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Author, Title, Summary Subject Price
T. G. Hake [Thomas Gordon Hake] (1809-1895), poet and physician [Arthur Hughes (1832-1915), Pre Raphaelite illustrator; Dalziel Brothers, engravers; Chapman & Hall, London publishers]

[Thomas Gordon Hake, poet and physician.] Autograph Letter Signed ('T. G. Hake') to 'MM Dalziel Bros', regarding their engraving of Arthur Hughes's drawings for his 'Parables and Tales'.

1p., 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged, with small circle of ink placed by Hake at bottom right. Regarding his 'Parables and Tales', illustrated by Arthur Hughes and published by Chapman & Hall in 1872, he writes: 'Dear Sir [sic] | Please to give me a line to say when Mr Hughes drawings...

Westland Aircraft Limited, Yeovil, Somerset

[Westland Aircraft Limited, British aircraft manufacturers.] A duplicated typed official company history headed 'A Brief Westland History'.

9pp., 8vo. On nine stapled leaves. At end: 'With the compliments of | Westland Aircraft Limited, | Yeovil, Somerset. | Tel: Yeovil (0935) 5222 | November 1971'. In good condition, lightly aged and worn. The start of the document gives an indication of the businesslike style of the narrative: 'In...

William Boyd Carpenter (1841-1918), Bishop of Ripon and chaplain to Queen Victoria

[William Boyd Carpenter, Bishop of Ripon and chaplain to Queen Victoria, complains of his 'demoralizing' workload.] Autograph Letter Signed ('W. B Ripon') to 'Marian', explaining how pressure of work makes it impossible to meet.

3pp., 12mo. Bifolium with mourning border. Aged and grubby. Written with purple pencil. He begins by thanking her for the 'letter & two Photographs', and is 'looking forward some day to see my god child whom the photographs picture as very bonny'. He is 'obliged to write on the train &...

Hodder & Stoughton, London publishers, founded 1868: Robert Percy Hodder-Williams (1880-1958) and his brother Ralph Hodder-Williams (1890-1961), directors

[Hodder & Stoughton, London publishers.] Typed Note Signed by two of the firm's directors, the brothers R. Percy Hodder-Williams and Ralph Hodder-Williams, asking Jackson Gregory to accept a 'special copy' of his 'Riders across the Border'.

1p., 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged. The brothers ask Gregory to 'please accept this special copy of RIDERS ACROSS THE BORDER, with our warmest regards, and with every good wish for Christmas and the New Year.' Gregory had published his book with the firm earlier in the year. Philip...

John B. Wylie, director of Jackson, Wylie & Co, booksellers to the University of Glasgow [John G. Wilson [John Gideon Wilson (1876-1963)] of the London booksellers J. & E. Bumpus; Dalglish]

[The Glasgow book trade: John B. Wylie of Jackson, Wylie & Co. booksellers to the University, on the death of an employee.] Typed Letter Signed ('John B. Wylie') to John G. Wilson of J. & E. Bumpus, discussing 'Dalglish' and his demise.

1p., 4to. In good condition, lightly aged. He acknowledges Wilson's 'kind letter regarding Dalglish', who 'suffered a good deal during the latter weeks of his life, but I am glad to say that even then he still retained that brightness of disposition of which you speak'. Dalglish will be 'greatly...

John Drinkwater (1882-1937), poet and dramatist

[John Drinkwater, poet and dramatist, allows his play to be copied into Braille.] Typed Note Signed to Miss A. Mangens, giving her permission to copy his play 'Cromwell' into Braille.

1p., landscape 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged and worn. The letter reads: 'Dear Madam, | As far as I am concerned I shall be very glad for you to copy Cromwell into Braille, but I think you ought to get the formal permission of my publishers, Messers Sidgwick and Jackson, which I am sure...

[ Irish MPs in Parliament, 1870-1890 ]

Irish M.P.s; Home Rule] A Collection of Autograph Signatures of Irish MPs in Parliament, admissions to Strangers' Gallery etc,

IRISH MPS SIGNATURES. See image of Parnell's Admission (all in his hand).(Date of Admission in brackets with constituency).Joseph Gillis Biggar (n.y.; County Cavan}Maurice Brooks (1880; Dublin)Isaac Butt (1874; County Meath)Patrick O'Brien (1870; King's County (now County Offaly))William R. O'...

F. Carruthers Gould [Sir Francis Carruthers Gould; 'FCG'] (1844-1925), British caricaturist and cartoonist [Sir Charles Hobhouse; Sir George Newnes; Macleod Yearsley; Westminster Gazette]

[F. Carruthers Gould [‘FCG’, Sir Francis Carruthers Gould], British caricaturist and cartoonist.] Eleven Autograph Letters Signed, each to a different correspondent (Sir George Newnes; Macleod Yearsley; Charles Hobhouse and others).

See Gould's entry in the Oxford DNB, with those of Newnes and Hobhouse. All eleven items are 12mo and signed ‘F Carruthers Gould’. Some show evidence of previous mounting. The collection is in good overall condition. As assistant editor of the Westminster Gazette he thanks Mrs Elizabeth Lee for...

Lupton Relfe (d.1851?), London bookseller, publisher and stationer (apprenticed to J. Hatchard's Sons)

[ Lupton Relfe jr, Victorian London bookseller and publisher. ] Itemised bill on his letterhead, with separate Autograph Receipt Signed.

Both items in good condition, lightly aged. The autograph receipt is on a slip of paper attached to the invoice with sealing wax. The invoice is docketed: 'For Par Re: Richd Clarke | 1825 | Sepr. 13th. | Mr Lupton Rolfe Bill for Books | £2 13 6 | No 13 Cornhill London'. ONE: Invoice. 1p., 12mo....

Sir Henry William Lucy [H. W. Lucy] (1842-1924), celebrated Victorian political journalist, parliamentary correspondent of Punch magazine [J. W. Arrowsmith [James Williams Arrowsmith] (1839-1913)]

[Sir Henry William Lucy, celebrated Victorian political journalist.] Autograph Card Signed to Bristol printer and publisher J. W. Arrowsmith

In good condition, lightly aged. Written with purple ink. Addressed to 'J. W. Arrowsmith Esq | Publisher | Bristol.' The message begins, without salutation: 'Booking Office blocked with Copy. But I have had the "Modder River" taken out of turn. You will find a notice in tomorrow's "Punch"'. He...
