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Author, Title, Summary Subject Price
W.H. Murray.

Letter Signed to "Mr [Saher?], Theatre Royal, Dublin.

Actor then Theatre Manager (see DNB). "unexpected circumstances" oblige him to postopone the opening of the Adelphi Season until June next. The cast will not assemble until the 12th June. It appears to be in a secretarial hand signed by Murray.

Music and Theatre £45.00
W.H. Russell

Statements of Account (x 2), signed.

Irish war correspondent amd miscellaneous writer (1820-1907). 2pp., 8vo. One signed twice by Russell, the other initialled. The statement gives details of three articles contributed to the Miscellany, including "The Lewis - What is it?".

Book Trade History, History, Literature £65.00
W.H. Russell.

Autograph Letter Signed to "Spencer"

Irish war correspondent. 2pp., 8vo. He produces some badinage about an invitation card, then comments on the situation in Egypt: "I wish the Powers - which they aren't by the by - had let our fat friend Ismail [Pasha] alone just tightening the bit a little & and then there would be none of...

History, Military and Naval History £75.00
W.H. Watts.

Autograph letter signed to R. Ackermann.

Journalist and miniature painter (1776-1842). One page, 4to,edges discoloured, spike-hole causing minor loss, text clear as follows: "Allow me to express my acknowledgments to you for the very handsome though unsolicited manner in which, in the last number of your Repository, you have been...

Art and Architecture, Book Trade History £85.00
Sir Henry Wade, urologist, President of the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh [David Waterston (1871-1942), Bute Professor of Anatomy, University of St Andrews, debunker of Piltdown Man hoax]

[Sir Henry Wade, urologist, President of the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh.] Five Typed Letters Signed: four to Waterston and one to his doctor (regarding treatment for suspected bowel cancer), with reminiscences and discussing homeopathy.

Wade donated his extensive collection of anatomical specimens to Surgeon's Hall in Edinburgh, where it is now known as the Henry Wade Collection. In 1913 Waterston had attained prominence as the first authority to discredit the Piltdown Man hoax. A total of 6pp, 8vo. The first addressed to...

Forbes Dawson (b.1866), English 'actor-dramatist and film adapter' ['Bartimeus' [Captain Sir Lewis Anselmo da Costa Ricci [in 1941 altered to Ritchie] (1886-1967)]

Autograph Letter Signed from the 'actor-dramatist and film adapter' Forbes Dawson to the naval writer 'Bartimeus' [Captain Sir Lewis Anselmo da Costa Ricci], describing his credentials for adapting stories for film.

1p., 4to. On aged paper. Printed in block capitals at head of letter: 'Experienced actor-dramatist and film adapter. Author of plays and films produced in England and America. Expert in "Dramatic Construction" gained in years of practical experience on the stage, and in films. Adapts stories to...

W.J. Locke

autograph letters signed (x 3) to Walter Jerrold, editor, etc.

Novelist. Total 4pp., 8vo, in the most substantial of which he confesses to being "a most barren person . . . the very act of composition is one of exceeding pain & travail". He is considering a proposal to write something to help the Journalists Orphan Fund. One note concerns the Thackeray...

Literature £80.00
Charles Partington, Manchester science-fiction [ Michael Butterworth, Dave B and Savoy Books; Don Malcolm ]

[ Charles Partington, Manchester sci-fi author, magazine editor and bookshop owner. ] Two Typed Letters (one signed 'Charles') to Don Malcolm, one reviewing Malcolm's story 'Between the Tides', the other on a short story of his Savoy Books are taking

ONE (12 January 1975): 1p., 4to. In good condition. First page of letter only, and lacking signature. A generally positive review ('When I write, I suffer from excess, a disease which you and your contemporaries, Aldis, Brunner, Bulmer, etc long since cured yourselves of. [...] The story was, as...

Literature £125.00
Francis Wollaston (1694-1774), scientist and Fellow of the Royal Society, father of the author and astronomer Francis Wollaston (1731-1815)

[ Francis Wollaston, scientist and Fellow of the Royal Society. ] Autograph Signature ('Francis Wollaston') to Exchequer receipt, with reference to his children 'Mary, Francis & George Wollaston'.

1p., 8vo. Removed from an Exchequer ledger. On aged paper, with particular wear to one edge. Laid out in the usual way, with printed text completed in manuscript. Good firm signature. Recording a payment of £150, on an annuity of £300 per annum, 'during the Life of [Mary, Francis & George...

W.M. Thackeray.

Unpublished proof of illustration for "Henry Esmond".

C. 6 x 4", in envelope, on which a description has been written as follows: "With Mr E.L. Legatts kind regard. 2 proof copies [note: only one present] from an unpublished [underlined] wood block cut by Mr swain being an illustration to Thackary's [sic] "Esmond" shewing the boy being introduced...

Book Trade History, Literature, Printing History £125.00