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Author, Title, Summary Subject Price
Charles Croke (d.1657), clergyman and third Gresham Professor of Rhetoric, schoolmaster and cleric, son of Sir John Croke (1553-1620), Speaker of the House of Commons [ Court of Chancery, London ]

[ Charles Croke, Gresham Professor of Rhetoric. ] Autograph Signature ('Ch: Croke:') and seal to receipt of one thousand pounds from his brother, against Cannon Court Farm, Chilton, Bucks. Witnessed by John Weekes and signed by Nathaniel Hoban.

1p., 8vo. In fair condition, on an aged and worn bifolium. The document, in a Chancery hand, has been written out by the witness John Weekes. It reads: 'Received the Tenth day of January Anno dni 1643. of my brother John Croke the Sume of one thousand pounds of lawfull money of England wch. sume...

Miscellaneous £120.00
Henry Chappell, the "Bath Railway Poet".

[ Henry Chappell ] Autograph Note Signed "H Chappell" WITH Typed Poem Signed, entitled "Prisoners of War".

One page each, note and poem, creased, chipped, small closed tears, texts clear and complete. Letter: "Many thanks for your favour of the 12th inst. I have pleasure in enclosing the lines I undertook to send you & hope you will like them. If you will kindly let me know approximate date of...

Keith Douglas Young (b.1916), Australian-born United States intelligence officer, with the 15th Air Force, author of memoir 'Born to Adventure' (1945) [ Barrie Pitt (1918-2006), military historian ]

[ Keith Douglas Young, United States intelligence officer. ] Three Typed Letters Signed (all 'Keith') to military historian Barrie Pitt, discussing topics including his military career, assassination attempts on his life, military intelligence.

Three long letters, closely typed. Each 3pp., 4to. In good condition, with light signs of age and wear. Topics include: his military career; unreliability of field intelligence; the impossibility of 'training future POWs'; his career at the Air Force Academy, Colorado Springs. ONE: 20 September...

[ British North Africa Force [ BNAF ]; Tunisia Campaign; Battle for Tunis, 1943 ]

[ British North Africa Force, Battle for Tunis, 1943. ] Contemporary duplicated 'SECRET' typescript: 'German Tactics in Tunisian Campaign.'

4pp., 8vo. On four leaves stapled together. In good condition, with light signs of age and wear. Divided into eight sections: 'General', 'Tanks' [including TIGER TANKS], 'A.Tk Guns', 'Fd Arty', 'Recce Units', 'Panzer Grenadiers' [including 'CONCLUSIONS'], 'Engineers' and 'Air Co-operation'....

Military and Naval History £650.00
Admiral Sir William Sidney Smith (1764-1840), British maritime hero of whom Napoleon exclaimed 'That man made me miss my destiny'

[Admiral Willian Sidney Smith; Paris Imprisonment] COPY Letter to Lady Camelford (his aunt) in detail about his imprisonment in Paris. Smith's name mispelt (Sydney)

One page, folio, good condition, laid down on part of an album page (verso has a newspaper clipping about Wilson, the Pedestrian c.1815 - possibly some indication of when the Copy Letter was made). Text: My dear Aunt, | The recollection of my Situation must occasionally present itself to my...

Military and Naval History £500.00 Smith
Benno Moiseiwitsch CBE (1890 – 1963), Ukrainian-born British pianist.

[ Moiseiwitsch ] Bold Signature with date on page extracted from an album.

Album page, c. 18 x 11cm, white, one edge rough (from extraction), good condition, signature and date slanting, small photograph of Moiseivitch cut from newspaper.

Sir Alexander Douglas Campbell (1899-1980), Chief Engineer, IX Corps, BNAF [ British North Africa Force ]; General Sir John Tredinnick Crocker (1896-1963), Officer Commanding [ Tunisia Campaign ]

[ Sir Alexander Douglas Campbell. ] Papers relating to 9th Corps, BNAF, compiled immediately after the Tunisia Campaign, including a 'General History of Ninth Corps' by Campbell, original manuscript tracings, duplicated maps, order by Crocker.

Twenty-seven items in paper folder with printed (not duplicated) cover: '"If the trumpet give an uncertain sound who shall prepare himself to the battle" | General History of Ninth Corps | Field B.N.A.F. 29th May, 1943.' The collection is in fair condition, with rust staples from paper clips and...

Eric Harrison [ Major-General E. G. W. W. Harrison (1893-1987) ], soldier and Olympic athlete; General Sir Charles Frederic Keightley [ 9th Corps, British North Africa Force; Tunisia Campaign ]

[ 9th Corps, BNAF, 1943.] Thirteen Tunisia Campaign documents, including secret typed report: 'R.A. Experiences and Lessons from the three Battles fought by 9 Corps between 6 Apr and 12 May 1943'. Also a questionnaire with replies from five officers.

The thirteen items are in good condition, with moderate signs of age and wear. In buff folder, with '265/G(SD) | LESSONS DERIVED FROM TUNISIAN CAMPAIGN' in red pencil on cover. The material, including a report by Harrison, a questionnaire and two responses to it, was produced shortly after the...

General Sir Charles Frederic Keightley (1901-1974), 6th Armoured Divison, British North Africa Force [ BNAF ] [ British Army, Tunisia Campaign, North African Campaign, 1943 ]

[ Tunisia Campaign, British North Africa Force, 1943. ] Duplicated 'SECRET' document by Major-General Charles Keightley, titled 'Main Lessons from the recent Campaign in North Africa as applicable to an Armd Div.'

7pp., 8vo. On four leaves stapled together. In good condition, lightly-aged and with rusting staple. Stamped 'SECRET' at head of first page. Facsimile of Keightley's signature at end ('Maj Gen | Comd | 6 Armd Div.'). Written 'IN THE FIELD | 7 Jun 43.' Introduction begins: 'The following notes...

Military and Naval History £320.00
Major General Vyvyan Evelegh (1898-1958), General Officer Commanding, 78th Battleaxe Infantry Division, British Army; Lieut-Col. D. E. P. Hodgson of the Welsh Guards [ Sicilian Campaign, 1943. ]

[ British Army, Sicilian Campaign, 1943. ] Two duplicated documents: 'Lecture by Maj-Gen V. Evelegh, C.B., O.B.E. on 78 Div's Part in the Sicilian Campaign' and 'Notes on Observations made in SICILY' by Lieut-Col. D. E. P. Hodgson.

Both items in good condition, lightly-aged and worn. Both scarce: no copy of either traced, either on OCLC WorldCat or on COPAC, and no copies in the Imperial War Museum collection. From the papers of military historian Barrie Pitt, author of 'Crucible of War'. ONE: ' 'Lecture by Maj-Gen V....
