[Henry Reeve, editor of the Edinburgh Review for four decades.] Autograph Letter Signed [to the publisher Alexander Macmillan] regarding books he intends to review by Lady Godon Duff and J. R. Seeley.

Henry Reeve (1813-1895), editor of the Edinburgh Review from 1855 to his death, Registrar of the Privy Council, 1843-1887 [Alexander Macmillan (1818-1896), publisher]
Publication details: 
11 May 1866. On embossed letterhead of the Privy Council Office [Whitehall].

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. 2pp, 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged. The recipient (‘Dear Sir’) is not named, but is presumably Alexander Macmillan (see Oxford DNB), the publisher of the two books referred to in the letter, which he seems to have sent for review. The letter is signed ‘H Reeve’. Folded for postage. He begins by thanking him for sending copies of ‘Lady Duff Gordon’s Letters [from Egypt]’ and ‘Ecce Homo’ [‘a survey of the life and work of Jesus Christ’ by J. R. Seeley], which he has ‘already read with great interest’.

[Hugh Macmillan, Moderator of the General Assembly of the Free Church of Scotland.] Autograph Letter Signed to ‘Mr. Langbridge’, regarding a subscription, his admiration for the recipient’s writing, and ‘this glorious spot’.

Hugh Macmillan (1833-1903), Scottish minister, Moderator of the General Assembly of the Free Church of Scotland
Publication details: 
29 August 1900; Loch-an Eilan, Aviemore, Strathspey [Scotland].

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. 4pp, 12mo, on bifolium. Sixty lines of text. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper. Folded for postage. Addressed to ‘Dear Mr Langbridge’ and signed ‘Hugh Macmillan’. The handwriting is hard to read. Begins: ‘At this distance from post-offices I cannot get a postal-order conveniently to send a subscription of 10/6d. half-a-guinea for your Presentation’. He will organize payment on his return, and asks for his name to be put down on rhw subscription list.

[Sir Osbert Sitwell, author and brother of the poet Edith Sitwell and art critic Sacheverell Sitwell.] Black and white publicity photograph, supplied by his publishers Macmillan and Co.

Sir Osbert Sitwell [Sir Francis Osbert Sacheverell Sitwell, 5th baronet] (1892-1969), writer, brother of the poet Edith Sitwell and art critic Sacheverell Sitwell
Publication details: 
Dated on back 25 August 1949. ‘From MACMILLAN & Co., Ltd., / St. Martin’s St., London, W.C.2.’

See his entry, and those of his siblings, in the Oxford DNB. A 15.5 x 20 cm black and white print, on glossy paper. Worn at edges, and with staining to blank area at top left. Stamped by the publishers on the reverse with ‘Sir Osbert Sitwell. Bt. / 25. 8. 49.’ There is a possibility that this is a signature by Sitwell, but the letter ‘O’ and other features are not quite right.

[London publishers’ 1909 catalogue.] Printed catalogue of ‘Macmillan’s Three-and-Sixpenny Library of Books by Popular Authors’; with separate prospectus for ‘The Novels of Charles Dickens’ in ‘Macmillan’s 3s. 6d. Series’.

Macmillan & Co. Ltd., London publishers [Charles Dickens; William Makepeace Thackeray; Thomas Hardy; Charles Kingsley; F. Marion Crawford; Rolf Boldrewood; Rosa N. Carey; Charlotte M. Yonge]
Publication details: 
Macmillan & Co, Ltd., London. The catalogue by ‘J. Palmer, Printer, Cambridge’, and dated ‘20. 8. 09’, i.e. 20 August 1909. Dickens prospectus undated.

Two pieces of uncommon Edwardian bibliographical ephemera. Both items worn and aged, and the catalogue somewhat dogeared. Both with some pencil marking. ONE (1909 catalogue): 32pp, 12mo. Drophead title on first page: ‘Macmillan’s Three-and-Sixpenny Library of Books by Popular Authors / Crown 8vo.’ The first two pages carry a description of the series, which ‘comprises over four hundred volumes in various departments of Literature. Prominent among them is a new and attractive edition of The Works of Thackeray, issued under the editorship of Mr. Lewis Melville.

Statements of account of the sales of books by 'Owen Meredith' [Edward Robert Bulwer-Lytton, 1st Earl of Lytton], by the London publishers Messrs. Macmillan & Co., Ltd., and Longmans, Green & Co.

Edward Robert Bulwer-Lytton, 1st Earl of Lytton (1831-1891), Viceroy of India and poet under the pseudonym Owen Meredith
Publication details: 
Dating from between 1890 and 1916. Longmans, Green & Co., 39 Paternoster Row, London, EC. June 1893 to June 1916. Messrs. Macmillan & Co., 29 & 30 Bedford Street, Covent Garden [later St. Martin's Street], London. April 1890 to June 1900.

