[G.F. Watts, painter and sculptor; Rothschild] Autograph Note Signed G.F. Watts to Dear Baroness [Juliana, wife of Baron Mayer de Rothschild] co9ncerning his portrait of Miss [Hannah] de Rothschild later married to the Earl of Rosebery

G.F. Watts [George Frederic Watts (1817 – 1904) painter and sculptor associated with the Symbolist movement.]
Publication details: 
Little Holland House, 5 Feb. 1873.
SKU: 26043

One page, 12mo, fold marks, good condition. Dear Baroness | I will send the picture as you dsire & shall be ready to finish Miss de Rothschild when convenient to her to sit.Note: a. A particularly significant portrait was of the 23 year old Hannah de Rothschild painted in 1874, four years before her marriage to Lord Rosebery. The small portrait (it was only 10×12) gave Lord Rosebery such pleasure that, after Hannah’s early death in 1890, he told Watts that he carried it wherever he moved as he could not bear to be parted from it; b. Hannah Primrose, Countess of Rosebery (née de Rothschild; 27 July 1851 – 19 November 1890) was the daughter of Baron Mayer de Rothschild and his wife Juliana (née Cohen).; c. During the final quarter of the 19th century, her husband, the Earl of Rosebery, was one of the most celebrated figures in Britain, an influential millionaire and politician, whose charm, wit, charisma and public popularity gave him such standing that he almost eclipsed that of Royalty. The Countess remains an enigmatic figure, and is often regarded as notable only for financing her husband's three ambitions: to marry an heiress, win The Derby, and become Prime Minister (the second and third of these possibly apocryphal ambitions were achieved after her death). In truth, she was her husband's driving force and motivation. [Wikipedia]~250~AUTOGRAPH PORTRAIT MAYER DE ROTHSCHILD EARL OF ROSEBERY ART ARTIST~ ~0~OL65~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 26047~05/07/2024~False~Gotthard Victor Lechler (1811-1881), German Lutheran theologian~[Gotthard Victor Lechler, German Lutheran theologian.] Four Autograph Letters Signed, in German.~20 May and 14 November 1882; 23 July and 14 August 1883.~See his entry in Encyclopedia Britannica, 11th ed. The four items are in good condition, on lightly-aged paper. Each letter signed ‘Gotthard Lechler’. A total of 200 lines of closely-written text, on 11pp, 8vo, and on three bifoliums and a single leaf. ONE (20 May 1882): Addressed to ‘Lieber Freund!’ 3pp, 8vo. 44 lines. 3pp, 8vo. TWO (14 November 1882): Addressed to ‘Verehrter Freund!’ 2pp, 8vo. 42 lines. THREE (23 July 1883): Addressed to ‘Verehrter, geliebter Freund!’ 4pp, 8vo. 83 lines. FOUR (14 August 1883): ‘Lieber und verehter Freund!’ 2pp, 8vo. 31 lines. See scans of sample letter. Full copies suppied on application.~250~AUTOGRAPH MANUSCRIPT GOTTHARD VICTOR LECHLER GERMAN GERMANY NINETEENTH CENTURY LUTHERAN THEOLOGY THEOLOGIAN~~0~OL65~~~0~~ 26042~05/07/2024~False~Henry Colburn, London 'silver fork' publisher:~[Henry Colburn, London 'silver fork' publisher:] Manuscript material by him, his staff, and others.~1839-46~Archive of manuscript material by Colburn and others - mainly his staff Daniel Hurst, William Schoberl and Robert Folkestone Williams - relating to Hewlett's dealings with the firm, from his first novel 'Peter Priggins', to his last, 'Old Tom of Oxford'. Fifty items, dating from between 1838 and 1846. Letters from Colburn and associates mostly addressed from his premises at 13 Great Marlborough Street, London. In good overall condition, with light signs of age and wear.An interesting collection, providing a vivid insight into the activities of one of the most significant English publishers of the late-Georgian and early-Victorian period, whose practices 'anticipated aspects of modern high-pressure advertising' (Oxford DNB). See the entries for Colburn and the recipient of the material, Rev. Joseph Hewlett, in the ODNB, together with the entries of others concerned.As a measure of Colburn's importance, in the year 1829 alone he was responsible for nearly half of the total number of new novels published in Britain. Aiming at the top end of the market, he was the prime mover behind the 'silver fork' school of 'three-decker' society novel, in addition to being proprietor of a number of leading journals including the New Monthly Magazine and Literary Gazette, as well as owner of a half-share in the Athenaeum. His rivalry with his one-time partner Richard Bentley is well-documented, but unlike Bentley he is curiously without a biographer.The present collection of fifty items is from the papers of Colburn author Rev. Joseph Thomas James Hewlett, Rector of Little Stambridge, Essex, and covers the nine years of his association with the firm, from the anonymous publication