[Lord Canning [Charles John Canning, Earl Canning], Governor-General and first Viceroy of India.] Autograph Letter Signed to Lord Fitzgerald, as Under-Secretary to Lord Aberdeen at the Foreign Office, concerning Baron Brunow.

Lord Canning [Charles John Canning, Earl Canning (1812-1862)], Governor-General and first Viceroy of India [Lord Fitzgerald [William Vesey Fitzgerald (1783-1843)], Anglo-Irish politician]
Publication details: 
'F. O. [Foreign Office, Whitehall] Nov 11. 41 [1841]'.

Showing signs of the early stirrings of the Great Game. See Canning's entry, and that of Fitzgerald, in the Oxford DNB. At the time of the letter Canning was serving in his first governmental appointment, as Under-Secretary to Lord Aberdeen in the Foreign Office, in Peel’s administration, while Fitzgerald was President of the Board of Control. The ‘Baron Brunow’ referred to in the letter is Russian Ambassador in London, Philipp Graf von Brunnow (1797-1895). 2pp, 12mo. On first leaf of a bifolium. Docketed on second leaf, ‘Lord Canning / respecting Baron Brunow Novr 11/41’.

[Lady Dufferin [Marchioness of Dufferin and Ava], Vicereine of India; Emily Faithfull] Autograph Letter Signed to 'Miss Faithful', regarding her celebrated fund to provide medical care for the women of India.

Lady Dufferin [(1843?1936), Marchioness of Dufferin and Ava], Vicereine of India, wife of Frederic, 1st Marquis, Viceroy of India.
Publication details: 
?Rome June 13th.? [circa 1886?]

See her entry, and that of her husband, in the Oxford DNB. Hers states: 'most memorably used her energies to found the National Association for Supplying Female Medical Aid to the Women of India, often known as the Countess of Dufferin Fund, in 1885.' 3pp, 12mo. Bifolium on grey paper. Addressed to ?Dear Miss Faithful? and signed ?H. Dufferin & Ava?. In good condition, lightly aged. Folded for postage. She thanks her for her ?kind note? and will be grateful for any help she can ?ever give with regard to my Fund?.

[Lord Halifax, as Lord Irwin [Edward Wood, 1st Earl of Halifax], Conservative politician, Viceroy of India.] Typed Letter Signed, thanking ‘Mr. Wilson’ for the offer of the help of the Indian Church Aid Association.

Lord Halifax, as Lord Irwin [Edward Frederick Lindley Wood (1881-1959), 1st Earl of Halifax, Conservative politician, Viceroy of India, appeaser of Nazi Germany
Publication details: 
1 November 1933; on letterhead of 88 Eaton Square, S.W.1 [London].

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. 1p, 4to. On aged paper, creased at the edges. Signed ‘Irwin’. He thanks him for his letter and states that it is good of him ‘to offer the help of the Indian Church Aid Association for the receipt of the money. I should think we might be very glad indeed to take advantage of your suggestion.’ He is sending Wilson’s letter ‘to Sir John Thompson, who is really the active partner in the business!’ Halifax was Viceroy of India between 1926 and 1931.

[Lord Curzon [George Nathaniel Curzon, 1st Marquis Curzon of Kedleston], Conservative statesman and Viceroy of India.] Autograph Letter Signed [to Mr Campbell], declining an invitation as he will not be taking 'any part in public affairs' that summer

Lord Curzon [George Nathaniel Curzon, 1st Marquis Curzon of Kedleston] (1859-1925), Conservative statesman, Viceroy of India
Publication details: 
Undated, but after 1895, and probably written early in 1922. On letterhead of The Priory, Reigate.

See his long and sympathetic entry by David Gilmour in the Oxford Dictionary of National Biography. Curzon acquired the Priory at Reigate after his marriage in 1895, and the letter probably dates from around March to July 1922, when, according to the Oxford DNB, ‘he was laid low by a combination of phlebitis, thrombosis, and lymphangitis which kept him out of action for five months’. 4pp, 12mo. On bifolium. Written in pencil. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn, with slight spotting at foot of first page. One central fold for postage.

[Countess of Elgin and Kincardine [Mary Louisa Bruce, née Lambton], Vicereine of India.] Autograph Letter in the third person to Sir Cuthbert Sharp, as Lady Mary Lambton, hailing him as a friend of her deceased father.

