[William Henry Corfield, Victorian pioneer in the field of hygiene and public health.] Autograph Letter in the third person to 'Miss Armstrong' [daughter of Professor G. F. Armstrong], regarding his 'course of Lectures on Hygiene to Ladies'

W. H. Corfield [William Henry Corfield] (1843-1903), Professor of Hygiene and Public Health, University College London [George Frederick Armstrong (1842-1900), Professor of Engineering, Ediinburgh]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of 10 Bolton Row, Mayfair, W. [London] 12 September 1879.

2pp., 12mo. Bifolium with mourning border. In good condition, lightly aged. Begins: 'Prof. Corfield presents his compliments to Miss Armstrong and begs to inform her that his Course of Lectures on Hygiene to Ladies will commence on Thursday Octr. 2nd at University College, London, and will be illustrated by specimens &c from the Parkes Museum.' He would forward a syllabus if he had one, and suggests that she apply to the college secretary 'for a copy of the Prospectus of the Faculties of Science'.

[ William J. Collins; Pamphlet; inscribed ] Lecture to the Congress BY [...] On the Chadwick School of thought. (An Appeal from the New Sanitarians to the Old)".

Sir William J. Collins (William Job Collins)
Publication details: 
The Royal Sanitary Institute, London, 1913.

Excerpt from Vol. XXXIV., No. 7 (1913) of the Journal of The Royal Sanitary Institute. Paginated 315]-337, printed illus. grey wraps, sunned, good condition. Officers of the Institute listed on back cover. INSCRIBED by author, "With the author's compts", on front wrap. Copies listed at the BL and McGill only (WorldCat/COPAC).

[ Sir Robert Rawlinson, civil engineer. ] Autograph Note Signed ('Robert Rawlinson'), accepting a dinner invitation from Scottish artist Thomas Faed.

Sir Robert Rawlinson (1810-1898), English civil engineer in the field of public health and sanitation [ Thomas Faed (1826-1900), RA, Scottish artist ]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of Lancaster Lodge, 11 Boltons, West Brompton, S.W. [ London ] 7 November 1877.

1p., 12mo. In good condition, lightly-aged, with small part of paper mount adhering at head. Accepting a dinner invitation on 20 November.

[Female suffrage; printed pamphlet.] The Ladies' Sanitary Association. From the "English Woman's Journal."

'B. R. P.' [Bessie Rayner Parkes] [The Ladies' Sanitary Association; The English Woman's Journal, London] [women's suffrage; Victorian feminism]
Publication details: 
[The Ladies' Sanitary Association.] London: Published at the Office, 14a Princes Street, Cavendish Square. [Printed by Odell & Ives, 18, Princes Street, Cavendish Square.] Undated [1859].

15pp., 8vo. In good condition, lightly-aged, no wraps, disbound. No copy on COPAC or on OCLC WorldCat.

[Sir George Buchanan, physician and epidemiologist.] Autograph Letter Signed ('George Buchanan'), apologising 'To the Secretary of the Social Science Association' for not being able to present a paper.

Sir George Buchanan (1831-1895), epidemiologist and civil servant, assistant physician at the children's Hospital, Great Ormond Street ( N1855-1860), physician (1861–1868) at the London Fever Hospital
Publication details: 
On letterhead of 75 Gower Street, WC [London]. 3 October 1859.

2pp., 12mo. Good, on lightly aged and creased paper. A florid apology, beginning: 'The very kind consideration extended to me by yourself and the other managers of your admirable association appears to demand from me something more than a renewed Confession of incapacity on my part.' He has been 'at work almost all the time that other people have been making holiday, without finding time to leave my more imperative labours for the compilation of the paper which I should have wished to present'. He continues in the same tone, with the reminder that he 'at first expressed to Mr.

[Jane Dalgliesh.] Manuscript itemised laundry bill, made out by her for David Williamson [later Lord Balgray].

Jane Dalgliesh [David Williamson (1761-1837), Lord Balgray]
Publication details: 
Place not stated [Scotland]. Entries dating from 7 April to 9 August 1780.

2pp., 12mo. Headed 'Mr David Williamson to Jane Dalgliesh'. Twenty items, each with separate charge, beginning with 'April 7th 9 Shirts - -

['Public Baths for the Working Classes' in Nicolson Square, Edinburgh.] Three items relating to the project, two in manuscript (long circular letter, and accounts with 'Remarks') and printed prospectus.

'Public Baths for the Working Classes' in Nicolson Square, Edinburgh; Charles Gardner, Secretary to the Committee; D. McLaren and William Johnston]
Publication details: 
Printed prospectus dated Edinburgh, 14 July 1847. Circular letter from Committee Rooms, Cranston's Temperance Coffee House, High St, Edinburgh; 1 August 1844. Accounts at 12 August 1844.

Surprisingly little appears to have been written about the public baths at 12 Nicolson Square, Edinburgh; with no references to it on the Scottish Archives Network. There is however an informative reference to the subject in Francis H. Groome's 'Ordnance Gazetteer of Scotland' (1884): 'Good public baths, of various kinds and various extent, for the upper and the middle classes, are in several parts both of the city and its environs. Public baths for the working classes were long a desideratum, though earnestly desired by many of the working classes themselves.

