A small collections of letters to Robert Cole, and related notes and printed material.

Robert Cole, antiquary and autograph (and manuscript)-collector of note.
Publication details: 
Various places, 1856-1860.

The material is loosely sewn together and not bound, much marking and chipping but little textual loss. There is an interchange of information, the main drive being antiquarian material concerning Sir Michael Stanhope, however remote the connection, some elicited by a request for information in "Notes & Queries".Twenty-one autograph letters, most extensive, signed from antiquaries, many distinguished: Robert Lemon, archivist (DNB) (1), George R. Corner, antiquary (DNB) (9), "Mr Sage" (enclosed in letter from King - and TO H.W. King - but signature cut off: "E.J.

Autograph Letter Signed, in French, to unnamed male correspondent. With manuscript English translation.

Eugenie Nau, French actress, active in the cinema between 1908 and 1924
Publication details: 
10 March [1919]; on letterhead of the Hotel Thorndike, Boston.

Octavo, one page. Good, on lightly aged and creased paper, with the merest hint of a damp stain. English translation in contemporary hand on separate piece of 12mo paper, with slight loss at head (not affecting text). She has received no acknowledgement from him for 'the autograph which I sent you and a little book of verse sold for the benefit of the soldier who wrote them. The little book ought to be sold for at least 75 cents.

Fragment of Typed Letter Signed to unnamed correspondent.

C. Maguire [autograph dealer?]
Publication details: 
Without date or place.

On piece of paper roughly seven inches by eight wide. On aged paper with closed tears and fraying to extremities. Top part of document torn away, leaving ten complete lines of text. Lays out the conditions under which an archive of letters is offered for sale.

Warrant Signed ('Ro: Cary') in his capacity as Chamberlain to the Prince of Wales [the future King Charles I].

Robert Carey [Cary], 1st Earl of Monmouth (1560-1639) [Sir Adam Newton (d.1630)]
Publication details: 

On one side of a piece of laid paper, with pot watermark, 26 x 20 cm. On sound, crisp paper, heavily foxed, and with slight wear to extremities, and remains of previous mounting at corners of reverse. Two small oval stains beneath text, and small clipping from autograph dealer's catalogue laid down in bottom left-hand corner. Firm signature. Fifteen lines of text beneath two-line date in Latin.

[ Manuscript ] Lettre a Mr Adrien de Longperier (Membre de l'Institut sur une Medaille Incertain d'Argent du Cabinet de Feu Mr Badeigts de Laborde. IN FRENCH.

[H.] Ferdinand Bompois
Publication details: 
Margy, 14 fevrier 1869.

Manuscript, 18 (dix-huit) pages, 4to (21 x 27cms), pages held togther by string, sl. chippping with loss of very little from the first page, mainly good condition.A very detailed discussion of a coin in a major collectionpresumably in Bompois' hand and with some textual changes to main body of the text. There are also substantial notes in a smaller hand (still likely to be Bompois' hand) which respond to numbers within the main text (i.e. footnotes). Scan of sample pages provided on request.

Manuscript poem "The Moor"

Ralph Hodgson
Publication details: 
No date

Poet (1871-1962). One page, 8vo. Poem first published in the "Saturday Review", later in "The Mystery and other Poems" (1913), and later. Minor variations from the printed form ("&" becomes "and").

Autograph letter signed to the Lord Mayor

George Grenville, Lord Nugent
Publication details: 
Wardour Castle nr. Salisbury, 2 Nov. 1825

Statesman and writer (1788-1850). 3pp., 8vo. He has heard that his name has been used in the prospectus for the Gwennap mining company. H explains that he was approached but decioded not to allow his name to be used or to buy any shares in it. He hopes the Lord Mayor will take any opportunity of saying this.

[ A Manuscript Valuation of Ecclesiastical Preferments and Royal Patronages in England and Wales]

Publication details: 
Circa 1700.