Countess of Elgin and Kincardine [Mary Louisa Bruce, née Lambton] (1819-1898), Vicereine of India, 1862-1863, daughter of the Earl of Durham [Sir Cuthbert Sharp (1781-1849), historian]
Publication details: 
22 October 1844; Lambton Castle [County Durham].

See her husband’s entry, and those of her father the Earl of Durham, and Sir Cuthbert Sharp, in the Oxford DNB. 3pp, 12mo. Bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged, with small closed tear to blank area at foot of second leaf. Folded for postage. Laid down on leaf removed from album. Begins: ‘Lady Mary Lambton presents her Compliments to Sir Cuthbert Sharp, and begs to express her grateful sense of the kind message, conveyed to her through Mrs. Brodie, concerning Sir C. Sharps small pamphlet -’.

[‘Cambridge is particularly wet & dirty’. A future Viceroy of India as undergraduate.] Autograph Letter Signed (‘Napier’), from Francis Napier (the future 10th Lord Napier) to his mother Lady Napier, giving Cambridge news on a visit from his sister.

[Lord Napier, Viceroy of India.] Francis Napier (1819-1898), 10th Lord Napier of Merchistoun and 1st Baron Ettrick [his mother Lady Napier (1784-1883), née Elizabeth Cochrane-Johnstone; Cambridge]
Publication details: 
‘Trin. Coll. Sunday 12 o’clock’. [24 November 1839; Trinity College, Cambridge.]

See Napier’s entry, and that of his sister Maria’s husband John Gellibrand Hubbard (1805-1889), 1st Baron Addington, in the Oxford DNB. 3pp, 4to. In good condition, lightly aged and discoloured, with small closed tear to a crease. Part of letter torn away on opening, and now under small black wax seal (good impression of crest with letter N). Folded four times. Addressed, with three postmarks, on reverse of second leaf, to ‘The Rt Honble | The Lady Napier | Kew Green’. Minuted by Lady Napier: 'Cambridge Novr. 1838’. 64 lines of neatly-written text.

[Lord Curzon [George Nathaniel Curzon, 1st Marquis Curzon of Kedleston]; Lord Milner [Alfred Milner, 1st Viscount Milner]; Claud Lovat Fraser.] Leaf from an autograph album, carrying signatures of 'Curzon of Kedleston', 'Milner' and 'Lovat Fraser.'

Lord Curzon [George Nathaniel Curzon, 1st Marquis Curzon of Kedleston], Conservative statesman, Viceroy of India; Alfred Milner, 1st Viscount Milner; Claude Lovat Fraser, artist
Publication details: 
No place or date. [Before Lovat Fraser's death in 1921.]

On both sides of 16 x 12.5 cm leaf, with rounded edges, torn from an autograph album. In good condition, lightly aged and creased. Firmly and elegantly written on one side, just over the centre: 'Lovat Fraser.' Towards the head of the other side, in a large somewhat untidy hand, with intermittent underlining: 'Curzon of Kedleston'. Beneath this: 'Milner'. No other writing on either side.

[ Frederic Thesiger, Viscount Chelmsford. ] Autograph Signature ('Chelmsford').

Frederic John Napier Thesiger, 1st Viscount Chelmsford [ Frederic Thesiger, Lord Chelmsford ] (1868-1933), Governor of Queensland, Governor of New South Wales, Viceroy of India
Publication details: 
No place or date.

On 3 x 10 cm piece of grey paper. Laid down on 9 x 11.5 cm piece of card. In fair condition, aged and a little dusty. Neat and crisp signature, cut from a letter, and reading: 'Faithfully Yours | Chelmsford'. Also laid down on the card is a brief biographical cutting.

[ Robert Bulwer-Lytton, 1st Earl of Lytton, Viceroy of India. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Lytton') to 'Mr Lee' (his agent?) regarding a cricket match at Knebworth, and lightning conductors to 'the 8 turrets' there.

Edward Robert Lytton Bulwer-Lytton (1831-1891), 1st Earl of Lytton, Viceroy of India and poet
Publication details: 
Without place or date. On his monogrammed letterhead.

2pp., 12mo. On leaf with mourning border. He thanks him for his letters, and expresses disappointment that he 'could not come to the Cricket Match', which was 'not finished, but decided in favour of Knebworth according to the score of the first Innings'. He asks him to obtain 'estimates for lightening [sic] conductors to each of the 8 turrets at Knebworth'. He fears that 'these copper domes are themselves lightening conductors which are now cut offf from all communcation with the earth'.

