[Scripophily and philately: Waterlow & Sons Limited of London, manufacturers of bank notes and stamps to the British Government.] Advertisement for the firm in the form of a fake bank note or other security.
Engraved advertisement printed in dark blue, light blue and pink on both sides of 20 x 14 cm piece of unwatermarked wove paper. An amusing fake bank note or bond, designed to showcase the firm’s competency. The paper stock and layout are entirely consistent with the firm’s work. On one side, instead of a picture of a monarch or president, is the face of a rather imperious young woman (one of the directors’ wives?), together with a design featuring the fasces and motto ‘VIS UNITA FORTIOR’. The text on that side reads: ‘Waterow & Sons Limited / London / Established 1810 / Telegrams / Imprimerie London / Manufacturers of / Bank Notes / Bonds / Stamps / and all other / High-Class Securities / Postage Stamp Printers and Contractors to the British Government.’ On the other side is a Landseer-style lion, with a cruiser behind it sailing into the sunset, and the royal crest and the firm’s details, with a description of its trade as ‘Manufacturers of British, Colonial & Foreign Bank Notes, Bonds, Postage and Revenue Stamps, Share Certificates, Policies of Assurance, Circular Notes, Business Cards, Letters of Credit, Headings for Invoices, Letter and Note Papers, Chequs & Commercial Stationery, etc.’ See Image