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Author, Title, Summary Subject Price
Sidney Herbert, statesman, sponsor of Florence Nightingale (DNB).

Autograph Letter Signed to "Monsignor Patterson".

Two pages, 8vo, remains of glue from tipping in, text clear and complete. He has been talking to the Duke of Argyll on a matter with which he might help. "Mr Hayes Fisher who is standing in the Conservative Interest at Fulham has told me that he is meeting with considerable opposition there from...

History £56.00
Sidney John Duly

Two Autograph Letters Signed and Two Typed Letters Signed to Perry (1), Luckhurst (2) and Menzies (1), Secretaries, Royal Society of Arts.

English traveller, writer and Governor of City of London College (1891-1991). First and last letters, two pages quarto; middle two letters, one page quarto. All in good condition and either docketed or bearing the Society's stamp. In first letter, further to a conversation, Duly asks if he can...

Military and Naval History, Science, Medicine and Technology £45.00
Sidney Ronald Campion (1891-1978), O.B.E., F.R.S.A., English sculptor, painter and author [Edward Cecil Baker (1902-), M.B.E., Post Office Librarian [Archivist?]]

Archive of thirty-four Autograph Letters Signed and fifty-two Typed Letters Signed, to Baker, with two Autograph Letters Signed from Campion's wife, and drafts of three of Baker letters (two autograph and one typed), exhibition catalogue, etc.

The archive is in very good condition, with very slight creasing and aging, and with all items entirely legible. Most items quarto, and most of two pages or more (one running to seven pages). One letter has the head and first paragraph cut away. All but the first two items, which date from 1953...

Art and Architecture £250.00
[The Crime Writers Association]

[Crime Writers' Association] An archive of membership list, accounts, correspondence and related material.

The Crime Writers' Association (CWA). Founded 5 November 1953An Archive accumulated during his periods in office by T.C.H. Jacobs, aka Jacques Pendower, author, sometime Hon. Treas., Vice-Chairman, and Chairman of the CWAIt was unanimously agreed that those present should found forthwith an...

Simon Nowell-Smith.

Autograph Notes Signed (2) to J.G. Wilson, Chairman of Bumpus's.

Scholar and collector (1909-1996). Total 3pp., 8vo, good condition. (1931) "many thanks for your note enclosing cheque for "Farrago" [?]. I wish all my debtors were as prompt." Wilson or a member of his staff has put a pencilled line diagonally through the page. ([1932]) He asks to see "the...

Book Trade History, Literature £50.00
Simon's Town [Simonstown; Simonstad], Cape Town, South Africa [photograph; panorama].

Victorian panoramic sepia photograph of the bay at Simon's Town.

Made up of four sepia photographs, each roughly 7 cm square, laid down overlapping each other to make a strip of 7 x 27 cm. Somewhat faded (especially to the right of the image) and with one small stain, and a one cm closed tear to the left. The paper on which the panorama is laid down, which is...

Travel and Topography £220.00 Simonstown
Glubb Pasha [Sir John Bagot Glubb (1897-1986), English Arabist, leader of the Arab Legion army of the Transjordan, 1939-1956]

[Glubb Pasha (Sir John Bagot Glubb), English Arabist, leader of the Arab Legion army of Transjordan.] Autograph Note Signed, with large sprawling signature, in response to Typed Note Signed from Diane Richards.

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. Written large at the foot of a page on a 4to leaf. In good condition, lightly aged and creased, with a short closed tear to the outer edge just below Glubb’s sprawling signature, which consists of an illegible line of curls. Folded once for postage. At the head...

Travel and Topography £80.00 Glubb
Sir Abraham Hume (1749-1838), connoisseur

Autograph Signature ('Abram: Hume') on fragment of frank.

Paper dimensions roughly 2 x 5 cm. Good, although on discoloured paper, and mounted on piece of slightly larger discoloured paper docketed in pencil 'Sir Abm Hume'. Reads 'Free 274 | [signed] Abram: Hume'.

Art and Architecture £20.00
Sir Adrian Cedric Boult (1889-1983), English conductor

Two Autograph Cards Signed to Roger Powell, Slade House, Froxfield, Petersfield.

Both cards self-stamped. CARD ONE is very good and has printed on it a stamp of Queen Elizabeth II. Addressed to Powell and his wife, it does not appear to have gone through the mails. 'Most kind of you to write - we led a quick <?> in the car, & then a meeting in the afternoon. We...

Music and Theatre £45.00
Sir Aldo Castellani

"Metadysentery," with remarks on a chronic type

Offprint, 8pp, 8vo, sewn as issued, rust mark from paperclip on last page, mainly good condition. The author has added "With compliments" to the top of the first (cover) page, and changed some things. On p.[1] he excises "Jacone" and adds "Cerruti" in the margin. He has also made changes to the...

Science, Medicine and Technology £125.00