On forms printed in red and black, totalling 1p., folio; 40pp., landscape 8vo; 6pp. (of which four in landscape), 12mo. The seven accounts from Messrs. Macmillan & Co., all relating to 'The Ring of Amasis', are on seven sheets, landscape 8vo, dating from between 1889 and 1900.

[ Jane Wardle, psychologist. ] Three Autograph Letters Signed (all 'Jane') to her father the painter Peter Wardle, together with a small collection of childhood writings and drawings.

Jane Wardle [ Frances Jane Wardle ] (1950-2015), Professor of Clinical Psychology, University College, London [ Peter Wardle (b.1929), English artist ]
Publication details: 
Two of the letters from 48 Abingdon Road, Oxford, and one on letterhead of the Department of Experimental Psychology, University of Oxford. One of the childhood items from Lidstone, Enstone, Oxfordshire. All items undated (adult letters pre-1991).

Wardle's achievements as a leading behavioural scientist in the field of cancer prevention are described in her obituary in the Guardian, 24 November 2015. The three adult letters addressed to 'Daddy'. One four-page letter on yellow paper with loss from damp damage, the other items in fair condition, with light signs of age. One of the other two letters also of four pages, and the last of one page. The letters are intimate and positive, filled with loving encouragement and advice and giving family news.

[ Printed book. ] Esther and Ahasuerus: An Identification of the Persons so named. Followed by a History of the thirty-five Years that ended at their Marriage. With Notes and an Index to the two parts: Also an Appendix.

Richard Edmund Tyrwhitt, M.A., retired India Chaplain
Publication details: 
London and Cambridge: Macmillan and Co. 1868.

xii + 959pp., 8vo. With three fold-out family trees. Two continuously-paginated volumes bound together, and including title-leaf to second volume. In fair condition, aged and worn. In worn contemporary grey buckram half-binding, with marbled covers. A weighty piece of biblical exegesis. A family copy of an uncommon book, the volume descending to Tyrwhitt's relation Thomas Colmer.

[Prime Minister and wife] Signed Photograph

Harold Macmillan, sometime Prime Minister, and his wife, Dorothy Macmillan
Publication details: 
No date or publisher. [c.1957?]

Circa, 14 x 18cm, good condition. Image of Harold Macmillan standing on a balcony with Dorothy by his side, an autumnal estate in the background. Their clear signatures are above their heads. The balcony is festooned with barbed wire- presumably Chequers with it's wartime dressing.

[Sir Kenneth Macmillan, choreographer.] Fourteen photographs of him by the theatre designer Yolanda Sonnabend, taken to assist her in painting her 1991 portrait of him, now in the National Portrait Gallery.

Kenneth Macmillan (1929-1992), Scottish ballet dancer and choreographer, artistic director of the Royal Ballet, 1970-1977 [Yolanda Sonnabend (b.1935), theatre designer and portrait painter]
Publication details: 
[London?] The fourteen photographs taken in preparation for Sonnabend's portrait, commissioned in 1991.

Thirteen of the fourteen photographs are in black and white, with the largest 21.5 x 15.5 cm (with slight paint staining at edge), another 17.5 x 12.5 cm, and the other nine roughly 12.5 x 9 cm. The other print is a colour polaroid, with paint smudges from Sonnabend's portrait on the white mount. Other than the paint marks to three of the prints, in good condition, although six of the smaller ones have aged due to acid in the paper stock.

Printed illustrated booklet by London publishers Macmillan and Co., Limited, advertising 'The Highways and Byways Series'.

[The Highways and Byways Series; Macmillan and Co., Limited, St. Martin's Street, London publishers; Joseph Pennell; Hugh Thomson; F. L. Griggs]
Publication details: 
London: Macmillan & Co., Limited, St. Martin's Street. 1909. [R. Clay and Sons, Ltd., Bread St. Hill, E.C., and Bungay, Suffolk.]

16pp., 12mo. Printed in green, with 15 illustrations (one on each page except p.2). Stitched. In fair condition, on aged paper. Separate 'NOTICE' (1p., 12mo) on blue paper loosely inserted, informing the public that the firm 'do no retail business whatever', and hoping 'that all orders will be given direct to the local booksellers'. Scarce: no copy on OCLC WorldCat or on COPAC.

Three Autograph Letters Signed and three Typed Letters Signed (all 'Charles') from the Chairman of the BBC Governors Lord Hill to the Observer journalist Hugh Massingham, mainly regarding their collaboration on the two volumes of his memoirs.

Charles Hill (1904-1989), Baron Hill of Luton [Lord Hill], BBC 'Radio Doctor', Conservative MP, Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster, Chairman of BBC Governors [Hugh Massingham (1905-71), journalist]
Publication details: 
On letterheads of Bury Knowle, Milton Road, Harpenden; The Independent Television Authority, 70 Brompton Road, London SW3; Winch Hill House, Wandon End, near Luton; and last three from Broadcasting House, London W1. 1963 (1), 1967 (1) and 1968 (4).

