[The Abbey Theatre, Dublin, 1914.] Printed programme for the first production of 'The Prodigal' by Walter Riddall, produced by A. Patrick Wilson, with orchestra conducted by John F. Larchet.

Abbey Theatre, Dublin, founded by W. B. Yeats, Lady Gregory and Edward Martyn; Walter Riddall; A. Patrick Wilson; John F. Larchet
Publication details: 
Production between 30 September and 3 October 1914. Abbey Theatre, Lower Abbey Street and Marlborough Street, Dublin, Ireland.

From the Sylvia and Robert Lynd papers. A scarce piece of Abbey Theatre ephemera: the National Library of Ireland has a copies of the programmes for later revivals of the play in the Joseph Holloway collection (1918-1920), but does not have this one. ‘The Prodigal’ was Riddall’s only play. It ran for five performances between 30 September and 3 October, Riddall having died earlier in the year. It was revived in 1916, 1919 and 1923. 4pp, 12mo. Stapled into grey Abbey Theatre wraps. In fair condition, aged and worn, with one vertical fold.

[Sir Henry Holland of Knutsford, physician to William IV and Victoria.] Autograph Letter Signed ('H Holland') to Dr George Gregory, pressing the claims of William Pulteney Alison to succeed Dr James Gregory as Professor of Medicine at Edinburgh.

Sir Henry Holland (1788-1873) of Knutsford, physician to William IV and Victoria and travel writer [William Pulteney Alison (1790-1859), Professor of Medicine, University of Edinburgh; George Gregory]
Publication details: 
Mount Street [London]; 10 April 1821.

See the entries in the Oxford DNB of Holland, and of the recipient of the letter, the physician and vaccinator George Gregory (1790-1853), and of the two individuals mentioned in it, James Gregory (1753-1821), Professor of the Institutes of Medicine at Edinburgh, and James Gregory's nephew William Pulteney Alison (1790-1859), who assisted him with his lectures and succeeded him in the professorship. 2pp, 4to. Bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged, with thin strip of paper adhering to the reverse of the second leaf, which is addressed, with small seal in red wax, 'To | Dr G.

[John Walter Gregory, geologist and explorer.] Autograph Letter Signed ('J W Gregory') to 'Mrs. Green', explaining that he cannot accept her invitation as he must go to 'the Red Lion dinner'.

J. W. Gregory [John Walter Gregory] (1864-1932), English geologist and explorer in Australia and elsewhere, who gives his name to the Gregory Rift in the Great Rift Valley
Publication details: 
On letterhead of the British Association, Oxford. 14 August 1894.

1p., 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged. He cannot accept her dinner invitation as he has 'promised to go to the Red Lion dinner & as the friend who got me the invitation there had I fear some trouble to do so, I do not like to withdraw'.

[Hodder & Stoughton, London publishers.] Typed Note Signed by two of the firm's directors, the brothers R. Percy Hodder-Williams and Ralph Hodder-Williams, asking Jackson Gregory to accept a 'special copy' of his 'Riders across the Border'.

Hodder & Stoughton, London publishers, founded 1868: Robert Percy Hodder-Williams (1880-1958) and his brother Ralph Hodder-Williams (1890-1961), directors
Publication details: 
On letterhead of Hodder & Stoughton Ltd, St. Paul's House, Warwick Square, London, E.C.4. 6 December 1938.

1p., 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged. The brothers ask Gregory to 'please accept this special copy of RIDERS ACROSS THE BORDER, with our warmest regards, and with every good wish for Christmas and the New Year.' Gregory had published his book with the firm earlier in the year.

Printed pamphlet: 'Bishop Brown and Pope Gregory XVI. The Bishop's Story.'

John Lambert [ Thomas Joseph Brown, Bishop of Newport and Menevia; Pope Gregory XVI ]
Publication details: 
January, 1891. 'Reprinted from the Downside Review.' [ Note to original printing dated November 1890. ] Yeovil: Printed by the Western Chronicle Company, Limited.