in 1841 of his first novel 'Peter Priggins, The College Scout', edited by Hewlett's friend the humorist Theodore Hook and with illustrations by Dickens's illustrator 'Phiz' (Hablot K. Browne), which was published by Colburn in 1841, to his last, 'Great Tom of Oxford' in 1846 (but see also Item Six below).The material comprises 17 letters from Colburn to Hewlett, discussing terms, details of printing, publication and advertising, in warm language and with personal details indicating an intimacy between the two men's families. (A letter from Colburn's second wife to one of Hewlett's daughters is also present.) There is also a total of 27 letters to Hewlett from three members of Colburn's staff. Robert Folkestone Williams writes after consultation with Colburn to ask Hewlett to alter in proof a passage whose implication of incest 'would be considered by the public rather too bad'. He also suggests on Colburn's behalf that the success of 'Peter Priggins' would be aided if Hewlett's friend Theodore Hook could be induced to be named as editor of the book. (The suggestion is that this be an 'honorarium', but another letter states that Hook actually subjected the book to 'a careful revision'.) On a letter of the same date, and indicating a degree of co-ordination, a letter putting forward the same proposal is sent to Hewlett by Colburn's assistant William Schoberl (later a bookseller in the same street as Colburn), this being one of 9 letters by him relaying information from the publisher, along with his own observations and suggestions. Anticipating later advertising practice, Schoberl asks Hewlett for a blurb 'to be inserted in the various journals' in order 'to pique public curiosity', and urges him, for the sake of publicity, to write a letter to the Athenaeum, correcting a statement in a review. He also sets up a possible dramatization of 'Peter Priggins' at the Adelphi Theatre. In fourteen letters to Hewitt, Colburn's secretary Daniel Hurst (who would take on Colburn's stock with his firm Hurst & Blackett) is similarly forthright and informative. Also present are an 1846 memorandum of agreement signed by both Colburn and Hewlett (for a book that does not appear to have been published), a leaf of calculations with regard to Hewlett's copy, a letter to him from William Schoberl's father the author Frederic Schoberl, co-founder with Colburn of the 'New Monthly', and an 1839 recommendation by the actor and singer William Gattie of an 'amusing trifle' (presumably by Hewlett).The fifty items have been arranged in the following sections:ONE: Henry Colburn, 17 letters to author Rev. Joseph HewlettTWO: Rev. Joseph Hewlett, letter to ColburnTHREE: William Shoberl, Colburn's assistant, 9 letters to HewlettFOUR: Daniel Hurst, Colburn's secretary, 14 letters to HewittFIVE: Robert Folkestone Williams, sub-editor of Colburn's 'New Monthly Magazine, 3 letters to HewittSIX: Henry Colburn and Rev. Joseph Hewlett, Memorandum of Agreement for volume of storiesSEVEN: Leaf of calculations [by Colburn's clerk] regarding Hewitt's copyEIGHT: Eliza Colburn, Colburn's second wife, letter to one of Hewlett's daughtersNINE: Frederic Shoberl, father of William Shoberl, and Colburn's partner in the New Monthly Magazine, letter to HewlettTEN: Henry Gattie, actor and singer, recommendation of a manuscript [by Hewlett]ONE: Henry Colburn (c.1784-1844; ODNB). 17 ALsS to Hewlett. Three undated, the other 14 dated between 1840 and 1844 (none for 1842 and 1843). 13 signed 'H Colburn', the other four 'Henry Colburn'. Address, when given, Great Marlborough Street. A total of 38pp, 12mo; and 1p, 4to. Letter of 27 September 1841 sets the tone: 'Dear Sir / I regret that my absence from Town has prevented your earlier receiving the Bill for £52. 10. on account of Graduates & Under-Graduates. Mr Shoberl undertook to draw up the agreement a few days ago, & to obtain Mr Walesby's signature to it, and the Bill was drawn at the same time, but he left town on Saturday without its having been attended to, and I therefore hasten to enclose both Bill & agreement to you to avoid further delay. / The latter, which Mr Walesby agreed to on your behalf, I shall feel obliged by your signing & returning me. I have left the line for completing the 10 papers to be filled up by yourself.' On 29 September 1841 he gives advice regarding 'the work now in hand', explaining that, while the question of 'making the work now in hand a continuous story or not [...] must rest with yourself, I would only observe that the more the work assumes that form in the separate publication, the more it will be to our mutual interest'. In a postscript he reports that he has been 'for some time preparing the public by advertisement for the appearance of The Parish