[General Sir David Dundas, Scottish soldier, British Army officer and military author, Commander-in-Chief of the Forces.] Manuscript Document regarding Alexander Adair and the clothing of his regiment, Signed by him with his seal.

General Sir David Dundas (c.1735-1820), Scottish soldier, British Army officer in the Seven Years' War and French Revolutionary Wars and military writer, Commander-in-Chief of the Forces
Publication details: 
23 June 1796. 'Entered in the Office for Auditing the Public Accounts the 9th of February 1797'.

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. 1p, folio. Text clear and entire, on worn and grubby paper, with chipping to edges and slight loss to one corner, with one closed tear repaired with archival tape. Embossed tax stamps at head. Good firm signature at bottom right ‘David Dundas.’, beside small seal in red wax, with crumbling impression. At bottom left: ‘Signed Sealed and Delivered (being first duly stampt) in the Presence of us / John Landon / M King’. Downwards in left-hand margin: 'Entered in the Office for Auditing the Public Accounts the 9th of February 1797 / Thos Gibbes’.

[Frederick Burnaby, adventurer, balloonist, Times war correspondent, British Army intelligence officer.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Fred Burnaby'), requesting that 'Edward' accept an article by a female mountaineer, and referring to Randolph Churchill

Frederick Burnaby [Colonel Frederick Gustavus Burnaby] (1842-1885), adventurer, balloonist, Times war correspondent, British Army intelligence officer [Randolph Churchill]
Publication details: 
15 October 1884. On letterhead of the Grand Hotel, Birmingham.

Burnaby is the beau idéal of the Victorian military adventurer. 2pp, 12mo. In fair condition, lightly aged and creased. Folded twice. A hurried letter, with a couple of deletions. Written a few months before Burnaby's death. He explains that a 'mutual friend' has asked him 'to submit to you the enclosed article – on mountaineering – She does not wish her name to be mentioned – hence I must not divulge it.' Should the article not be wanted he asks for it to be returned to him at Somerby Hall, Oakham, 'in the course of the next two or three days'.

[Ronnie Tritton, War Office Publicity Officer.] Two Autograph Letters Signed ('T' and 'R.') [to his wife Andrina], written during the 'Phoney War', writing with evocative immediacy about Claridge's, the Savoy, and a host of friends and acquaintances.

Ronnie Tritton [Ronald Edward Tritton] (1907-1990), War Office Publicity Officer 1940-1945 [his wife, née Andrina Frances Schweder; Savoy Hotel, London; The Phoney War, Second World War]
Publication details: 
One: 12 September 1939. On letterhead of White's [gentleman's club in St James's Street, London]. Two: 'Wed.' [no date, but 1939]. On letterhead of the Savoy Hotel, London.

Tritton was educated at Winchester College, and in later life held the office of High Sheriff of Essex. He served as War Office Publicity Officer between 1940 and 1945 (the first civilian to hold the post). The present items exhibit the candour and evocative immediacy for which his wartime diaries were praised on their publication in 2012. Two long letters to 'Darling', both 2pp, 4to. Both in good condition, lightly aged, and folded twice. ONE (signed 'R.'): Thirty-eight lines of text. He is writing her a second letter of the day, prompted by boredom and the want of something else to do'.

[British Embassy Medical Officer in Cold War Moscow and Bucharest.] Unpublished typed account by T. V. Humphreys of his journeys around Romania and Russia during five years of service, also describing medical aspects and 'Soviet methods of medicine'.

Col. Thomas Victor Humphreys (b.1922), O.B.E., M.B., B.Ch., B.A.O, Royal Army Medical Corps, British Embassy Medical Officer at Moscow and Bucharest [USSR; Soviet Union; Iron Curtain; Russia; Romania]
Publication details: 
December 1952 to January 1953. Romania and the USSR (Russia). Russian locations: Moscow, Leningrad, Peterhof, Tsarskoe-Selo, Gatchina, Pavlovsk, Kharkov, Kiev.

Biographical details regarding Humphreys are hard to come by. He features in two Times reports of the indisposition of the pianist Cyril Smith in Moscow in 1956 (8 May and 9 June). On his award of the OBE in the 1958 New Years Honours List he was described as 'lately First Secretary and Medical Officer at Her Majesty's Embassy in Moscow'. On his retirement in 1987 he was described as 'Col. T. V. Humphreys, O.B.E., M.B., B.Ch., B.A.O.

