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Author, Title, Summary Subject Price
Trafford Smith, Lieutenant-Governor, Malta

[ Trafford Smith, Lieutenant-Governor, Malta [ Typed Letter Signed Trafford Smith to Miss Felicity Ashbee, apparently giving her influential contacts for her travels.

One page, 8vo, fold marks, very good condition. Text: I enclose two letters from Maitland, the Malta Area Manager of Shell, whose sway extends over the Shelkl Company in Tripoli, one addressed to yoy and the other to the Tripoli Manager. | I have probably done you wrong in saying that this is...

R. E. Baynes [ Robert Edward Baynes ] (1849-1921) of Christ Church, Oxford, physicist and freemason [ William Scoresby Routledge; Eleftherios Kyriakou Venizelos (1864-1936), Greek statesman ]

[ Venizelos; R. E. Baynes, Oxford physicist/freemason. ] Two Autograph Letters Signed ('R. E. Baynes'), first containing an anecdote regarding 'the maker of modern Greece' Eleftherios Venizelos at a Christ Church gaudy, the second on Freemasonry.

From the papers of William Scoresby Routledge (1859-1939), Australian-born British ethnographer, anthropologist and adventurer. Both items in good condition, on lightly-aged paper, but the first with a vertical closed tear at the base of one leaf. ONE: On letterhead of Christ Church, Oxford. 2...

Albert Gallatin, Secretary of the Treasury [United States Treasury Department]

[Correspondence between United States Treasury and bankers, 1811.] Printed booklet, with fold-out table, of correspondence of Albert Gallatin, Secretary of the Treasury, regarding 'several banks in which the public monies are now deposited'.

30pp., 12mo, paginated 3-32 on wove paper. With additional fold-out table on laid paper, headed 'Statement of the several Banks in which the public money is deposited, shewing the greatest amount in each Bank at any one period since the 4th March, 1811, and also the amount deposited in each Bank...

[Irishman in the Royal Navy, 1825] Lieut. James Peter O’Ferrall of HMS Revenge, son of Hugh O’Ferrall, MD

[Irishman in the Royal Navy, 1825.] Two documents regarding the estate of Lieut. James Peter O’Ferrall of HMS Revenge: Letters of Administration and Power of Attorney, the later signed by the father Hugh O’Ferrall MD.

Both items in fair condition, with age and wear. ONE: Letters of Administration, 15 November 1825. Printed on square of parchment, with embossed seal appended and usual tax stamps. Completed in manuscript with regard to ‘Hugh O’Ferrall the natural and lawful Father of James Peter O’Ferrall late...

£120.00 rishman in the Royal Navy
Sir William Curtis (1752-1829), banker and Tory politician, who coined the phrase 'the three Rs' [ John Nichols (1745-1826), printer and editor of the Gentleman's Magazine; John Bowyer Nichols ]

[ William Curtis, Tory politician and banker who coined the phrase 'the three Rs'. ] Autograph Letter in the third person to 'his friends Mess Nichols & Son' [ i.e. John Nichols and John Bowyer Nichols ], conveying directions for bookbinding.

1p., 12mo. Bifolium. In fair condition, aged and worn. Frank on reverse of damaged second leaf to 'Mess Nichols & Son | Parliament Street | Printers | W Curtis'. Seventeen lines of directions to ' his friends Mess Nichols & Son', regarding the binding of legislative works, beginning with...

Thomas Orby Hunter (c.1716-1769), of Crowland, Lincolnshire, and Waverley Abbey, Surrey, Member of Parliament for Winchelsea and a Lord of the Admiralty [Gibbs Crawfurd; Creuzer v. Bishop of London]

][ Thomas Orby Dundas, M.P. for Winchelsea, Lord of the Admiralty. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Thos. Orby Hunter') stating mortgage terms, with two memoranda in the case 'Creuzer v. Bishop of London', one signed 'W. Graves'.

1p., 4to. Bifolium. On aged and worn paper. Hunter's letter, on the recto of the first leaf, reads: 'I write you this letter to inform you, that I agree to the proposal you made to me yesterday, that the growing Interest on the Mortgage shall be four and a half Per Cent, to Comence [sic] from...

1st Duke of Westminster [Hugh Lupus Grosvenor] (1825-1899) [Viscount Belgrave, 1831-45; Earl Grosvenor, 1845-69; Marquess of Westminster, 1869-74], landowner, politician and racehorse owner

[1st Duke of Westminster [Henry Lupus Grosvenor, as Marquis of Westminster.] Secretarial Hand, Signed in Autograph, granting his assent to a Major of the 1st Lancashire Engineer Volunteers, for the regiment to join ‘The New Brighton Parade’.

The founder of the greatest of London’s ‘Great Estates’. See his entry in the Oxford DNB. 1p, 4to. In good condition, on light-grey paper, with thin neat strip of windowpane mount adhering to edges. Folded three times for postage. Good firm signature ‘Westminster’, and with the name of the...

Brigadier-General John Harington (1873-1943), son of Sir Richard Harington, 11th Bart [ 2nd Battalion, Rifle Brigade; Second Boer War; Natal Field Force ]

[ The Boer War, the Rifle Brigade and Brigadier-General John Harington. ] Nineteen items relating to the embarkation of the 2nd Battalion, including 'Nominal Roll', drill instructions, 'Musketry Orders for Pembroke Camp', orders, letters, telegram.

For details of Harington's distinguished military career, see his entry in Who Was Who. The present collection, from his papers, is an interesting assemblage of ephemeral items, casting light on British Army practices at the time of the Boer War. Nineteen items. In fair condition, with some...

E. V. Knox [Edmund George Valpy Knox] (1881-1971, ‘Evoe’), editor of ‘Punch’ 1932-1948, humorist, essayist and poet [his wife Mary Shepard (1909-2000), illustrator of ‘Mary Poppins’]

[E. V. Knox, editor of Punch, his wife Mary Shepard (illustrator of ‘Mary Poppins’).] Miscellaneous manuscript material, correspondence and ephemera inserted in manuscript appointments diary for 1954, including first page of typed memoir of Knox .

The diary is a 4to, with around 100pp. (a week’s entries on each leaf). In worn and marked printed olive boards with cloth spine; internally good and sound on lightly-aged paper. No ownership inscription, but from the E. V. Knox papers, and with entries in Knox’s hand and that of his wife Mary,...

Rear Admiral Sir Thomas Hardy [ Thomas Masterman Hardy, sometime Captain of the "Victory" under Nelson ], Governor, Greenwich Hospital.

[ Thomas Hardy, RN ] Autograph Note, third person, to Joseph Glynn, Civil Engineer, thanking him for a Print by the latter..

One page, 12mo, fold marks, signs on being tipped into an album, good conition. "Rear Admiral Sir Thomas Hardy presents his Compliments to Mr. Glynn and begs to return his best thanks for a Print of a Bridge over the River Aire."
