[ The Bath Herald and the Floods of 1894. ] Printed pamphlet: 'A Record of the Great Floods in Bath and the surrounding District, November 13 & 15, 1894. [ With four photographs by A. F. Perren. ]

[ The Bath Herald; the Great Floods in Bath, 1894 ] [ Augustus Frederick Perren (d.1923), photographer ]
Publication details: 
Reprinted from The Bath Herald. Prinhted at The Herald Office, North Gate, Bath. [ 1894. ]

16pp., 4to. Unstitched and unbound. In fair condition, lightly aged, worn and spotted.. Priced at a penny. In small print and double column. Consisting, after a short introduction, of an area-by-area report of the effects of the flood, beginning with 'Midnight in the Dolemeads. | Distressing Scenes.', 'Corn Street, Milk Street and Avon Street' and 'Southgate Street', and ending with 'Batheaston', 'Radstock' and 'Midsomer Norton'. Perren's photographs show 'Dolemeads and Association Cricket Fields', 'The Old Bridge', 'Southgate Street' and 'The Quay from the Old Bridge'.

[ Charles Leeson Prince, astronomer, writing from the Observatory, Crowborough, Sussex. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('C. L. Prince') to Alexander Ramsay, regarding his paper on the 'Climate of Uckfield'

C. L. Prince [ Charles Leeson Prince ] (1821-1899), astronomer, antiquarian, meteorologist, physician [ The Observatory, Crowshurst, Sussex; Alexander Ramsay, editor of the 'Scientific Roll' ]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of The Observatory, Crowborough, Sussex. 6 February 1885.

2pp., 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged. Begins: 'On looking through your "Bibliography to Climate" I find that you are not acquainted with my work on the Climate of Uckfield, pubd in 1871 - which comprises 28 years uninterrupted obs[ervation]s there'. He refers him to the library of the Royal Meteorological Society in George Street for a copy. He is about to publish 'eleven years observations at my present Observatory'

[Tasmania.] Long Autograph Letter Signed from Hamilton S. Dove ('Hamilton') in Tasmania to 'Kate' [Miss M. K. Dove of Wandsworth, London, England], discussing a variety of topics, including the 'roasting weather'. With two newspaper cuttings.

Hamilton S. Dove (b.1861) of Tasmania [Australia]
Publication details: 
Devonport, Tasmania. 31 January 1930.

4pp., 12mo. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper. In stamped and postmarked envelope addressed to 'Miss M. K. Dove | 3 Brodrick Road | Wandsworth Common | London S.W.17'. Topics include the 'roasting weather' ('many of the paddocks are covered in cornstacks, but people with lawns are sighing, as the grass is brown & parched'), with the whole of the last page (dated 4 July) discussing it; his friends the Luttrell family ('You remember my telling you about Ed. Luttrell's brother, a retired farmer who lives at Sheffield near Mt. Roland'); Rev. Jennings-Smith, 'who came from England to N.S.

[Printed HMSO pamphlet.] Barometer Card and Storm-Warning Signals.

Her Majesty's Stationery Office [HMSO; Victorian meteorology]
Publication details: 
London: Printed by George E. Eyre and William Spottiswoode, Printers to the Queen's Most Excellent Majesty. For Her Majesty's Stationery Office. And sold by J. D. Potter, 31, Poultry, and 11, King Street, Tower Hill. 1861.

5pp., 8vo. On two bifoliums, with four of the eight sides blank, with the reason for the arrangement stated at the head of the title: 'N.B. - The four pages following this Title may be separated, and pasted on a board.' In fair condition, on aged paper, with remains of the paper on which the two bifoliums were mounted on the blank reverses of the second leaves of both. Contemporary ownership inscription at head of title of William Dole Bushell of Taff Vale Railway.

[Printed booklet.] Catalogue of the Books in the Library of the Bristol Naturalists' Society. [With replacement coloured chart 'to accompany Dr. Burder's Paper on Storms'.]

[Bristol Naturalists' Society, Clifton; William Corbett Burder]
Publication details: 
May, 1881. Clifton: Printed by E. Austin & Son, Chronicle Office. 1881.

[1] + 24pp., 8vo. Stitched. In fair condition, on aged and lightly-spotted paper, with slight wear to edges of covers. A notice at the front reads: 'The Name following the title of a Book is that of the Donor. Where no Name is given, the Book has been obtained by purchase or by exchange.' The first two entries read: 'Ainsworth, William. Account of the Caves of Ballybunian. 1834. Henry Harris. | Airy's Lectures on Astronomy. 1849. F. F. Tuckett.' Loosely inserted are the replacement chart and a slip of paper carrying the note: 'BRISTOL NATURALISTS' SOCIETY.

Autograph Letter Signed ('E Meriam') from the meteorologist Ebenezer Meriam to the abolitionist and Unitarian minister Samuel J. May of Syracuse, New York, on the education of Onondaga Indian Children.

Ebenezer Meriam (1794-1864), American meteorologist, statistician, pamphleteer and philanthropist [Samuel Joseph May (1797-1871), Harvard-educated Unitarian minister and abolitionist]
Publication details: 
New York; 8 April 1854.