Clerk, which I propose to publish in a few days. I could have published Fathers & Sons first, but I thought it right to give the other precedence'. The tone of a letter of 13 January 1844 is not untypical: 'Dear Sir, / I have deferred writing to you until I could ascertain from Mr Shoberl the proofs of the continuation of your work, which I herewith enclose. This Continuation amounts only to a quantity of matter equal to 20 pages of the New Monthly Magazine; & as by our agreement I am entitled to 2 sheets or 32 pages, there will be due to me a paper equal to 12 pages of the Magazine size, & I will therefore thank you to send me at your convenience an extra paper of about that length. / I take this opportunity to enclose you a draft for £10/10/- for your paper in the January number of the Magazine, & also a proof of your new paper, which I shall be glad to receive back at your early convenience'. On 3 May 1844 he strikes an unusually personal tone: 'I was disappointed not to have been able to go to Brighton when your daughter was there - we have not been out of London for 6 months till last Sunday when went [sic] to Richmond!!! for a few hours / Mrs Colburn & myself hope to prosper by your kind invitation to see Stambridge some day - but when, it is a difficult thing to say - Added to my other troubles we have now workmen [dealing?] with the house for a month!' And in the last letter, 7 August 1844: 'I have received your letter & am writing that your contribution to the New Monthly should extend to a sheet when you find it necessary which may not always be the case.' In an unclear passage he refers to a work 'of which only about 120 Copies have been taken by the trade!' He concludes once more on a personal note: 'I hope to be able to make my escape from London in about 10 days but we are bound for a foreign Land!! & shall not therefore be able to avail ourselves of your kind invitation. We have got our house a little to rights again & are to hae a few friends to dinner on Monday next. If you should happen to be in town we should be glad if you could join them.TWO: Rev. Joseph Hewlett [Joseph Thomas James Hewlett] (1800-1847; ODNB). ALS to Colburn. 7 January 1844. 1p, 12mo. 'My dear Colburn / I had better at once decline your invitation to dinner on Tuesday next as I am not certain that I shall be able to leave home on that day - I rather think not. / I will write & say on which day Charlotte [one of his four daughters (and five sons)] will be up. Perhaps Mrs. Colburn would not object to take a ride to Paddington to meet her & take her to Gt. M: Street. I shall send you something eatable with her -'.THREE: William Shoberl (1801-1863, Colburn's assistant, later a bookseller in his own right at 20 Great Marlborough St; son of Frederic Shoberl (see below). 9 ALsS to Hewlett. Four undated, the others from 1840 and 1841. A total of 18pp, 12mo; and 1p, 4to. All signed 'W. Shoberl'. Letter of 3 September 1840 from 7 Middle St, Brighton; other dated letters from 13 Great Marlborough St. On 3 September 1840 he proposes (as does Robert Folkestone Williams on the same day, see below) the arrangement which did in fact come to be adopted regarding the celebrated humorist Theodore Hook (1788-1841; ODNB), editor of the 'New Monthly': 'My Dear Sir / It has occurred to me that if your good friend Mr Hook could be induced to put his name to Peter Priggins, as its editor, from the influence of his name with all circulating libraries, the work could not fail to command a much more extended circulation than if published anonymously. / The advantage of the first production of an author being ushered into notice under the auspice of some distinguished name in literature must be obvious to you. In the first place, it will command a much greater sale, consequently extend the Author's reputation, and also prove a more profitable speculation. such increased circulation will have a very beneficial effect upon the Author's succeeding works, which will then make their own way from the success of the first. / Previously to mentioning the subject to Mr Hook, however, I beg to submit the matter, as in duty bound, to you. I feel convinced the suggestion is to your interest, and is dictated alone by the most friendly feeling, and a desire to be of service to you.' In a postscript he writes: 'My brother is waiting to know the number of copies to print of your Work from Mr Colburn. this will be regulated by your decision as regards Editorship.' On 22 December 1840 he reports that 'Peter Priggins is at length on the eve of making his appearance', and a suggestion (not adopted) by Colburn that the subtitle be changed from 'The College Scout' to 'Life at Oxford'. In a postscript he asks for a blurb: 'Could you favour me with a