Search results

Author, Title, Summary Subject Price
William Joseph Denison [ William Denison ] (1770-1849), banker and Whig politician, a founder of the Reform Club [ Denison, Haywood, and Kennard, London bank ]

[ William Joseph Denison (1770-1849), banker and politician, one of the wealthiest men in Britain. ] Autograph Notr Signed ('Wm.. Denison') to unnamed recipient, declining an invitation.

1p., 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged, with minor tape stain at head. Reads: 'Dear Sir - | I have had an attack of gout - within the last few days, which I am sorry will prevent me from accepting your kind Invitation on Wednesday next.' According to his entry in the Oxford DNB, 'Denison...

Major-General Abraham D’Aubant (d.1805), Colonel of His Majesty's Corps of Royal Engineers, who played a leading role the 1794 invasion of Corsica [Horatio Nelson; Lord Nelson]

[Major-General Abraham D’Aubant, who played a leading role in the 1794 invasion of Corsica, frustrating Nelson with his caution.] Autograph Note in the third person to ‘Mr Brown’.

An uncommon signature. During the 1794 invasion of Corsica, D’Aubant took over as Lord Hood’s second-in-command after Hood forced Major-General David Dundas to resign, but proved even more cautious, to the frustration of Nelson and others. 1p, landscape 8vo. Laid down on part of leaf from...

Military and Naval History £180.00 D'Aubant
C. L. Prince [ Charles Leeson Prince ] (1821-1899), astronomer, antiquarian, meteorologist, physician [ The Observatory, Crowshurst, Sussex; Alexander Ramsay, editor of the 'Scientific Roll' ]

[ Charles Leeson Prince, astronomer, writing from the Observatory, Crowborough, Sussex. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('C. L. Prince') to Alexander Ramsay, regarding his paper on the 'Climate of Uckfield'

2pp., 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged. Begins: 'On looking through your "Bibliography to Climate" I find that you are not acquainted with my work on the Climate of Uckfield, pubd in 1871 - which comprises 28 years uninterrupted obs[ervation]s there'. He refers him to the library of the...

Admiral Sir George Back (1796-1878), explorer of the Canadian Arctic, naturalist and artist [Alexander Maconochie (1787-1860), Scottish naval officer, Governor of Norfolk Island, penal reformer]

[Admiral Sir George Back, explorer of the Canadian Arctic.; his Arctic Mission; Ross] Autograph Letter Signed ('G Back') to 'Captain Maconochie' [Alexander Maconochie], regarding packing for a journey.

1p., 12mo. Bifolium. Addressed on blank reverse of second leaf to 'Captain Maconochie'. In good condition, lightly aged. Begins: 'My dear Maconochie | I have not yet done packing - Have they sent the Books &c from the Ad[miralt]y.?' He next refers to 'the Almanack for 34', and his plans for...

Military and Naval History, Travel and Topography £280.00
Charles John Vaughan (1816-1897), Headmaster of Harrow School, Master of the Temple, and Dean of Llandaff [ Frances Russell, Countess Russell [ Lady Russell ] (1815-1898) ]

[ Charles John Vaughan, Headmaster of Harrow School. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('C J Vaughan') to Lady Russell, explaining that his 'Presentation to Christ's Hospital' has been given away.

2pp., 12mo. In fair condition, lightly aged, with traces of glue from mount at head of first page. He is sorry to say 'that my Presentation to Christ's Hospital has long been given away to the Orphan son of an old Harrow Pupil who died early & left his family ill provided for'. He ends by...

Charles William Vane, 3rd Marquis of Londonderry (1778-1854), politician, soldier and diplomat [ Sir Frederick Pollock (1783-1870), Lord Chief Baron of the Exchequer ]

[ Charles William Vane, 3rd Marquis of Londonderry. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Vane Londonderry') to the Lord Chief Baron of the Exchequer [ Sir Frederick Pollock ]

2pp., 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged. Addressed to 'My Dear Lord Chief Baron'. He is coming 'to Town for my waiting for a few days', and hopes that Pollock's 'important time could allow of you to see me for a few minutes'. He is willing either to call on Pollock, or receive a visit from...

Adam Black (1784-1824), Scottish bookseller, publisher and Whig politician, partner with his nephew Charles in the Edinburgh firm A. & C. Black

[Adam Black, Scottish bookseller, publisher and Whig politician.] Autograph Letter Signed to ‘Maurice’, i.e. his brother-in-law Maurice Lothian, regarding a document, 'proprietors', 'Mr Bruce' and 'Dymock'.

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. 1p, 16mo. In fair condition, lightly aged and ruckled. Addressed to ‘Dear Maurice’ and signed ‘A Black’. For Lothian see ‘Memoirs of Adam Black’ (1885). He asks him to ‘glance at the inclosed’: ‘The description appears to me abundantly broad. And I hope to get...

[William Sibbald (1789-1853), Scottish British army physician [in the Peninsular, at New Orleans, Mauritius, and Maidstone, Kent] and Deputy Assistant-Inspector to Ceylon [Sri Lanka]]

[William Sibbald, MD, Deputy Assistant-Inspector to Ceylon [Sri Lanka].] Manuscript translations [from Tamil?] of folk tales titled 'The Origin of the Kandelay Tank', 'Story of Manderapaudey' and 'The History of Santiraksen'. With fourth tale.

Sibbald was in Ceylon between 1818 and 1833. There is no indication that any of these four items have been published. One: 'The Origin of the Kandelay Tank'. 8pp., foolscap 8vo. On two bifoliums of paper with Gater watermark dated 1827. In good condition, on aged paper. Begins: 'In the Eastern...

Albert Edward [Edward VII (1841 -1910) was King of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland and the British Dominions, and Emperor of India from 1901 until his death in 1910].

[Edward VII; Albert Edward P] Autograph Letter Signed Albert Edward to Lord Bury, about His inspection of the Civil Service Volunteers.

Three pages, 8vo, bifolium, black-bordered, good condition. He thanks him for kind words about him and the Princess. I can assure you that both the Princess & myself are deeply sensible of the feelings displayed towards us - & we were both very much gratified by the Inspection of the...

Edward Cardwell, 1st Viscount Cardwell [ Lord Cardwell ] (1813-1886), Liberal politician, Secretary of State for War who introduced the Cardwell Reforms [ William Theed (1804-1891), sculptor ]

[ Lord Cardwell on the statue for Sydney, Australia, of the Prince Consort by William Theed. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Cardwell') to 'Young', regarding the statue of Prince Albert by William Theed for erection in Sydney, Australia.

2pp., 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged. Headed 'Private'. Begins: 'I don't know how the P[rince]. Consort Statue got into the hands of the Duke & Engleheart. | But poor Theed, who is short of money, keeps coming to me. Can you help me to give him an answer?' He gives the sum of money...
