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Author, Title, Summary Subject Price
Isobel Cripps [Lady Cripps; née Swithinbank] (1891-1979), overseas aid organizer, wife of Labour politician Sir Stafford Cripps [British United Aid to China Fund]

[Isobel Cripps [Lady Cripps], overseas aid organizer.] Two duplicated Second World War handbills, in the form of facsimiles of Autograph Letters Signed, regarding the British United Aid to China Fund.

Two scarce pieces of wartime ephemera. See her entry, and that of her husband, in the Oxford DNB. The former explains how, during the Second World War, Lady Cripps was president of the British United Aid to China Fund, and that in 1946 ‘she undertook an extensive and arduous tour of China’,...

Bryan Walter Guinness, 2nd Baron Moyne [ Lord Moyne ] (1905-1992), poet, novelist and brewing heir [ J. H. Dingwall [ John Hubert Dingwall ] (c.1913-2001), Wimbledon bookseller ]

[ Bryan Guinness, Lord Moyne. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Bryan') to 'Dear Hubert' [ Wimbledon bookseller J. H. Dingwall ], placing an order and making suggestions.

3pp., landscape 12mo. In good condition, lightly-aged, with two punch holes for placement in album to margins of each of the three leaves. He congratulates him on his catalogue, states that he is attaching a wants list (not present) and that he is leaving it to the recipient 'to make out the...

William Joseph Walsh (1841-1921), Roman Catholic Archbishop of Dublin

[ William Joseph Walsh, Archbishop of Dublin. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('William J Walsh | Archbishop of Dublin') to A. Harris, giving his view on contemporary education, while commending an article by Harris in the 'Contemporary Review'.

3pp., 12mo. Bifolium. Aged and lightly-stained, wih a few closed tears repaired with archival tape. Addressed to 'A. Harris Esqr. | The Shelbourne Hotel | Dublin.' He thanks him for sending his article, which he had already read 'in the Contemporary with great interest'. He has 'spoken to...

John Gould (1804-1881), ornithologist [ J. E. Cornish, London bookseller ]

[ John Gould, ornithologist. ] Autograph Note Signed to London bookseller J. E. Cornish, acknowledging a payment.

1p., 12mo. In very good condition. Large bold signature. 'Dear Sir | Thanks for your prompt remittance: I return the a/c duly accepted and remain | Dear Sir | Yours very truly | John Gould | Mr. J. E. Cornish'. Docketted at top left.

Lord Charles Clinton [ Lord Charles Pelham Pelham-Clinton ] (1813-1894), son of Henry Pelham-Clinton, 4th Duke of Newcastle

[ Lord Charles Clinton, Conservative politician. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Clinton') to the Provost of Eton, regarding the hanging of his portrait on 'the pannels [sic] of the College Hall'.

2pp., 12mo. He 'unfeignedly' feels his 'unworthiness to be placed among those sons of Eton whose portraits are intended to grace the pannels [sic] of the College Hall'. He will comply with the Provost's wish, 'as soon as opportunity permits, & after I have learnt from you the most suitable...

Peter le Neve Foster (1809-1879), Secretary to the Society of Arts [ William Hensman Teulon (1809-1899), London hop merchant ]

[ Peter le Neve Foster, Secretary to the Society of Arts. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('P. le Neve Foster') to W. H. Teulon, expressing great distress at the news of the death of an old friend.

3pp., 8vo. Bifolium. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper. He is 'shocked as well as surprised' at the sad news of the death of his 'old friend', who had told Foster's assistant the previous Tuesday that he had had 'a fainting fit which he understood came from any of the heart'. Foster is '...

Robert Charleton (1809-1872), Quaker philanthropist and temperance campaigner, model employer at his Bristol pin-making factory [ Temperance Hall and Mechanics Institution, Bedminster, Bristol ]

[ Robert Charleton, Quaker philanthropist. ] Signed Autograph guarantee to the Great Western Railway of payment for tickets for a journey organised by the New Bedminster Temperance Hall, with an engraving of a design for the Hall.

Guarantee: 1p., 4to. In fair condition, on aged paper. Reads: 'Bristol 8mo 24. 1853 | I hereby guarantee to the Great Western Railway Company payment for all the tickets which may be sold for the Cheap Trip to London, on the 29th. Inst., undertaken by the promoters of the New Bedminster...

Social history £120.00 Railway
Sir Edward Knatchbull, 9th Baronet (1781-1849), Member of Parliament for Kent, Tory politician [ John Crowder, Lord Mayor of London ]

[ Edward Knatchbull, 9th Baronet, MP for Kent. ] Autograph Note, both Signed and Franked 'E Knatchbull', with his seal, apologising to the Lord Mayor of London [ John Crowder ] for declining an invitation.`

1p., 12mo. On aged and worn grey paper, with a corner torn away, affecting a couple of lines of text. Franked on reverse: 'Ashford July eleven 1829 | The Right Honble | The Lord Mayor | &c &c &c | Mansion House | London | E Knatchbull'. Knatchbull's small seal, depicting a dog, is...

Lord John Russell as Secretary of State for the Colonies, 1841 [General Assembly of the Leeward Islands; John Campbell (Lord Campbell), Attorney General; Thomas Wilde (Lord Truro), Solicitor General]

[Lord John Russell on the General Assembly of the Leeward Islands, 1840, 1841.] Two printed Colonial Office documents: copy of letter to him by J. Campbell and T. Wilde, ‘Her Majesty’s Attorney and Solicitor General’, and covering circular dispatch.

Both items scarce: no other copy of either traced. Disbound from a volume and paginated in manuscript. In good condition, lightly aged. ONE: ‘Copy’ of letter to ‘The Right Honorable Lord John Russell’, signed in type ‘J. CAMPBELL, / T. WILDE.’ 2pp, 8vo. Paginated in manuscript 27-28. Printed in...

Sir Herbert Chermside [ Lieutenant General Sir Herbert Charles Chermside ] (1850-1929), British soldier, Governor of Queensland, 1902-1904 [ Sir Donald Currie (1825-1909), Scottish shipping magnate ]

[ Sir Herbert Chermside, Governor of Queensland. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Herbert Chermside') to Sir Donald Currie

1p., 12mo. In fair condition, on lightly-aged paper. Addressed to 'Sir Donald Currie K.C. M.G. | S.S. | Sonakin'. He apologises to Currie for finding him away from home when he called: 'I only wish I had asked you to make an appointment'. He concludes with thanks for his 'kindness about the...
