[ Andrew Cowper Lawson, Professor of Geology at the University of California. ] Two Autograph Field Notebooks of an American geologist, including notes of Californian surveys conducted with E. F. Davis and A. R. Whitman while studying under Lawson.

A. C. Lawson [ Andrew Cowper Lawson ] (1861-1952), Professor of Geology, University of California; E. F. Davis [ Elmer Fred Davis ] (1887-1974); A. R. Whitman [ Alfred Russell Whitman ] (1881-1940)
Publication details: 
Mostly relating to the San Francisco Bay Area of California, but also to other parts of the state. Between 1912 and 1950.

The two volumes contain a total of 239pp., 12mo, in ink and pencil, with entries dating from between 29 November 1912 and 28 March 1950. In fair overall condition, with light signs of age and wear. In two Keuffel & Esser notebooks, each in remains of brown calf binding, the first with 'MINING | TRANSIT BOOK | 363' stamped on front cover, and the second with 'Cross Section Book | 375 S'. In manuscript on cover of first volume: '19<...> Dec. | The Psilomelane D | of the Francis <....> | by | Don <...> | Under Prof. A. C. L <...>'.

[Thomas Davidson, Scottish palaeontologist.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Thos Davidson') to S. P. Woodward of the British Museum Department of Geology, notifying him of various developments in the field.

Thomas Davidson (1817-1885), Scottish palaeontologist, author of monumental 'Monograph of British Fossil Brachiopoda' [Samuel Pickworth Woodward (1821-1865) of British Museum Department of Geology]
Publication details: 
2 Grosvenor Place, Brixton. 5 May 1852.

A good letter, breathing enthusiasm for his field of study. 3pp, 12mo. Bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged. Folded twice. He begins by stating that he will not be calling at the Museum that week, but writes to 'drop you a line to say that I have received a very long letter from Mr [Suett?] full of details regarding Ilrigocephalus etc and in which he mentions that he can drown you with notes on Rudists'. He also refers to 'a good paper by V. Hauren on the Structure etc of Caprina Partschi' ('a synonym of Cap. Paradoxa Matheron').

[Hanns Bruno Geinitz, German geologist.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Dr. H. B. Geinitz'), in English, regarding his dealings in Dresden with 'Mr. Pilkington'.

Hanns Bruno Geinitz (1814-1900), German geologist, Professor of Geology and Mineralogy in the Royal Polytechnic School at Dresden, and director of the Royal Mineralogical and Geological Museum
Publication details: 
'Dresden the 18. Jan. 1896.'

1p., 12mo. In fair condition, somewhat aged and worn. The recipient is not named, but is presumably George Frederick Armstrong (1842-1900), Professor of Engineering, Ediinburgh, from whose family papers the item derives. Geinitz writes: 'With many thanks for your kind letter to introduce Mr. Pilkington. I only regret, that snow and other effects of Winter-time did not allow any trip in the neighborhood [sic] for Geological purposes: we could only spend some days for studies in our Geological Museum, which Mr.

[John Walter Gregory, geologist and explorer.] Autograph Letter Signed ('J W Gregory') to 'Mrs. Green', explaining that he cannot accept her invitation as he must go to 'the Red Lion dinner'.

J. W. Gregory [John Walter Gregory] (1864-1932), English geologist and explorer in Australia and elsewhere, who gives his name to the Gregory Rift in the Great Rift Valley
Publication details: 
On letterhead of the British Association, Oxford. 14 August 1894.

1p., 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged. He cannot accept her dinner invitation as he has 'promised to go to the Red Lion dinner & as the friend who got me the invitation there had I fear some trouble to do so, I do not like to withdraw'.

[ Minerology; James Tennant; Koh-i-Noor ] Illustrated Stocklist of minerals, fossils, rocks, etc

J. Tennant, Minerologist by Appointment to Her Majesty and Lecturer on Minerology at King's College, London
Publication details: 
149 The Strand, [London] January, 1842

Four pages, 4to, unbound (signs of extraction so probably bound into a periodical as advertisement), 1" closed tear both leaves repaired, mainly good condition. He discusses his lectures at King's, gives illustrations (eg ichthyosuarus, ammonite, etc), describes the informative collections he is able to supply, describes books available (by his predecessor, Mawe; material re minerology, conchology ("inherited Mrs.

[ Henry Carvill Lewis, geologist and mineralogist. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('H. Carvill Lewis') to 'Prof. A. Ramsay' [ Alexander Ramsay, editor of the 'Scientific Roll' ]

Henry Carvill Lewis (1853-1888), American geologist and mineralogist, debunker of paranormal claims
Publication details: 
On letterhead of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia. 7 November 1884.

2pp., 8vo. Bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged. He is sending 'the first two volumes of the Proceedings of the Mineralogical Section of the Acad - as also some papers of my own'. He has heard of Ramsay's 'Scientific Roll', and desires to 'heartily endorse it', in the 'hope that it may be continued – It will be of very great service to scientific men'. He will be glad to receive it, and in return to send 'from time to time both the Proceedings of the Section and other original material'.

Autograph Letter Signed to "Mr Crow" [W.B. Crow, author of "Contributions to the Principles of Morphology "], essentially reviewing Crow's book, but also givinf a Testament..

Arthur H. Church, Chemist, Expert on Pottery and Stones
Arthur H. Church, Chemist, Expert on Pottery and Stones
Publication details: 
246 Iffley Road, Oxford, 2 April 1929.
Arthur H. Church, Chemist, Expert on Pottery and Stones

Two pages, 4to, fold marks, four small closed tears. A difficult hand. He thanks Crow for his book, "Contributions to the Principles of Morphology", just published, suggesting that Crow must have enjoyed reviewing "older views", adding, "The Philosophy on which Biology has [?] based is much neglected ...I never came across any Botanist for example who thought the two [?] of Goethe, & his theory of meta-morphosis has been a great curse ... for 100 years. The mistake of [?] was, that we had no 'definitions' of a leaf to begin with. ...

Autograph Letter Signed to the English mineralogist and geologist William Phillips (1775-1828).

Henry Kater (1777-1835), English physicist of German descent
Publication details: 
23 May 1823; Union Place, Regent's Park [London].

12mo: 2 pp. Very good. Addressed to 'Mr. W. Phillips' on otherwise-blank second leaf of bifolium, which carries traces of previous mount. Acknowledges 'the obliging present' of Phillips's 'valuable work on mineralogy' (the influential 'Outline of the Geology of England and Wales', 1822, written with William Conybeare).

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