[‘Compo’ in ‘Last of the Summer Wine’.] Typed Letter Signed from the actor Bill Owen to the theatre historian W. Macqueen-Pope, asking for advice on a script he wishes to write about Dan Leno.

Bill Owen [William John Owen Rowbotham (1914-1999)], English actor and songwriter, best-known for playing ‘Compo’ in the BBC TV series ‘Last of the Summer Wine’ [W. Macqueen-Pope, theatre historian]
Publication details: 
15 April 1953; on letterhead of Lavender Lodge, Maidenhead Court, Maidenhead.

From the Macqueen-Pope papers. (See his entry in the Oxford DNB.) 1p, 16mo. Signed ‘Bill Owen’. In fair condition, lightly aged and creased. Hailing him as ‘the greatest living authority on British Theatre’, he asks for advice. ‘My job is acting, and it has always been an ambition of mine to portray the life of Dan Leno, either on film or TV.

[T. F. Powys [Theodore Francis Powys], novelist and short-story writer,] Neat Autograph Signature for an autograph hunter.

T. F. Powys [Theodore Francis Powys] (1875-1953), novelist and short-story writer, brother of John Cowper Powys and Llewellyn Powys
Publication details: 
No date or place.

For Powys and his two literary brothers see the Oxford DNB. On 11 x 9 cm piece of wove paper. The paper is discoloured with heavy spotting aroudnd the signature. Clearly a response to a request for an autograph, neatly written and centred on the paper, the only writing is the signature: ‘Theodore Frances Powys’. See image.

[ Manuscript; Wine & Food Society ; menu ] "Diner servi a la Wine & Food Society President, | Monsieur Andre Simon | Secretaire General Monsieur John Hoare"

[ Wine & Food Society ]
Wine and Food Society
Publication details: 
Jeudi, le 2 Septembre 1965
Wine and Food Society

One page MS, sm. folio, from an album, verso, the recto has remnants of other printed material (list of restaurants in London perhaps). Menu Gastronomique listed on left, columnised from L'Abandance des Pates, through Les Quenelles, Le Canard, others, Le gigot froid, La Salade Verte, Les Fromages de France, Le Baba aux fruits frais, concluding with Le Moka. Attendees have signed the right hand column, headed by John Hoare (Secretaire General) but not including Simon (17 signatures).

[ Richard Ford, English traveller in Spain. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Richd Ford') to Lord Colville, discussing Spanish wines (Manzanilla, Montilla, Amontillado).

Richard Ford (1796-1858), English author and traveller in Spain [ Lord Colville [ Charles John Colville, 1st Viscount Colville of Culross ] (1818-1903) ]
Publication details: 
123 Park Street, Grosvenor Square [ London ]. 10 January 1855.

Written on both sides of a 13 x 11 cm piece of paper. Cropped, resulting in loss of text from both sides, and with the front of the letter (i.e. the side not bearing the signature) bearing traces of glue from mount. Otherwise in fair condition, lightly aged and worn. Ford begins by stating that Colville's 'letter of the 7th has been to Heavitree [his country house near Exeter] & back, & only reached me this morning'. He continues by explaining that 'The Manzanilla is to be had at Gormans 16.

[ Lord Berwick [ Thomas Noel Hill, 2nd Baron Berwick ], art patron. ] Autograph Note Signed about wine.

Lord Berwick [ Thomas Noel Hill, 2nd Baron Berwick of Attingham ] (1770-1832), art patron who employed Angelica Kauffman
Publication details: 
Attingham [ Attingham Park, Shropshire ]. 23 January 1803.

1p., landscape 12mo. Aged and worn. Traces of red wax from the seal on the reverse, which is docketed. Reads: 'Sir/ as you do not import the Teneriffe Wine yourself; I had rather not have any. - I will thank you to inform Mr Southern when the Post leaves Town - Send it by Barton's Shrewsbury Waggon. | I remain, | yr. Obdt. Sert. | Berwick'. Contemporary biographical annotation in light pencil at head.

[ Sir Walter Gilbey, wine-merchant and philanthropist. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Walter Gilbey') to 'Mr Howard', regarding the 'serious state and suffering' of Howard's grandfather.

