Autograph Letter Signed to unnamed correspondent.

J.H. Parker.
Publication details: 
Oxford, 19 Nov. 1836.
SKU: 2012

Oxford Bookseller and Publisher (1806-1884). Two pages, 8vo, chipped and sl. marked, but text mainly clear. "Sir/ At the requestof Mr. Hill and Mr. Renand I write you a few lines respecting the books you wished to enquire about -on the Articles I send - but it is the most scarce of 's pieces- The Harmony of Confessions is a very [underlined] book. I have long been looking out for one but have not been able to find it under two guineas - a higher price than I thought it worth my while to give for it - if you are willing to give that price I think I can get it for you as I saw one a few days ago in London - but refused to give the price for it - Of Michaelis' Hebrew Bible I have rather a shabby copy of the folio paper - price 1.16.0 the Qyarto paper I have not one left at present - the octavo I have plenty at 18/- [page 2] the new edition of Augustine publishing in Paris sells for 10/- a part - there are eight published and will be twenty two in all --/ I have the folio Antwerp Edition (the best[underlined]) with the appendix 12 12 0 without the appendix 10.10.0 -- these are in respectable old binding - the new one when bound will not cost less than 14.14.0 - . . ."