Totalling 5pp., 4to and 3pp., 12mo. The six items in good condition, on lightly-aged paper, with the first three in autograph and the last three (from Broadcasting House) typed. Hill begins the first letter (22 April 1963) with the assertion that he is 'taking heed' of Massingham's 'stimulating advice', and this sets the tone of the whole correspondence.

Typed Letter Signed ('Alistair') from the historian of France Alistair Horne to the Sandhurst lecturer Antony Brett-James, regarding the trouble he has put him to over 'the Macmillan speech'.

Sir Alistair Horne [Sir Alistair Allan Horne] (b.1925), British historian of modern France [Major Antony Brett-James (1920-1984), lecturer at Sandhurst]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of 24 Lansdowne Road, London W11. 21 September 1979.

1p., 12mo. Good, on lightl-aged paper. A short letter, in which he thanks Brett-James for writing to him 'about the Macmillan speech': 'I really feel badly at having put you obviously to so much trouble'. He suggests that Brett-James sends him 'the tape' and lets him 'have it transcribed here, by my secretary'.

Autograph Letter Signed from the Irish poet Aubrey de Vere, containing an appreciation of the theologian Richard Holt Hutton, with references to the new edition of his poems, the publishers Macmillan & Co, Baron von Hugel, and the Tennyson family.

Aubrey de Vere [Aubrey Thomas de Vere] (1814-1902), Irish poet [Richard Holt Hutton (1826-1897), writer and theologian]
Autograph Letter Signed from the Irish poet Aubrey de Vere
Publication details: 
August 1895; on letterhead of the Athenaeum, Pall Mall, London.
Autograph Letter Signed from the Irish poet Aubrey de Vere

16mo, 4 pp. 64 lines. Text clear and complete. Hutton was a friend of both de Vere and his correspondent, and 'this will always remain a link between us; for no one who ever knew him can forget him; & no one who remembers him can ever cease to honour him'.

Autograph Letter Signed to his publisher and friend Alexander Macmillan.

William Black (1841-1898), Scottish journalist and novelist [Alexander Macmillan (1818-1896), publisher; Colin Hunter (1841-1904), Scottish painter]
Publication details: 
1 February [no year]; on letterhead of Paston House, Paston Place, Brighton.

12mo, 1 p. Six lines of text. Good, on lightly aged and creased paper. Inviting Macmillan to join him and 'some of the lads' in a dinner at the Reform Club, 'on the occasion of Colin Hunter's being made an Associate'.

Autograph Letter Signed to Lockyer.

William Black (1841-1898), Scottish journalist and novelist [Sir Joseph Norman Lockyer (1836-1920), Alexander Macmillan (1818-1896); astronomer; Altnaharra Hotel; angling; fishing]
Publication details: 
29 March [no year]; Altnaharra, Lairg, N.B. [Scotland]

16mo bifolium (leaf dimensions 11 x 9 cm): 2 pp. 17 lines of text. Very good on lightly aged paper. Wonders whether Lockyer would like to spend his Easter holidays at Altnaharra, for a fortnight from 14 April. (The Altnaharra Hotel was used by anglers visiting the nearby lochs.) 'It is an expensive journey; but the sport is good - at least it has been good this last fortnight, but now we are sadly in want of rain. The weather is like June, only more so.' Forty salmon have been killed 'in these two weeks, averaging 11 lbs each'. Black's publisher was Alexander Macmillan.

Poems of Rural Life in Common English.

William Barnes [Dorset dialect poetry]
Publication details: 
London: Macmillan and Co. 1868. [London: Printed by Spottiswoode and Co., New-Street Square and Parliament Street.]

First edition. 8vo: xii + 200 + [iv] pp. (the last four pages an unpaginated publisher's catalogue). In original blue cloth, gilt. Fair, tight copy, on lightly-aged paper, with some spotting to endpapers. Binding with dulled spine and minor spotting. Bookplate of the Rev. English Crooks. Binders ticket ('BOUND BY BURN & CO.') to rear pastedown. Half-title reads 'RURAL POEMS'. The 'translation' of the three collections beginning with 'Poems of Rural Life in the Dorset Dialect' (1844).

Autograph Letter Signed ('L. B. Walford.') to 'Dr. Macmillan' [a member of the publishing house?].

L. B. Walford [Lucy Bethia Walford, daughter of John Colquhoun (1805-1885)] (1845-1915), novelist and artist
Publication details: 
Undated [between 1873 and 1885]. On letterhead Hawthornden, Willaston, Chester, cancelled and amended in manuscript to 'Arrochar House, Arrochar, N.B. [Scotland]'

12mo: 4 pp. Bifolium with mourning border. 30 lines of text. Good. She has heard that he has 'been good enough to speak kindly of "Pauline" so far as it has gone', and wonders whether he would distribute, to 'such of yr. Friends as belong to Circulating Libraries', cards 'to let people know in time to order the book before it is out'. Her family are pleased that Macmillan has 'been able to spend a night at this beautiful sad home - It did my Father good, I know.