Sir Walter Gilbey, 1st Baronet (1831-1914), English wine-merchant and philanthropist
Publication details: 
On letterhead of Elsenham Hall, Essex. 11 August 1895.

2pp., 12mo. Bifolium. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn. He is 'deeply grieved' at the news of Howard's grandfather: 'I could wish, as you all do, his life spared a few years longer but when you tell me of his serious state and suffering, I feel we must be prepared for the worst and not desire a lingering death.' He asks for his 'sympathy and regret' to be conveyed to the whole family.

[ Wine; merchant's account ] Itemised manuscript accounts of an early eighteenth-century Derbyshire wine merchant, for customers including William Cavendish of Dovebridge, Thomas Stanhope, William Sacheverell, Reginald Cynder.

[Accounts of an 18th-century Derbyshire winemerchant; William Cavendish of Dovebridge; Brook Boothby; Thomas Stanhope; William Sacheverell; the wine trade; vintners]
Publication details: 
Derbyshire; between 12 July 1702 and 13 January 1711.

15 pp, narrow folio (14.5 x 38 cm), in the remains of a volume which has been reused and cut up (see below). Although aged and dogeared, the eight pages carrying the accounts are in reasonable condition, with all texts clear and complete, although the last leaf of the eight has the lower third cut away. In remains of original vellum binding, with '17 Maij j683' on front board. The pages are variously paginated in a contemporary hand between 245 and 274.

[ The Australian Wine Company, Limited, London. ] Printed notice and Autograph Receipt Signed, both by John Paterson, the firm's liquidator.

The Australian Wine Company, Limited, London; John Paterson, Chartered Accountant, Liquidator
Publication details: 
John Paterson, Chartered Accountant, 35 Walbrook, London. [ Australian Wine Company, Limited, London ] Notice dated 20 February 1885; receipt dated five days later.

12mo bifolium, with the printed notice on the recto of the first leaf and Paterson's autograph receipt on the reverse of the first leaf. In good condition, lightly aged. The notice states that as liquidator Paterson has 'sold the Goodwill and Stock-in-trade to Mr. C. H. Aylwin' The notice is completed in manuscript, asking 'G. Johnston, Esqre.' to remit the ten shillings owing by him to the company. On the reverse Paterson acknowledges receipt 'from James Johnston, Banker, 61 Irish Sreet, Dumfries, Ten Shillings Stg.

[ King George II, as George, Prince of Wales. ] Manuscript list, for the Royal Household, of 'Wines To be sent for to France For His Royall Highness.s service for the Year 1718.'

[ King George II (1683-1760), as George, Prince of Wales ] [ Hanoverian wines and spirits ]
Publication details: 
[London? Circa 1717 or 1718.]

1p., folio. In fair condition, on aged and worn paper, with traces of buff card mount adhering to reverse, which is docketed: 'Wines To be sent for | To France for the Year | 1718.' Written in a fair bold hand, employing the long s, and amended in second looser hand. Reads: 'Wines To be sent for to France, For His Royall Highness.s service for the Year 1718. | 2 Tunn Pontac. | 3 Tunn Castle Margoux [sic] [amended to 'La '] | 4 Tunn La Fite or La Tour. | 15 Tunn Dessenam, Chateau Dassan & Obrian. [amended to 'High Mar<?>'] | 24 Tunn Claret | 1 Tunn ['Graves' added] White Pontac.

[Nathaniel Wegg, Wine and Spirit Merchant, Red Lion, No. 1, East Street, Greenwich.] Printed circular advertisement, informing the public that he has purchased the business of Mr. Gosling. With price list and engraving of the Red Lion Inn.

Nathaniel Wegg, Wine and Spirit Merchant, Red Lion, No. 1, East Street, Greenwich
Publication details: 
Nathaniel Wegg, Wine and Spirit Merchant, Red Lion, No. 1, East Street, Greenwich. [Henry S. Richardson, Printer, Greenwich.] July 1841.

2pp., 12mo. Bifolium. In fair condition, on aged and lightly-worn paper. The recto of the first leaf is headed by a 6.5 x 8 cm engraving of the Red Lion Inn. Beneath this is an advertisement in the form of a letter from 'NATHANIEL WEGG' to 'Sir, or Madam', addressed from 'RED LION, EAST STREET, GREENWICH. | July, 1841.' He states that he has 'repurchased the business lately carried on by Mr. GOSLING', and recommends his 'STOCK OF WINES, which was laid in by me at my commencement in business in December 1838, and which for selection and flavour may safely defy competition'.

