[Algernon Charles Swinburne, prominent English poet of the Victorian period.] Envelope Addressed by Swinburne to John H. Ingram, with Signed Note by Ingram confirming that the handwriting is Swinburne's.

Algernon Charles Swinburne (1837-1909), prominent English poet of the Victorian period [John Henry Ingram (1842-1916), English biographer of Edgar Allen Poe]
Publication details: 
No place and date, but with two Malvern postmarks of 9 January 1875.
SKU: 26234

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. Ingram's biography of Poe was responsible for his reabilitation, and his extensive collection of material relating to the writer is now in the University of Virginia. Entire small envelope (roughly 12 x 7 cm), self-printed with stamp. In good condition, lightly aged, with flap at back torn in opening of letter. With postmarks at front and back of the envelope, both dated 9 January 1875; front postmark from Malvern and back one from West Malvern. Addressed by Swinburne to ‘John H. Ingram Esq. / Howard House / Stoke Newington Green / London N.’ Written up the left edge at the front of the letter: ‘Swinburne’s handwriting. / J. H. Ingram’. See Image.