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Author, Title, Summary Subject Price
Grant Richards (1872-1948), publisher.

[Grant Richards] Two Typed Letters Signed to Robert Lynd, author.

2 TLsS, 3pp., 8vo and 12mo, latter damaged with loss of heading. First, on his publisher's letterhead, 8 St Martin's Street, Leicester Square; 1 April 1921. 'Mr. Pinker [RL's agent] has reminded me - and I did not want reminding - how shockingly I seem to have behaved over "The Pleasures of...

John A. Hobson (1858-1940), economist.

[Hobson, economist] Autograph Note Signed to Robert Lynd, author.

ALS, on letterhead of 3 Gayton Crescent, Hampstead; 25 April 1917, one page, 12mo, minor shading not affecting text. He is enclosing 'a little book written by my wife' (Ideals True and False by Florence Edgar Hobson), another copy of which has been sent to the Daily News, and he wonders 'if it...

Jonathan Cape (1879-1960), London publisher.

[Jonathan Cape]Three Typed Letters Signed to Robert Lynd, author.

3 TLsS, all on letterheads of 30 Bedford Square (two from Jonathan Cape Limited); 3 December 1924, 4 May 1929; 28 November 1946, totla 4pp., 4to, good condition. First, undertaking to publish in the Times Literary Supplement 'an expression of regret or apology' for an article by a 'contributor'...

[Association for the Defence of Personal Rights; Committee for amending the law in points wherein it is injurious to women] Alexander Ireland, Manchester printer; women's suffrage]

[Printed pamphlet.] Report of the Committee for amending the Law in Points wherein it is Injurious to Women. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association for the Defence of Personal Rights, Held in Liverpool, November 14th, 1871.

24pp., 8vo. In good condition, lightly-aged, no wraps, disbound. Four copies on COPAC, and two copies on OCLC WorldCat. No other copy currently on the market.

Sir Algernon Methuen [né Stedman] (1856-1924), publisher.

[Methuen] Autograph Letter Signed to Robert Lynd, author.

ALS, on letterhead of New Place, Haslemere, Surrey; 3 April 1922, 2pp., 12mo, good condition. Regarding his Anthology of Modern Verse (1922), to which RL wrote the introduction. 'I can see at once that some of your suggestions I shall accept but some I jib at for various reasons [...] 2)...

Jack Jones (1884-1970), Welsh novelist, playwright and trade union officer [Jack Heywood, Garrick Dramatic Society, Mid-Rhondda]

[Jack Jones, Welsh playwright: a Mid-Rhondda production of his Mid-Rhondda Depression-era play.] Typescript of 'Rhondda Roundabout', for a production by Garrick Dramatic Society of Mid-Rhondda, belonging to Jack Heycock, who played the male lead.

A satisfying association: a copy of the typescript of a play set in 'Mid-Rhondda', for a production by an amateur dramatic company from Mid-Rhondda. [1] + 80pp, 4to. Duplicated typescript. In fair condition, on aged and worn paper. Each page is on the recto of a separate leaf. Stapled into a...

'G. F.' [Viola Garvin (1898-1969), journalist; Sylvia Lynd (1888-1952), Anglo-Irish poet, wife of the essayist Robert Lynd (1879-1949); Gerald Gould (1885-1936), reviewer with the Observer, London]

[Viola Garvin, journalist.] Typed Letter, written on her behalf by 'G. F.', to 'Sylvia Dear' (i.e. the Anglo-Irish poet Sylvia Lynd), thanking her for 'one of the nicest novel articles we have had', and asking her to review Somerset Maugham.

1p., 4to. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper. She thanks Lynd for 'one of the nicest novel articles we have had in Gerald's absence', and asks her to 'be an angel, and do something else for Viola, who is vanishing tomorrow for four or five weeks', in reviewing 'the Somerset Maugham book...

Lady Strangford [ Emily Anne Smyth (née Beaufort), Viscountess Strangford ] (c.1826-1887), military nurse and founder of hospitals [ Mahmud Nedim Pasha (c.1818-1883), Grand Vizier ]

[ Lady Strangford. ] Manuscript letter to her, in French, signed by the Grand Vizier of the Ottoman Empire [ Mahmud Nedim Pasha ], with Autograph copies in English and French of her reply.

All in good condition, on lightly-aged paper. The Grand Vizier's letter, addressed to 'The Lady Strangford' and written in a secretarial hand, is 1p., 8vo, on the recto of the first leaf of a bifolium; the autograph copy of Strangford's reply is on both sides of the second leaf of the same...

History £450.00
Thomas Pell Platt (1798-1852), English orientalist, Librarian of the British and Foreign Bible Society [Charles Sumner (1790-1874), Bishop of Winchester]

[Thomas Pell Platt, orientalist.] Autograph Letter Signed ('T P Platt'), as Librarian to the British and Foreign Bible Society, to Rev. Charles Sumner [later Bishop of Winchester], on presenting a set of volumes to 'His Majesty's library'.

2pp, 4to. Bifolium. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn, with dogeared corners. Addressed on reverse of second leaf to 'The Rev. C. Sumner'. Begins: 'Rev. Sir | I have been encouraged by the advice of friends to propose to you confidentially a question, to which you would much oblige me by...

John Lindley (1799-1865), Professor of Botany at University College, London, and Secretary of the Horticultural Society of London [John Hearne (c.1795-1849), merchant in Haiti and St Domingo]

[John Lindley, as Vice Secretary, Horticultural Society of London.] Autograph Letter Signed to John Hearne of St Domingo, on importing 'West Indian fruits' to English markets. With printed circular including 'Enquiries concerning the Pine Apple'.

Two items, both in fair condition, lightly aged and worn, but carelessly extracted from the volume in which they were previously bound up, so that Lindley's letter has suffered slight damage at the edge of both leaves, resulting in repair to one of the leaves, and the loss of a tiny strip of...
