[William Bright, Regius Professor of Ecclesiatical History at Oxford and Canon of Christ Church.] Two Autograph Letters Signed to Philip Jacob, Archdeacon of Winchester., one with long discussion of Christmas. With signed conclusion of third letter.

William Bright (1824-1901), D.D., Regius Professor of Ecclesiastical History in the University of Oxford, Canon of Christ Church
Publication details: 
One dated 'Univ[ersity] Coll[ege, Oxford] / Innocents Day [28 December] 1866'. Another, on letterhead of Christ Church, Oxford, 'Whitsun Monday'. The last without date or place.

Excellent affectionate and eloquent content, including a moving expression of the conventional Victorian view of Christmas. See Bright's entry in the Oxford DNB. A total of eight pages, six of which are closely written. Items One and Two addressed to ‘My dear Jacob’. Item Three is incomplete. ONE: ‘Univ Coll / Innocents Day 1866.’ 5pp, 12mo. On bifolium. Bright’s signature ‘W. Bright’ and the conclusion of the letter (i.e. the fifth page) are written crosswise at the head of the first page.

[Thomas Gisborne, Anglican cleric and author, leading member of the abolitionist Clapham Sect.] Three Autograph Letters Signed to Archdeacon John Woodhouse, praising his edition of the Apocalypse, and discussing his own on 'Sunday Drilling'.

Thomas Gisborne (1758-1846), Anglican cleric, leading member with William Wilberforce and Thomas Babington of abolitionist Clapham Sect [John Chappel Woodhouse (1749-1833), Archdeacon of Salop]
Publication details: 
All three from Yoxall Lodge. 24 February and 2 May 1806; and 25 June 1828.

The three letters are in good condition, lightly aged and worn, with minor evidence of previous mounting in an album. ONE: 24 February 1806. 1p, 4to. Signed 'Thomas Gisborne.' The subject of the letter is Woodhouse's translation of the Apocalypse, prefixed by 'a dissertation on the divine origin of the book', published the previous year. Gisborne writes that on his 'return from Leicestershire' the previous Friday, he found Woodhouse's 'very obliging present'.

[Archdeacon Coxe, historian, gives instructions to the parliamentary printer Luke Hansard.] Autograph Letter in the Third Person to 'Mr Hansard'

Archdeacon Coxe [William Coxe, Archdeacon of Bemerton] (1748-1828), historian and Anglican cleric [Luke Hansard (1752-1828), London printer after whom publication of parliamentary debates is named]
Publication details: 
15 December 1805; Bath.

2pp, 18mo. In good condition, lightly aged, with a couple of emendations. The subject is Coxe's 'History of the House of Austria', which was 'Printed by Luke Hansard and Sons, for T. Cadell and W. Davies, in the Strand'. The letter begins: 'Mr. Coxe wishes to keep back for a week or two sheet 3z, because he intends to divide the first Volume into two parts; and therefore desires Mr Hansard not to strike off that Sheet; and will trouble Mr Hansard to transfer the commencement of Ferdinand's reign from p 542.

[ Edward Churton (1800-1874), Hispanist. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Edw. Churton') to an unnamed party

Edward Churton, Archdeacon of Cleveland, and Hispanist
Publication details: 
'Crayke nr. Easingwold. | Feb. 29. 1868.'

1p., 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged. He has 'dutifully employed a portion of this odd [last word underlined] day in the year' looking over his accounts, and finds that his 'Subscription for last Year to the Ch[urch]. Build[in]g. Soc[iet]y. was not paid'. He thinks the former local secretary for the area has retired, 'or has left off reminding the Subscribers when their Subsc[riptio]ns. become due'. He encloses 'what is meant to represent' his subscriptions for the present and previous years.

[ William Cunningham, Archdeacon of Ely, Scottish economist. ] Two Autograph Letters Signed (both 'Wm. Cunningham') to an unnamed party, explaining why he must decline his invitation to co-operate, despite the 'flattering invitation' of the Delegates

William Cunningham (1849-1919), Archdeacon of Ely, Scottish economist [ Harvard University ]
Publication details: 
Both from Trinity College, Cambridge. 9 and 12 October 1899.

The two letters were written on Cunningham's return from America, where he had been lecturing in economic history at Harvard. Both are in good condition, lightly aged. Both are addressed from Trinity College, Cambridge. ONE: 9 October 1899. 2pp., small 4to. He has 'just returned to England after a long absence'. He appreciates 'the honour you have done me in asking me to cooperate in such a work', but regrets 'that it is impossible for me to undertake anything of the kind at present'. TWO: 12 October 1899. 4pp., small 4to.

[ James Augustus Hessey, cleric and educationalist. ] Autograph Testimonial Signed ('J A Hessey, D. C. L. | Archdeacon of Middlesex, | (late) Head Master of Merchant Taylors' School.') to 'the Governors of Bath College', for Rev. Robert Hutchison.

J. A. Hessey [ James Augustus Hessey ] (1814-1892), Archdeacon of Middlesex and Headmaster of Merchant Taylors' School [ Rev. R. H. Hutchison of Exeter College, Oxford; Bath College ]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of 41 Leinster Gardens, Hyde Park, W. [ London ] 12 February 1878.

2pp., 12mo. Bifolium. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper. An approving testimonial, closely and neatly written over thirty lines, beginning: 'The Rev: Robert Hutchison, M.A. was educated by me at Merchant Taylors' School, and, after having reached the distinguished rank of Fifth Monitor, (or Fifth in the whole School,) was sent up by me to Oxford, and obtained by competition an open Scholarship at Exeter College.

