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Author, Title, Summary Subject Price
Lord Haldane [Richard Burdon Haldane, 1st Viscount Haldane] (1856-1928), Scottish Liberal and Labour politician, philosopher, and Lord Chancellor

[‘Nothing but death or the gout’: Lord Haldane [Richard Burdon Haldane, 1st Viscount Haldane], Lord Chancellor.] Two Autograph Letters Signed to ‘Mrs Sturgis’ [George Meredith’s daughter], about plans for visits, one preceding dinner with the king.

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. Both letters are in good condition, lightly aged, and both folded once. Both addressed to ‘Mrs Sturgis’, and both signed ‘R B Haldane’. The year in both cases is in the first decade of the twentieth century, but the last digit is hard to decipher. ONE: 27 January...

Ranyard Mission [Biblewomen & Nurses Mission, founded by Ellen Henrietta Ranyard as London Bible and Domestic Female Mission]; her neice Emily Selfe Leonard; Mercers Company; London district nursing

[The Ranyard Mission: district nursing in London.] Printed pamphlet: 'The District Nurses of the Biblewomen & Nurses Mission. 2, Adelphi Terrace, Strand, W.C. Report, 1894.' [With 'Notes' of eight medical cases.]

The Biblewomen & Nurses Mission was founded as the London Bible and Domestic Female Mission in 1857, with the aim of bringing religious education to the poor. See the account of the founder Ellen Henrietta Ranyard (1810-1879) in the Oxford DNB. In 1868, Ranyard expanded the organisation to...

Richard Doyle ['Dickie' Doyle] (1824-1883), Victorian illustrator, from the first closely associated with Punch magazine, uncle of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, creator of Sherlock Holmes

Richard Doyle ['Dickie Doyle'] (1824-1883), Victorian illustrator, from the first closely associated with Punch magazine, uncle of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, creator of Sherlock Holmes.] Autograph Signature ('Richard Doyle.').

On 3.5 x 5 cm slip, laid down on slightly larger rectangle of paper, removed from an album. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn. A neat, firm signature, on a small slip of paper. Presumably cut from a letter, in response to a request for an autograph.

Samuel Lover (1797-1868), Irish miniature painter, author, songwriter and singer, friend of Charles Dickens [Sir Thomas Gery Cullum (1777-1855) of Hardwick House, his wife Lady Ann Cullum (1807-1875)]

[Samuel Lover, Irish painter, author, entertainer.] Autograph Letter in third person to Sir Thomas Gery Cullum and wife, explaining why pressures of 'public engagement' mean he must stay at his hotel rather than enjoy 'the hospitality of Hardwicke'.

According to his entry in the Oxford DNB, 'In 1844 Lover abandoned miniature painting as a result of failing eyesight but continued to paint and exhibit landscapes. He invented a new form of entertainment which he called Irish Evenings, a monologue of songs, recitations, and stories, all of his...

Sir Charles Mansfield Clarke (1782-1857), accoucheur, obstetric surgeon and physician to Queen Adelaide [Lady Ann Cullum (1807-1875), widow of Sir Thomas Gery Cullum (1777-1855) of Hardwick House]

[Sir Charles Mansfield Clarke, obstetric surgeon.] Autograph Letter Signed to Lady Cullum, describing in moving terms his wife's last illness and subsequent events.

See Clarke's entry in the Oxford DNB. The present letter, signed 'Charles Mansfield Clarke', was written (from Caston, where Clarke's son-in-law Walter Patridge was rector) a few weeks after the death on 3 July 1856 of Clarke's wife of fifty years, Mary Anna (née Squire), by whom he had two sons...

Sir Charles Scudamore (1779-1849), celebrated physician and medical author [Sir Thomas Gery Cullum (1777-1855) of Hardwick House]

[Sir Charles Scudamore, celebrated physician.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Chas Scudamore') to Sir Thomas Gery Cullum of Hardwick House, discussing his writing and dire financial situation, and making a 'humiliating' appeal for the deferment of a debt.

Scudamore's entry in the Oxford DNB does not refer to the financial difficulties which he describes in this interesting letter, surprising in the light of his royal patronage and success as an author. 3pp, 4to. Bifolium, addressed on reverse of second leaf, with postmark and seal in black wax,...

C.M. Grieve (Hugh MacDiarmid), Scottish Poet, journalist, essayist and political figure.

[ Hugh MacDiarmid ] Substantial part of a Typed Letter Signed C.M. Grieve (Hugh MacDiarmid) introducing his unknown correspondent to a leaflet giving information about him [PRESENT]

Paper, 20 x 11.5cm, punch-hole (one only, the other having been cut off (as stated above) - perhaps filed formerly). Text: My name may perhaps be known to you as that of a well-known Scottish poet and essayist, author of a number of books on Scottish literary, historical, sociological, economic...

Somers Town Blind Aid Society [Somers Town, London; Mrs. Alec Tweedie]

[Victorian London: Somers Town.] Printed pamphlet of ‘“The Hall of Light.” / Somers Town Blind Aid Society’, giving ‘Report, 1898’, statement of accounts, press reports, list of officers and so on.

A nice item of Victorian charitable ephemera. The Society (later the Hepburn Starey Blind Aid Society) was instituted in 1864, and according to p.5 of the present item the phrase ‘Hall of Light for the Blind’ was ‘Given to Somers Town Blind Aid Society by a Blind Chinese Christian lad’. No copy...

Edward Bulwer-Lytton, Lord Lytton [Edward George Earle Lytton Bulwer-Lytton, 1st Baron Lytton] (1803-1873), English author and politician, friend of Charles Dickens [Lady Ann Cullum of Hardwick House]

[Lord Lytton (Edward Bulwer Lytton), Victorian novelist and friend of Dickens.] Autograph Letter Signed ('E B L') to Lady Ann Cullum, regarding arrangements with his solicitor regarding a 'Deed'.

3pp, 12mo. Bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged, with traces of paper from mount adhering to blank reverse of second leaf. Folded twice. Written in his usual difficult hand. He begins by stating that her note was forwarded to him from Knebworth. The letter continues: 'I had previously...

Sir Richard Owen (1804-1892), palaeontologist, first Director of Natural History Museum, opponent of the theory of evolution [Samuel Birch (1813-1885), Egyptologist; Lady Ann Cullum of Hardwick House]

[Sir Richard Owen, palaeontologist.] Autograph Letter Signed to Lady Cullum, enclosing a long translation by Samuel Birch of inscriptions on an Egyptian statue in the British Museum, annotated by Owen and with transcription of letter to him by Birch.

An interesting item in the field of Victorian Egyptology. The subject is what Owen describes here as 'one of the oldest Statues of an Egyptian Notable in the British Museum'. Its current Museum Number is EA103, and it has been in the Museum since 1835, but the details of its acquisition are...