1p., 4to. Good, on lightly-aged paper. Meriam is enclosing a 'copy of bill appropriating $350 per annum for two years for the education &c of Onondaga Indian Children which was signed by the Governor on the 5th Inst'. The letter ends with Meriam reporting the receipt of two letters. Syracuse University Library holds a collection of 'Ebenezer Meriam Letters on Onondaga Indian Education', including eight from May.

[Offprint] The Meteorology of Daily Life

Richard Bentley, FSA, President of the Meteorological Society, former publisher.
Publication details: 

Pp.[81-112], 8vo, green paper wraps, sunned at edge, mainly good+. Offprint from the "Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society", vol.xxxii, no.138, April 1906. Presumably one of the author's copies. From the archives of Richard Bentley & Son (and the personal archive of Richard Bentley II. No copy listed on COPAC or WorldCat.

[Offprint] Weather in Wartime.

Richard Bentley, FSA, President of the Meteorological Society, former publisher.
Publication details: 

Pp.[81]-138, 8vo, green paper wraps, sunned at edge, wraps chipped, especially at spine. contents good. Offprint from the Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, vol.xxxii, no.142, April 1907. No copy listed on COPAC or WorldCat.

[Offprint] Weather in Wartime.

Richard Bentley, FSA, President of the Meteorological Society, former publisher.
Publication details: 

Pp.[81]-138, 8vo, green paper wraps, sunned at edge, mainly good+. Offprint from the Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, vol.xxxii, no.142, April 1907. Presumably one of the author's copies. From the archives of Richard Bentley & Son (and the personal archive of the auhtor, Richard Bentley II. No copy listed on COPAC or WorldCat.

Scrapbook entitled 'Lightning and other Records.'

Commander James Liddell, Royal Navy, of Bodmin, Cornwall [thunder and lightning; thunderstorms; natural phenomena; meteorology; the weather]
Publication details: 

Small quarto of around forty pages, covered in easily in excess of a hundred press cuttings, primarily relating to lightning strikes, thunder storms and other natural phenomena. Internally loose but in reasonable condition, but externally in need of attention: the heavily worn original quarter-binding, has the leather spine worn away. Manuscript label, in Liddell's hand, laid down on the marbled front board. Several of the cuttings reproduce letters from Lidddell himself, the first, dated 'Bodmin, Dec.

Offprint titled 'Air Ministry. Meteorological Office. Professional Notes. Vol. 3. No. 39. The Upper Air Circulation of the Atlantic Ocean. Published by the Authority of the Meteorological Committee.'

E. W. Barlow [Edward William Barlow (b.1886)] [Air Ministry, Meteorological Office.]
Publication details: 
1925. London: Published by His Majesty's Stationery Office.

8vo: 18 pp, paginated 200-217. Grubby and lightly-aged and creased, with rusty staples. Title-page headed 'For Official Use. M.O. 245s.' Scarce. No copy at the British Library, and the only copy on COPAC at Nottingham.

Collection of six items, including publicity material, invoice and receipt, some relating to an order for a house in East Sheen, Surrey.

J. W. Gray & Son, Limited. 'Lightning Conductor Experts. Electrical Engineers. Steeplejacks. Chimney Shaft Builders & Repairers. Church Steeple Restorers. Flagstaff Makers & Erectors.'
Publication details: 

The collection of six items, with an envelope, is in good condition. An interesting sidelight into 1930s business practice, and an insight into an unusual business concern. First, copy of letter, 14 November 1930 (4to: 1 p), to the firm from Percy L. Young of Messrs H. Young & Co. Constructional Engineers, confirming a verbal order 'for the installation and supply of lightning conductors' to 2 Orchard Rise, Sheen Common Drive, East Sheen.

Two Autograph Letters Signed "Augte Viquesnel" to an unnamed correspondent. In French [En Francais]

[TURKEY] Auguste Viquesnel (1803-1867), author of "Voyage dans la Turquie d'Europe"
Publication details: 
Paris, 7 June 1847 and Seaux, 14 August [1854?].

One page each, 8vo, minor stains and creasing, good condition. (1847) He describes a colleague, a "M. de La Roquette", for some years Secretary to the "Societe de geographie". whom he understands to be working on Turkey. "Je me [?] de lui indiquer un ouvrage Special sur Constantinople, son historie, ses monuments . . . " He wishes to avail himself of his correspondent's knowledge of "bibliographie" to help his colleague.

Offprint of article entitled 'Protection Against Lightning. What is a lightning conductor? How does it protect against lightning? And how should it be applied to be effective?'

Alfred Hands [J. W. Gray & Son, Lightning Conductor Experts]
Publication details: 
Reprinted from "The Field" newspaper, May 16th, 1914.'

8vo: ii + 14 pp. Unbound. Stapled and in original brown printed wraps. Very good on art paper. Six photographic illustrations, including 'Clothing of a man struck by lightning' and 'Farm-house at Whaddon, near Stamford, struck and practically wrecked by lightning.' Hands is described as 'Member of the Institution of Electrical Engineers, Fellow of the Royal Meteorological Society, Member of the Astronomical Society of France, Senior Partner of J. W.

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