4pp., 12mo. With front wrap only, bearing the publication details. Covering the first page is a note signed in type 'JOHN LAMBERT. | November 1890.' The text of 'The Bishop's Story' is on pp.2-4, followed on the last page by a 'Note' signed in type 'J. L. | January, 1891.' Scarce: no copy on COPAC.

Printed pamphlet: 'U. I. O. G. D. To the Memory of the first Benedictine Pope St. Gregory the Great on the occasion of the Thirteenth Centennial of his death 604-1904'. [ On front cover: 'Thirteenth Centennial of St. Gregory the Great'. ]

'A Benedictine of Conception Abbey, Conception, Missouri, U.S.A.' [ Thirteenth Centennial of St. Gregory the Great ]
Publication details: 
'Printed as manuscript'. [ Conception Abbey, Conception, Missouri, U.S.A. 1904. ]

[20]pp., 8vo. In grey printed wraps. Disbound. In good condition, but with stitching cut away and leaves loose. A collection of poems, flashily printed in gold, red and green, on shiny art paper. Covers printed in gold, red and blue. Frontispiece illustration of the subject of the collection. Scarce: only one copy on OCLC WorldCat.

Printed pamphlet: 'The Home and Church of St. Gregory the Great.' [ With eight plates. ]

Rt. Rev. T. B. Snow, O.S.B.[ Church of St Gregory the Great, Rome ]
Publication details: 
'Reprinted from the Downside Review.' Printed by the Western Chronicle Company, Limited, Yeovil. 1890.

24pp., 8vo. With frontispiece and seven plates. In grey printed wraps. Disbound. In good condition, with light signs of age and wear. The only copy on COPAC at Aberdeen, and now scarce.

[ J. M. Synge's 'Playboy of the Western World'. ] Front-page article from 'The Gaelic American', carrying a report of 'New York's Protest against a Vile Play!', accompanied by a caricature of W. B. Yeats and Lady Gregory.

[ John Devoy (1842-1928), proprietor and editor of 'The Gaelic American', New York [ J. M. Sygne [ John Millington Synge ]; George Bernard Shaw; W. B. Yeats; Lady Gregory; The Abbey Theatre, Dublin ]
Publication details: 
New York. 2 December 1911. [ 'Vol. VIII, No. 48, Whole No. 429'. ]

The front and back covers of the newspaper are present, forming a bifolium. A frail and scarce survival. Heavily-aged newsprint, chipped and worn, with the top and bottom halves of the front page separated along a horizontal fold line. The article on Synge's play covers the first two of the six columns on the front page, with a further quarter-column on the back page.

[George Marin De la Voye.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Marin De la Voye') to 'Mrs. General Baumgardt', regarding his employment preparing her son 'for his Woolwich examination'.

George Marin De la Voye (1796-1877), French author, tutor at the East India Military College and Addiscombe Military Academy [Major General John Gregory Baumgardt (c.1770-1855)]
Publication details: 
'Chateau de La Paix | Boulogne Sur Mer'. 28 May 1856.

3pp., 4to. Bifolium. On aged and worn paper, with repair to closed tears. He begins by thanking her for her acknowledgment of 'the humble services I had rendered you in preparing your son'. He praises the boy for '[h]is docility, endearing Manners and Gentlemanly Conduct', adding that '[h]e has very little now left to complete the course of instruction necessary for his Woolwich examination'. He will 'complete that course, on his return from Germany by three months' final training'. Other topics in the letter are her 'excursion', health, and an 'approaching trip'.

[Gregory Thurston Bedell, Bishop of Ohio.] Letter in a secretarial hand, signed ('G. T. Bedell | Bishop of Ohio.') to the Lord Mayor of London [Sir Henry Isaacs], sending a cheque for $100 'to your collection for "the China Famine Relief Fund"'.

Gregory Thurston Bedell (1817-1892), third Episcopal Bishop of Ohio [Sir Henry Isaacs, Lord Mayor of London; The China Famine Relief Fund, 1889]
Publication details: 
From Nice, France. (On letterhead of the Diocese of Ohio.) 25 January 1889.