[Lieutenant-General Sir William Stewart.] Autograph Letter in the third person from Major-General Stewart to his wine merchant Knobel of South Audley Street, regarding the sending of a hamper of wine and ale to Woodbridge, and an order for port.

Lieutenant-General Sir William Stewart (1774-1827), Commanding Officer of the Rifle Corps, and Scottish Member of Parliament [Solomon Knobel, wine merchant, South Audley Street, London]
Publication details: 
3 Gloucester Street [London]. 24 July 1812.

2pp., 12mo. Bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged and worn. Addressed on reverse of second leaf, with Stewart's seal in red wax, to 'Mr. Knobel | Wine Merchant | South Audley Street'. He asks Knobel to 'send a person & a Hamper to pack up three dozen of wine & ale left at the Major General's for the Country, as before'. He asks for the hamper to be sent, 'so packed & sealed, together with 3 dozen hamper of His, (Mr. Knobel's) best Port ready for immediate drinking by the Hoy to Woodbridge in Suffolk, as last winter'.

[Joseph Prestwich, wine merchant of Broseley, Shropshire.] Autograph Letter Signed to the family firm of Talver, Milburn & Prestwich, London, regarding three bills (one for his father Elias Prestwich), 'Russel''s contract, an order for brandy.

Joseph Prestwich of Broseley, Shropshire, wine merchant, and father of the geologist Sir Joseph Prestwich (1812-1896)
Publication details: 
Broseley [Shropshire]. 25 October 1806.

1p., 4to. Bifolium. On aged paper worn at extremities. Addressed on reverse (which also carries docketing and calculations) to 'Messrs. Talver Milburn & Prestwich | 24 High St. Boro' | London'. The letter begins: 'Gentn. | The enclosed bill value £186. 13. 4 - you will place to my Fathers acct. & acknowledge Pr. return to this place. In the statement made of the balance of his acct. I presume you omitted to give him credit for the Stock sold & the Dividend upon it'. In the second paragraph he gives details of '2 bills' he has drawn on the firm.

[Victorian British wine trade from Porto, Portugal.] Manuscript accounts, in English, detailing a substantial trade from Porto, with a large number of English wine merchants, headed 'Porto em 31st. December 1844', with table of 'Wines Shipt in 1844'.

[British wine trade with Porto, Portugal]
Publication details: 
Porto [Portugal]. 1844.

3pp. folio. Bifolium. In fair condition, on aged and worn wove paper watermarked 'RUSE & TURNERS | 1834', with a few short closed tears to crease lines.. The first page is headed 'Porto em 31st. December 1844', and the other two 'Porto the 31st. December 1844'. The account shows substantial sums paid in by various English wine merchants, and a final balance of 428,504 Reis 355 Dinheiro. Begins with 'Profit & Loss Dn. to Sundries' of 3887R 467D. Entries include: Brandy Account; Wines on Consignment; Casks Account; Bills Payable; Warehouse Utensils.

Printed handbill advertisement by 'W & A Gilbey | Wine Growers & Distillers', featuring five engravings headed 'Some Views of W & A Gilbey's Head Establishments'. With list of prices for wines and spirits.

W. & A. Gilbey, 'Wine Growers & Distillers' [Gilbey's Gin; business ephemera; priced trade catalogue]
Publication details: 
'Revised for 1884-5'. ['Agent Christopher L. Mead Wine & Spirit Merchant 65 Crouch Street Colchester.']

Printed on both sides of a piece of wove paper, 30.5 x 22.5. Text clear and complete, on aged paper with slight wear and a few short closed tears to extremities. The reverse consists of a list of prices for seven types of wine ('Selected from W & A Gilbey's List of 183 varieties.') and six types of spirit ('Selected from W & A Gilbey's List of 72 varieties.'). On the front, beneath the firm's heading (with tiny illustration of the 'Pantheon A.D. 1722') and Mead's details, are the five 'views', ranging in size from 4.5 x 18 cm to 4.5 x 5.6 cm.

