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Author, Title, Summary Subject Price
Messrs. J. & S. Ricardo & Co., London bankers [Colombian Mining Association; David Ricardo (1772-1823), economist]

[Messrs. J. & S. Ricardo & Co., London bankers.] Manuscript Letter, signed 'J & S Ricardo', accepting 'Fifty Shares in the Colombian mining Association'.

1p., 12mo. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper. Reads: 'Gentlemen/ | We are very much obliged to you for your offer of Fifty Shares in the Colombian mining Association which we have great pleasure in accepting. We did not make any application as we had hoped to have heard first from you on...

Osman Ricardo (1795-1881), Member of Parliament for Worcester (1847-1865), son of the economist David Ricardo (1772-1823)

[Osman Ricardo, MP, son of the economist David Ricardo.] Autograph Letter Signed to an unnamed recipient, cancelling his subscription to a Circulating Library, while complaining of lack of attention.

3pp., 12mo. Bifolium. On paper with the 1842 watermark of R. Turner of Chafford Mills.In fair condition, aged, and with a central spike hole. He has received the ten books, and is returning them 'by the night mail', and will return 'the box of books' later, 'as unfortunately a courier only...

Robert Huish (1777-1850), hack writer and apiculturist (authority on bees)

[Robert Huish, hack writer and authority on bees.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Robt Huish') to 'Mr Keene' of Furnivals Inn, regarding 'Mr Greening' and the Fleet Prison.

1p., 8vo. Addressed on reverse to 'Mr Keene | Furnivals Inn'. In fair condition, aged and worn, with slight damage caused by black powder seal. The letter reads: 'Sir | On consulting with Mr Greening, I find it will be most adviseable <?> Mr Greening go to the Fleet - I wish therefore you...

Samuel Warren (1807-1877), Welsh novelist, barrister and MP, son of the Wesleyan Methodist minister of Dr Samuel Warren (1781-1862)

[Samuel Warren, Welsh novelist.] Autograph Signature, on an inscription to his father the Wesleyan Minister Dr Samuel Warren.

The inscription is on the half-title leaf of Warren's anonymous 'A Letter to the Queen on a Late Court Martial' (1850). In fair condition on aged paper, with traces of previous mount adhering to the reverse. It reads: 'Rev. Dr. Warren | With his Son's love. | Samuel Warren. | 12th. Jany 1850.'...

George Henry Cadogan (1840-1915), 5th Earl Cadogan, British Conservative politician [The Chelsea Hospital for Women]

[George Henry Cadogan, 5th Earl Cadogan, as President of the Chelsea Hospital for Women.] Letter in a secretarial hand, with his Autograph Signature 'Cadogan', inviting 'M. Tuck, Esq.' to support the Hospital, in which he takes 'a deep interest'.

1p., 12mo. On aged and worn paper, with two punch holes at head. The letter is written to enclose particulars (not present) 'relating to the Chelsea Hospital for Women', in which Cadogan takes 'a deep interest'. He hopes Tuck 'may be induced to become one of its supporters, as it is urgently in...

Giovanni Domenico Ruffini [John Ruffini] (1807-1881), Italian author and patriot, member of Mazzini's La Giovine Italia [Edmonston & Douglas, publishers, Edinburgh]

[Giovanni Domenico Ruffini (John Ruffini), Italian author and patriot.] Autograph Letter Signed ('J. Ruffini'), in English, thanking the publishers [Edmonston & Douglas of Edinburgh] of his book 'A Quiet Nook in the Jura' for their care over it.

1p., 12mo. In fair condition, on aged and worn paper. Addressed to 'Gentlemen', the letter begins by acknowledging ('were it only for the sake of regularity") the receipt of a cheque for £30 18s 10d, 'being my share of the profits of the first Edition of a quiet nook'. He considers that this '...

Sir Thomas Dakin (1808-1889), tea merchant and Lord Mayor of London, 1870; Thomas Quested Finnis (1801-1883), Lord Mayor of London, 1856 [Emanuel Hospital, Westminster. now Emanuel School, Battersea]

[Sir Thomas Dakin and Thomas Quested Finnis, both Lord Mayors of London.] Signatures of 'Thomas Dakins' ('Lord Mayor') and 'Thomas Q Finnis ('Alderman and Chairman of the Committee of Governors') on manuscript circular concerning 'Emanuel Hospital'.

1p., folio. In fair condition, aged and worn, with two punch holes at head. The letter begins by drawing the recipient's attention to an 'enclosed statement relating to Emanuel Hospital. | The principals involved are of great public interest and apply to every educational endowment throughout...

A. E. Glennie [ Alick Edwards Glennie ] (1925-2003), British computer scientist, developer of Autocode, colleague of Alan Turing [ Atomic Weapons Research Establishment, RAF Aldermaston ]

[ A. E. Glennie, computer pioneer. ] Article titled 'A. E. Glennie describes Electronic Computers' in 'AWRE News | The Journal of the Atomic Weapons Research Establishment'. With photographs of the IBM 7090 at Aldermaston.

44pp., 4to. Stapled. The complete magazine, in printed wraps with green masthead, on shiny art paper, with attractive 'modern' layout and numerous illustrations. Incongruous image on cover of girl and lamb. Glennie's article is on four pages, with a photograph of the author accompanied by a...

Science, Medicine and Technology £100.00
George du Maurier [James Abbott McNeill Whistler; Harper & Brothers, New York and London]

[George du Maurier's 'Trilby'.] The original version, as published in eight parts in Harper's New Monthly Magazine, containing the characterisation of 'Joe Sibley', revised on publication in book form following complaints from the artist Whistler.

[179]pp., 8vo, paginated 167-189 (and magazine frontispiece); 329-350; 567-[587]; 721-741; 825-[847] [the last five from vol.88]; 67-87; 261-284; 351-374 [the last three from vol.89]. In a contemporary binding, with ticket of Goulden & Curry, The Royal Library, Tunbridge Wells. Very good,...

Goldwin Smith (1823-1910), Anglo-Canadian historian, Regius Professor of Modern History at Oxford, 1858-1866 [John Thomson Pagan of Oak Lodge, Guildford]

[Goldwin Smith, historian.] Autograph Letter Signed to an unnamed individual, discussing the disappearance from most parts of England of 'the independent yeomanry'.

4pp., 12mo. Bifolium. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn, with light stain from mount at head of reverse of second leaf. He begins by thanking the unnamed recipient for his 'kind attention to my request' and giving his coming address at Guildford as 'J. Pagan's Esqre | Oak Lodge'. The...
