[Enoch Powell, Conservative and Unionist politician, controversial after his 1968 'Rivers of Blood' speech.] 14 Typed Letters Signed, with one in Autograph and five other items, to Philip Dosse, regarding his reviewing for ‘Books and Bookmen’.

Enoch Powell [John Enoch Powell] (1912-1998), Conservative and Unionist politician, a controversial figure after his 1968 ‘Rivers of Blood’ speech on immigration [Philip Dosse (c.1924-1980)]
Publication details: 
Of Powell's fifteen letters: 2 from 1973, 10 from 1974, 1 from 1975, and 2 (including one in autograph) from 1976. On letterheads of House of Commons and 33 South Eaton Place, London, S.W.1.

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. From the archives of Philip Dosse, proprietor of Hansom Books, publisher of the ‘Seven Arts’ group of magazines, including ‘Books and Bookmen’ and ‘Plays and Players’. See ‘Death of a Bookman’ by the novelist Sally Emerson (editor of ‘Books and Bookmen’ at the time of Dosse’s suicide), in Standpoint magazine, October 2018. The twenty items are in good condition, lightly aged. Of Powell’s fifteen letters (all signed ‘J. Enoch Powell’) five on House of Commons letterheads, four on his Eaton Place letterhead, and the others with the latter address typed.

[Enoch Powell, controversial politician whose 1968 'rivers of blood' speech led to his dismissal from the Conservative shadow cabinet.] Typed Letter Signed to H. V. Shooter, sending the text of an address.

Enoch Powell [John Enoch Powell] (1912-1998), politician dismissed from the Conservative shadow cabinet following his 1968 ‘rivers of blood’ speech, subsequently Ulster Unionist Member of Parliament
Publication details: 
11 November 1971; on House of Commons letterhead.

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. 1p, 12mo. In fair condition, lightly aged. Folded twice for postage. Elegant signature: 'J Enoch Powell.' He thanks him for his letter, and explains that, as '[t]he reprint or reproduction of the St Lawrence Jewry addresses is hanging fire’, he is enclosing ‘a photocopy of the first, which I think is the one you have in mind’. He hopes it will reach him ‘in time’. The recipient’s address at the foot of the letter reads: ‘H. V. Shooter, Esq. / 225 Makepeace Mansions, / Makepeace Ave, / N.6.’ At the head of the letter, presumably by the recipient: ‘From: The Rt.

[Sir Colin Coote, editor of the Daily Telegraph.] Typescript, with Autograph additions, of essay written in support of apartheid following a visit to South Africa in 1971, with particular reference to the economy, ending with 'White Man's Burdens'.

Sir Colin Coote [Sir Colin Reith Coote] (1893-1979), editor of the Daily Telegraph and Liberal politician [Philip Dosse (1925-1980), publisher ‘Books and Bookmen’; South Africa and apartheid]
Publication details: 
No place or date, but circa 1971.

An interesting document on the South African situation at the beginning of the 1970s, written in support of apartheid by a leading British journalist. See Coote’s entry in the Oxford DNB. From the papers of Philip Dosse, who was proprietor of Hansom Books, publisher of a stable of seven arts magazines including Books and Bookmen and Plays and Players. See ‘Death of a Bookman’ by the novelist Sally Emerson (editor of ‘Books and Bookmen’ at the time of Dosse’s suicide), in Standpoint magazine, October 2018. There is no indication where, if anywhere, the present item was published.

[Dillibe Onyeama, Nigerian author of a controversial account of the racism he experienced at Eton College in England.] Two Typed Letters Signed to Philip Dosse, publisher of ?Books and Bookmen?, one regarding the trials of a freelance reviewer.