Diary of a business trip in Southern Africa

Publication details: 

Diary advertising Julius Wile Sons & Co., Inc., 2 Park Avenue, N.Y. "Importers Since 1877", soft artificial leather covers, rubbed, name "Peter Hasslacher" in gilt on front, hinge strain, contents otherwise good, complete, one day to each page. Initially there is printed information about the agencies for imports of wines, spirits and liqueurs of Julius Wile, a Wile family tree, a history of the comp[any, biographical details of "Active Members" of the Wile and Blum families.

[George Rimington of Tyne Field House, near Penrith, Cumberland.] Autograph 'Day Book 1840 to 1841', comprising a diary, detailed accounts (taxes, 'Liverpool Rents', 'Loss on Mines', wine merchant, chimney sweeping), meteorological entries.

George Rimington (1783-1853) of Tyne Field House, near Penrith, Cumberland [Greenside Lead Mine]
Publication details: 
Cumberland. 1 January 1840 to 27 November 1841.

348pp., 4to, with openings numbered 1-174. In original vellum binding, marbled endpapers. 'Day Book 1840 & 1841' on spine, and the following in faded letters upside-down on back board: 'Geo: Rimingtons Day Book, <...> Weather Letters <...> | Jany. 1st. 1840 Sepr 14 1841'. Internally in very good condition, on lightly-aged paper, in worn and grubby binding. An extraordinarily detailed volume, filled with disparate information, written out in a neat close hand, with twenty-one lines to a page.

[Thomas Denman, 1st Baron Denman, English judge.] Autograph Note Signed ('Tho Denman') giving instructions to his wine merchants.

Thomas Denman, 1st Baron Denman [Lord Denman] (1779-1854), English judge, Lord Chief Justice of England, 1832-1850
Publication details: 
50 Russell Square, London. 17 March 1831.

1p., 12mo. Good, on aged paper, with traces of grey paper mount adhering to the reverse. Reads: 'Gentlemen | I shall be much obliged by your forwarding the wine to me immediately with an account of your expences - | Your obedt servt | Tho Denman | 50 Russell Square | March 17. 1831'.

Lithographed advertisement for 'Dry Sherry', by the Cadiz Wine Company, 8 Duke Street, St James's, London, in the form of a facsimile circular letter by William Paas. With printed advertisement for 'Sparkling Chablis', with quotations from newspapers

William Paas, Cadiz Wine Company (established 1847), 8 Duke Street, St James's, London [Guy Père et Fils; fine wines]
Publication details: 
Both items from the Cadiz Wine Company, 8 Duke Street, St James's, SW [London]. The facsimile of the Paas letter dated 18 May 1877. The printed advertisement with quotations dating from 1876 and 1877.

Both items in good condition, on lightly-aged paper. The facsimile Paas letter: 1p., 12mo. Begins: 'Among our many regular Shipments from Cadiz few wines have attracted more general attention than our C.W.C. a magnificent Dry Sherry, very pale an delicate quite the Amontillado Character, perfectly free from Spirit and harshness'. Printed advertisement: 1p., 12mo. Headed: 'SPARKLING CHABLIS, 40s. doz. - This light, elegant and exhilarating Wine will be found superior to cheap Champagne, and is particularly recommended to Invalids for its purity, at so moderate a price.

Autograph Letter Signed from the Member of Parliament for Norfolk Thomas de Grey of Merton Hall near Thetford, regarding the supply of 'a pipe of Port and a Hogshead of Calcavalla [sic]', and 'a Hogshead of Sherry'.

Thomas de Grey (1717-1781) of Merton Hall near Thetford, Member of Parliament for Norfolk from 1764 to 1774 [fine wine]
Publication details: 
'Merton' [i.e. Merton Hall, near Thetford, Norfolk]. 15 December [no year].

2pp., 4to. Bifolium. Fair, on aged paper. De Grey begins: 'You have very much obliged me by accepting a small Present of Game, and many of my neighbours as well as myself will rejoyce in your Correspondent supplying me with a pipe of Port and a Hogshead of Calcavalla, [sic] if a Hogshead of Sherry could be procured without any additional trouble, it would add to the Obligation'.

