[Swan Sonnenschein & Co., Limited, London publishers.] The first number and the only one printed of the periodical ‘What to read / A guide to the best in periodical literature books of the hour & books for all time’.

Swan Sonnenschein & Co., Limited, London publishers [A. Fenwick; W. Macdonald; Charles Weekes; George Sampson; Tolstoy; Gilbert White of Selborne; Rudyard Kipling]
Publication details: 
5 November 1902 (vol. 1, no. 1). Swan Sonnenschein & Co., Limited, London. Printed by C. F. Hodgson & Son, London; ‘Published for the Proprietors by A. FENWICK, at 18 Bride Lane, Fleet Street, London.’

Stapled periodical in black and white: iv + 12 pp, 4to. The outer leaves carry advertisements, with the front leaf paginated i-ii and the back leaf iii-iv. Engraved masthead at top of front cover. Containing thirteen articles between ‘Foreword’ (the journal aims ‘to address itself to all who, caring to read about Books, care especially to read about the Best - about those which are, beyond question, always worth reading and worth writing about’) and ‘Editorial Notices’, including ‘Books and Life’ by W. Macdonald, ‘The Birth of a Classic’ (i.e.

[ Robert Hebert Quick, educationalist. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('R H Quick') to his publishers Messrs W. S. Sonnenschein & Co., regarding their publication of Alice M. Christie's translation of a book by 'Frau Bülow'

R. H. Quick [ Robert Hebert Quick ] (1831-1891), English educationalist [ Messrs W. Swan Sonnenschein & Co., London publishers; Alice M. Christie;; Quick Memorial Library, University of London ]
Publication details: 
Hill House, Guildford. 3 September 1882.

3pp., 12mo. Bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged. He begins by thanking them for sending 'a Copy of Hand work & Head work' by Baroness Martha Von Marenholtz Bülow (1810-1893), 'a book on a subject which I trust will soon attract general attention'. In his judgment 'Frau Bu¨low is […] very fortunate in getting so skilful a writer as Miss Christie [Alice M. Christie] to interpret her in England'. He is however 'sorry the circumstances so frankly explained in the translator's preface have not had more influence on the title page.

Publishers' 'Specimen Of First Seven Plates' in 'An Elementary Text-Book of Entomology' by 'W. F. Kirby, of the British Museum'.

W. F. Kirby [ William Forsell Kirby (1844-1912) ], of the British Museum [ Swan Sonnenschein & Co., Paternoster Square; William Wesley & Son, London, Booksellers and Publishers ]
Publication details: 
London: Swan Sonnenschein & Co., Paternoster Square. 1885. [ With stamp of William Wesley & Son, Booksellers and Publishers, 28, Essex Street, Strand, London. ]

16pp., 4to. Unbound and unstitched pamphlet. On aged and worn paper. The first page has the Wesley stamp, and is headed 'Specimen Of First Seven Plates' It also carries nine lines describing the 'object of the author'. The seven plates are accompanied by captions, and there is also an explanation regarding them.

[ Yves Guyot, French politician and economist. ] Two Autograph Letters Signed to an unnamed recipient, concerning the translation into English by C. H. d'Eyncourt Leppington of his 'Principles of Social Economy'.

Yves Guyot (1843-1928), French laissez-faire politician and economist [ Charles H. d'Eyncourt Leppington; W. Swan Sonnenschein & Co., London publishers ]
Publication details: 
One letter 20 July 1884; the other from London, 6 March [1888?].

Written in a crabbed, difficult hand. ONE: 20 July 1884. 2pp., 12mo. Bifolium. In good condition, lightly-aged. Apparently writing to the publisher of the translation, he thanks him for the copies he has been sent, expressing 'l'honneur que vous m'avez fait en entreprennant cette edition'. TWO: London, 6 March [1888?]. 1p., 12mo. In fair condition, on aged and browned paper. A short letter, referring to Leppington.

Autograph Note Signed to Rev. R. Best?], concerning takings from his lectures.

Joseph Parker (1830-1902), English nonconformist divine, preacher, theologian and miscellaneous writer
Joseph Parker (1830-1902), English nonconformist divine
Publication details: 
Old Trafford, 24 October 1866.
Joseph Parker (1830-1902), English nonconformist divine

One page, thirteen lines, 8vo, small closed tears, text clear and complete. "As I cannot continue my lectures on [? see scan], for some time to come I return a proportion of the balance of money collected in various towns. I have not taken one penny for my labours, but I propose to retain about one third of the balance [underlined] as there were innumerable etceteras about a work like mine. If any of the subscribers object to this, please let me know. - I enclose a cheque for £5." Best has listed 6 recipients of shares of this £5 on the verso of a conjoint leaf ,and with a small sum.