1p., 12mo. In fair condition, on aged and creased paper. Reads: 'Dear Sir, and His Honor, the Lord Mayor of London. | Your appeal has this hour met my eye. Be so good as to add the enclosed $100, to your collection for "the China Famine Relief Fund." Messrs. Brown, Shipley, & Co, are in the habit of cashing my check on Bank of New York; it it is desired.' With oval stamp of the City bankers Brown Shipley & Co., and initaled note of the converted sum, '£20 7s 3d'.

[University College, London.] Six printed handbills: four syllabuses or calendars of events, each headed 'Special Arrangements', with another for 'Special Courses in Psychology', and an announcement of a set of 'Public Introductory Lectures'.

[University College, London (University of London)] [T. Gregory Foster; Walter W. Seton; William McDougall; Carveth Reid; Sir William Ramsay; Sir John Macdonell; F. Mackarness; L. M. Brandin]
Publication details: 
Unversity College, London (University of London). The four relating to 'Special Arrangements' dating from 'First Term. Session 1904-1905' to 'First Term. - Session 1905-1906.' The 'Special Courses' for 1904-1905. The 'Lectures' for 1905-1906.

The six items in fair condition, on aged and worn paper. With stamps, shelfmarks and labels of the Board of Education Reference Library. The four calendars of 'Special Arrangements' are all 1p., foolscap 8vo, and signed in type at the foot by T. Gregory Foster, Principal, and Walter W. Seton, Acting Secretary. They give details of lectures and other information including the 'Reception of new Students by the Principal and the respective Deans' and the 'Last Day for receiving Essays'. The other two documents only carry Foster's signature in type.

Printed poster by University College, London, advertising 'A Course of Lectures on "Radioactivity"' by Sir William Ramsay,Nobel Prize winner, and courses of lectures by E. C. C. Baly, J. H. K. Inglis ('In and N. T. M. Wilsmore.

T. Gregory Foster, Ph.D., Principal, University College, London (University of London) [Sir William Ramsay; Edward Charles Cyril Baly; J. H. K. Inglis; N. T. M. Wilsmore]
Publication details: 
University College, London (University of London). Ramsay's lectures advertised for 18 October 1904, Baly's for 4 November 1904 and 3 February 1905, Inglis's for 17 October 1904, and Wilsmore's for 11 October 1904.

1p., foolscap 8vo. In fair condition, aged and worn, with stamp, label and shelfmark of the Board of Education Library. Signed in type at foot by 'T. GREGORY FOSTER, Ph.D., | Principal.' Laid out in the usual variety of types and point sizes. The poster gives details of the lectures and cost.

Typed Letter Signed ('Oliver G. Pike') from the ornithologist Oliver Gregory Pike, offering his services as a lecturer.

Oliver G. Pike [Oliver Gregory Pike] (1877-1963), FZS, FRPS, British ornithologist, wildlife photographer and documentary pioneer
Publication details: 
On his letterhead of 'The Birdland Lectures, The Bungalow, Leighton Buzzard.' May 1925.

1p., 4to. In fair condition, aged and lightly-creased. The letterhead includes fourteen endorsements from newspapers in the left-hand margin, with Pike described as 'Author of the Birdland Books. | 100,000 copies sold.' Although bearing a genuine signature, the letter may be a circular. Pike is enclosing 'a copy of my Lecture Prospectus for next season' (not present). He goes on to discuss his 'new Lecture entitled: - "BIRDLAND CAMEOS"', before concluding: 'If your Society should decide to engage me, I can promise them a thoroughly interesting evening.'

Autograph Letter Signed ('Olinthus Gregory') from the English mathematician Olinthus Gilbert Gregory to Knight Spencer, Secretary, Surrey Institution[, regarding a series of lectures by his friend John Mason Good]. With engraved portrait of Gregory.

Olinthus Gregory [Olinthus Gilbert Gregory] (1774-1841), Mathematical Master, Royal Military Academy, Woolwich [Knight Spencer, Secretary, Surrey Insitution; John Mason Good (1764-1827), lecturer]
Publication details: 
Royal Military Academy, Woolwich. 26 March [1812].

