[The richest woman in Victorian England: Angela Burdett-Coutts, philanthropist.] Autograph Letter Signed to A. M. Broadley, regarding a concert by the pianist Linda Dutton Cook.

Angela Burdett-Coutts [Angela Georgina Burdett-Coutts, Baroness Burdett-Coutts] (1814-1906), the richest woman in Victorian England [A. M. Broadley [Alexander Meyrick Broadley] (1847-1916)]
Publication details: 
7 November 1887. On letterhead of Heydon Hall, Norwich (with illustration of racquet carrying telegram details).

See her entry in the Oxford DNB, from which the scandalous recipient, a high-society fixer, is unaccountably absent. 4pp, 12mo. Bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged. Folded twice. Fifty-seven lines of text, sloping upwards. Addressed to ‘Mr Broadley’ and signed ‘Burdett Coutts’. The handwriting is difficult, and the following reading tentative.

[The richest woman in Victorian England: Angela Burdett-Coutts, philanthropist.] Autograph Letter Signed to A. M. Broadley, regarding a concert by the pianist Linda Dutton Cook.

Angela Burdett-Coutts [Angela Georgina Burdett-Coutts, Baroness Burdett-Coutts] (1814-1906), the richest woman in Victorian England [A. M. Broadley [Alexander Meyrick Broadley] (1847-1916)]
Publication details: 
7 November 1887. On letterhead of Heydon Hall, Norwich (with illustration of racquet carrying telegram details).

See her entry in the Oxford DNB, from which the scandalous recipient, a high-society fixer, is unaccountably absent. 4pp, 12mo. Bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged. Folded twice. Fifty-seven lines of text, sloping upwards. Addressed to ‘Mr Broadley’ and signed ‘Burdett Coutts’. The handwriting is difficult, and the following reading tentative.

[The richest woman in Victorian England: Angela Burdett-Coutts, philanthropist.] Autograph Letter Signed to Mrs [Charlotte] Cowan, wife of the Lord Provost of Edinburgh, declining an invitation connected with ‘The Blind System’.

Angela Burdett-Coutts [Angela Georgina Burdett-Coutts, Baroness Burdett-Coutts] (1814-1906), the richest woman in Victorian England, prominent philanthropist [James Cowan (1816-1895); Blind System]
Publication details: 
25 November 1873. Palace Hotel [place not stated].

See her entry in the Oxford DNB. 3pp, 12mo. Bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged. Folded twice for postage. Addressed to ‘My dear Mrs Cowan’ and signed ‘Burdett Coutts -’. Thirty lines of text. The ‘blind system’ appears to have been a form of education for the blind, possibly involving a precursor of braille. (An advertisement by ‘A Lady, who has the care of a Blind Child’ in the Medical Times, 25 March 1876, offers ‘First-class education given under the blind system.’).

[Angela Lansbury, Hollywood actress, star of TV series ?Murder, She Wrote?.] Typed Card Signed to Kenneth [Sephton], stating that 'the show' ['Gypsy', at the Piccadilly Theatre'] has ?turned into more of a success than I could have ever hoped for?.

Angela Lansbury [Dame Angela Brigid Lansbury] (1925-2022), stage and screen actress, born in Britain of partly Irish extraction, who settled in America and starred in the TV series ?Murder, She Wrote'
Publication details: 
9 July 1973. [London.]

On one side of 15 x 10 cm grey-blue card, with facsimile of her signature at the head. Addressed to ?Dear Kenneth?, and with bold stylish signature at bottom right. The subject of the letter is the Piccadilly Theatre production of ?Gypsy?, which had opened a few days before on 29 May 1973. She thanks him for his ?kind letter?, adding ?Thank god you were right about the show and it has turned into more of a success than I could have ever hoped for.? She is sorry he couldn?t attend the first night, as ?it was a good show and I know you would have enjoyed it?.

[The Universal Group of Intuitives, Essex spiritualist society.] Printed prospectus: ‘A Message from Angela (General Secretary)’, with portrait, ‘concerning first vol. of the group’s issue of “Spirit Revelation unveils the Bible” by Charles Kingsley.