[Jan Kemp, Boer War general.] Autograph Letter Signed ('J. Kemp'), in Afrikaans, to the British officer commanding at Olifants Nek, regarding Lord Kitchener's permission to General Botha to obtain medicines.

Jan Christoffel Greyling Kemp (10 June 1872 – 31 December 1946) was a South African Boer officer, rebel general, and politician [Second Boer War; South Africa; General Kitchener]
Publication details: 
In the Field [South Africa]; 1 August 1901.

1p, 4to. Written in pencil on a piece of tissue paper, stamped in one corner with leaf number 675. Aged and wrinkled, with fraying to edges, but text clear and complete. Folded twice. A scarce survival, such thin paper, used for security reasons, not faring well in the passage of time. The signature is Kemp's, the rest of the document being in a secretarial hand. An interesting document – which would seem to indicate that the British were employing a more conciliatory approach following Emily Hobhouse's revelations in her June 1901 report on British concentration camps.

[ Lord John Manners, Marquis of Granby, army officer after whom many English pubs are named. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('John Manners') regarding the broken health of one Lieutenant Hawkins, and his inability to rejoin his regiment in Jamaica.

Lieutenant-General John Manners (1721-1770), Marquess of Granby, British army officer, Commander-in-Chief of the Forces, son of the 3rd Duke of Rutland
Publication details: 
Parliament Street [ London ]. 23 August 1770.

1p., 4to. In fair condition, aged and worn, with fraying to edges, and loss at one corner from the opening of the seal. There is a faint pencil note on three lines in another hand at the foot of the letter. The letter reads: 'Having considerd Lt Hawkins situation, and the effect the Climate of Jamaica has had upon him – I am of opinion that He is totally unable to join his Regiment, and there is great reason to fear, his health will never be such as to enable him to do duty with it, in that Island | John Manners | Parliament St. | Augst. 23d. 1770'.

[ Chief Signals Officer, 9 Corps, British Army, North African, Second World War. ] Duplicated typescript: 'C.S.O. 9 Corps | Signal Report on the Tunisian Campaign, 1943.' With coloured maps and diagrams.

[ Chief Signals Officer, 9 Corps, British Army, Tunisia Campaign, North Africa, Second World War ]
Publication details: 
[ Tunisian Campaign, 1943. ]

29pp., 8vo. On white and pink paper. Followed by three fold-out plates and two diagrams, all in colour ('Battle of Fondouk', 'Battles of Goubellat Plain & Tunis', 'Later Phase of Battle of Tunis', 'Wireless Communications | H.Q. 9 Corps - Apr/May 1943 | Standard Layout', 'Wireless Communications | Corps H.Q. | Suggested requirements'). Stapled, with grey front cover bearing title. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn, with the last few plates detached.

[Printed pamphlet.] Report on the Census of Young Employees, between 14 and 18 years of age, in the County of London, on June 30th, 1920.

R. Blair, Education Officer, London County Council, Education Committee
Publication details: 
[London County Council, Education Committee; I.C.C. Education Offices, Victoria Embankment, W.C. 19 November 1920.] Printed on '18-3-21 [i.e. 18 March 1921]'.

16pp., foolscap 8vo. With four plates, each carrying a map of the County of London (two of them preceding the title) and 2pp of tables on a fold-out leaf. In poor condition, on aged and worn paper, with closed tears, and lacking orange wraps (which presumably carry the full title-page), traces of which are still present. Stamp and shelfmark of the Board of Education Library, London. No copy traced on COPAC or OCLC WorldCat.

[Printed pamphlet.] The Work of the Council in connection with Juvenile Delinquency in London. [Evidence given on behalf of the Council before the Home Office Departmental Committee on the Treatment of Young Offenders.]

G. H. Gater, Education Officer, London County Council, Education Committee; Sir Cyril Lodowic Burt (1883-1971; ODNB) [Juvenile Delinquency]
Publication details: 
The County Hall, Westminster Bridge, S.E.1. Published by the London County Council [P. S. King & Son, Limited, 14, Great Smith Street, Victoria Street, Westminster, SW1]. 1926.