Manuscript, 221pp., 4to, recased, qtr lea., marbled boards, worn. The Index in the front lists the preferments in the bestowal of twenty-six Bishops from Canterbury to Durham (pp. 1-123), the Dean of Lincolnshire, the Duke of Devonshire, Earl of Burlington, the Duke of Rutland (pp.124-129), Royal Patronages in forty-eight Counties, pp.131-221 (incl. "Dignities in the Royal Patronage", pp.135-141). The body of the work gives details of the above including columns of figures headed "First Fruits". Two printed works have a relationship with this manuscript.

Part of Autograph Note, third person, to Richard Bentley, publisher.

Maria Edgeworth
Publication details: 
Edgeworthtown, 11 Nov. 1833.

Part of letter, c. 4 x 4",somewhat roughly trimmed with loss of bottom half of text. Surviving text as follows: Miss Edgeworth informs Mr Bentley that by some mistake in the way of sending the packet containing the proof sheet of Helen it came by mail coach & cost 9/10 - / To avoid similar mistakes in future" [text ends]. Bentley published "Helen" in 1834.

Parts of two letters, one from George Bentley, publisher, to Montgomery, the other vice versa.

Florence Montgomery
Publication details: 
One dated 25 April (no year).

Novelist (1843-1923). Both scraps laid down on 8vo-sized page. George Bentley says " . . . & I find this commodity scarce already./Truly Yrs / George Bentley". Montgomery says " . . . Believe me /Truly Yrs/ Florence Montgomery".

Autograph letters signed (x 2) to the Rev. F. Langbridge

C.L. Lewes
Publication details: 
7 Oct. 1887 and 12 March 1888

Son of G.H. Lewes, partner of Mary Ann Evans (George Eliot). Total 5pp., 8vo, damp-staining and marking affecting the text without obscuring it, rust marks from paper-clips marginally obscuring the text. (1887) Blackwoods had forwarded his correspondent's request to quote some passages from the works of George Eliot in a book of "Readings" [perhaps" What to read at winter entertainments ... Edited and arranged by ... F. L" (1888)]. He gives his permission for this.

Autograph letter signed to [Caroline Fox? - item derives from collection of letters addressed to "Miss Fox"]

Agnes Berry
Publication details: 
Richmond <?>6 June (no year).

Friend of Horace Walpole. One page, trimmed 12mo. She cleverly expresses an invitation to visit. The wit is obvious, some of the words not. With: autograph note, trimmed 12mo, Richmond Hill, 2 Aug. (no year), saying simply "Yes certainly pray come to us tomorrow - We dine at 9 - this is all the Post hour will give me leave to day". Two items,

Manuscript (possibly part) signed by Strachan and his Gunner, Tho. Lampen.

Admiral Sir Richard J. Strachan (as Captain of the "Diamond"[?])
Publication details: 

Manuscript, two pages, small folio, good condition, [PAGE ONE] headed "Small Stores Expended in July 1796 , columnised as follows: For what Use Expended (For cleaning the Arms/ Lost amd Broke/ Broke and Unserviceable/ For greasing the Gun trucks & c/ Worn out / For wads and sizings / Burnt); Quality (Oil, priming horns, [Basschings?], tallow, baskets, junk, match); Quantity (Half gallon, etc.).

Long Acre Ward Lecturers Book 1730

Joseph Trapp
Publication details: 

Manuscript, 32pp., folio, vellum covers detached, poor condition but complete. Front endpaper is inscribed "Jos Trapp" perhaps indicating that it was held by Trapp, one of the lecturer/beneficiaries of donations. [Joseph Trapp, 1679-1747, poet and pamphleteer - see substantial article in DNB which reveals Jonathan Swift's role in his life].

Handbook for the Study and Discussion of Political Popery

John Coghlan
Publication details: 
"Edinburgh, Ballantyne and Coy Paul's Work" (= manuscript imprint), [1868]

Manuscript, 356pp, 8vo, hf. lea. worn, a very substantial anddetailed precis of an unpublished book, a comprehensive discussion from the Anti-Catholic (papist) standpoint from social, political and religious aspects. The background is probably the Tractarian Movement and Newman's activities on behalf of the Catholic Church (Newman is mentioned). The conclusion is that "Perhaps the Pope may yet indulge his flock by giving them the Scriptures and civil liberty, to which let us all say, Amen." The title on spine as follows: "Mr Soutter's M.S. Contents Mr Coghlan's book, 1868".

