[Richard Tauber, Austrian tenor singer and film actor.] Autograph Signature to publicity photograph of ‘Richad Tauber / als Schubert / im “Dreimädlhaus”’.

Richard Tauber (1891-1948), Austrian tenor singer and film actor [Atelier Schneider, Berlin photographers]
Publication details: 
Inscribed by Tauber ‘1931 / London’. Printed at foot: ‘Atelier Schneider, Berlin phot.’

8 x 11 cm collotype print on 9 x 14 cm postcard, with caption (‘Richard Tauber / als Schubert / im “Dreimädlhaus”’) and publication details in blank space at foot. Tauber has signed emphatically, between two lines, at the foot of the card: ‘Richard Tauber / 1931 / London’. In good condition, lightly aged, but with dink to bottom-left corner, affecting neither image nor signature. Depicts Tauber, in the character of a bespectacled Franz Schubert, seated before a dark background. Scan on application.

[Ernest Pauer, Austrian pianist who settled in London and became principal piano professor at the Royal College of Music.] Autograph Note in the third person to ‘Mrs Paget’, regarding an ‘Austrian Piano maker’.

Ernst Pauer (1826-1905), Austrian pianist who settled in London in 1851, principal piano professor at the Royal College of Music
Publication details: 
6 October 1867. On embossed letterhead of 3 Cranley Place, Onslow Square [London].

In fair condition, lightly aged and creased, laid down on part of page from album. Folded for postage. Neatly written. Reads: ‘6 Oct 1867 / Mr Pauer begs to inform Mrs Paget that the Austrian Piano maker will attend to her Piano tomorrow or Wednesday / In haste.’

[Dr Innocenz Grafe [Dr I. Grafe], Viennese art historian; Rembrandt.] Typed Letter Signed, asking art historian Giles Robertson, on behalf of Prof. Otto Benesch and his publishers Phaidon, if he will assist with ‘stylistic revision’

Dr Innocenz Grafe [Dr I. Grafe], Viennese art historian, translator and book editor, primarily with the London firm Phaidon [Giles Henry Robertson (1913-1987), Italian Renaissance expert]
Publication details: 
11 May 1954. On letterhead of Phaidon Press Ltd, Publishers, 3 Cromwell Place, London SW7.

Grafe’s putative intelligence work during the war is referenced in Helen Fry’s ‘The Walls Have Ears | The Greatest Intelligence Operation of World War II’ (2019). He worked as translator and editor from as early as 1950 (for Phaidon) and 1986 (for Thames and Hudson). Nigel Spivey, in his ‘Phaidon 1923-98’ (1999), describes how, during the ‘Harvey Miller period’ at the firm, ‘Steady editorial continuity within the workforce at Cromwell Place was provided by an ex-Viennese scholar called Innocenz Grafe (who for a perhaps obvious reason preferred to be known as simply ‘Dr G.’ ’.

[Sir Edgar Boehm (1834-1890), R.A., Austrian-born British sculptor.] Autograph Letter Signed to ?Mr. Bristow?, regarding a ?little horse? and ?the terrible ascent on the ?Monks cap??.

Sir Edgar Boehm [Sir Joseph Edgar Boehm, n? Josef Erasmus B?hm] (1834-1890), R.A., Austrian-born British sculptor and medallist who depicted Queen Victoria on coins and designed London statues
Publication details: 
21 March 1882; on letterhead of The Avenue, 76 Fulham Road, S.W. [London]

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. 3pp, 12mo. On bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged. He thanks him for ?letting me try the little horse which I returned to Banks?s. I wrote to them to say that I found him too small for the Victoria. This & his taking too much interest in the subterranian openings alone prevented me from keeping him at once for a hack as his paces & temper seemed to me perfect.? He sends his compliments to Bristow?s family, ?if they should still recollect me - and the terrible ascent on the ?Monks cap? - never to be attempted again by me -?.

[Archduke Charles, Duke of Teschen, Austrian Field Marshal.] Unpublished manuscript of English translations from his ‘Principles of Strategy illustrated by the representation of the Campaign of 1796 in Germany’ (‘Grundsätze der Strategie’).

