[ Sir Hamilton Seymour, diplomat. ] Calling Card, carrying an Autograph Note to 'Baron Ward' on seating arrangements.

Sir Hamilton Seymour [ Sir George Hamilton Seymour ] (1797-1880), British diplomat
Publication details: 
Place and date not stated.
SKU: 18244

For more on Seymour, who held diplomatic posts in Italy, Portugal, Belgium and Russia, see his entry in the Oxford DNB. The 4.5 x 7.5 cm card carries the words 'Sir Hamilton Seymour | Ministre d'Angleterre' in copperplate. Above this Seymour has written, in a difficult hand, what appears to be: 'My dear Baron Ward | I want you to shew your finess [sic] in your placing Machen & Mr Caird. | Yrs.'