few literary announcements descriptive of the Work of a nature to pique public curiosity to be inserted in the various Journals?' In an undated letter written after Hook's death on 28 August 1841 he writes, after acknowledging receipt of 'a packet containing the first portion of the MS of Graduates, & Under-graduates': 'In answer to your inquiry, I beg leave to say that I believe Mr Colburn is not quite decided as to who is to supply the place of poor Mr Hook as Editor of the NMM. [i.e. New Monthly] - nor am I prepared to say when Mr Colburn proposes to publish The Parish Clerk, he being at present absent from town. / I have the pleasure of acquainting you that I have interested myself with Mr. Stirling, the Adelphi Stage Manager, to dramatise Peter Priggins, & that gentleman, liking the subject, has taken it in hand accordingly, so I shortly anticipate the pleasure of seeing represented on the Adelphi Stage, those scenes which, in print, have afforded me so much pleasure.' A couple of other letters refer to the same matter. In another undated letter, following the publication of 'The Parish Clerk', he writes with regard to 'a review in the Athenaeum, which I presume you have seen', in which it is 'stated that the Parish Clerk is not original - a statement calculated to injure the Work. Now, Mr Colburn and myself think that it would be desirable for you to write a letter not in your own name, but simply as the Author of Peter Priggins - to the Editor, setting him right upon this point, & requesting as he has given insertion to the statement in question, he will do you the justice to insert your letter in refutation of it. Thus an excellent opportunity is fairly afforded of calling the attention of the readers of that Journal again to your Work.'FOUR: Daniel Hurst [Daniel William Stow Hurst] (1802-1870), Colburn's secretary, who would take over the business with Thomas Hurst in 1852. 14 ALsS to Hewlett. One undated, the other 13 from between 1844 and 1846. All signed 'D Hurst'. All addressed from 13 Great Marlborough St. A total of 33pp, 12mo; and 4pp, 16mo. In the second letter (21 September 1844) he writes: 'I have received a letter from Mr Colburn to day, in answer to my communication respecting your new book. He says he cannot very satisfactorily make any proposal without the advantage of seeing the work; but as you are desirous of making arrangement with as little delay as possible, he will be content with the first volume only, - on the understanding that he is to obtain a report upon it from an able literary friend.' On 31 December 1844 he apologises for the delay in 'ordering up the necessary memorandum for your new book'. He discusses a 'rough copy' that was 'submitted to Mr Walesby'. 2 May 1845: 'I have taken the earliest opportunity to speak to Mr Colburn on the subject of your proposal, but I regret to say he does not feel justified in accepting it, - in consequence of the very limited sale of all the n-publications he has recently brought out, and which, in many instances, have not paid the expenses of paper, print, & advertising.' On 9 February 1846 he writes with regard to the possible serialisation of a work by Hewlett: 'I gave your letter to the Editor of Hood, [i.e. 'Hood's Magazine'] - indeed I had previously written to him on the subject; - & I am sorry to find that from his having made arrangements for a new [?] romance to be commenced in the next number, together with the continuation of Mr Rowcroft's 'Bushranger' - there is not at present any opening on the Magazine. He has already, he tells me, more contributions than he can find room for for the next six months'.FIVE: Robert Folkestone Williams (1809-1870), author ('Frank Ranelagh') and sub-editor of the New Monthly until Hook's death in 1841, when he became editor. 3 ALsS. 1840 and 1841. Last letter signed 'Robt. Folkestone Williams', the other two 'F. Williams'. All from 13 Great Marlborough St. A total of 5pp, 12mo. On 3 September 1840 he writes that 'the number of copies desirable to be printed of Peter Priggins has been a subject of frequent discussion without leading to any satisfactory conclusion, it being a species of production to which the real author's name could not with propriety be appended'. In his discussion of this matter he repeats William Shoberl's proposal in a letter of the same date (see above), stating that it has occurred to Colburn 'that the only way to promote the sale with a view to future effective results would be to induce Mr. Hook to affix his name to it as Editor. This Mr. C. has no doubt he would succeed by offering Mr. Hook the prospect of a moderate honorarium, and if necessary the addition of your influence with him might be had recourse to, which cannot fail of procuring his