['The old friends leave us soon or late’: a poignant lyric by the author of ‘Danny Boy’, set to music within days of the composer’s death.] Signed Autograph Score by Frederic Nicholls Löhr, of his setting of ‘Friends’ by Frederic E. Weatherly.

Frederic N. Löhr [Frederic Nicholls Löhr] (1844-1888), composer with Plymouth connections, father of Hermann Löhr; Frederic Edward Weatherly (1848–1929), songwriter and barrister
Publication details: 
Dated by Löhr to 20 November 1888. No place.

Painfully appropriate words (‘The old friends leave us soon or late’), set to music within days of the composer’s death. Among Weatherly’s many lyrics are ‘Danny Boy’ and ‘Roses of Picardy’. See his obituary in the Oxford DNB, and Löhr’s three-page obituary, with portrait, in the Musical Herald, London, February 1889. Löhr was the father of the composer Hermann Löhr (1871-1943). 2pp, 4to, on the facing pages of a bifolium. In fair condition, lightly aged, with a couple of closed tears unobtrusively repaired with archival tape. At head of first (left-hand) page: ‘Friends.

[Eric Coates, composer of 'The Dam Busters March'.] Autograph Signed Inscription to May Hirst, on reverse of a 'Photograph of Original Full Score of The Three Bears.

Eric Coates [Eric Francis Harrison Coates] (1886-1957), English composer of light music, best-known for 'The Dam Busters March'
Publication details: 
No date (but 1926 or after) or place.

On reverse of 11.25 x 8.25 cm card carrying a black and white print of the autograph score of Coates's second 'phantasy', 'The Three Bears' (1926). In good condition, lightly aged. Reads: 'To May Hirst | with best wishes | from | Eric Coates | Photograph of | Original Full Score of | The Three Bears'.

[Filippo Marchetti, composer, and Pasquale Villari, historian.] Marchetti's Autograph Signature ('F Marchetti') with a few bars in autograph from the prelude of 'Ruy Blas'. On same leaf as an Autograph quotation, signed 'Pasquale Villari'.

Filippo Marchetti (1831-1902), Italian composer of the opera 'Ruy Blas'; Pasquale Villari (1827-1917), Italian historian, politician and Dante scholar
Publication details: 
Marchetti's autograph on letterhead of the R. Accademia di S. Cecilia ('Liceo Musicale'). Rome, 14 September 1892. Villari's autograph on reverse of leaf, dated from Florence, 2 November 1892.

1p, 12mo. Leaf of lightly-browned and creased aged paper, with closed tears to one edge. The two men are clearly writing in response to requests for autographs. Marchetti has written out four bars – slightly affected at end by closed tear – from what he states is 'Ruy Blas Preludio'. Beneath this he signs, in a firm attractive hand, 'F Marchetti'. At the head he dates: 'Roma 14 9bre 92'.

[A nineteen-thirties 'action song' about the British police.] Sheet music (Curwen Edition 1329): 'Our Model Policemen | Humorous Character Sketch for Boys | Words and Music by J. Frise'.

J. Frise [Jesse Frise]; J. Curwen & Sons, London publisher
Publication details: 
Curwen Edition 1320. London: J. Curwen and Sons Ltd., 24 Berners Street, W.1. [1930]

7 + [1]pp, 4to. On two loose bifoliums. In fair condition, worn and aged. Stamped twice on cover: 'CORRECTION COPY' with date 1 July 1938, and second date, 29 November 1946. On the cover is an attractive stylized children's illustration, Curwen press style, hand-coloured in blue and orange, depicting three policemen walking in a line, truncheon aloft, before a row of houses and a church. The second page is blank; the third carries 'Hints for Performance', including 'Directions for Marching'. The musical score (for voice and piano) and words cover the four pages 4-7.

Musical Bouquet Edition. One Hundred Songs of Ireland: Words and Music.

Songs of Ireland [Musical Bouquet Edition, London; Richard Born, London printer]
Publication details: 
London: Musical Bouquet Office, 192, High Holborn. 1857. [Printed by Richard Born, Crawley Street, Euston Square.]

60pp., 8vo. In green printed wraps, the front cover carrying a dense illustration of scenes from various songs ('Kitty of Coleraine', 'Angel's Whisper', 'The Irish Wedding', 'Donnybrooke Fair', 'Low-Back'd Car' and 'The Wake'), with Tom Moore at the head, printed by Richard Born from a drawing by W. E. Earl. Title on cover differs slightly: '100 Songs of Ireland | Music & Words | The Popular Edition'. Eight-page publishers' catalogue bound in at rear. In fair condition, on aged paper, in aged and worn wraps.

[ Julius Harrison, English composer, inscribes a work to Sir Courtenay Mansel. ] Copy of the printed sheet music of 'To Chloe | Song for Voice and Pianoforte | Poem by Thomas Moore | Music by Julius Harrison'.

Julius Harrison [ Julius Allan Greenway Harrison ] (1885-1963), English composer [ Thomas Moore (1779-1852), Irish poet ]
Publication details: 
Printed score published by Enoch & Sons (in 'The Enoch Art Song Library'), London. Dated 'June 1920' Harrison's autograph inscription dated 26 October 1920.