[1935 Balochistan Earthquake.] 'Address by His Excellency the Viceroy and Governor General of India To the troops of Quetta Garrison on the occasion of a Review by his Excellency the Viceroy and Governor General of India on Friday, July 5th. 1935.'

Major Freeman Freeman-Thomas (1866-1941), 1st Marquess of Willingdon, Viceroy of India; Field Marshal Sir Philip Chetwode (1869-1950), Commander-in-Chief in India [1935 Balochistan Earthquake; Quetta]
Publication details: 
[Regarding a review at the Quetta Garrison, India, on 5 July 1935.]

1p., folio. In fair condition, lightly aged. Duplicated typescript except for the headings, which are duplicated manuscript. Divided into two parts. The first (longer) part headed: 'Address by His Excellency the Viceroy and Governor General of India'.

[Thomas George Baring, 1st Earl of Northbrook.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Northbrook'), requesting copies of two speeches by the Duke of Argyll.

Thomas George Baring (1826-1904), 1st Earl of Northbrook, Liberal politician and Viceroy of India, 1872-1876
Publication details: 
On letterhead of Fallodon, Chathill, Northumberland. 16 October 1876.

1p., 12mo. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper. Writing to an unnamed correspondent, he asks to be sent ('Raby Castle | Darlington') 'a copy of the D of Argyll's speech in Septr. last, & of his speech upon the Cretan insurrection in 1867'. He is enclosing '19s in stamps'.

[John Blaquiere.] Autograph Letter Signed ('J Blaqre.'), reporting [to Sir R. Ainslie] that he is to be principal secretary to the new Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, Lord Harcourt.

John Blaquiere, 1st Baron de Blaquiere (1732-1812) [Sir Robert Ainslie (1730-1812), diplomat and numismatist; Simon Harcourt (1714-1777), 1st Earl Harcourt, Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, 1772-1777]
Publication details: 
'Tuesday evening | 2 June [1772]'.

1p., 12mo. In fair condition, on creased and aged paper. Docketted on reverse: 'Ld de Blaquiere to Sir R A | 1772.' The letter begins: 'It may give you some pleasure to hear, & it may be of some use to you, to know; that Ld. Harcourt is appointed Lord Lieutenant of Ireland. I have not however the merit of giving you the intelligence, it is, by my Lord's desire, and His Lordship tells me [last four words deleted] that I shall certainly attend him to that Country as the principal secretary.' He concludes by inviting Ainslie, on Harcourt's behalf, to dinner the following day.

Typed Letter Signed ('Mountbatten of Burma') from Lord Mountbatten [Louis Mountbatten, 1st Earl Mountbatten of Burma] to Mr

Louis Mountbatten (1900-1979), 1st Earl Mountbatten of Burma [Lord Mountbatten], last Viceroy of India (1947), uncle of Duke of Edinburgh [Brian North Lee (1936-2007), bookplate historian; ex libris]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of Newhouse, Mersham, Ashford, Kent. 22 July 1996.

1p., 12mo. In fair condition, laid down on backing and a little creased. He thanks him for a letter about 'the study you are doing of Royal bookplates, and of course I remember the icon you had had [sic] of my great aunt Ella and was so pleased to have the postcard of it you kindly sent me'. He is also pleased to learn that Lee has been able to identify the print which his father sent Lee of his bookplate as the work of George Taylor Friend, 'which I am sure he would have been very pleased to know'. Lee's research 'must produced quite a few headaches, but with very interesting results'.

Autograph draft by Thomas George Baring, 1st Earl Northbrook, of a speech delivered by him, as First Lord of the Admiralty at the Lord Mayor's Banquet, Guildhall, 1883.

Thomas George Baring (1826-1904), 1st Earl of Northbrook, Liberal politician; Viceroy of India, 1872-1876; First Lord of the Admiralty, 1880-1885
Publication details: 
On embossed Admiralty letterhead. [1883.]

2pp., 12mo. Bifolium. In pencil. Lightly-aged and worn. In pencil, with deletions and emendations. Docketed in another hand on reverse of second leaf: 'MS. speech delivered at Guildhall Banquet by Lord Northbrook, First Lord of Admiralty - 9th Novr. 1883.' And with the following in the second hand at the head of the first page: 'Lord Northbrook's Speech - Nov. 9. 1883 at Guildhall'. A very short speech, well reported in The Times of 10 November 1883.

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