Erzherzog Karl [The Archduke Charles, Duke of Teschen] (1771-1847), Austrian Field Marshal, the first man to defeat Napoleon [Carl Ludwig Johann Joseph Laurentius von Österreich, Herzog von Teschen]
Publication details: 
In seven notebooks, none with place or date. [English or American? Early Victorian?]

In 1809, at the Battle of Aspern, the author of this work, the Archduke Charles, became the first man to defeat Napoleon Bonaparte. In 1814 his ‘Grundsätze der Strategie, erläutert durch die Darstellung des Feldzuges von 1796 in Deutschland’ was published in three volumes in Vienna. A French translation appeared in 1841, but there is no record of an English one (although JISC does throw up a work with a similar title published by ‘A Kearsey’ in 1928, the only copy it lists being in the National Army Museum).

[Ernest Pauer, Austrian pianist and composer, Professor at the Royal Academy of Music.] Autograph Note Signed to ‘Miss Alain’, apologising for being unable to ‘arrange for the lessons you desire to take’.

Ernst Pauer (1826-1905), Austrian pianist and composer active in England, Professor at the Royal Academy of Music (later the Royal College of Music)
Publication details: 
22 February 1889; on letterhead of 3 Onslow Houses, South Kensington, SW [London].

Pauer, who had studied piano with Mozart’s son, gave daily recitals during the Great Exhibition of 1862, and was later appointed Professor at the newly-formed Royal College of Music (later the Royal College of Music), also working at Cambridge University. 2pp, 16mo. In good condition, lightly aged. Folded twice. Reads: ‘Dear Miss Alain / I do not see any chance of being able to arrange for the lessons you desire to take. I need not tell you that I am sorry that I cannot fulfil your wish. / In haste yrs truly / E Pauer’.

[Countess Theresa Pulszky, wife of Hungarian nationalist Count Ferenc Pulszky.] Autograph Letter Signed, in English, to Sabilla Novello, describing her ‘Dante festivals’ and artistic activities in Florence.

'Theresa Pulszky [Terézia Pulszky; née Walter] (1819-1866), Austro-Hungarian wife of the Hungarian nationalist Count Ferenc Pulszky (1814-1897) [Sabilla Novello; Clara Novello [Countess Gigliucci]
Publication details: 
‘Villa Petrovitz Sulla Cos[ta] / Florence June 3d 1865’.

The Pulskys had fled Austria-Hungary during the Hungarian Revolution of 1848, and while in London the Countess had published her well-received ‘Memoirs of a Hungarian Lady’. They would only be allowed back under an imperial amnesty in the year after this letter in 1866. The recipient, Sabilla Novello, was the daughter of London music publisher Vincent Novello, and sister of Alfred and Clara Novello [the ‘Countess Gigliucci’ referred to in the letter], all three of whom have entries in the Oxford DNB. 4pp, 12mo. On bifolium.

[Sir Joseph Edgar Boehm, R.A., sculptor and medallist.] Autograph Note Signed (‘J. E. Boehm’), thanking Lord Wolseley for a 'Norfolk jaquet'

Sir Joseph Edgar Boehm (1834-1890), R.A., sculptor and medallist, born in Austria but settled in England, who depicted Queen Victoria on coins and designed a number of London statues [Lord Wolseley]
Publication details: 
19 September 1885; on letterhead of The Avenue, 76, Fulham Road, S.W.

Boehm had executed a bronze bust of Wolseley two years before. It may be that the present letter is in response to congratulations from Boehm on his forthcoming elevation to the viscountcy, with occurred 28 September 1885. 1p, 12mo. Folded once. In good condition, with unobtrusive folds to two corners. Reads: ‘Dear Lord Wolseley | Many thanks for your kind note & the Norfolk jaquet which arrived safely this morning | Yours sincerely & obliged | J. E. Boehm’.

[Giuseppe Antonio Taruffi, Italian author, diplomat and chess player.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Taruffi'), in English, to 'a matchless Nobleman', regarding individuals including 'Canon Ghigiotti', 'Valiani, & Corallis', and 'the strangest varlet'..

Giuseppe Antonio Taruffi (1715-1786), Italian author, diplomat and chess player
Publication details: 
Vienna. 18 April 1768.