4pp., 4to. Bifolium. Aged and creased, with chipping and closed tears to edges. Engraved title-page states that the work is 'Copyright 2/- net | No. 1 Low Voice | No. 2 Medium Voice'. Inscribed at top left-hand corner of title-page: 'To my friend Sir Courtenay Mansel with kindest regards from | Julius Harrison | Oct. 26th. 1920'. Moore's poem is printed on the reverse of the first leaf, and facing it, on the recto of the second leaf, is the score. On the reverse of the second leaf is a 'Revised List' of 'The Enoch Art Song Library', with the date of issue ('June, 1920.') at bottom left.

[John Pyke Hullah, composer.] Autograph Letter Signed ('John Hullah'), sending tickets to 'Laura'. With cutting of a few bars of manuscript sheet music by him.

John Hullah [John Pyke Hulla] (1812-1884), English composer for one of whose operas Charles Dickens wrote the libretto
Publication details: 
Letter: On letterhead of 11 Devonshire Place, [London] W. 'Tuesday night' [no date]. Cutting of sheet music with docketted date 1861.

Both items in good condition, on lightly-aged paper. ONE (letter): 1p., 12mo. In a neat and elegant hand, it reads: 'Tuesday Night | Dear Laura | I send the tickets; as Goldsmith sent the portion of Lord Clare's haunch of venison to Sir Joshua - | "To paint it or eat it, whichever he pleased" | I am glad you like the Philharmonia | Your affecte. Friend | John Hullah'. TWO (cutting of sheet music): Written in pencil on one side of a 6.5 x 15 cm piece of paper, docketted 'Written by John Hullah 1861 | for

'. With a few words in Hullah's hand at head.

Signed Autograph Manuscript musical score of 'Interlude from "Bluebeard" '.

Dr Douglas Hopkins (1902-1992), organist of Canterbury Cathedral
Publication details: 
Dated 'September 2nd. 1926'.

On both sides of a piece of paper, roughly 18 x 23.5 cm, taken from an album. Very good, on lightly-aged paper. Thirty-two grand staff bars, in black ink, with title and signature in blue. Signature, following the score, reads 'Douglas Hopkins | September 2nd. 1926'.

Autograph Manuscript musical score, 'from Minueta Trio for pianoforte', signed by 'Leslie Regan'.

Dr Leslie Regan (1900-1968), Professor of Harmony at the Royal Academy of Music
Publication details: 
Dated '10 July 1919'.

On one side of a leaf, roughly 18 x 24 cm, removed from an album. Good, on lightly aged paper. Sixteen grand staff bars, followed by 'from Minueta Trio for pianoforte | [signed] Leslie Regan | 10 July 1919.'

Autograph Manuscript musical score, entitled 'À la gigue. | F. W. (1924)', with autograph signature of 'Frank Wright' at the end.

Frank Wright (1901-1970), Professor of Brass and Military Band Scoring at the Guildhall School of Music, and editor of 'The Conductor' [brass bands]
Publication details: 
Dated '21st December 1927'.

On one side of a leaf of pink printed music paper, roughly 18 x 23.5 cm, removed from an album. Very good on lightly-aged paper. Twenty-one grand staff bars. Signed 'Frank Wright. | 21st. December 1927.' in bottom right-hand corner. According to Newsome ('The Modern Brass Band'), Wright was 'a highly influential figure in the brass band movement'.

Autograph Letter Signed ('J. L. Hatton.') to Bennett.

John Liptrot Hatton [J. L. Hatton] (1809-1886), English composer and conductor [William Cox Bennett (1820-1895)]
Publication details: 
26 October 1859; 3 Goswell St. E.C. [London], on cancelled letterheada of 13 Park Village West, Regents Park.

12mo, 2 pp. Ten lines of text. Good. Asks 'upon what terms' he may 'publish some of the songs I have set from the charming volume you sent me'. He is 'acquainted with the Gentleman' to whom Bennett has dedicated his book: 'it was in his shop I was introduced to Longfellow'. Possibly referring to Bennett's 'A Sea Song' and 'The Sea-Boy's Dream', set to music by Hatton and both published in 1861.

Autograph Manuscript score of 'Quartett (unaccompanied)', 'from "The Lord is King" ', with two signatures (both 'Stanley Marchant').

Sir Stanley Marchant (1883-1949), organist and Principal of the Royal Academy of Music
Publication details: 
Score and first signature 10 January 1909; second signature 20 September 1936.

On one side of a pink leaf, roughly 18 x 23.5 cm, removed from an album. Good, on lightly aged paper. Staves ruled out in red, with notes and text in black. Seventeen bars, with staves for soprano, alto, tenor and bass.Titled 'Quartet (unaccompanied)' at head, with 'from "The Lord is King" | Stanley Marchant. | Jan: 10: 1909.' at foot. Beside this, in a larger, looser hand, in green ink, is a later signature: 'Stanley Marchant | Sept: 20: 1936'.

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