40pp., foolscap 8vo. In orange printed wraps. Stamps, shelfmark and label of the Board of Education Reference Library, London. Stitched. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn. Includes 26pp. of tables. Preface (p.2) by Gater and 'Appendix II' (pp.19-20) by Sir Cyril Burt ('Memorandum by Dr. Cyril Burt, Psychologist in the Education Officer's Department of the London County Council.') The only copy on COPAC at the Guildhall Library, City of London, and the only two copies on OCLC WorldCat both in the United States.

[The Spenser Society, Manchester.] Autograph notes by John Leigh, first Medical Officer of Health for the City of Manchester, of 'Works by John Taylor not yet issued by the Spenser Society' and 'George Wither | Works to be printed | June 1876'.

John Leigh (d.1888) of Sandiway House, Whalley Range, Manchester, first Medical Officer of Health for the City of Manchester [The Spenser Society, Manchester; George Wither; John Taylor]
Publication details: 
[Manchester.] The notes on Wither dated June 1876, and those on Taylor from around the same period.

6pp., foolscap 8vo. In fair condition, on aged paper, with slight damp damage to one corner. The section on Taylor covers the first two pages, with the first page is headed 'Works of John Taylor not yet issued by the Spenser Society | The numbers on the left hand are those in Hazlitts Handbook under the head of Taylor. The numbers on the right hand are those of the number of leaves in each work to which the left hand number refers.' No titles are given, only the number in Hazlitt. The rest of the document is devoted to Wither, this time with titles given.

[John Leigh, Medical Officer of Health for the City of Manchester.] Autograph draft of long letter 'To the Editor of the Manchester Courier' on 'Fever Accommodation in Manchester' for children, and the Fever Hospital or House of Recovery at Monsall.

John Leigh (d.1888) of Sandiway House, Whalley Range, Manchester, first Medical Officer of Health for the City of Manchester
Publication details: 
From York Chambers [Brazenose Street, Manchester]. On letterheads of the Office of Health, Town Hall, Manchester. 1 August 1874.

5pp., foolscap 8vo. In fair condition, on aged paper, with wear to corner (not affecting text). With deletions and emendations. The letter begins: 'Dr. Reed in his letter dated July 30th has truly stated that both in my Reports and in private conversation I have borne testimony to the great usefulness of the Fever Hospital or "House of Recovery" at Monsall.

[John Leigh, Medical Officer of Health for the City of Manchester.] Autograph catalogue of British Plants in the Herbarium of John Leigh, Sandiway House, Whalley Range Manchester. With two lists of 'Desiderata'.

John Leigh (d.1888) of Sandiway House, Whalley Range, Manchester, first Medical Officer of Health for the City of Manchester
Publication details: 
[Sandiway House, Whalley Range, Manchester.] The catalogue undated; one list of 'Desiderata' dated 8 November 1873, the other ('Desiderata | J. Leigh') undated.

ONE (catalogue): 19pp., foolscap 8vo. On ten leaves of 'A Pirie & Sons' laid paper stitched together. On aged paper, with damp damage causing loss to text of first two pages. Title reads: '<...> tish plants <...> Herbarium of gh, Sandiway House Whalley Range Manchester'. The entries arranged in alphabetical order under letter headings, beginning with 'Anemone nemorosa' and ending with 'Verbena officinalis'. TWO ('Desiderata | November 8th 1873'): 10pp., foolscap 8vo. In pencil. 262 entries numbered by Leigh, at around thirty entries per page.

[John Leigh, Medical Officer of Health for the City of Manchester.] Autograph 'Copy of Letter to Mr. Cleminshaw' regarding a process used in Manchester for the production of gas, with note on 'Peroxide of Iron' used 'for the purification of Gas'.

John Leigh (d.1888) of Sandiway House, Whalley Range, Manchester, first Medical Officer of Health for the City of Manchester
Publication details: 
[Manchester.] 21 March 1874.

4pp., foolscap 8vo. Bifolium. The copy of the letter closely and neatly written over three of the pages, and the note on 'Peroxide of Iron' on the other. In fair condition, on aged paper, with slight damp damage at head (not affecting text). The letter contains a number of deletions and emendations, and begins: 'I am in receipt of your letter of March 19th. Since I wrote you last I have had a letter from Mr Chubb enquiring about the process and our use of it in Manchester.