Dillibe Onyeama (1951-2022), Nigerian author of a controversial account of his experience of racism as the first African educated at Eton College in England [Philip Dosse (1925-1980), publisher]
Publication details: 
ONE: 15 May 1974; 47a Leigham Court Road, Streatham Hill, London SW16. TWO: no date; c/o 21 Inglethorpe Street, Fulham, London SW6. Also an ANS to 'Mrs Poppmacher' (Dosse's secretary?): 21 February 1973; 169 Breakspears Road, Brockley, London SE4.

Onyeama was the second black boy to go to Eton, and the first to complete his education there. See his obituary in the Guardian, 11 February 2022. His hugely-controversial 1972 book ?Nigger at Eton?, which resulted in him being banned from the school, was reprinted by Penguin Books in 2020 under the title ?Black Boy at Eton?. Philip Dosse, the recipient of the first two letters, was proprietor of Hansom Books, publisher of a stable of seven arts magazines including Books and Bookmen and Plays and Players.

[British 1970s anti-fascism.] Four printed items: ‘The National Front and the Jews / A briefing document’, David Edgar, ‘Racism Fascism and the Politics of the National Front’; ‘Workers Socialist League / How to really fight the fascists’; and form.

[British 1970s anti-fascism] Anti Nazi League, London; Institute for Race Relations, London; Socialist Workers League, London; Peter Hain, Paul Holborow, Ernie Roberts
Publication details: 
1977 and 1978. Two items from the Anti Nazi League, 12 Little Newport Street, London WC2. One from the Institute of Race Relations, 247 Pentonville Road, London N1. One from the Workers Socialist League, 31 Dartmouth Park Hill, London NW5.

ONE: ‘The National Front and the Jews / A briefing document by the Anti Nazi League / March 1978’. Stapled pamphlet of 8pp, 8vo. In fair condition, lightly aged and creased. Striking cover with title in large letters printed in black onto strips of green. Two-page introduction followed by two pages of illustrations (‘merely intended as a sample of the National Front’s continual argument by innuendo. All are taken from the National Front monthly, Spearhead’); page headed ‘Before the National Front / 1959-67’, followed by two pages titled ‘The National Front / 1967-’.

[William McDougall, Anglo-American psychologist and eugenicist.] Typed Letter Signed ('Wm McDougall') to the psychologist Millais Culpin, regarding 'that strange creature Spray' and his 'therapeutic claims'.

William McDougall (1871-1939), Anglo-American psychologist and eugenicist, an opponent of behaviourism, some of whose views are controversial [Millais Culpin (1874-1952), psychologist]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of Duke University, Durham, North Carolina; 20 November 1936.

For the recipient Millais Culpin (1874-1952), see the Oxford DNB. 1p, 4to. In fair condition, lightly aged, with thin strip from mount adhering to reverse. Folded a number of times. Addressed to 'Doctor Millais [corrected in autograph from 'Miller'] Culpin | 55, Queen Anne Street | Cavendish Square | London, W. 1'. The letter begins: 'My dear Culpin: | It was good of you to interest yourself in that strange creature Spray. Your findings about him agree very closely with my general impression, but I had hoped that you might find opportunity to put his therapeutic claims to a test.

[Apartheid in South Africa and British Foreign Office] Foreign Office briefing document titled 'The measures which have been taken to establish the policy of APARTHEID in South Africa and its effect on the European, Indian and African communities'.

Apartheid in South Africa and the British Foreign Office [Information Research Department; Special Intelligence Service]
Publication details: 
[United Kingdom Foreign Office, Whitehall, London. Circa 1953.]

From a batch of Foreign Office documents, including material from the Information Research Department (for whose activities, financed from the budget of the Special Intelligence Service, otherwise MI6, see The Times, 17 August 1995; and also Michael Cullis's obituary of Sir John Peck in the Independent, 20 January 1995). Duplicated typescript. Headed: '(g) The measures which have been taken to establish the policy of APARTHEID in South Africa and its effect on the European, Indian and African communities.' 10pp, foolscap 8vo. Pagination on pp.2-10 preceded by '(g)'.