assent to such a prospect / Before however communicating with Mr. Hook, Mr. Colburn has of course thought it right to obtain your sanction'. Letter of 27 February 1841 begins: 'I am directed by Mr. Colburn to inform you that the passage in The Parish Clerk to which he directed your attention, is where the father of the young squires implies that the girls of whom they are enamoured are their own sisters. As these young women are ultimately seduced by Jacob and Esau, the incestuous intercourse would no doubt be considered by the public rather too bad. This objection is removed by omitting the few lines in which Old Leatherbreeches, somewhat emphatically, implies his paternity of his sous foster-sisters: and the story cannot in any way suffer by such an omission.' In a follow-up letter to the last, he writes on 8 March 1841 that he has read Hewlett's 'obliging note with great pleasure, and forwarded it to Mr. Colburn who has perused it with equal satisfaction. He considers a careful revision, such as Peter Priggins received from Mr. Hook, as highly necessary. If you will be so good as to submit your MS. to me, I shall be most happy to afford you all the assistance in my power in the way of suggestions.'SIX: Henry Colburn and Joseph Hewlett. Manuscript Memorandum of Agreement between 'Revd J. Hewlett of Little Stambridge, Essex, of the one part and Henry Colburn, Publisher, Great Marlborough Street of the other part', signed by both men ('J. T. Hewlett' and 'Henry Colburn') with 'Witness D Hunt'. 'London 13 Great Marlborough St. / April 17th. 1846.' Hewlett 'agrees to place in the hands of Mr Colburn a collection of Stories, which have recently appeared in various periodicals, sufficient to form 3 Vols post 8vo of the usual number of pages', for which he will receive £25, with a further £25 if 244 copies of a first edition of 250 copies are sold in the first three months, with one copy going to the author, 'and five copies for the British Museum and Colleges'. The collection does not appear to have been published.SEVEN: Anonymous 12mo leaf of manuscript calculations [by Colburn's clerk] of pages contributed by Hewlett, covering the period 'Oct 1844 to June 1845', regarding work by Hewlett. 2pp, 12mo. Dated range given at head of main page, with '120 pages'. Calculations in pencil on the reverse, and ink list on main page, listing nine titles with numbers beside them, for example 'Very soft one 16'. List succeeded by 'Great Tom of Oxford' (novel by Hewlett). The numbers add up to '133 1/2', and this is followed by '400 1/2', which is three times the former number (because a magazine page carried three times the text of a book page?), followed by '588' and '958'.EIGHT: Eliza Colburn, second wife of Henry Colburn. ALS to 'Miss Hewlett'. 'Monday Decr 18th / Gt Marlbro' St'. No year, but subsequent to her marriage in 1841. 3pp, 16mo. She writes with regard to her promise 'to spend a few days with me [...] I understand from your Papa that you are now at home. You will perhaps be able to say how soon after Xmas day I may expect the pleasure of seeing you. / Altho' we are not gay people, I will endeavour to amuse you, & it will enhance my pleasure to find that change of air may be of service to you. / Mr. Colburn writes with me in compliments to your Papa, whom we hope soon to see.'NINE: Frederic Shoberl (1775-1853; ODNB), author, founder with Colburn of the New Monthly, father of William Shoberl (see above). ALS. The recipient is not named, but is Hewlett, as the letter ends by wishing success to his novel 'Dunster Castle'. From '17 Thistle Grove, Old Brompton / Oct 29. 1845'. 1p, 12mo. Signed 'F. Shoberl'. 'My dear Sir / The two travellers that you have had the kindness to address to me arrived this morning safe & sound. The appearance of such visitors, though most unexpected, is, I must confess, not a little gratifying, inasmuch as I cannot but infer from it your general satisfaction with the manner in which I have endeavoured to perform the office committed to me to the best of my ability. They shall have as warm a reception as they can desire, & I shrewdly suspect that they will serve to enlarge my knowledge of the natural history of Essex, by proving that the county produces other good things besides calves.'TEN: Henry Gattie (1774-1844; ODNB), actor and singer. ALS. 'Reading March 31. 1839.' 1p, 4to. A general recommendation (presumably of 'Peter Priggins' or another work by Hewlett), with no specific recipient. 'I have carefully read the accompanying M.S & beg to state that I feel confident in saying, I make no Doubt of its success, as an amusing trifle suited to the taste of the present day & possessing the merit of Originality / Henry Gattie / Lately of Theatre Royal / Drury Lane -'.