Printed price list, in French, for Thomas Frères, négociants à Valence, Départment de la Drome, with 'Vins Rouges' and 'Vin Blancs'.

[Thomas Frères, négociants à Valence, Départment de la Drome] [the French wine trade; fine wines]
Publication details: 
[Thomas Frères, négociants à Valence, Départment de la Drome.] Undated [1840s?]

Nicely printed within a border on one side of a piece of 19 x 12 cm laid paper. In good condition, lightly-aged. Headed: 'THOMAS FRÈRES, | NGTS. A VALENCE, DÉPT. DE LA DROME. | REPRÉSENTÉS VOYAGEUR.' 22 'VINS ROUGES' (from 'Hermitage' to 'Bordeaux') and 13 'VINS BLANCS' (from 'Hermitage' to 'Muscat de Beziers') are listed, followed by six items from 'Eau-de-vie vieille du Languedoc' to 'Truffes noires'. Prices are only given (in pencil) for three items.

Printed card of Richard Tuckey, Wine & Spirit Merchant, High Street, Fareham, advertising 'Wines' and 'Genuine Spirits'.

[Richard Tuckey, Wine & Spirit Merchant, High Street, Fareham] [fine wines]
Publication details: 
[Richard Tuckey, Wine & Spirit Merchant, High Street, Fareham.] Undated [1820s].

An attractive example of provincial printing, in letterpress on one side of piece of 9 x 6 cm card. Headed: 'RICHARD TUCKEY, | WINE & SPIRIT MERCHANT, | High Street, | FAREHAM.' Giving prices in shillings and pence for four Wines (Fine old Port; Sherry; Maderia [sic]; White Cape) and six 'Genuine Spirits' (Cognac, Fine old; Jamaica Rum, old and soft; English Geneva; Hollands ditto. pure white; Porter; Cyder). Printed in roman, with four words in black letter ('FAREHAM', 'Wines' and 'Genuine Spirits') and two words in italic ('High Street,').

Engraved receipt of C. Bertram & Son, Importers of Wines and Spirits, No. 162, New Bond Street, London, listing twenty-six types of wine and spirit.

[C. Bertram & Son, Importers of Wines and Spirits, No. 162, New Bond Street, London]
Publication details: 
[C. Bertram & Son, Importers of Wines and Spirits, No. 162, New Bond Street, London.] Undated [1820s].

1p., 4to. On thin paper. In good condition, lightly-aged, and laid down on a piece of card. The receipt has not been filled in in any way. Beneath the decorative letterhead are the 26 categories, in copperplate: Port; E. J. Madeira; W. J. Madeira; Malmsey Madeira; Cape Madeira; Bucellas; Lisbon; Teneriffe; Sherry; Mountain; Calcavella; Hock; Moselle; Hermitage; Burgundy; Claret; Sauterne; Champagne; Vin de Grave; Barsac; Frontigniac; Constantia White & Red; Brandy Cognac; Rum Jama.; Hollands; Shrub.

Signed autograph itemised receipt by William Croslie [wine and spirit merchant, Castle Douglas?], for food and drink provided to 'Fanny Wilson for fathers funeral' in Scotland.

William Crosbie, wine and spirit merchant, Castle Douglas [Fanny Wilson; funerals in Scotland]
Publication details: 
1 October 1810.

Possibly submitted by the 'Mr William Crosbie, wine and spirit merchant', whose death at Castle Douglas on 15 March 1821 is recorded in Blackwood's Magazine, April 1821. 1p., 8vo. Neatly written out on watermarked laid paper. Headed 'Fanny Wilson for fathers funeral | To William Crosbie | 1810'. Eleven entries for the funeral on 1 October 1812, including two plum cakes, '11 Cakes Short Bread'; '2 Gallons <?> Rum' and '2 1/4 ditto Whisky'; '6 Bottles Old Port' and '6 ditto Sherry'. Receipt of payment on 5 November at foot, signed by Crosbie.

Ten manuscript business letters, seven in English and two in French, from six different British wine merchants, to the French cognac house Messrs. Otard Dupuy & Co., placing orders, reporting news of the Brandy trade in Britain and shipping.