‘Angela’ (Susan Boltwood), General Secretary of the Universal Group of Intuitives, Essex, founded by her and her husband Charles Dennis Boltwood (‘Crusader’); spiritualism; Charles Kingsley
Publication details: 
‘November, 1937. Written from’ ‘Parent Centre, “Eversley”, Thorpe-le-Soken, Essex.’

The item advertised in the present prospectus (no other copy of which has been traced) is unaccountably absent from the bibliography of the Victorian author Charles Kingsley. Information regarding the Universal Group of Intuitives was provided to ‘Light’, the journal of the Spiritualist Alliance, by its General Secretary Mrs Frances Boltwood (‘Angela’), and appeared in its number of 10 September 1936.

[William Westall, artist and engraver.] Autograph Letter in the third person to ‘Miss Macirone’ [the composer Clara Angela Macirone], anticipating ‘the greatest pleasure’ in attending her morning concert.

William Westall (1781-1850), ARA, artist and engraver, who in his youth travelled to Australia as artist on Matthew Flinders’ HMS Investigator [Clara Angela Macirone (1821-1895), pianist and composer]
Publication details: 
7 June 1847; 7 Pavilion Place, Battersea.

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. 2pp, 12mo. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn. Folded twice for postage. Begins: ‘Mr. Westall presents his compliments to Miss Macirone & begs to assure her how very much obliged to her he feels for the honor she has done him in sending him two tickets for her morning concert’. He will have ‘the greatest pleasure in attending’ the concert, and is ‘quite sure he shall be very much delighted’.

[Angela du Maurier, actress and novelist, sister of Daphne du Maurier.] Two chatty Autograph Letters Signed to Eileen Cond, autograph collector, discussing among other things her ‘Pekes’, and with reference to her sister ‘Jeanne’.

Angela du Maurier [Angela Busson du Maurier] (1904-2002), actress and novelist, sister of Daphne du Maurier, daughter of Sir Gerald du Maurier and grand-daughter of George du Maurier [Eileen Cond]
Publication details: 
5 March [no year] and 11 May [no year]. Both with letterhead of Ferryside, Bodinnick-by-Fowey, Cornwall.

For information about Angela and her sister Jean, one must turn to Michael Williams, ‘The Three du Maurier Sisters’ (2012), as neither are even named in their father’s and sister’s entries in the Oxford DNB. The recipient Eileen Margaret Cond (1911-1984), was an enthusiastic autograph collector. The two items are in good condition, lightly aged and creased. On light-blue paper with the same design of letterhead. Both addressed to ‘Dear Miss Cond’ and both signed ‘Angela du Maurier’. ONE (5 March): 2pp, 4to.

[Lady Burdett-Coutts, Victorian philanthropist and social reformer.] Autograph Letter in the third person to 'Mr. Blunt', regarding a meeting with his parents at 'the Rectory'.

Lady Burdett Coutts [Angela Georgina Burdett-Coutts, 1st Baroness Burdett-Coutts] (1814-1906), philanthropist, social reformer and one of the wealthiest women in England
Publication details: 
4 July 1894; on letterhead of 1 Stratton Street, W. [London]

2pp, 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged, with traces of grey paper from mount adhering at head of second page. Folded once. Reads: 'The Baroness Burdett Coutts sends her kind compliments and thanks to Mr. Blunt and regrets that she is unable to avail herself of the kind proposal of his Father and Mother, as she has another engagement between the City and Chelsea, but her Ladyship hopes to be at the Rectory as near Six o'clock as possible'.

[Lady Burdett-Coutts, Victorian philanthropist and social reformer.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Burdett Coutts -') in praise of an individual for his 'Protest against that hateful thing known as Vivisection'.

Lady Burdett Coutts [Angela Georgina Burdett-Coutts, 1st Baroness Burdett-Coutts] (1814-1906), philanthropist, social reformer and one of the wealthiest women in England [Anti-Vivisection]
Publication details: 
24 March 1876; Stratton Street [London].

3pp, 12mo. Bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged, but with traces of glue on blank reverse of second leaf, which has a vertical closed tear the length of a fold line in blank space beneath signature. The male recipient is not named. The letter begins: 'Dear Sir | Do not think me intrusive but I cannot resist offering you in writing the warm thanks of my heart for your Protest against that hateful thing known as Vivisection'. She has read with 'feelings of thankfulness the expression of your opinion which Mr Froude stated with his own to Mr Cross'.

