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Author, Title, Summary Subject Price
Virginia Saffold Booth (1911-2005), American playwright [ Margaret Forster (1938-2016), English novelist and biographer ]

[ Virginia Saffold Booth, American playwright. ] Autograph Card Signed ('Virginia S Booth') presenting her book 'Six Plays' to the English author Margaret Forster, on whose novel 'The Travels of Maudie Tipstaff' the first play is based. With the book

Both items in good condition, lightly aged, with the card loosely inserted in the book with a paper clip. ONE: Autograph Card Signed. A Christmas card, in which Booth writes: 'Dear Margaret Forster, So sorry I added more confusion to your busy day of welcoming the new baby and congratulations to...

Whitelaw Reid (1837-1912), proprietor of the New York Tribune, historian, Republican nominee for Vice President of the United States in the 1892 election, American Ambassador to the United Kingdom

[ Whitelaw Reid, American Ambassador to the United Kingdom. ] Typed Letter Signed to Col. H. V. Higgins of the Grand Opera Syndicate, Covent Garden, comparing his opera box unfavourably with the one he had in Paris.

1p., 12mo. In fair condition, lightly aged. He is sending a copy of a note his secretary has 'just sent about an opera box for the next season. | The box we were able to get this year contrasted so poorly with my old "loge entre les colonnes" in Paris that I am afraid my personal tastes would be...

History £80.00
Charles John Vaughan (1816-1897), Headmaster of Harrow School, Master of the Temple, Dean of Llandaff, President of University College, Cardiff

[ Charles John Vaughan, Headmaster of Harrow School and Dean of Llandaff. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('C. J. Vaughan'), regarding a payment received by him from 'Rustal's Charity'.

1p., 12mo. With mourning border. In good condition, lightly aged. He found the recipient's 'kind letter' on his return home, and thanks him for it and for his 'good offices in procuring me the payment from Rustal's Charity'. He asks him to communicate his best thanks to the Trustees, 'at the...

[ Glayetsi NERSES , patriarch of Armenia. IV. ]

[ Armenia; book ] Preces Sancti Nierses, Armeniorum patriarchae: Turcice, Graece, Latine, Italice, et Gallice redditae / Appendix: Anglice, Germanice, Hungarice, Serviane, Hollandice, Hispanice, Illirice.

173pp. : port ; 12mo, period vellum gilt, open-ended box (worn), covers worn, corners bumped. Extracts in many languages.

Count Friedrich Waldburg-Truchsess [ Friedrich Ludwig Truchseß Graf von Waldburg ] (1776-1844), Prussian soldier and diplomat associated with Beethoven and Napoleon Bonaparte

[ Count Friedrich Waldburg-Truchsess, Prussian soldier and diplomat associated with Beethoven and Napoleon. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Waldburg-Truchseß'), in French, congratulating 'Monsieur le Colonell Na<meyr?> and his wife on the birth of a son

Waldburg-Truchsess appointed Beethoven Kapellmeister to the King of Westphalia when serving as the King's Chamberlain, and was one of the four Commissioners responsible for supervising Napoleon's exile in Elba. The letter is written on the eve of his return from the Hague, where he had been...

History £150.00
K. Suyematsu [Suematsu Kencho (1855 -1920), Japanese politician, intellectual and author, who lived in the Meiji and Taish periods]

[Suematsu Kencho; Japanese politician etc] Signature K. Suyematsu ONLY.

Paper, 10 x 4cm, good condition. See scan.

Lydia M. von Finkelstein of Jerusalem [Lydia M. Von Finkelstein Mountford, author, Jewish convert, later Mormon]

[Lydia M. von Finkelstein of Jerusalem] Signature only Lydia M. von Finkelstein of Jerusalem with that of her attendant B.[H?]oofsaly of Beirut.

Reverse of Part of a business letter, 13 x 11.5cm, headed (printed) Civil Service Supply Association Limited [...] London, Oct. 5 1886, Paper stained but Signatures bold and clear (see image) apart from ink spill which obscures the a of Lydia and one of the letters in the attendant's signature...

Edmund Yates [ Edmund Hodgson Yates ] (1831-1894), Scottish journalist and author, friend of Charles Dickens, proprietor of The World newspaper

[ Edmund Yates. ] Autograph Note Signed ('Edmund Yates') to 'Benthall', formerly enclosing 'a slip' of printers' 'copy' of his own and George Augustus Sala' [npot present]s writing.

1p., 12mo. In fair condition, laid down on piece of card, with slight staining from the glue employed. The note reads: 'My dear Benthall. | I enclose what you wished for, a slip of Sala's “Copy”, and one of my own. They are both sufficiently grimy, having been through the printers' hands. |...

H. B. Irving [ Harry Brodribb Irving ] (1870-1919), actor-manager and criminologist; the eldest son of Sir Henry Irving [ Neil Forsyth, General Manager, Royal Opera House, Covent Garden ]

H. B. Irving [ Harry Brodribb Irving ], actor-manager and criminologist. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('H B Irving') to 'Mr Forsyth [ Neil Forsyth, General Manager, Royal Opera House, Covent Garden ]

2pp., 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged, with light pencil line by Forsyth through first page. She hopes that she is not 'asking too much' in requesting 'two stalls or a box for the premiere of “Eugene Oneghin” - Friday evening'. If 'not impossible', he would like 'a lunch to be present that...

Sir Dermot Boyle [Sir Dermot Alexander Boyle] (1904-1993), Marshal of the Royal Air Force and Chief of the Air Staff

[Sir Dermot Boyle, Marshal of the Royal Air Force and Chief of the Air Staff.] Autograph Letter Signed to ‘Mr. Dean’, regarding a signed photograph he is sending in place of a ‘very bad one’ which he urges him to destroy.

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. 2pp, 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged. Folded once. At the foot of the second page, in another hand (no doubt that of the recipient) are written Doyle’s details in red ink. Signed ‘D. A. Boyle’ and addressed to ‘Dear Mr. Dean’. He is returning the...