[The Western Fire and Marine Assurance Society.] Manuscript 'Statement of the Affairs of the Society and Resolution proposed to be read and discussed at the Special Meeting of the Manchester Direction on Tuesday October 23d 1866'.

[The Western Fire and Marine Assurance Society] [John Leigh (d.1888) of Sandiway House, Whalley Range, Manchester, first Medical Officer of Health for the City of Manchester]
Publication details: 
[Manchester.] 23 October 1866.

4pp., foolscap 8vo. Bifolium. In fair condition, on lightly-aged and worn paper. In two hands, suggesting collaboration.

Printed notice in English and Burmese, from Major General C. F. B. Pearce of the British Military Administration 'To All Burma Government Servants', on victory over the Japanese, announcing that 'The era of face slapping is over'.

Major General C. F. B. Pearce [Sir Charles Frederick Byrde Pearce] (1892-1964), Chief Civil Affairs Officer (Burma), British Military Administration [Japanese occupation of Burma, 1942-1945]
Publication details: 
Without place or date. [Burma, c. May 1945.] In bottom left-hand corner: 'SB/20'.

2pp., 12mo. In fair condition, on aged paper, with slight discoloration and wear to extremities. In English on one side and Burmese on the other. Both sides headed by the royal crest, with a banner beneath, reading in English 'BRITISH MILITARY ADMINISTRATION'. The English version of the document is signed in type: 'Sd: C. F. B. PEARCE | Maj. General | Chief Civil Affairs Officer (Burma)'. It is headed 'TO ALL BURMA GOVERNMENT SERVANTS', and begins: 'The Allies are now about to drive the Japanese from Burma.

Material mainly relating to the Second World War and the Battle of Britain, from the papers of Flying Office Robert French Helm, Royal Air Force, including autograph material, photographs, tables.

Flying Officer Robert French Helm (1913-1995), Royal Air Force [The Battle of Britain]
Publication details: 
The photographs date from the 1940s; the rest of the material circa 1960.

Helm's promotion on 3 September 1940 to the rank of Flying Officer (41020) is recorded in the London Gazette, 15 October 1940. After the war he joined the International Civil Aviation Authority, working in Iran and Zambia, and was elected to the Membership of the Institute of Navigation, Royal Geological Society, in 1971. A total of 59pp., 8vo, of pencil notes and tables by Helm, relating to the RAF in the Second World War, with 6 original photographs.

Autograph Signature ('Roger Keyes').

Sir Roger Keyes [Roger John Brownlow Keyes, 1st Baron Keyes] (1872-1945), British naval officer
Publication details: 
Without date or place.

On a leaf of pink paper (roughly 16 x 20 cm) removed from an autograph album. Firm signature, 6 cm long, with the initial 'R' blotted by Keyes. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper. The page bearing the signature is headed, in another hand, 'Famous Men Military and Naval'.

Typed Note Signed ('A. C. Fox-Davies') to H. S. Vade Walpole.

Arthur Charles Fox-Davies (1871-1928), English writer on heraldry, and Gold Staff Officer at the Coronation of King George V
Publication details: 
8 June 1899; on letterhead of Hastings House, Norfolk Street, Strand, London.

4to: 1 p. Good, on lightly aged and spotted paper. Regarding 'certain verses concerning this street', Walpole will 'find an explanation of the whole circumstance in this week's Notes & Queries'.

Autograph Letter Signed by Primrose to R. F. Ford, together with fragment of letter in Primrose's hand [as Peel's secretary?], signed by Peel.

[11 DOWNING STREET, WHITEHALL] Arthur Wellesley Peel, 1st Viscount Peel, and Sir Henry William Primrose
Publication details: 
Primrose's letter, 25 November 1873, and the fragment undated; both on letterhead '11, Downing Street, | Whitehall.'

Peel (1829-1912) was a Liberal politician and Speaker of the House of Commons. Primrose (1846-1923) was a Privy Councillor, Secretary to Gladstone and Speaker of the House of Commons. Both items are 3 pages, on 16mo bifoliates. Both are creased and discoloured. Between 1873 and 1874 Peel was Patronage Secretary to the Treasury. The exchange apparently concerns an election or by-election in Exeter.

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