[Yerkes Observatory, Wisconsin.] Original group photograph, including the astronomers Alice Hall Farnsworth, Otto Struve and Nicholas Bobrovnikoff, and staff including 'computers'. With caption by the astronomer Mary Proctor.

[Yerkes Observatory, Wisconsin; Mary Proctor (1862-1957), Anglo-American astronomer; Alice Hall Farnsworth (1893-1960); Otto Struve (1897-1963); Nicholas Theodore Bobrovnikoff (1896-1988)
Publication details: 
[Yerkes Observatory, Williams Bay, Wisconsin.] Dated 10 December 1925.

6 x 8 cm black and white photograph. In fair condition, lightly faded, with crease to one corner. Proctor's caption, in pencil on the reverse, reads; 'A group at Yerkes Obsy, Dec. 10, 1925. | Left to right | Otto Struve (Dr.) | N. T. Bobrovnikoff (student) | E. Zabler (janitor) | Mis Elizabeth Struve (Computer) | Alice Farnsworth (Dr); Margrethe Jorgensen (Computer) | Mrs. Sullivan (asst. in photo. dept.) | Mrs. Lee (Office Secretary) | Lela Cable (Computer) | This photo was made on a day when Messrs.

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