[Sally Emerson, novelist and author.] Autograph Letter Signed and Two Typed Letters Signed to Philip Dosse, regarding her work as an assistant on ‘Books and Bookmen’, a magazine she would later edit.

Sally Emerson (b.1954), novelist and author, editor of ‘Books and Bookmen’, whose proprietor was Philip Dosse (1925-1980) of Hansom Books
Publication details: 
Autograph letter, 22 January [1975]; two typed letters, 11 May and 21 August 1975. All three on her letterhead, 3 Halkin Street, Belgrave Square, London.
SKU: 26306

Emerson’s novels have undergone a re-evaluation in recent years. The first six were republished by Quartet Books as ‘Rediscovered Classics’ in 2017, and in 2021 by Quadrant Books. ‘Books and Bookmen’ was one of a stable of seven London arts magazines owned by Philip Dosse (1925-1980) of Hansom Books. Emerson, who was the editor of the magazine at the time of Dosse’s suicide, has published an account of her time there: ‘Death of a Bookman’, Standpoint, October 2018. The present three items date from an earlier period, when Emerson was working as an assistant in the interim period between school and college. The three items are in good condition, lightly aged and folded for postage, and all signed ‘Sally C. Emerson’. ONE: ALS, 22 January [1975]. 2pp, landscape 12mo. She gives a list of four books, with full and half price, which she has kept for herself, and asks to be paid for reviews, minus the total. She discusses the ‘system of my receiving and returning the books’, which she feels works well. She is finding the writing of reviews ‘less difficult to do, but must admit I’d find it a strain to do more than two pages a month’. The letter carries calculations by Dosse. TWO: TLS, 11 May 1975. 1p, 4to. ‘I quite understand about having to cut b&b – it’s a wonder it’s remained so fat for so long in these lean times. I was of course disappointed to hear of the exodus of books noticed but not heartbroken because it was an enormous amount of work to do on top of a full-time job. Now perhaps I shall have the time to do an occasional interview for b & b as well as reviews.’ After discussing a move ‘to a flat in Canonbury’ and a reference to ‘Tony’ she writes: ‘I have very much enjoyed doing books noticed. It’s taught me much about reviewing as well as educating me in a motley collection of subjects.’ THREE: TLS, 21 August 1975. 1p, 4to. She is writing, at the instigation of ‘Cis’, regarding money owed for reviews, and discusses this matter, including an autograph note on books ‘from the plain children’s book reviews’. ‘I see Bron Waugh is advertising b&b as ardently as ever in his diary in Private Eye – with every justification for b&b is plump with interest if not with pages.’ She ends with the news that she is ‘still working at The Illustrated London News, and enjoying it, but Hansom books has only to beckon. . .’