1p., 4to. Bifolium. Very good, on lightly-aged paper, with slight traces of mount on reverse of second leaf, which is addressed, with three postmarks and docketing by Spencer, to 'Knight Spencer Esq. | Surry [sic] Institution | Blackfriar's Road'. Gregory is pleased to learn 'that there is a probability of Mr. Jones being able to accommodate us with apparatus for our proposed Lectures, upon such terms as are likely to square pretty well with the funds of the Surry Institution'.

Typed Letter Signed ('R. A. Gregory') from Sir Richard Arman Gregory to T[homas]. Ll[oyd]. Humberstone, regarding an article for 'Nature' magazine on the London School of Hygiene.

Sir R. A. Gregory [Sir Richard Arman Gregory] (1864-1952), writer on science, editor of 'Nature', and scientific editor at the London publishers Macmillan & Co. [Thomas Lloyd Humberstone (1876-1957)]
Publication details: 
27 July 1926; on letterhead of Nature Magazine, Macmillan & Co. Ltd, St. Martin's Street, London, WC2.

4to, 1 p. Twenty lines. Text clear and complete. Good, on aged paper, with slight traces of mount on reverse. Having read Humberstone's article on the London School of Hygiene, he is 'sending it to the printers to be set up'. He commends the article for dealing with the subject 'in an interesting and useful way'. He rejects the five plans Humberstone has sent, as they would not 'reproduce satisfactorily', and a photograph which is 'too large to go across a page', and would like 'a photograph of the elevation of the School' and 'either a photograph or an electro of the design of the Seal'.

Photographic studio portrait of the English novelist Stella Gibbons by the photographer Yvonne Gregory.

Yvonne Gregory (1889-1970), photographer, wife of Bertram Park (1883-1972) [Stella Gibbons (1902-1989)]
Yvonne Gregory (1889-1970), photographer: Stella Gibbons
Publication details: 
Without date [1940s?] or place. Printed label of Yvonne Gregory on reverse, giving the photograph's 'Reference File No.' as 'YG/A546/A.'
Yvonne Gregory (1889-1970), photographer: Stella Gibbons

Image roughly 7 x 9.5 cm, on piece of paper 8 x 10.5 cm, mounted on recto of second leaf of a cream card bifolium, with a window frame through first leaf. Printed label on reverse of second leaf reads: 'This photograph is copyright and mahy not be copied or reproduced in any way whatsoever. Legal proceedings may be taken against any infringement. | YVONNE GREGORY.' In very good condition, on lightly-aged paper. Head and shoulders three-quarters profile, from Gibbons' right, showing the novelist in a tailored jacket with padded shoulders.

[Booklet] Honey and Gall (Studies in Mystic Materialism)

Llewellyn Powys, author
Honey and Gall (Studies in Mystic Materialism)
Publication details: 
Little Blue Book No.534, Haldeman-Julius Company, Girard, Kansas, [1924]
Honey and Gall (Studies in Mystic Materialism)

64pp., c.8.5 x 12.5cm, fair condition, covers faded to beige rather than blue. Inscribed (slightly faded) on front cover Gertrude M. Powys | Easter 1945 | from Alyse. Alyse Gregory, American suffragist and writer, wife of Llewellyn Powys. Gertrude Powys, artist sister of the Powys brothers. The title-page has been inscribed by the husband of a member of the Powys Society who was giving the booklet to Margaret Eaton, bookseller (Peter Eaton), also a member of the Powys Society. Enclosed: Photograph, 15 x 8cm, probably of aged Llewellyn Powys reading a book

Autograph Letter Signed from the publisher J. W. Arrowsmith ['J W Arrowsmith'] to Clement Shorter, attempting to gain a review for a book of poems by John Gregory, published by Arrowsmith.