[Lady Burdett-Coutts, Victorian philanthropist and social reformer.] Autograph Letter in the third person to 'Mr. Blunt', regarding a meeting with his parents at 'the Rectory'.

Lady Burdett Coutts [Angela Georgina Burdett-Coutts, 1st Baroness Burdett-Coutts] (1814-1906), philanthropist, social reformer and one of the wealthiest women in England
Publication details: 
4 July 1894; on letterhead of 1 Stratton Street, W. [London]

2pp, 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged, with traces of grey paper from mount adhering at head of second page. Folded once. Reads: 'The Baroness Burdett Coutts sends her kind compliments and thanks to Mr. Blunt and regrets that she is unable to avail herself of the kind proposal of his Father and Mother, as she has another engagement between the City and Chelsea, but her Ladyship hopes to be at the Rectory as near Six o'clock as possible'.

[Lady Burdett-Coutts, Victorian philanthropist and social reformer.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Burdett Coutts -') in praise of an individual for his 'Protest against that hateful thing known as Vivisection'.

Lady Burdett Coutts [Angela Georgina Burdett-Coutts, 1st Baroness Burdett-Coutts] (1814-1906), philanthropist, social reformer and one of the wealthiest women in England [Anti-Vivisection]
Publication details: 
24 March 1876; Stratton Street [London].

3pp, 12mo. Bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged, but with traces of glue on blank reverse of second leaf, which has a vertical closed tear the length of a fold line in blank space beneath signature. The male recipient is not named. The letter begins: 'Dear Sir | Do not think me intrusive but I cannot resist offering you in writing the warm thanks of my heart for your Protest against that hateful thing known as Vivisection'. She has read with 'feelings of thankfulness the expression of your opinion which Mr Froude stated with his own to Mr Cross'.

[ William Leighton Leitch, Drawing Master to Queen Victoria. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('W. L. Leitch') to the pianist and composer Clara Angela Macirone

William Leighton Leitch (1804-1883), Scottish watercolour painter, Drawing Master to Queen Victoria [ Clara Angela Macirone (1821-1895), pianist and composer ]
Publication details: 
124 Alexandra Rd, St John's Wood [ London ]. 28 November1872.

3pp., 12mo. Bifolium with mourning border. In good condition, lightly aged. A spirited and characteristic letter. He begins by explaining that he has been 'exceedingly tormented with neuralgia for the last week' and is 'still very ill at ease'. He has not been 'out of doors for some time - & tis quite impossible just now'. He regrets 'missing Dear Old Mozart - & seeing you all', but hopes to 'make up for the loss by being most dreadfully pleasant'.

[ William Burdett-Coutts, MP and philanthropist. ] Autograph Signature ('W Burdett-Coutts') on part of letter.

William Burdett-Coutts [ William Lehman Ashmead Bartlett Burdett-Coutts ] (1851-1921), MP and philanthropist, husband of Angela Georgina Burdett-Coutts, 1st Baroness Burdett-Coutts (1814-1906)
Publication details: 
'Holly Lodge | Aug 10. 94 [1894]'.

On 5 x 11 cm piece of paper, cut from the head of a letter addressed to 'Dear Moon'. In good condition, lightly aged. Written crosswise above the salutation is: 'I cant get them in time | Yrs very truly | W Burdett-Coutts'.

[ Sir Henry Rowley Bishop, English composer. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Henry R Bishop:') to 'Miss Macirone' (the pianist and composer Clara Angela Macirone), regarding an invitation to one of her concerts.

Sir Henry Rowley Bishop (1786-1855), English composer [ Clara Angela Macirone (1821-1895), English pianist and composer ]
Publication details: 
'Cambridge Street [ Hyde Park, London ] | Tuesday -' [16 June 1846].

1p., 16mo. Bifolium. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn. Docketted on reverse of second leaf 'Sir H Bishop June 17th/46' (17 June 1846 was a Wednesday, so probably a mistake for the previous day). He is much obliged by her 'kind thought, in sending me a Ticket for you Concert', but it is uncertain whether he will be in London at that time, 'but I wish you, most sincerely, every success'.

