[ H. P. Bulmer & Co. Ltd., Cider Makers, Hereford. ] Printed 1920 'PRICE LIST, | Duty included' for 'Bulmer's Champagne Cider & Perry', with typed circular letter.
The two items on aged and worn paper. ONE: Printed circular letter, printed in blue on firm's letterhead, with royal warrant in red at head. 1p., 4to. After boasting of the firm's prices compared with those of other firms, the letter boasts: 'We are the only firm in the world engaged in making bottled Cider and Perry on a large scale by the same processes in all respects as are employed in the production of the Sparkling Wines of Rheims and Epernay. These processes extend on an average over three years and necessitate two acres of deep cellarage, costly machines, and entail the handling of every bottle upwards of 50 times, involving an enormous expenditure in wages. | After being shown over our works visitors not infrequently express their surprise at the moderate prices at which our Champagne Ciders can be offered, and nothing but our unique organisation enables us to put these on the market of a quality to compare with Champagne at a fraction of the cost of Champagne itself. [...] In these days when good wines command an enormous prohibitive price, considerable economy can be effected by the use of these Ciders.' The firm has issued a booklet, but is unable to 'distribute it broadcast'. The conclusion reads: 'Should you be in the neighbourhood of Herefored it would give us much pleasure to show you over our works.' TWO: 'PRICE LIST, | Duty imcluded. | July 1st, 1920.' Printed in brown on cream paper. On both sides of a 4to leaf, folded once to make a bifolium of four pages. First page headed 'List of Varieties. | The Champagne Ciders and Perry listed below are the veritable Champagne of the Apple and Pear. | Prepared in every detail by the elaborate processes of the costly French Champagne, they are therefore superbly brilliant and well matured.' Second page gives details of 'Bulmer's Cider | Bull Brand' ('Delicious and Wholesome | Guaranteed Natural Effervescence. | The Best of Light Drinks.'). Third page concerns 'Bulmer's Cider & Perry in Wood'. Fourth page concerns 'Conditions of Sale' ('Railway Carriage' and 'Packages').