[Pamphlet.] The Next Steps in Elementary Education from the Point of View of the Children. A Paper read at the Church Congress, Nottingham, September, 1897.

Ven. J. M. Wilson, M.A., Archdeacon of Manchester
Publication details: 
Reprinted from the official report of the Church Congress, by Hemrose and Sons, Limited, Derby and London. [1897.]

9pp., 8vo. Unbound. With stamp, shelfmarks and labels of the Board of Education Reference Library, otherwise in good condition, on lightly-aged and worn paper. Scarce: no copy in the British Library or on COPAC.

Mimeographed copy of sermon to the British Eighth Army, headed 'CHRISTMAS 1942. | SERVICE BROADCAST FROM BETHLEHEM | "Of His Kingdom there shall be no end." St. Luke, I, v.33.'

[Frederick Llewelyn Hughes (1894-1967), Archdeacon of the Forces and Dean of Ripon, 1961-1967; General Montgomery of Alamein; British Eighth Army]
Publication details: 
[British Eighth Army, Bethlehem, Palestine.] Christmas 1942.

2pp., foolscap 8vo. On two leaves stapled together. In good condition, on lightly aged and creased paper. This item is discussed in M. F. Snape's 'God and the British Soldier: Religion and the British Soldier in the First and Second World Wars' (London: Routledge, 2005). Montgomery described Hughes as 'the ideal of what an Army padre should be', and according to Snape: 'A major theme which seemed to emerge from the collaboration of Montgomery and Hughes in 1942 was the notion of the consecration of British arms to a higher purpose.

Autograph Letter Signed ('J. C. Hare') from Julius Charles Hare, Archdeacon of Lewes, to James Fraser, proprietor of 'Fraser's Magazine', complaining of Fraser's handling of his 'Vindication of Coleridge', with reference to Thomas De Quincey.

Julius Charles Hare (1795-1855), Archdeacon of Lewes [James Fraser (c.1805-1841), London bookseller and publisher of 'Fraser's Magazine'; Samuel Taylor Coleridge; Thomas De Quincey]
Publication details: 
'Hurstmonceux Battle' [Sussex]; 2 December [1834].

2pp., 4to. Bifolium. 21 lines of text. Good, on lightly-aged paper, with minor traces of mount adhering to corners of verso of second leaf. Addressed, with red wax seal and postmark, on reverse of second leaf, to 'Mr Frazer [sic] | 215 Regent Street | London'. A significant letter, which shows Hare in conflict with Fraser over the publication his 'Vindication of Coleridge' a full year before the article appeared in the British Magazine (January 1835). The letter begins: 'I am very much annoyed at finding that you have put off my article for another month.

Autograph Letter Signed to unnamed male correspondent.

Rt Revd Edward Churton (1800-1874), Archdeacon of Cleveland [The Oxford Movement]
Publication details: 
1 May 1861; 'Crayke nr. Easingwold'.

One page, 12mo. Good, on grey paper and with the merest trace of cream mount adhering to blank reverse. The previous month he received 'an engraved Circular' from his correspondent, from which he now quotes a passage stating that his subscription of a guinea [to the Church Institution] is due. 'I have no recollection of having ever promised a subscription to the Institution referred to.

Autograph Letter Signed to 'Laura'.

Frederic William Farrar, Dean of Canterbury
Publication details: 
3 February [no year]; on embossed letterhead of the Athenaeum Club, Pall Mall.

Archdeacon of Westminster and Dean of Canterbury (1831-1903). Two pages, 12mo. Good but grubby and with some staining from glue and with head of verso attached to larger sheet of green paper, some of which adheres to letter. He is 'very full of engagements in Lent; indeed I am more occupied in this way than is good at all for me or for others. I admire the resolute penitence of in preaching his year & no more. I alas! have about a hundred to preach, & many many other duites w[hic]h bring me nothing but hatred disparagement. So I know you will excuse me.' Signed 'F W Farrar'.

Printed document, filled in in manuscript, ordering the induction of Thomas Hutton into the 'Rectory and Parish Church of Beeston Saint Laurence'; together with printed and manuscript certification.

John Oldershaw, Archdeacon of Norfolk [Beeston Saint Laurence, Norfolk]
Publication details: 

Two pages, dimensions roughly thirteen inches by eight inches. Discoloured, creased and folded, with several closed tears. Papered seal of office of the Archdeacon of Norfolk. Signed by Henry Francis, deputy registrar. On reverse a printed form, filled in in manuscript, and signed and witnessed, by which John Gunn, vicar of the parish of Banton Turf with Instead, certifies Hulton's induction.

Autograph Note.

Christopher Wordsworth, Bishop of Lincoln, when Archdeacon of Westminster.
Publication details: 
October 1867; on blindstamped letterhead 'Stanford in the Vale, | Faringdon, Bucks.'

Wordsworth (1807-85) was made Archdeacon of Westminster in 1865 and Bishop of Lincoln four years later. 1 page, approximately 3 inches square. In good condition. Neat tight handwriting. 'With Archdeacon Wordsworth's compts. requesting a receipt for 5 - 13 - 0. | enclosed'.

Autograph Letter Signed to the Archdeacon of Winchester [George Sumner].

Richard William Church
Publication details: 
12 March 1885; on letterhead 'THE DEANERY, | ST. PAUL'S.'

Dean of St Paul's Cathedral (1815-90). 4 pages, 16mo. Heavy discoloration, and rust damage from paper-clip. He is glad that he can address his correspondent as Archdeacon, praising him for having shown 'so much judgement & ability in important positions in convocation'. Goes to great lengths declining an invitation, explaining that for health reasons he intends 'to be as far as I dare get in the South, perhaps to Sicily'. Signed 'R W Church'.

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