1p, 4to. In good condition, lightly aged. Written in a clear and attractive hand. The recipient is not named. Begins: 'My dear & ever-honoured Friend! | Some business of great importance kept me nine days absent from this Capital. At my return I found your most obliging Letter of the 7th. instant, & was exceedingly delighted with your Kindness. You are indeed a matchless Nobleman.' He asks if the recipient is acquainted with Prince Charles of [Cunandia?], adding: 'I swear you knew the strangest varlet that ever was. It is pity.

[Vincenz Priessnitz, founder of modern hydrotherapy.] Autograph Signature ('V. Prießnitz.'), with flourishes, written for an autograph collection.

Vincenz Priessnitz [Vincenz Prießnitz] (1799-1851) of Gräfenberg, Austrian Silesia, the founder of modern hydrotherapy
Publication details: 
Without place or date.

On thin 12.5 x 10.5 cm piece of paper. In good condition, lightly aged, with thin strip of paper from mount adhering to the blank reverse. Evidently in response to a request for an autograph, Priessnitz has placed his signature ('V. Prießnitz.') at the centre, with curling flourishes above and below. The signature is enclosed with neat ruled lines at the edges of the paper.

[Franz von Defregger, Austrian artist.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Defregger'), in German, to Julius Bondi of Salzburg, regarding the high demand for his paintings and his eye problems.

Franz von Defregger [Franz Defregger] (1835-1921), Austrian genre and history painter [Julius Bondi (1865-1920) of Salzburg]
Publication details: 
[Munich postmark.] 6 February 1918.

2pp., 12mo. In envelope, with postmarks, addressed to 'Herrn Julius Bondi | Sekretär | in Salzburg | Schlachtofgasse 19'. Both items in good condition, lightly aged, with minor staining from mount labels. Both letter and envelope carry Defregger's printed monogram 'F v D'. The item is offered with an English translation, according to which Defregger claims that demand for his pictures 'has never before been so high as in recent years', and that he has 'totally sold out of them apart from my personal collection'. He is also 'very much behind' with commissions as a result of his eye problems.

[ Ljuba Welitsch, Bulgarian operatic soprano. ] Christmas card with Autograph Note Signed ('Ljuba' and 'Ljuba and Karl') in English and German.

Ljuba Welitsch [ Lyuba Welitsch ] (1913-1996), Bulgarian operatic soprano, who settled in Austria, noted for her performance in the 'Salome' of Peter Brooke
Publication details: 
Without place or date [ between 1956 and 1969 ].

14 x 11.5 cm Christmas card, with illustration of cherubs singing and message in German on cover. In good condition, lightly aged and worn. The message, written in red ink, reads: 'Love and all best wishes for Christmas and New Year, your| Ljuba and Karl' Eleven-word postscript in German, signed 'Ljuba'. Regarding 'Karl', see Welitsch's obituary in the New York Times (6 September 1996): 'In 1956, when she was 43, Miss Welitsch caused a stir in Vienna when she married Karl Schmalvogel, a 29-year-old traffic policeman who had assisted her after an accident a year earlier.

[ Artur Schnabel, Austrian pianist and composer; and Léon Goossens, oboist and member of a celebrated English family of musicians. ]

Artur Schnabel (1882-1951), Austrian pianist and composer; Léon Goossens [ Léon Jean Goossens ] (1897-1988), oboist and member of a celebrated English family of musicians
Publication details: 
Goossens' signature [ from Aberdeen ], 1934; Schnabel's signature without place, 19 October 1934.

The two signatories sign on separate sides of a 13.5 x 16.5 cm leaf of faded pink paper torn from an autograph album. In good condition, lightly aged. Schnabel's large firm signature is on the recto: 'Artur Schnabel | 19. X. 1934'. Goossens signs in a large bold hand on the reverse: 'Yours sincerely | Léon Goossens | 1934'. A small photographic portrait of Goossens, cut from a newspaper, has been tipped-in at bottom left, and another party (presumably the recipient) has written the word 'ABERDEEN.' at bottom right.

[ Lord John Russell's private secretary, Hon. George Elliot; Italian Independence; Risorgimento ] Autograph Manuscript memorandum regarding 'Austrian Emigrants'.

