[William Henry Corfield, Victorian pioneer in the field of hygiene and public health.] Autograph Letter in the third person to 'Miss Armstrong' [daughter of Professor G. F. Armstrong], regarding his 'course of Lectures on Hygiene to Ladies'

W. H. Corfield [William Henry Corfield] (1843-1903), Professor of Hygiene and Public Health, University College London [George Frederick Armstrong (1842-1900), Professor of Engineering, Ediinburgh]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of 10 Bolton Row, Mayfair, W. [London] 12 September 1879.

2pp., 12mo. Bifolium with mourning border. In good condition, lightly aged. Begins: 'Prof. Corfield presents his compliments to Miss Armstrong and begs to inform her that his Course of Lectures on Hygiene to Ladies will commence on Thursday Octr. 2nd at University College, London, and will be illustrated by specimens &c from the Parkes Museum.' He would forward a syllabus if he had one, and suggests that she apply to the college secretary 'for a copy of the Prospectus of the Faculties of Science'.

[Printed War Office pamphlet.] Water supplies in the Field. Notes for Medical Officers. (Reprinted with Amendments 1 and 2, 1941.)

[Director of Hygiene, War Office, Whitehall; British government publications; Second World War]
Publication details: 
'Issued under the authority of the Director of Hygiene, War Office [Whitehall]'.

iii + 109pp., 12mo. In green printed wraps. In good condition, lightly-aged. Stapled addendum titled 'Amendment No. 3.' (5pp., 12mo) loosely inserted. Main headings: Amounts; Sources; Metal Solvency in Water; Hardness of Water; Brackish Waters; Bitter Aperient Waters; Examination of Water Supplies; Purification of Water; Water Vehicles, Water Points and Distribution; Poisoning of Water by the Enemy; Water Supplies Contaminated with Schistosome Cercariae.

Typed Letter Signed ('R. A. Gregory') from Sir Richard Arman Gregory to T[homas]. Ll[oyd]. Humberstone, regarding an article for 'Nature' magazine on the London School of Hygiene.

Sir R. A. Gregory [Sir Richard Arman Gregory] (1864-1952), writer on science, editor of 'Nature', and scientific editor at the London publishers Macmillan & Co. [Thomas Lloyd Humberstone (1876-1957)]
Publication details: 
27 July 1926; on letterhead of Nature Magazine, Macmillan & Co. Ltd, St. Martin's Street, London, WC2.

4to, 1 p. Twenty lines. Text clear and complete. Good, on aged paper, with slight traces of mount on reverse. Having read Humberstone's article on the London School of Hygiene, he is 'sending it to the printers to be set up'. He commends the article for dealing with the subject 'in an interesting and useful way'. He rejects the five plans Humberstone has sent, as they would not 'reproduce satisfactorily', and a photograph which is 'too large to go across a page', and would like 'a photograph of the elevation of the School' and 'either a photograph or an electro of the design of the Seal'.

Some Recent Phases of the Sewage Question, With Remarks on "Ensilage," As applied to the Storing and Preservation of Sewage-Grown Green Crops.

Henry Robinson, C.E., F.S.I. [sanitation; Victorian London sewers; silage; sewage; sewerage; cesspools]
Publication details: 
[London:] Reprinted by permission of the Council from the "Transactions" of the Surveyors' Institution.' To be obtained of Messrs. Spon, 125, Strand, W.C. [1885.]

Octavo: 28 pp (paginated 203-230). Unbound and stitched. In original orange printed wraps. Fold-out lithographic plate (c.21 x 45 cms, containing figs. 2 to 6) by C. F. Kell of Castle Street, Holborn, and three illustrations in text: fig.1, a 'useful portable silo [...] made by Messrs. Reynolds', fig.7, 'a simple form of silo with Reynolds' pressure', and fig.8, 'a suggested design for a silo'. The aim of the paper is to 'bring before The Surveyors' Institution some recent phases of the sewage question'. Very good, if a tad dusty at head.

Storage of Flood Water.

Professor Henry Robinson, M.Inst.C.E., F.G.S. [sanitation; Victorian London sewers; sewage; sewerage; silage]
Publication details: 
Excerpt from Vol. XX., Part IV., of The Journal of The Sanitary Institute.' The Sanitary Institute. Congress at Southampton, 1899. Offices: Parkes Museum, Margaret Street, London, W.

Octavo: 5 pps. Unbound. In original grey printed wraps. Very good, with thin strip of discoloration at foot of back wrap. Manuscript correction (by Robinson?) to one word, and pencil diagram of 'Waste Weir & flood Water Channel' drawn on blank verso of final leaf.

Facts about Fevers, Or Practical Rules for Preventing the Spread of Infection, Especially in Relation to Outbreaks of Scarlatina & Typhoid Fever.

David Page, M.D., Edin.
Publication details: 
Kendal: Printed by Wm. Fisher, Stricklandgate. ['Netherfield, Kendal. January 1st, 1880.'

Octavo: 15pp. Unbound and stitched, with original printed front wrap. Presentation copy, inscribed on front wrap 'With the Author's Compts | No. 4'. Good, with neat vertical fold and small glue stain to front wrap. 'There are few persons who, in the course of a lifetime manage to escape, and there is probably not a household which does escape, one or more of the numerous complaints which are popularly known as Fevers. [...] The object of this pamphlet is [...] to give shortly and to the point [...] that information about well-established Medical facts concerning these matters'.

Autograph Letter Signed to 'Mr. Rackrill'.

Storey Wilson, British author
Publication details: 
12 March [no year]; on letterhead 23 Claremont Road, Leamington.

Two pages, 12mo. On aged and creased paper. Was 'taken by surprise the other afternoon when you mentioned my book and paid me such a high compliment [...] I cordially appreciate your warm approval of what I have written concerning hospitals, and as you take such a warm interest in health matters I beg to send for your acceptance some other titles of mine on such subjects'.

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