Two typescripts: 'The Carmichaels of the Highlands. Argyll. 1200-1745.' and 'The Highland Carmichaels. Part II.'
Both items genuine typescripts, and not mimeographs. Both attached by brass studs in matching pink wraps, with titles on covers. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper. ONE: 'The Carmichaels of the Highlands. Argyll. 1200-1745.' 8pp, 4to. Sections on 'The Carmichaels of Mac Ilmichaels of Perthshire', 'Muthill Parish' and 'Argyll'. TWO: 'The Highland Carmichaels. Part II.' 6pp., 4to. Both volumes mainly consist of dated genealogical information, with the source often given (e.g. 'Reg. Mag.', 'Argyll Charters', 'Register at Taymouth', 'Origines Parochiales', 'Highland Papers', 'Services of Heirs', 'Register Privy Council', 'Argyll Register of Inventories', 'Commissariot of Argyll', 'Coll. de Rebus Alba', 'Commissariot of Dunblane', 'Balquhidder Baptism Register' and 'Stone in Grave-yard at St Fillans Chapel'). There are records of a number of works on highland genealogy by Tod, but the only record on COPAC is of 'The Clan MacNicol' at the National Library of Scotland. This is said to have been 'published' in 1924, but there is every indication that the items are Tod's own original notes, bound up for his own purposes and never published.