[John Walter Gregory, geologist and explorer.] Autograph Letter Signed ('J W Gregory') to 'Mrs. Green', explaining that he cannot accept her invitation as he must go to 'the Red Lion dinner'.

J. W. Gregory [John Walter Gregory] (1864-1932), English geologist and explorer in Australia and elsewhere, who gives his name to the Gregory Rift in the Great Rift Valley
Publication details: 
On letterhead of the British Association, Oxford. 14 August 1894.

1p., 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged. He cannot accept her dinner invitation as he has 'promised to go to the Red Lion dinner & as the friend who got me the invitation there had I fear some trouble to do so, I do not like to withdraw'.

[ Washington Gledden, religious editor of the New York Independent and opponent of racial segregation. ] Autograph Signature.

Washington Gladden (1836-1918), American Congregational pastor and religious editor of New York Independent, prominent in the Social Gospel and Progressive Movements, opponent of racial segregation
Publication details: 
Place not stated. 29 January 1914.

On one side of a 12mo piece of paper. In good condition, lightly aged, folded once horizontally with traces of glue from mount on blank reverse. Firm signature, underlined. Reads: 'Washington Gledden | Jan 29, 1914'.

[ Robert Wilson Shufeldt, American ornithologist and white supremacist. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('R. W. Shufeldt') to Alexander Ramsey, regarding the 'Scientific Roll'.

Robert Wilson Shufeldt (1850-1934), American ornithologist and white supremacist [ Alexander Ramsey ]
Publication details: 
From Fort Wigate, New Mexico. 28 January 1886.

1p., 4to. In fair condition, on aged and worn paper. A presentation copy of the 'Scientific Roll' has 'just come to hand, as I have been snowed in at this point for a long time': 'if my purse were only as willing as my spirit I would put the shoulder to the wheel with you. It is a splendid work, and I look for the remaining parts with great interest.' He ends by asking to be put down as a subscriber. Ramsay's 'Scientific Roll: A Bibliography, Guide and Index to Climate' appeared between 1880 and 1884, and 'Scientific Roll and Magazine of Systematized Notes' appeared between 1890 and 1900.

[ Entomology; Forel ] Typed Letter Signed ('A Forel') by Forel, with photo; Autograph Letter Signed ('Edd: Clodd') by Clodd on blacks in Jamaica; ALS ('P. Celesia') by Celesia; in a copy of the English translation of Forel's 'The Senses of Insects'.

Auguste Forel [Auguste-Henri Forel] (1848-1931), Swiss entomologist and psychiatrist; Edward Clodd (1840-1930), English anthropologist; Paolo Celesia (1872-1916), Italian biologist [Jamaica; racism]
Publication details: 
Forel's letter: 7 May 1908, Yvorne. Clodd's letter: 4 June 1917, on letterhead of Strafford House, Aldeburgh, Suffolk. Celesia's letter: 15 June 1906, Como. The book: London: Methuen & Co. 1908.

The three letters are addressed to the translator of Forel's book, the surgeon and free-thinker Percival Macleod Yearsley (1867-1951). Forel's letter: 4to, 1 p. Twenty lines. In French. Text clear and complete. On browned and chipped high-acidity paper. Laid down on the front pastedown. In the first paragraph he thanks the translator, Macleod Yearsley, for the book, which he praises in fulsome terms. He is sending a copy of his 'Question Sexuelle'.

[ Albie Sachs, South African activist. ] Typescript of his book 'Soft Vengeance of a Freedom Fighter', with variations from the published version.

Albie Sachs [ Albert Louis Sachs ] (b.1935), African National Congress activist and former judge on the Constitutional Court of South Africa
Publication details: 
Without date or place, but between 1988, when the events described occurred in South Africa, and the publication of the book in 1990.