[ Angela Burdett-Coutts, Vitorian philanthropist. ] Autograph Letter Signed to 'Miss Duff Gordon', with studio photograph.

Angela Burdett-Coutts [ Angela Georgina Burdett-Coutts, 1st Baroness Burdett-Coutts, born Angela Georgina Burdett ] (1814-1906), Victorian philanthropist
Publication details: 
Letter from Holly Lodge [ Highgate, London ]. 20 May 1896. Photograph undated and unattributed.

Letter: 1p., 12mo. In good condition. Written in a difficult hand, regarding 'Tickets' for a 'really remarkable Show'. Photograph: 9 x 6 cm. Sepia. In good condition, laid down on paper removed from album. Depicts Burdett-Coutts, in Victorian finery with bustle and veil, seated at a table, with gloved right hand pressed to her cheek (not found on Google images)..

[ Richard Redgrave, RA. ] Autograph Note in the third person, and Autograph Letter Signed ('Rich Redgrave'), to Clara Angela Macirone, in the latter complaining of the 'labours' caused by his work on the 1862 International Exhibition in London.

Richard Redgrave (1804-1888), RA, artist and art director of the South Kensington Museum [ Clara Angela Macirone (1821-1895), pianist and composer; 1862 International Exhibition, London ]
Publication details: 
Note: Mickleham; 5 June 1847. Letter: Kensington; 6 May 1862.

Both items in fair condition, on aged paper. NOTE: 1p, 12mo. He thanks her for an invitation to one of her concerts, 'rendered, as it is, more agreeable by the compliment she so agreeably pays to the sister art which he pursues'. LETTER: 2pp., 12mo. Bifolium. He would have replied sooner to her concert invitation, 'but the arrangement of pictures for the Gt Exhibition occupied my time up to the last moment of opening and has done for many weeks'. He has been 'so wearied with my late work that I am proposing to get away from town for a little rest the very concert day.

[Sabilla Novello, daughter of Vncent Novello.] Autograph Letter Signed to 'Miss Macirone' [the composer Clara Angela Macirone], regarding her sister Mary Cowden Clarke's ill-health.

Sabilla Novello (1821-1904), singer and author, daughter of Vincent Novello (1781-1861), and sister of Mary Cowden Clarke (1809-1898), wife of Charles Cowden Clarke (1787-1877); Clara Angela Macirone
Publication details: 
On letterhead of Villa Novello, via San Giacomo, Genova. 28 May 1878.

2pp., 12mo. In good condition, lightly-aged. The letter reads: 'My dear Miss Macirone | Mrs. Cowden has recd. your letter, & forwards the enclosure to Clara [the Countess of Gigliucci, another sister]. | Mrs. C. C's hands are so afflicted that she writes with greatest difficulty; so I write for her. We Villa-ites know no one of the name of "Macirone" excepting your own distinguished family. We rejoice to hear you have regained yr. health, & that sweet Minnie is flourishing. We all send kindest remembrances. Excuse gt. haste'.

[Mary Cowden Clarke, writer, daughter of Vincent Novello.] Five Autograph Letters Signed to the pianist Clara Angela Macirone, sending news from Italy, on topics including music, the Risorgimento, the building of Villa Novello, Carlo Poerio.

Mary Cowden Clarke (1809-1898), daughter of Vincent Novello (1781-1861), and wife of Charles Cowden Clarke (1787-1877), writers and Shakespeare scholars [Clara Angela Macirone]
Publication details: 
Between 1856 and 1879. The first two (1856 and 1859) from Maison Quaglia, au Port, Nice, France; the last three (1864, 1876, 1879) from Villa Novello, Genoa, Italy.

Closely and neatly written on five bifoliums. Text totalling 14pp., 12mo. In fair condition, on aged and worn paper, with minor damage at head of third letter, and wear to extremities of the fourth. The first two letters (1856 and 1859) addressed formally, the third to 'Angela & Minnie', and the fourth and fifth to 'Angela'. She writes the first letter (1856) before her sister Clara's 'approaching visit to England', to thank Macirone for writing to express the pleasure she had received from Charles Cowden Clarke's sister's writing.

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