Manuscript list of members of "E" Battery, "E" Brigade, Royal Horse Artillery

Afghan Campaign
Publication details: 

Manuscript, one page, 7.5 (W) x 19" (L), with list, two columns including information as follows: state (killed and when, dead, discharged, etc.)/ rank from Major to Gunners/ name. About 60 names. Those who were killed mainly died on 27/7/1880, others died at Kandahar. With: typescript, 2 copies, 4pp., folio, listing members of "E" Battery, "Medal Roll of those who took part in the Afghan Campaign, showing those who were awarded the clasp for KANDAHAR",giving regimental number and rank, most names appearing in the manuscript list.

Autograph letter signed to John Wilson Croker, Secretary to the Admiralty

Edward Sabine
Publication details: 

(1788-1883) Arctic explorer, soldier, astronomer and magnetic surveyor. Three pages, 8vo, good condition, date "1825" written in pencil. Text as follows: "Copies of my book have been ordered by the Board of Longitude to be sent to Members of the Board, and to Institutions, in different parts of the United Kingdom. Perhaps if the eleven copies, addressed as on the following page, are sent to you, you will have teh kindness to frank them to their several destinations. I shall call at the Admiralty myself with this note to spare you the trouble of writing an answer.

Original cartoon

Harry Furniss
Publication details: 
no date

Original pencilled cartoon of an old lady drinking champagne, c.1.75" x 3.25". It is unsigned but is drawn on the back of a place card (for a dinner) with Harry Furniss's name on the front. It has, at some time, been separated from a group of such cards (so states a substantial description acccompanying the item) collected by the surgeon Sir James Paget who collected such things at functions of the Royal Academy of Arts.

Autograph letter signed to Donald Currie, shipowner.

Lynedoch Gardiner
Publication details: 

Groom in Waiting and Equerry to Queen Victoria (d.1897). Gardiner says that Currie's arrangments for the King of the Belgians cannot be bettered. He will order the carriages for 11 and meet at Westminster Bridge. Currie has added a list of names, English and Belgian, presumably of people involved in the visit.

Autograph letter signed to a "Mr Speilmann"

Lewis S. Benjamin ("Lewis Melville")
Publication details: 
30 Sept. 1903

One page, 4to, arsing from his choice of items for his edition of Thackeray's works which Spielmann considers "indiscreet" because of their anti-Catholic posture, "but I believe not one in a hundred will read the minor items. The 'Jew' passages touch nearer home. But these are not in 'Punch' but embedded in stories."

Autograph Sentiment Signed "J Montgomery" entitled "Motto for the Bible", to "Miss Marshall".

James Montgomery
Publication details: 
Fulneck (Leeds), 3 April 1835.

Poet and editor (see DNB). One page, 4to, traces of blue paper on which item formerly laid down, condition mainly good, text clear and complete as follows: "Motto for the Bible/ Behold the Book, whose leaves display / Jesus the life, the truth, the way; / Read it with diligence [in the prayer?]; / Search it.- and You shall find Him there."

Autograph letters signed (x 3) to "Mr Silver"

Francis Paget
Publication details: 
Oxford, 1904

Bishop of Oxford (1851-1911). Thanks for a Report and congratulations on the work he has done. Thanks for partridges and a recollection of his first Diocesan Conference. Thanks for a brace of pheasants. 3 items,

Signature only with others cut from document.

Charles Landseer
Publication details: 
no date present

Historical painter (1799-1879). Landseer's signature with others (Crowly, Ross, Graves, Lewis, Cury), probably cut from document relating to the Artist's Benevolent Fund. A line has been drawn thorugh Landseer's signature and the words "not eligible" added.