Autograph Note, in the third person, to his publisher Alexander Macmillan.

Richard Monckton Milnes, Baron Houghton (1809-1885), author and politician [Alexander Macmillan (1818-1896), publisher]
Publication details: 
8 November [no year, but after 1863]; 16 Upper Brooke Street [London].

12mo, 2 pp. 13 lines of text. Good, on light-aged paper. He has been 'asked by many persons for copies of his speech at the Cambge. Union Socy.', and if 'Messrs. Macmillan cared to print it, he would revise it, no report having been correct'. He wonders 'whether the whole proceedings should not be added, with some of the newspaper letters which have been carried'. Milnes was created Baron Houghton in 1863. In 1866 Macmillan published 'The Cambridge Union Society, Inaugural Proceedings', edited by G. C. Whiteley.

Autograph Letter Signed ('A Helps') to his publisher Alexander Macmillan.

Sir Arthur Helps (1813-1875), author and Clerk of the Privy Council [Alexander Macmillan (1818-1896), publisher]
Publication details: 
16 January 1867; no place.

12mo, 2 pp. 9 lines of text. With mourning border. Good, on lightly-aged paper. He is glad that Macmillan and 'Mr Doulton' are coming to dine with him, but sorry that they 'will be obliged to leave so soon; but it cannot be helped'.

Autograph Note Signed ('G O Trevelyan') to the publisher Alexander Macmillan

Sir George Otto Trevelyan (1838-1928), politician and author [Alexander Macmillan (1818-1896), publisher]
Publication details: 
Undated [after 1864]; Wallington, Newcastle.

12mo, 1 p. Four lines of text. Good, on aged paper with watermarked date '<...>864'. 'If the "Macaulays" have not gone yet, would you send them here, directed to me.' Trevelyan was nephew of the historian Thomas Babington Macaulay, of whom he published a biography in 1880.

Speech delivered in the House of Commons on the "Alabama" Question, on Friday, March 11, 1863.

Sir Roundell Palmer, M.P., Her Majesty's Solicitor-General [the Earl of Selborne]
Publication details: 
London and Cambridge: Macmillan and Co. 1863. [R. Clay, Son, and Taylor, Printers, London.]

Octavo: 28 pp. Unbound, stabbed and stitched. Slightly dogeared, on grubby, lightly-spotted paper. Loss to top right-hand corner of title-leaf (not affecting text). Marked up in ink in a contemporary hand. COPAC lists copies at the British Library, Manchester and National Library of Scotland. The 'Alabama Question' related to what indemnity should be paid by Great Britain for damage done to United States commerce by the Alabama and other confederate cruisers built in British ports.

Autograph Note Signed ('Isa . Craig . Knox') to her publisher Alexander Macmillan (1818-1896).

Isa Craig Knox (1831-1903), Victorian women's rights activist, social reformer, poet, novelist and journalsit [Alexander Macmillan, publisher]
Publication details: 
9 November [no year]; 14 Clyde Terrace, Brockley Road, New Cross [London].

12mo: 1 p. Good. Since he 'liked the last little thing' she sent for his magazine, she ventures to think that he may approve of the piece she encloses (not present).

Autograph Letter Signed to 'Mrs Burns'.

Lady Dorothy Macmillan
Publication details: 
No date; on letterhead '14 CHESTER SQUARE | S.W.I'.

Wife (1900-66) of the Conservative Prime Minister Harold Macmillan, and daughter of the Duke of Devonshire. Three pages, 12mo. Grubby, creased and stained (perhaps with tears?). She was 'up in Stockton' the previous week, and heard that her correspondent's son was ill. 'Having children of my own, I know how very precious they are & how terribly one feels it when anything is wrong with them. It is dreadful when one sees such little things ill & one feels it is so cruel that it should happen to them.

Autograph Letter Signed to Messrs Macmillan & Co.

Rev. F. J. Brown, Curate of SS Philip and James, Oxford
Publication details: 
26 January 1918; Rectory, Steeple Aston, Oxford.

1 page, 8vo. Paper discoloured with age, with minor creasing and small closed tears, but in good condition overall. Stamped ('G. A. M.' and '28 JAN 1918') in purple ink and numbered ('352') in red pencil. Tight neat handwriting. He has been moved to write by a passage in Walter Jerrold's 'Highways and Byways in Middlesex', relating to the railings at New College, Oxford. He asks if his letter and that of 'a New College Friend who was in residence about 1887' (the latter not present) might be forwarded to Jerrold.

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