[Messrs. Otard Dupuy & Co, French cognac house founded in 1795 by Jean-Baptiste Antoine Otard [later with Léon and Jean Dupuy], based in the Château des Valois (Château de Cognac), Cognac, Charente]
Publication details: 
From Aberdeen, Exeter, London, Liverpool , Stockton, Sunderland. Between 1828 and 1859.

The ten items total 19pp., 4to. Each is a bifolium, with the address and postmarks on the reverse of the second leaf. Each is docketed by Otard Dupuy. All ten are in excellent condition, on lightly-aged paper. The six firms are: Bevan & Smith, Liverpool, two letters (both 1850); Christopher Bushell & Co., Liverpool (1859); John Currie, two letters, both in French: London (1828) and Stockton (1828); A. Leveau, three letters: Aberdeen (1849), Exeter (1850) and Sunderland (1850); William Strachan & Co, London (1828); George Wildes & Co., London (1828).

Itemised manuscript accounts of an early eighteenth-century Derbyshire wine merchant, for customers including William Cavendish of Dovebridge, Thomas Stanhope, William Sacheverell, Reginald Cynder.

[Accounts of an 18th-century Derbyshire winemerchant; William Cavendish of Dovebridge; Brook Boothby; Thomas Stanhope; William Sacheverell; the wine trade; vintners]
Early eighteenth-century Derbyshire wine merchant
Publication details: 
Derbyshire; between 12 July 1702 and 13 January 1711.
Early eighteenth-century Derbyshire wine merchant

15 pp, narrow folio (14.5 x 38 cm), in the remains of a volume which has been reused and cut up (see below). Although aged and dogeared, the eight pages carrying the accounts are in reasonable condition, with all texts clear and complete, although the last leaf of the eight has the lower third cut away. In remains of original vellum binding, with '17 Maij j683' on front board. The pages are variously paginated in a contemporary hand between 245 and 274.

(Manuscript) Ledger

Publication details: 

Hf.lea., folio, pp.1-325 used , mainly fully, indexed. Handwritten records of purchases from breweries, wine merchants et al (including Bass & Co., Schweppes, Booth's, Buchanan, Brandies of France, Commonwealth Wines, Kia-Ora,Sandeman, Vintage Wines, Ltd, Worthington & Co etc., etc. Enclosures: a small quantity of invoices from some companies Whitbread, Schweppes, Coates etc.), many saying just "goods" but others more specific.

Typed Letter Signed to Grant Richards, publisher.

Frank Schoonmaker.
Publication details: 
17 East 42nd Street, New York, NY, 8 Feb. 1936.

Writer on Wine. One page, 4to, chipped, fold marks, yellowed but text clear. "Your inference with regard to that particular appendix is quite correct. The publishers did get cold feet and the appendix, to my considerable disgust, was omitted. / Apparently Messrs. Routledge felt that the British libel laws made publication of the facts with regard to dishonest shippers somewhat hazardous.

Card carrying Autograph Inscription to Charles Wilson.

Alec Waugh (Alexander Raban Waugh, 1898-1981), English novelist, elder brother of Evelyn Waugh
Publication details: 

On one side of the card. Dimensions, 8.5 x 11 cms. Very good. Neat inscription reading 'For Charles Wilson | with Alec Waugh's best wishes | July. 31. 1948 /.'

Autograph Letter Signed to [Berry Bros, Wine Merchants].

W.C. Whitney
Publication details: 
Hotel Royal, Naples, 12 March 1895.

Financier and sportsman (see American DNB). One page, 4to, good condition. He asks for more Dagonet Brut to be sent to the Grand Hotel, Rome. He wants to be informed if there are any difficulties and would like them to find 50 dozen more. "You may find it in the hands of relaible houses in which case purchase it for me."

ANS, 1 page, 16mo, addressed to "Mr. Williams | at [the wine merchants] Messrs. Clarke & Barlow's"

Sir Thomas Noon Talfourd (DNB), judge and author
Publication details: 
Monday Morning [no date], 2 Elm Court Temple

"Will you be so kind as to send me to this place, a dozen of the finest Champagne in the urse of the Morning? If you have any still Champagne I should prefer it provided it is of the best quality; but this, I fear is out of the question. Send the Bill with the Wine."

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