Autograph Letter Signed from the American statistician Lemuel Shattuck to 'Dr. Jarvis' [Edward Jarvis of Concord], 'relative to the Report about which we have conferred'.

Lemuel Shattuck (1793-1859), American statistician and public health pioneer [Edward Jarvis (1803-1884) of Concord, Massachusetts, psychiatrist and statistician]
Publication details: 
Boston; 2 April 1847.

1p., 4to. Good. He has received no reply to the letter he wrote 'in relation to the Report about which we have conferred', and was 'in hopes to have been able to see you at Dorchester before this time', but has had 'another ill time', being 'confined again to my room'. He has received a letter from 'Dr <?> of New York in relation to the , and an answer is required forthwith'. He asks Jarvis to call as soon as possible. It was under the influence of Shattuck that Jarvis first became interested in statistics.

[Printed items.] Prospectus and application form for 1897 flotation of London United Laundries, Limited, with poster carrying fifteen photographs of 'Businesses to be acquired by the Company' and publicity flier headed 'A Great Laundry Amalgamation'.

The London United Laundries, Limited [Directors: The Hon. Reginald Brougham, A. C. Lyster, Murray Marshall, F. A. Baldwin, Ernest Honey]
The London United Laundries, Limited
Publication details: 
Prospectus 'Dated May 27th, 1897, London'; Roberts & Leete, Ltd., Printers, London. Other three items contemporaneous.
The London United Laundries, Limited

All items in good condition, on lightly-aged paper. ONE: Prospectus. Folio, 7 pp. To raise share capital of £230,000. Lists the '13 modern Steam Laundries', four 'Receiving Depots', 'Dyeing and Cleaning Works' and 'recently-established Laundry Supply Stores' the company was being 'formed to acquire as going concerns, and still further develop'. Includes section on 'Advantages of the Amalgamation', auditors' and valuers' reports and memorandum of association. TWO: Application form. Folio, 1 p. Perforated, with 'Bankers' Receipt'. THREE: Publicity flier. Folio, 2 pp.

Facts about Fevers, Or Practical Rules for Preventing the Spread of Infection, Especially in Relation to Outbreaks of Scarlatina & Typhoid Fever.

David Page, M.D., Edin.
Publication details: 
Kendal: Printed by Wm. Fisher, Stricklandgate. ['Netherfield, Kendal. January 1st, 1880.'

Octavo: 15pp. Unbound and stitched, with original printed front wrap. Presentation copy, inscribed on front wrap 'With the Author's Compts | No. 4'. Good, with neat vertical fold and small glue stain to front wrap. 'There are few persons who, in the course of a lifetime manage to escape, and there is probably not a household which does escape, one or more of the numerous complaints which are popularly known as Fevers. [...] The object of this pamphlet is [...] to give shortly and to the point [...] that information about well-established Medical facts concerning these matters'.

Some Recent Phases of the Sewage Question, With Remarks on "Ensilage," As applied to the Storing and Preservation of Sewage-Grown Green Crops.

Henry Robinson, C.E., F.S.I. [sanitation; Victorian London sewers; silage; sewage; sewerage; cesspools]
Publication details: 
[London:] Reprinted by permission of the Council from the "Transactions" of the Surveyors' Institution.' To be obtained of Messrs. Spon, 125, Strand, W.C. [1885.]

Octavo: 28 pp (paginated 203-230). Unbound and stitched. In original orange printed wraps. Fold-out lithographic plate (c.21 x 45 cms, containing figs. 2 to 6) by C. F. Kell of Castle Street, Holborn, and three illustrations in text: fig.1, a 'useful portable silo [...] made by Messrs. Reynolds', fig.7, 'a simple form of silo with Reynolds' pressure', and fig.8, 'a suggested design for a silo'. The aim of the paper is to 'bring before The Surveyors' Institution some recent phases of the sewage question'. Very good, if a tad dusty at head.

Storage of Flood Water.

Professor Henry Robinson, M.Inst.C.E., F.G.S. [sanitation; Victorian London sewers; sewage; sewerage; silage]
Publication details: 
Excerpt from Vol. XX., Part IV., of The Journal of The Sanitary Institute.' The Sanitary Institute. Congress at Southampton, 1899. Offices: Parkes Museum, Margaret Street, London, W.

Octavo: 5 pps. Unbound. In original grey printed wraps. Very good, with thin strip of discoloration at foot of back wrap. Manuscript correction (by Robinson?) to one word, and pencil diagram of 'Waste Weir & flood Water Channel' drawn on blank verso of final leaf.

Two Autograph Letters Signed and two Autograph Card Signed (all 'W J Collins') to Sir Henry Trueman Wood, with offprint of lecture to Royal Sanitary Institute: 'The Chadwick School of Thought. (An appeal from the New Sanitarians to the Old.)'

Sir William Job Collins (1859-1946), English ophthalmic surgeon and Liberal politician
Publication details: 
The letters and cards, 1914, 1915 and 1916; the offprint, 'Excerpt from Vol. XXXIV., No. 7 (1913) of the Journal of The Royal Sanitary Institute.'

The collection is in good condition. Three of the communications bear the stamp of the Royal Society of Arts, of which the recipient Wood was the Secretary.

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