J. W. Arrowsmith [James William Arrowsmith] (1839-1913), Bristol printer and publisher [Clement Shorter (1857-1926); Sir Richard Gregory (1864-1952)]
Autograph Letter Signed from the publisher J. W. Arrowsmith
Publication details: 
15 February [1907.] On his letterhead ('J W Arrowsmith | Publisher | Bristol').
Autograph Letter Signed from the publisher J. W. Arrowsmith

12mo, 1 p. Ten lines. Clear and complete. Fair, on aged paper. Letterhead in red. Headed 'My Garden' (in 1907 Arrowsmith published 'My Garden and other Poems by John Gregory. With an appreciation by E. J. Watson'). He wonders whether the book is 'worth notice'. 'There is no mistake about Gregory being a working man [he was a cobbler]. His son is Prof. of astronomy and Assistant Editor of Nature'.

Beltaine. An Occasional Publication. The Organ of the Irish Literary Theatre. Edited by W. B. Yeats.

W. B. Yeats, editor; George Moore, Edward Martyn, W. B. Yeats, Alice Milligan, and Augusta Gregory, contributors [Irish literature]
Publication details: 
Number Two. February 1900. London: At the Sign of the Unicorn, VII Cecil Court, Saint Martin's Lane, W.C.

4to, 28 + [iv] pp. In original buff printed wraps. In fair condition, on lightly-aged paper, with rust to staples causing detached covers. Nicely printed. Advertisements on the last four pages and three sides of the wraps.

Autograph Signature.

Olinthus Gilbert Gregory (1774–1841), English mathematician
Publication details: 
Without date or place.

Good firm signature on slip of paper roughly 2.5 x 10 cm. Laid down on slightly larger rectangle of grey paper cut down from leaf of autograph album. A little ruckled, otherwise very good.

Autograph Note Signed ('Geo Gregory') to 'Mr Hawley'.

George Gregory, Bath bookseller
Publication details: 
4 June 1919; on firm's ornate letterhead.

One page, on paper roughly seven inches by eight wide. Good, on lightly creased paper. Stamped with date. He thanks his correspondent for 'the typed list'. Headed 'Memorandum from | GEORGE GREGORY, Book Merchant, Library Buyer and Exporter, | The Imperial Book Store, | 5 and 5a ARGYLE STREET, BATH. | Out-of-Print and Rare, or Out-of-the-Way Books sought for and reported promptly, with option of purchase. Send me your List of Wants. | Licensed Valuer. Stock well classified in Thirty Rooms. Libraries Purchased. | Bankers: UNION OF LONDON & SMITHS BANK, LTD., BATH.

Engraved coloured lithographic portrait, 'Drawn from Nature by J. W. Childe' and engraved by Charles James Hullmandel (1789-1850).

Richard Lemmon Gregory, 'The Respected Librarian at MR. LODER'S ESTABLISHMENT, North St. Brighton.' [Robert Loder; Circulating Libraries]
Publication details: 
Published by R. Loder, North Street, Sepr. 12th. 1828.'

Dimensions of paper roughly eight and a half inches by six and a half wide. Illustration roughly five and a half inches by five wide. Good on slightly aged and creased paper. A grey-haired Gregory, fashionably dressed in striped waistcoat and cravat, and wearing a white apron, stares at the viewer while holding a book in his left hand and writing its details in a ledger with a quill in his right hand. BBTI gives Robert Loder's trading dates as 1822-39, and Gregory's as 1793-1851.

Typed Letter Signed to the editor of the Journal of the Rontgen Society.

Sir Richard Arman Gregory, Professor of Astronomy, Queen's College, London (1864-1952)
Publication details: 
25 July 1918; on letterhead of the British Science Guild (British Scientific Products Exhibition, 1918).

Signed 'R. A. Gregory'. One page, folio. Good, with one dogeared corner. Bearing the stamp of the Royal Society of Arts. Circular letter referring to an enclosure (not present) relating to an exhibition which 'will shew that by the combination of science and industry we have done nearly as much in four years of war as the Germans did in the preceding forty. More than 250 manufacturers are sending exhibits, and the Air Ministry will make a large display, as well as the Food Production Department.' Asks for 'a sympathetic editorial note or article'.

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