113pp., 8vo. On 57 leaves, stapled together, with white card backing. No title-page. Worn and aged, with first leaf detached, but in fair condition overall. In 1988, in Maputo, Mozambique, where Sachs was exiled as an ANC activist, he lost an arm and his sight in one eye when a bomb was placed in his car by agents acting for the South African Regime. Sach's memoir is an important document in the history of the South African freedom struggle. Widely praised on its publication, it received the Alan Paton Award in 1991.

['Black Americana.'] Complete set of four late-Victorian British chromolithographic plates, with stereotyped racist depictions of 'Sambo's Courtship', 'Sambo's Wedding', 'Sambo's First-Born' and 'Sambo's Baby's Christening'.

['Black Americana'; nineteenth-century racism; Victorian racist illustration]
Publication details: 
English (each print 'Copyright Entered at Stationers Hall'). Circa 1888.

The four plates (each 29 x 23.5 cm) are loose and unframed, in fair condition, aged and worn, with no margins, chipping to the edges, and with the corners cut off at a diagonal. Each title written in pencil in a contemporary hand on the reverse of the print, each with a price of '6d'. The subjects are not depicted in unattractive style, and are certainly not grotesques, but they are shown as 'simple', untroubled individuals, with the usual happy, gleaming brown faces and shiny white teeth.

A collection of around 150 items relating to the anti-apartheid struggle in South Africa, and African revolutionary politics, including booklets, periodicals, newspapers, handbills and circulars, from the papers of South African activist Basil Stein.

Collection of papers relating to South Africa, apartheid and African revolutionary politics [Basil Stein (1928-2012), South African mathematician, human rights activist and anti-apartheid campaigner]
Publication details: 
Most of the items published in either South Africa or London, England. The majority dating from the 1960s, with a few from the 1950s and 1970s.

Upwards of 150 items, in good condition, on lightly-aged paper. In two parts, with Part One (around 100 items) relating directly to the anti-apartheid struggle, and Part Two (around 50 items) to broader African revolutionary politics. Part One includes 16 booklets from the 1950s and 1960s: 'Nelson Mandela versus the State'; 'The Unholy Alliance. Salazar, Verwoerd, Welensky'; S. Abdul, 'The Truth about South Africa'; 'Sing Free South Africa'; 'What can I do? A Guide to Action Against Apartheid'; I. B. Tabata, 'Education for Barbarism'; Leslie Rubin, 'This is Apartheid'; H. E.

Union of South Africa. Department of Native Affairs. Report of the Inter-Departmental Committee on the Social, Health and Economic Conditions of Urban Natives.

[Union of South Africa, Department of Native Affairs, Report on the Social, Health and Economic Conditions of Urban Natives, 1942] [South African; apartheid]
Union of South Africa, Department of Native Affairs, Report
Publication details: 
Printed in the Union of South Africa by the Government Printer, Pretoria. 1942
Union of South Africa, Department of Native Affairs, Report

Folio, 30 pp. In original blue printed wraps. Stapled. Text clear and complete. On discoloured, frayed and creased paper. Ownership inscription of A. Copeman, Cambridge. Only copies on COPAC at the British Library and University of London SOAS.

Report of Enquiry into Wages and Costs of Living of Natives at Kroonstad, Orange Free State.

South African Institute of Race Relations (Incorp.) / Suid-Afrikaanse Instituut vir Rasseverhoudings (Ingelyf) [Bantu; apartheid]
Report of Enquiry into Wages and Costs of Living of Natives at Kroonstad
Publication details: 
Dated in type 'A. L. S. July 1st, 1940.'
Report of Enquiry into Wages and Costs of Living of Natives at Kroonstad

Folio, 13 pp. Mimeographed typed document on seven leaves stapled together at head. Some leaves separated. Text clear and complete. On aged high-acidity paper with slight chipping to extremities. Report over first seven pages, followed by two appendixes: 'Minimum Diet for Urban Bantu Family of Husband, Wife and Three Children and Cost thereof in Kroonstad' and 'Occupational and Wage Statistics'. No copy on COPAC or in the British Library.

