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Author, Title, Summary Subject Price
[British West Country locomotives; early nineteenth-century Irish railways; 1837.]

Printed handbill timetable headed on one side '1837. Irish Mails. DOWN' and on the other side 'Western and Foreign Mails. - 1837. - Up and Down.' With contemporary manuscript note.

2pp., 8vo. On aged and worn paper. The side headed '1837. Irish Mails. DOWN' with timetable arranged in two columns, under headings: 'To Kingston via Holyhead', 'To Waterford (P) via Gloucester and Milford', and 'To Waterford (P) via Bristol and Pembroke'. Footnote reads: 'It may be curious to...

The Liverpool Victoria Insurance Corporation, Limited, London [women's economic history in Britain]

[Printed booklet.] The Business Woman's Investment Prospectus. Endowment Assurances, with and without Participation in Profits. [The Business Woman's Investment Policy.]

20pp., 12mo. Stapled, in grey wraps, printed in purple and green. An interesting artifact indicative of women's growing economic power in Britain at the beginning of the nineteenth century. An elegant little production, including six full-page tables, 'Press Notices' (two pages, on inside covers...

W. Heath Robinson [The Navarre Society, London; Morrision & Gibb, Limited, Printers, Edinburgh; Francois Rabelais]

[W. Heath Robinson.] Proofs of two sets of prelims from his Navarre Society edition of 'The Works of Mr. Francis Rabelais', with a total of ten illustrations by W. Heath Robinson.

Both sets of proofs unstitched and unopened (and both opening out into a folio sheet), and both with title-pages printed in red and black. Both in very good condition, on lightly-aged paper, and both stamped on first page 'PLEASE PASS FOR PRESS | MARGINS' in blue, with purple oval dated printers...

William E. Cary, Red Bank Spring and Axle Works, and Iron and Steel Warehouses, Manchester, established 1848

[William E. Cary, Red Bank Spring and Axle Works.] Printed Edwardian flier with engravings of 'Rein Rails' and 'Rein Holders', together with Typed Letter ('Dict'd by J. W. C.') to Messrs Massey and Raggatt, Penarth, receipt, and printed envelope.

All four items in fair condition, on aged and worn paper. LETTER: 1p., 4to. 13 June 1904. On the firm's printed letterhead, with 6 x 8.5 cm engraving at head of the firm's premises ('cover an area of 1 1/2 acres'), surrounded by text at head and along length of left-hand margin. The typed letter...

William Hanna (1808-1882), son-in-law of Rev. Dr Thomas Chalmers (1780-1847), theologian, economist and leader of the Church of Scotland

[Rev. Dr Thomas Chalmers.] Proofs of a chapter of Rev. William Hanna's memoirs of his father-in-law Rev. Thomas Chalmers, with deleted material including the texts of six letters to his daughters, not present in the published book. (or elsewhere)

These proof sheets to the fourth and last volume (1852) of Hanna's 'Memoirs of the Life and Writings of Thomas Chalmers', derive from the Chalmers family through Mrs Anne Chalmers Bennet Clark, and are marked in manuscript at the head of the first page 'This Chapter has not [last word underlined...

[Methuen & Co., London publishers.]

[Methuen & Co., London publishers.] Eight in-house publicity items and a trade catalogue, comprising: two issues of the firm's 'Book Gazette & Notes on Books'; six issues of its 'Monthly Bulletin'; and 'A Complete and Illustrated Catalogue of Books'.

The collection in fair condition, on aged and worn paper. The catalogue stitched and in wraps; the other eight items with rusted staples, and unbound. Items One and Two: Copies of the 'Book Gazette' (both 32pp., small 4to), numbered 8 (October 1896) and 16 (September 1901), and containing...

A. J. Arberry [Arthur John Arberry (1905-1969), British orientalist; The Royal Asiatic Society, London; Junayd of Baghdad]

[Offprint of treatise by Junayd of Baghdad.] The Book of the Cure of Souls.

13pp., 8vo, paginated 219-231. Stapled, in yellow printed wraps. In fair condition, on aged and worn paper, with rusted staples. Publishing 'the text and translation of what is one of the most interesting of the little treatises preserved in the Istanbul manuscript, both because of its contents...

Duncan B. MacDonald [Duncan Black MacDonald (1863-1943), American orientalist] [The Royal Asiatic Society, London]

[Offprint.] Further Notes on "Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves".

13pp., 8vo, paginated 41-53. Stapled, in brown printed wraps. On aged and worn paper, with rusted staples. Largely unopened. A learned exposition, with quotations in the original, beginning: 'It is now possible for me to supplement my Arabic text of Ali Baba by printing in full the only other...

[Birmingham Natural History & Philosophical Society]

[[Book] Journal of the Birmingham Natural History & Philosophical Society, vols. I and II

Two Vols bound in one, hf. lea, faded and worn, marbled boards, worn, contents v.g.. Vol. I, pp.iv.174; Vol. II, iv.148 (inc. indexes and list of members). Honorary Vice-Presidents include Haeckel, Babington, Huxley, Lankester. Scarce.

Leopold Weisz, sculptor, Titanic victim

[ Titanic victim ] Autograph Note Signed "Leopold Weisz" to "White", about his services.

One page, 12mo, good condition. Note says: "If you have nothing to do, we cn make use of your services for 4 or 5 weeks, perhaps longer. | Please let me know if you can come." NOte: Weisz "found work in Montreal carving the frieze for the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts at 1379 Sherbrooke St. W.,...