The Lordship of St Mawes, Cornwall

(Cornwall Manuscript)
Publication details: 

Deed, 2pp., 34" x 24", folded, 31 July 1727, release of the "Mannor or Lordship and Burrough of St Mawes", John Hawkins, Francis Scobell, and Dame Elizabeth Tredenham, widow of Sir Joseph, signatories, to John Knight (see Encyclopaedia Britannica, under "St Mawes" for detail of this transaction). With: deed, one page, 18 x 9.5", folded, 1 June 1614, stained with loss of text but not of sense. Sale of substantial property in St Mawes by Stephen Williams (aka Christopher), yeoman, to Peter Sydnam, gent.

A collection of contracts and related material

claud cockburn
Publication details: 

Memorandum of Agreemen (Cockburn and Sidgwick & Jackson)t, 3 Dec. 1971, for "The Devil's Decade", 4pp., fol., signed by Cockburn. Memorandum of Agreement (Penguin), "Bestseller", photocopy, 6pp., unsigned. Memorandum of Agreement (Sidgwick & Jackson and Penguin), "Bestseller", 5pp., not signed by Cockburn. Ibid (Cockburn and Sidgwick & Jackson),"Bestseller" 6 Aug. 1971, 4pp., fol., corrected, initialled extensively and signed by Cockburn. Ibid.,(Sidgwick and Cockburn)) "News and Newspapers", 3 Aug. 1972, 4pp., fol., initialled extensively and signed by Cockburn.

Autograph Letter Signed, to the Duchess of St Albans

Bret Harte
Publication details: 
Onslow Gardens, Kensington, London, n.d.

Author (1839-1902), 2pp., 8vo, laid down on card, small tear not affecting text. He is trying to arrange a visit, and gives some idea of when he can make it, saying that he has to go to Glasgow (where he was U.S. consul 1880-5) and Brighton on certain days. He asks her to telegraph possibilities. He is pleased to have heard from "Mrs Webb" that an accident had no serous consequences.

typed note signed and typed letter signed to Elliott O'Donnell. author

Allen Lane
Publication details: 
3 Sept. and 21 Dec. 1936

Publisher (1902?-1970). One page each, 4to. In one he discusses someone's sighting of ghosts (about which O'Donnell has written and the possibility of reprinting O'Donnell's work on werewolves in Penguin. In the other he briefly gives information about his family and anticipates an announcement with regard to the Bodley Head "in the New Year". The letter has the stamp of the "Receiver", so the announcement may well refer to the company's financial difficulties (see W.E. Williams, "Allen Lane", p.41 "bankruptcy" of Bodley Head).

Typed Note Signed, Autograph Postcard Signed, and Autograph Letter Signed

John Lehmann
Publication details: 
8/9 Sept. 1955 and 18 July 1956

Publisher and editor (formerly Hogarth Press). Total 5pp. /sides, 8vo and 12mo (the card). The eqarlier items (TNS and APCS) thanks Sewell Stokes for a piece for "The London Magazine" about George Moore on which he comments ("I'm sure it's an improvement"0 wondering if the effect of an anecdote is diluted by "the part about Ford". In the latter he asks Daniel George, writer and publisher's reader, for suggetions who should get a "Travelling Scholarship" beyond Vernon Watkins ("favoured by the anonymous donor") and Maurice Cranston ("not particularly well off"). Three items,

Two receipts signed, recipients "Messrs Herbert & Daniel"

Tighe Hopkins
Publication details: 
Jan. and May 1912

author. He has received royalties on account of his book "Wards of the State: an unofficial view of prisons and the prisoner" (1913). Two items,

Autograph Quotation Signed "Marie C. Stopes

Marie Stopes
Publication details: 

Stopes has written lines headed "Marriage" on a 4to page (her birthday, 15 October) extracted from "A Birthday Book designed by her Royal Highness the Princess Beatrice" (1881). The book comprises one day to every page. The book has the bookplate of N. Hardy Wallis (see BLC). Stopes says "Marriage:-/ A stream of sweet content whereon do float/The jewelled flowers of passion to the sea / Of deep and everlasting memory./ Marie C. Stopes.

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