Autograph Letter Signed ('W Maccall') [to the publishers W. S. Sonnenschein & Co.].

William Maccall (1812-1888), Scottish writer and lecturer [W. S. Sonnenschein & Co.]
Publication details: 
14 November 1882; Stanhope Cottages, Bexley Heath.

4to, 1 page and 12mo, 2 pp (single 4to leaf, folded as to give two 12mo pp on one side). Thirty-seven lines of text. Maccall is 'willing to accept any proposal which is reasonable and just' concerning his 'Christian Legends' (published by Sonnenschein in 1882), and also 'to make sacrifices for the sake of obliging [...] As the one manuscript is about twice the length of the other - I speak from memory, - it might honestly claim better remuneration'.

Autograph Letter Signed to Sonnenschein.

James Samuelson, editor of 'Subjects of the Day' [George Routledge & Sons Limited; William Swan Sonnenschein [Stallybrass] (1855-1934), publisher]
Publication details: 
22 September 1890; Trevenna, Grosvenor Road, on letterhead of 'GEORGE ROUTLEDGE & SONS LIMITED | "SUBJECTS OF THE DAY." | (EDITORIAL DEPARTMENT.)'

8vo, 1 p. Good, on lightly-aged paper. In response to a 'kind note', Samuelson informs Sonnenschein that 'the next number of our Review, which will appear shortly, is to deal with the Irish question'. He has 'a very copious list of publications' and although he would have welcomed Sonnenschein's assistance, he hardly thinks it is worth his while at the present time to trouble himself over the matter, 'for reasons which I will explain to you some day'.

Autograph Letter Signed ('R. Brimley Johnson') [to Swan Sonnenschein], proposing a work for publication, and outlining his literary achievements.

R. Brimley Johnson [Reginald Brimley Johnson] (1867-1932), English author and editor [Swan Sonnenschein, London publishers]
Publication details: 
19 February 1893; on embossed letterhead of Llandaff House, Cambridge.

12mo, 4 pp. Bifolium. Good, on lightly-aged paper. He was introduced to the recipient 'by Mr. Philip Malleson of Croydon, when I wanted to send an Essay to The Albemarle'. Asks if he 'might be disposed to let me write a volume on Jane Austen or Leigh Hunt for your Dilettante Library', Austen being 'specially before the public just now'. He has edited Austen's novels and two 'well received' volumes of selections from Hunt for 'Mr. Dent's Temple Library'. 'If you do not care to arrange for either of these authors I would suggest Miss Burney[,] Hazlitt or T. L. Peacock.

Autograph Letter in the third person to the publishers Swan Sonnenschein & Co.

Sir Charles Hallé [born in Germany as Carl Halle] (1819-1895), English conductor and pianist
Publication details: 
30 June 1890; Sydney, Australia.

12mo, 1 p. Twelve lines of text. Clear and complete. On aged and grubby paper. A formal letter in the third person. He has 'received with surprise the enclosed invoice. [not present] He has given no orders for any copies of the work & must therefore decline to accept the parcel, should it have been sent out to him in Australia.' If it is 'lying at his London house' he will forward it to the firm 'on his return home'.

Autograph Card Signed ('H C Beeching') to Messrs Swan Sonnenschein & Co., publishers.

Henry Charles Beeching (1859-1919), Dean of Norwich and author
Publication details: 
Postmarked 21 June 1905; on letterhead '3, Little Cloisters, Westminster.'

Plain card, roughly 8.5 x 11 cm. Five lines of text. A little grubby, but good. Asking for his manuscript, so that he can 'correct the proof of the Introduction to Crashaw. It was written so many years ago that I can't always recall what I wrote'.

Autograph Card Signed ('Marshall P. Wilder') to the English publisher [William Swan] Sonnenschein (1855-1934).

Marshall Pinckney Wilder (1859-1914), American humourist
Publication details: 
19 August 1889; on Marshall's letterhead from 'The Alpine', 55 West 33rd. Street, New York.

8.5 x 11 cms. Grubby and lightly spotted. Reads 'My dear Mr Sonnenschein | Kindly send draft as I can collect here - | Merrily Yours | Marshall P. Wilder'. Presumably refers to the English printing of his 'The people I've smiled with: recollections of a merry little life' (1889).

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