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Author, Title, Summary Subject Price
Louis Edmund Hall (b.1863); Rev. Reginald Hall Grubbe (b.1862) [ Dr George William Hall (1770-1843), Master of Pembroke College, Oxford and Vice-Chancellor ]

Manuscript Catalogue of 'Books received by R. H. Grubbe by bequest from W. J. Grubbe who received them by bequest from Louis H. Hall to be handed on for the most part to descendants of Dr. George William Hall, Master of Pembroke College, Oxford.'

49pp. In 4to notebook with red cloth spine and black cloth boards. Internally in good condition, lightly aged, in aged and worn covers. An alphabetical list, with entries covering two facing pages, divided into three columns: 'Name of Book', 'Description' and 'How disposed of'. Almost all the...

Book Trade History £350.00
Richard, Lord Bishop of Landaff [ Richard Watson (1737-1816), Bishop of Landaff; Frederick Cornwallis (1713-1783), Archbishop of Canterbury ]

[ Printed pamphlet. ] A Letter to His Grace the Archbishop of Canterbury, by Richard, Lord Bishop of Landaff.

[2] + 54 + [1], 4to. Disbound pamphlet with half-title and last page carrying an advertisement for the second edition of Watson's 'Chemical Essays'. . In fair condition, on lightly aged and worn paper, with remains of brown leather spine. The subject of the pamphlet is two proposals by Watson...

Sir Edward Stanley (1689-1776) of Bickerstaffe, later 11th Earl of Derby [ Sir John Chetwood; George Augustus, Prince of Wales (as Earl of Chester), future King George I ]

[ Sir Edward Stanley of Bickerstaffe, later 11th Earl of Derby. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Edwd Stanley') to Sir John Chetwood, regarding a commission for the levying of 3000 for the Earl of Cheshire (i.e. George Augustus, Prince of Wales).

1p., 12mo. Bifolium. Addressed on second leaf 'To | Sr John Chetwood Barrtt'. On aged and worn paper. Neatly and attractively written out. Reads: 'Sr | I brought down from London the Prince's Patent for ye levyeing 3000 Markes in Cheshire due to his Royall Highness, as Earle of Chester on whic a...

The Imperial Institute (established 1887), later Commonwealth Institute; East India Association; 1886 Colonial and Indian Exhibition; Sir Richard Temple; W. Martin Wood; Sir Orfeur Cavenagh

[ The Imperial Institute, London. ] Galley proofs of address by W. Martin Wood, with manuscript heading: 'On occasion of the reading of a paper on "the Imperial Institute & its advantages to India" by General Sir Orfeur Cavenagh K.C.S.I. [...]'.

Printed in a single column on one side of a piece of 64 x 15 cm piece of paper. Aged and worn, with a couple of holes at head causing loss to eight lines of text. Full heading in manuscript: 'On occasion of the reading of a paper on "the Imperial Institute & its advantages to India" by...

Henry Turner, American artist, from Virginia [ Matthew Somerville Morgan (1839-1890) and Frederick Buckstone, manager and secretary, Berners Street Gallery, London; George Du Maurier ]

[ Henry Turner, American artist in Prussia. ] Autograph Letter Signed to 'Messrs Morgan & Buckstone' of Berners Street Gallery, London, stating that he sending over '4 Oil Pictures', with reference to 'Mr G. du Mourier'. [ George Du Maurier ].

2pp., 12mo. Bifolium. In fair condition, lightly-aged. 'I shipped on yesterday to you through Mr J. D. Brink Jr Forwarding Merchant of this city a box containing 4 Oil Pictures which I wish you to expose for sale at your Exhibition Rooms. | The titles and prices of the same will be given you by...

John G. MacWalter [ J. G. Mac Walter ] of Dorchester, novellist and writer on Ireland [ Cardinal Nicholas Wiseman (1802-1865), Archbishop of Westminster ]

[ John G. MacWalter, novelist. ] Two Autograph Letters Signed ('J. G. MacWalter') to Archbishop of Westminster Nicholas Wiseman, regarding a new newspaper, and a 'petty war waged against you' by 'Grant of the "Advertiser" and Seeley of the "Herald"'.

The two items each 4pp., 4to, and bifoliums. Both on the same grey paper. ONE: 10 August 1854. Signed 'J G MacWalter' and addressed to 'My Lord Archbishop'. He hopes that the Archbishop's 'health is quite restored and that the petty war waged against you will have no ill effect upon it. I...

Joseph Hatton [ Joseph Paul Christopher Hatton ] (1837-1907), novelist and journalist, editor of The Sunday Times, 1874-1881

[ Joseph Hatton, novelist and editor of The Sunday Times. ] Autograph Letter Signed to 'My Dear B.', regarding the response to the publication of his novel 'Cruel London'.

4pp., 12mo. On aged and lightly-creased paper. Originally a bifolium, but with the two leaves separated, and evidence of previous stitching into a binding. Regarding his new book 'Cruel London', he asks him if he can send six copies of what is not only 'a kindly notice, but excellently well...

Ralph Bartlett Goddard (1861-1936), American sculptor [ The Library Bureau, London ]

[ Ralph Bartlett Goddard, American sculptor. ] Illustrated pamphlet advertising 'Portraits of Eminent Men in Bas-Relief', including extracts from letters from relations of Longfellow, Poe and Hawthorne.

4pp., 12mo. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper. The second page carries photographic reproductions of the bas-reliefs of Tennyson and Carlyle, in frames. The third page gives details of the twelve portraits (Carlyle, Tennyson, Hawthorne, Longfellow, Dickens, Whittier, Lowell, Thackeray,...

Parker Gillmore (1835-1900), Scottish soldier, hunter and writer under the pseudonym 'Ubique', author of the science-fiction novel 'The Amphibion's Voyage' (1885)

[ Parker Gillmore ('Ubique'), Scottish author. ] Autograph Signature on card.

Good firm signature, written diagonally across a 9 x 12 cm piece of grey card, the reverse of a printed advertisement for the American & Colonial Exchange, 8, The Haymarket, London, S.W. In good condition, lightly-aged, with minor traces of glue from mount on the printed side of the card.

Robert S. Siever [ Robert Standish Sievier (1860-1939)], Anglo-Australian bookmaker, racehorse owner, gambler and journalist, editor of 'The Winning Post'

[ Robert S. Sievier, Anglo-Australian bookmaker, racehorse owner and gambler ] 'The Imperial Number' of 'The Winning Post' newspaper, entirely devoted to a commemoration of King Edward VII, well printed in letterpress on vellum paper.

For information about Sievier's colourful and disreputable career, see his entry in the Australian Dictionary of Biography, which states that, under the name of 'Sutton', Sievier was 'the first bookmaker in Victoria to bet with bag and clerk, standing on a regular pitch and issuing numbered...