Hon. George Elliot [ George Francis Stewart Elliot ] (1822-1901) [ John Russell, 1st Earl Russell [ Lord John Russell ] (1792-1878), Prime Minister ]
Publication details: 
Without place or date. [ London, 1850s or 1860s. ]

3pp., 4to. Bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged and worn. With a couple of minor emendations. At top left of first page Elliot has written 'Copy'. Docketed on reverse of second leaf: 'Austrian Emigration'. Begins: 'In the Austrian Code (Decree of 1832) Emigration is treated of under a distinct head. | Every Austrian Subject removing to a foreign state or remaining abroad sine animo revertendi, as the Scotch wd. express it, is held to be an Emigrant.' Most of the third page is taken up with a precis of two points 'From Proclamation of Feb.

[ Ivan August Turszky, Austrian Governor of Dalmatia. ] Printed decree ('Notificazione | Dell' I. R. Governo della Dalmazia'), in Italian, ordering the destruction of the fortifications of Spalato (Split, Croatia) to make it an open city.

Ivan August Turszky (1778-1856), Austrian Governor of Dalmatia, 1841-1847 [ Spalato (Split, Croatia) ]
Publication details: 
'Zara [ now Zadar, Croatia ] 3 Settembre 1845.'

Printed on one side of a 30 x 20 cm. piece of deckled-edge laid watermarked paper. In good condition, lightly aged and worn. Hapsburg double-eagle at head, with 'N. 18205 | 2042' at top left. Fifteen lines of text, followed by 'Zara 3 Settembre 1845. | CAVALIERE DI TURSZKY GOVERNATORE. | NOB. de FLUCK | I. R. Consigliere di Governo.' The governor orders that in future the city of Split will be regarded as an open city rather than a walled one. 'Delle esistenti fortificazioni saranno soltanto da conservarsi il Forte Grippe e le due batterie di S.

[ Joseph Freiherr von Hammer-Purgstall, Austrian orientalist. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Joseph von Hammer'), in English,

Joseph von Hammer-Purgstall (1774-1856), Austrian orientalist
Publication details: 
Vienna. 14 January 1831.

4pp., 4to. Bifolium. In fair condition, on aged and worn paper, with creases unobtrusively repaired with archival tape. A long letter, addressed to an unnamed English recipient (perhaps the editor of an literary journal) interested in news of Austrian literary culture. The letter contains references to: 'the polyglott Georgian', 'the new litterary [sic] gazette', 'Mr.

[ Douglas Woodruff and Dr Max Bindermann ] Typed Letter Signed from Woodruff to Bindermann, defending the Tablet's position on the Hungary; with typed article by Bindermann on the Habsburgs and Fascist Fatherland Front; and autograph notes by him.

Douglas Woodruff (1897-1978), editor of 'The Tablet', London Roman Catholic newspaper; Dr Max Bindermann, Viennese lawyer and socialist, an emigré in London
Publication details: 
Woodruff's letter on letterhead of The Tablet, London. 6 November 1939. Bindermann's article undated (but in response to one in the Tablet, 11 November 1939). Some notes dated 27 February 1940.

The three items in fair condition, on aged and worn paper. ONE: TLS by 'Douglas Woodruff'. 1p., 4to. The letter begins testily: 'Dear Sir, | I was rather puzzled to receive your letter in the form of a carbon copy. As you may imagine, we are not fond of letters that are circulated. I have now read it in Truth, although presumably the opening paragraph refers to the Tablet.

Autograph Receipt Signed by the Austrian art dealer Charles Sedelmeyer of Vienna, for a painting by T. Schmitson of Vienna, for an exhibition by the London art dealer Ernest Gambart.

Charles Sedelmeyer (1837-1925), Austrian art dealer, based first in Vienna and then Paris [Ernest Gambart (1814-1902), Belgian-born London picture dealer; Teutwart Schmitson (1830-1863), painter]
Publication details: 
London. 30 June 1862.

1p., 12mo. In fair condition, on lightly-aged paper. The receipt reads: 'Pour l'exposition de M. Gambart: | un tableau par T. Schmitson de Vienne representant des chevaux sortant de l'abreuvoir | prix (nette) frcs. 1500. - | Londre, le 30: Juin 862 | Charles Sedelmeyer | m[archan]d. de tableaux de Vienne'. Sedelmeyer has written some calculations in the bottom right-hand corner, and at the foot: 'Received back the above | Sedelmeyer'.