Writers Against Apartheid [broadsheet magazine containing poems by MacDiarmid, MacNeice, Empson]

I. F. White, editor, 'Writers Against Apartheid' [South Africa; racism; Sean O'Casey; Hugh MacDiarmid; Louis MacNeice; William Empson]
I. F. White, editor, 'Writers Against Apartheid'
Publication details: 
Printed by Villiers Publications Ltd., Ingestre Road, London, N.W.5.
I. F. White, editor, 'Writers Against Apartheid'

Broadsheet bifolium, 4 pp. Text clear and complete. On lightly-aged paper, worn along fold lines. Poetry collection, containing twenty-eight poems by writers including 'Mazizi Kunene (In Exile, London, 1960)' and Hugh MacDiarmid, whose two poems have the footnote 'We are especially pleased to print these two new poems by Hugh McDiarmid, contributed despite the painful after effects of his recent car smash. We wish him a speedy and complete recovery.' Masthead endorsement by Sean O'Casey: 'I am with you in all efforts to create perfect race equality the world over.

Autograph Letter Signed ('F. Madras.') to 'My dear Venables'.

Frederick Gell (1820-1902), Anglican Bishop of Madras, India
Publication details: 
14 April 1871; 56 Friar Gate, Derby.

12mo, 2 pp. 24 lines of text. Good, on lightly-aged paper. Laid down on a leaf from an album, in such a way as the first line of the second page can only be read in mirror image by holding the item up to the light. Marvellously indicative of the patronising attitude of the governing British classes to their Indian subjects. On visiting Venables he will 'venture to bring with me my native servant' who 'does not require much in the way of accommodation'. If Venables 'has no corner for him' in his house, asks if he can recommend 'a little room somewhere near'.

Part of a mimeographed typewritten report into the activities of the VDA, including translations of Haushofer's 'Problems and Solutions of the VDA', Bockhacker's 'Resettlement Christmas', and other texts.

Der Volksbund für das Deutschtum im Ausland [VDA; Karl Haushofer; Heinz Bockhacker; Nazi propaganda; Germany; Second World War]
Publication details: 
[Compiled by the American intelligence services between 1942 and the end of the Second World War.

The spelling (e.g. 'honor') is American, the latest date mentioned is in 1942, and there is no indication that the document has ever been published. 58 pages, on one side each of fifty-eight A4 leaves (each roughly 26 x 20 cm), paginated 26 to 83. Punch holes for a binder at the head of each leaf.

Typed Letter Signed ('Cyril Burt') to 'Mrs. Place' [i.e. Mrs G. M. Place, of the publishers Pitman].

Sir Cyril Burt [Sir Cyril Lodowic Burt] (1883–1971), disgraced psychometric psychologist and eugenicist,
Publication details: 
12 October 1932; on letterhead of 4A, Eton Road, Hampstead, NW3.

4to: 2 pages. 37 lines of text. Text clear and entire on slightly discoloured paper, lightly worn and creased and with a few nicks to extremities. Signed properly on the second page. Place's essay, apparently a biographical account of the psychological development of a very young child, 'whiled [sic] away a long train journey last night very pleasantly'.

Autograph Letter Signed by George Lumbard ('Geo Lumbard') to unnamed correspondent.

Christy's Minstrels [The Christy Minstrels; Edwin Pearce Christy; George Christy [Harrington]; George Lumbard]
Christys Minstrels
Publication details: 
Town Hall, Buckingham; 12 March 1866.
Christys Minstrels

One page, 12mo. Good on piece of lightly-creased and aged paper, neatly mounted on slightly-larger piece of paper. Enclosing funds 'for the Use of St Andrews Hall April 2nd. 3rd. & 4th./66 for Christys Minstrels Concerts'. Postscript requests that receipt be sent to Reading in Berkshire: 'Shall be there on Thursday next'. A significant document. 1866 marked the introduction of the minstrel show into England by Christy's Minstrels, and the first of several extremely successful tours by the company.

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