Four photogravure prints, including portrait of Emperor Franz Joseph of Austria by Heinrich von Angeli and painting by Anton Kozakiewicz, accompanying an advertising brochure for 'Richard Paulussen | Establishment for Photogravure | Vienna (Austria)'

Richard Paulussen (c.1854-1906), of Margarethenhof, Vienna, photogravure engraver and printer [Heinrich von Angeli; Anton Kozakiewicz, Polish painter; Franz Joseph, Emperor of Austria]
Publication details: 
Brochure dated in type 'Vienna, May 1889. | V. Margarethenhof.' The four engravings undated.

The four prints are in good condition, on aged paper. Each of the four engravings is on india paper, laid down on a piece of good thick laid paper of dimensions 19.5 x 28 cm. Printed beneath each image is 'Photogravure R.

"Rot und glühend ist das Auge des Juden". Gedichte zu 8 Radierungen von Jacob Steinhardt

Arno Nadel (1878-1943), German Jewish poet and musicologist; Jakob Steinhardt [Jacob Steinhardt] (1887-1968), Israeli artist and engraver of Polish and Jewish extraction; Fritz Gurlitt, publisher
Publication details: 
Berlin: Verlag für Jüdische Kunst und Kultur. Fritz Gurlitt. 1920.

Only edition. The dimensions of the volume, which is bound in grey paper printed wraps, are roughly 29.5 x 24 cm. It consists of 25 unpaginated leaves and a frontispiece (sometimes lacking). The other illustrations are eight tipped-in plates and a facsimile of a music score. Some ruckling to the wraps, otherwise a good copy on lightly-aged paper. Striking woodcut on front cover, 13 x 16 cm, showing and old Jew with a boy before a table with two candles. An attractive work, delicately and sensitively illustrated with images of Jews at prayer.

Autograph Quotation Signed ('A. Maffei').

Alessandro Maffei, Italian Minister to Austria, 1859-67, and Ambassador to the United States, 1867-71
Publication details: 
14 April 1866. Place not stated.

On one side of a piece of laid paper, 11 x 18 cm. Laid down on a slightly larger piece of paper. Good: lightly aged with three neat vertical folds. Reads 'Oh! land of beauty - sun-lit Italy! How often do I fondly think of thee, | And of the days gone by . . . . . ! | [signature] A. Maffei | April 14th | 1866.'

Autograph Signatures.

Walter Landauer (1910-1983), Austrian pianist; Maryan Rawicz (1898-1970), Polish pianist; a notable twentieth-century piano duo
Publication details: 
Time and place not stated.

On a leaf from an autograph album, 11 x 17 cm. Good, on lightly aged paper. First line by Landauer. Reads 'With best wishes | [signed] Walter Landauer | [signed] Maryan Rawicz'.

Photographic portrait by Letzer of Vienna, with Autograph Signature ('Raoul M. Aslan:') and quotation.

Raoul Aslan [Raoul Maria Aslan-Zumpart] (1886-1958), Austro-German actor of Turkish extraction
Publication details: 
Wien, Oktober 1923. -' [Photograph stamped at foot: 'Letzer | WIEN | VII. HOFSTALLSTR. 5.']

The sepia photograph, 10 x 7 cm, is a head and shoulders shot of Aslan staring at the viewer in the character of Hamlet holding Yorick's skull. It is neatly mounted on a leaf of cream paper (24 x 20 cm) removed from an album. The whole attractive and in good condition. In a firm, bold hand Aslan has written, across the page beneath the photograph: '"Zu was für schnöden Bestimmungen | wir doch kommen, Horatio"! - | (Hamlet) | Ein Erinnerung | [signed] Raoul M. Aslan: | Wien, Oktober 1923. -'

Katalog 1: Autographen.

Christian M. Nebehay, Austrian dealer in autographs
Publication details: 
Wien 1. (Vienna, Austria) Annagasse 18. [1950s?]

Quarto: 40 pp. In original printed wraps, decorated with various facsimiles. Facsimiles in text, and portrait of Beethoven on rear inner wrap. Good, on browned paper. Sections on painters, writers, poets, architects, sculptors, musicians. Nods towards the American market, with some entries in English and Dollar conversions. Together with Nebehay's attractive bifoliate trade card, carrying a photograph of his premises.

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